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ROH: It's on like Donkey Kong

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[i]OOC: Just to note, I scrapped the idea of the AWA UK as I really fancy ROH since they seem to be at a huge period and I’d like to take on the chance to build into the future. Now there is no bull**** and such about why I’m booker or anything as I’m not, I’m just documenting for the diary, I won’t be appearing on screen or via meetings or anything, it’ll just be ROH. With that out of the way, let’s get going. [/i] [center] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/donkeykong.jpg[/IMG] [/center] I will be beginning this diary from the Wrestlemania weekend of shows so here is a quick rundown of the results of the two shows in the United Kingdom [quote][i]Liverpool, UK- ''The Fifth Year Festival'' Night 1[/i] [center] Nigel McGuinness over Samoa Joe via 2 Tower of London’s Homicide over Davey Richards via Cop Killer Matt Sydal over Delirious 2 falls to 1, 1st Fall Sydal via Cyclorama, 2nd Fall Delirious via rollup, and 3rd Fall Sydal via Dragonrana. Afterwards both men embraced showing how far they have come since coming to ROH. Roderick Strong defended the FIP title over Pac via Death by Roderick Briscoe Brothers defended the ROH Tag Team Titles over Naruki Doi and SHINGO when SHINGO was pinned via the Doomsday Device. Colt Cabana and BJ Whitmer over Jimmy Jacobs and Jimmy Rave when Cabana pinned Rave after Whitmer had leveled Rave with a spike out of Jimmy Jacobs’ boot. Allison Danger over Sara Del Rey via Shimmering Warlock Ashley Reed over Bubblegum, El Ligero and Jonny Storm via Reed Rewind on Bubblegum in a “UK Attraction” match [/center] [/quote] [quote][i]Liverpool, UK- ''The Fifth Year Festival'' Night 2[/i] [center] Samoa Joe fought Homicide to a 60 Minute Draw to bring to a close his run in Ring of Honor. After the match the locker room emptied and applauded Joe for his services to Ring of Honor. Nigel McGuinness over Jimmy Rave in a UK Fight without Honor thanks to a Guv'nor's Crumpet onto a chair. Briscoe Brothers successfully defended the ROH Tag Team Titles over Hubba Bubba Lucha (Bubblegum and El Ligero) and Dragonhearts (Spud and Dragon Phoenix) in a three way tag dance after a Jay Driller on Bubblegum No Remorse Corps. Over SHINGO and Naruki Doi thanks to a combination move with Strong holding up Doi for a powerbomb as Davey came off onto him with a Shooting Star Press, pushing Doi’s back onto Strong’s knee. BJ Whitmer over UK Worker Ashley Reed via DQ after Jimmy Jacobs faked an injury from last night before jumping in to this match and beating down Whitmer like a mad man. Dangerous Angels (Allison Danger and Sara Del Rey) over Eden Black and Jetta in a SHIMMER US vs. UK Showcase match via Butterfly lock on Black from Sara. Matt Sydal over Pac thanks to a picture perfect Shooting Star Press. Colt Cabana over Delirious in a “Comedy Showcase” thanks to a Flying ******* followed by a rollup.[/center] [/quote] [quote][center] [b]Current ROH Roster[/b] [i]Main Eventers[/i] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/AustinAries.jpg[/IMG] [b]Austin Aries[/b] - "The Wrestling Machine" Austin Aries works all over the country and is rapidly making everyone stand up and take notice. A former Ring of Honor World and Tag Team champion he also works for among others Full Impact Pro and Total Non-stop Action Wrestling. Boasting a devastating and lightning quick array of moves he can take an opponent down in a flash. Outside of the ring Austin is a strict vegetarian. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/Homicide.jpg[/IMG] [b]Homicide[/b] - "The Notorious 187" Homicide does not look like a superb technical wrestler but looks can be deceiving and Homicide can work in many different styles against many opponents. Working primarily around the Tri-State area except for when he works for FIP or in TNA as a part of the LAX stable. He recently won the Ring of Honor World Title and realised a life long dream, which almost everyone feels he deserved due to his dedication to the sport. Trained some of today’s current stars including Low-Ki. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/NigelMcGuinness.jpg[/IMG] [b]Nigel McGuinness[/b] - Nigel McGuinness is one of the best imports ever to hit America from the United Kingdom. He is extremely skilled in the old British catch as catch can wrestling style as well as being able to strike well too. Best known for a brutal match in which he head butted the post numerous times against Bryan Danielson in Liverpool. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/RoderickStrong.jpg[/IMG] [b]Roderick Strong[/b] - "The Messiah of the Backbreaker" Roderick Strong is one of the best workers on the independent scene today and a former Ring of Honor Tag Team Champion as well as the current Full Impact Pro Heavyweight Champion. He uses a variety of backbreakers to wear down his opponents back before applying the "Strong Hold" elevated crab for the tap out. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/takeshimorishima.jpg[/IMG] [b]Takeshi Morishima[/b] – Takeshi Morishima is a monster of a worker who comes from Pro Wrestling NOAH and shows no remorse whatsoever to every opponent he steps inside of the ring with. Employing a variety of hard hitting high impact moves to pummel his opponents he is certainly one to watch these days. Recently won the Ring of Honor World Championship. [i]Upper Midcarders[/i] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/BJWhitmer.jpg[/IMG] [b]BJ Whitmer[/b] - BJ Whitmer is fast emerging as one of the top workers in the United States. He works an American strong style with a bit of Southern heel thrown in the mix. Was trained by two greats in Harley Race and Les Thatcher. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/ChrisHero.jpg[/IMG] [b]Chris Hero[/b] - "The Savior" Chris Hero is a long term veteran of the US Independent scene but really broke out in 2006. Spearheading the CZW invasion of sorts on ROH as well as winning just about every conceivable tag team title with partner Claudio Castagnoli as the "Kings of Wrestling". Many feel in 2007 that Hero can only get better and better and more and more success awaits for this talented mat technician. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/ChristopherDaniels.jpg[/IMG] [b]Christopher Daniels[/b] - "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels is a technically gifted wrestler who works primarily for Total Non-stop Action Wrestling and Ring of Honor, holding titles in both promotions at one point or another. He is most known in Ring of Honor for his role as leader of "The Prophecy" whilst in TNA he stands out for his series of epic matches with AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. Despite not being particularly young Daniels can still teach all the younger workers a thing or two inside of the ring. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/ClaudioCastagnoli.jpg[/IMG] [b]Claudio Castagnoli[/b] - Claudio "Double C" Castagnoli has worked all over Europe and the USA and was trained by Chris Hero. He really broke out and became more noticed throughout 2006 when he and Chris Hero as "Kings of Wrestling" held three tag team titles (CHIKARA Campeones De Parejas, ROH Tag Team, and CZW Tag Team) all at the same time. Announced as signing a WWE developmental deal until it all fell apart in early 2007 so now working back on the Indies. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG] [b]Colt Cabana[/b] - "Classic" Colt Cabana is one of the best workers on the Indy scene today. He has good in-ring skills and tons of charisma. His nickname "Classic" is derived from his more old school style, where he doesn't rely on big spots to get over. A former two time ROH Tag Team champion and tipped to be a future world champion of the company. Works under the masked "Matt Classic" persona in Wrestling Society X. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/daveyrichards.jpg[/IMG] [b]Davey Richards[/b] - "Mr Intensity" Davey Richards has really been "The" breakout star of 2006 on the independent wrestling scene. Going from ECCW and PWW to PWG and then on to Ring of Honor. Along the way working in Europe more than once as well as winning the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla Battle of Los Angeles and the world famous ECWA Super 8 Tournament. As well as having a fantastic array of kicks Richards isn't afraid to fly and can hit a stunning Shooting Star Press. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/Delirious.jpg[/IMG] [b]Delirious[/b] - "The Lizard Man" Delirious claims to be from "The Edge of Sanity" but actually began wrestling whilst still at University, undertaking training at the Gateway Championship Wrestling Dojo. He then helped to train Daizee Haze whilst still perfecting his own craft. After initially breaking out and beginning to work in IWA Mid South he was noticed by several other larger promotions and began working for Ring of Honor and TNA. Is now one of the top stars in Ring of Honor. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/JackEvans.jpg[/IMG] [b]Jack Evans[/b] - "The Prince of Parkland" Jack Evans is one of the top young high flyers in the industry. He pulls off moves that leave the crowd in awe and few wrestlers can top his ability. Working regularly around the United States and now more and more frequently in Japan for Dragon Gate he really has lived up to all the hype he got when he first broke into the business. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/JayBriscoe.jpg[/IMG] [b]Jay Briscoe[/b] - Jay Briscoe, along with his brother Mark, form one of the top tag teams on the Indy scene. He is a well-rounded athlete with the ability to brawl, fly, or put on a technical clinic. He also does well as a singles competitor. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/JimmyJacobs.jpg[/IMG] [b]Jimmy Jacobs[/b] - "The Emo Warrior" Jimmy Jacobs was once best known for being the "Huss Man" and thinking he was The Berzerker. Oh how times of changed, now Jimmy can be regularly seen living out his Emo persona by drinking Vodka and Cranberry in the park whilst pining over the one he loves Lacey. Inside of the ring he has taken on a much more nasty streak and recently attempted to break BJ Whitmer’s ankle with a chair. Teams in MTV Wrestling Society X with Tyler Black as "Do it For Her" the most Emo team on TV. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/MarkBriscoe.jpg[/IMG] [b]Mark Briscoe[/b] - Mark Briscoe and his brother Jay form one of the hottest tag teams on the Indy scene. He's younger and a little smaller than his brother, and therefore flies a little more. He is also very technically sound and can brawl when needed. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/MattSydal.jpg[/IMG] [b]Matt Sydal[/b] - Matt Sydal was the true breakout star of 2005 and then most of 2006 as he just seemed to go from strength to strength wherever he worked. As the year came to a close he was the ROH Tag Team Championship co-holder with Christopher Daniels and also going on regular tours of the Japanese Dragon Gate promotion. Recently worked the tapings for Wrestling Society X. [i]Midcarders[/i] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/AdamPearce.jpg[/IMG] [b]Adam Pearce[/b] - "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce is a throw back to the "Old School" era of professional wrestling. Pearce is a true student of the game who has patterned his in ring style after some of the greatest legends in wrestling history. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/BrentAlbright.jpg[/IMG] [b]Brent Albright[/b] - "The Shooter" Brent Albright was a seven-time junior national freestyle wrestling champion at Oklahoma University, before being trained by Mike Modest in professional wrestling. After some time in OVW he was called up to the main roster of the WWE as "Gunner Scott" the gimmick failed and he was subsequently released. Now works for various independent promotions in the United States. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/ElGenerico.jpg[/IMG] [b]El Generico[/b] - "The Generic Luchadore" El Generico was originally brought into Canadian promotion IWS as a comedy jobber but got so over with the fans that he got a real chance in the company not long after. This proved great for Generico as he has now broken out and works all over the world, calling Pro Wrestling Guerrilla his home away from home he is always loved by the fans as they chant "OLE!" in his direction whenever possible. On rare appearances works under the Stevie McFly moniker unmasked. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/JimmyRave.jpg[/IMG] [b]Jimmy Rave[/b] - "The Crown Jewel" Jimmy Rave shot to fame in Ring of Honor when he joined "The Embassy" and was lead to numerous title shots by Prince Nana. Since Nana left the company Rave stuttered but has now come back stronger with a new submission move that has forced tap outs from Delirious and Nigel McGuinness among others. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/MattCross.jpg[/IMG] [b]Matt Cross [/b]- Matt "M-Dogg20" Cross is a former backyarder who has worked in various different promotions in the United States. Was once best known for his role in CZW before fizzling away into relative obscurity. He came into his own once again in 2006 however and participated in the PWG Battle of Los Angeles and IWA:MS Ted Petty Invitational as well as earned himself a regular spot on the Ring of Honor roster. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/RickyReyes.jpg[/IMG] [b]Ricky Reyes[/b] - One Half of the Havana Pitbulls with Rocky Romero and was trained by many greats including the one and only Antonio Inoki. He wrestles for many promotions including CMLL and NJPW worldwide. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/RockyRomero.jpg[/IMG] [b]Rocky Romero[/b] - Rocky "Azucar" Romero is one half of the team "Havana Pitbulls" with Ricky Reyes although these days he seems to prefer singles wrestling. Trained by many including Antonio Inoki in both Japan and Mexico, Rocky displays a wide array of wrestling styles. He has also worked as the next in the legacy under the Black Tiger mask for New Japan to much praise and is soon to be working in Pro Wrestling NOAH over in Japan under his own name Rocky Romero. Only good things are on this mans horizon. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/ShingoTakagi.jpg[/IMG] [b]SHINGO[/b] - The first trueborn of Dragon Gate, coming out of their dojo in late 2004. Shingo debuted representing CMAX in the 2004, until the stable was dissolved. Shingo ended up becoming a founding member of BloodGen in 2005, showing a heel streak. Currently working a lot in the United States to gain more experience and different perspectives on wrestling. [i]Lower Midcarders[/i] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/KevinSteen.jpg[/IMG] [b]Kevin Steen[/b] - "Mr Wrestling" Kevin Steen is arguably one of the best in the business right now at playing any kind of role inside of the ring. He is an excellent wrestler but thrown into the bargain is a great ability to connect with the fans, whether it be in a comedy match as a face or in a typical heelish way. Has worked many promotions in all different countries including USA, Canada, UK and Germany. Now mainly concentrates on Pro Wrestling Guerrilla although travels home for some IWS shows. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/PellePrimeau.jpg[/IMG] [b]Pelle Primeau[/b] - Pelle Primeau is a graduate of the ROH Wrestling School under Austin Aries. He plays up the underdog role and has no doubt become the most popular of this batch of graduates. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/JohnToland.jpg[/IMG] [b]Tank Toland [/b]- Born in Margate City, New Jersey, John Tolland made his pro debut in 2000 as a trainee in OVW. A former track and field star at college, Tolland turned his massive physique to wrestling. He is also a former OVW tag champion. [i]Openers and Students[/i] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/BobbyDempsey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/DerrickDempsey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/MitchFranklin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/RhettTitus.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/SmashBradley.jpg[/IMG] [b]Bobby Dempsey, Derrick Dempsey, Mitch Franklin, Rhett Titus, Smash Bradley[/b], - 2005 graduates of the ROH wrestling school. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/jasonblade.jpg[/IMG] [b]Jason Blade[/b] - Jason Blade has worked for three quarters of the US Independent scene nationwide and won many titles. Currently works for Ring of Honor. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/ShaneHagadorn.jpg[/IMG] [b]Shane Hagadorn[/b] - Shane Hagadorn graduated in 2004 from the ROH Wrestling School under the guidance of CM Punk. He has worked a handful of shows for IWA:MS and Ring of Honor. He is a natural ****y heel style of character always hot on the heels of Adam Pearce. [i]Women’s Division[/i] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/AllisonDanger.jpg[/IMG] [b]Allison Danger[/b] - Allison Danger is the sister of wrestling legend Steve Corino and is also talented within the ropes herself. Many only think of "The Prophecy" when Danger's name is mentioned but she has proved in other promotions especially SHIMMER that she can really step up to the plate and deliver. Allison got rave reviews for her Pure Rules match with Rebecca Knox on SHIMMER Volume 6 as she showed everyone what she is capable of. Also helps out on the booking side of SHIMMER. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/DaizeeHaze.jpg[/IMG] [b]Daizee Haze[/b] - "The Haze" Daizee Haze is an accomplished female worker trained out in St. Louis at the Gateway Championship Wrestling Dojo and one of the modern day pioneers for the promotion of women's wrestling in the United States. With tours of Mexico under her belt she can be seen around various promotions although she seems to call SHIMMER her home. She employs a very hard hitting style considering her gender including the utilisation of the Heart Punch and a vicious straight kick to the head. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/Lacey.jpg[/IMG] [b]Lacey[/b] - "The Lovely" Lacey is a solid female wrestler as well as being a great manager too. Most people take one look at her accompanying Jimmy Jacobs to the ring in Ring of Honor and think "Oh She’s a bit of alright". Little do many of them know that she can wrestle rings around many competitors male and female which she shows when working for SHIMMER. Often teams with Rain as "Minnesota Home Wrecking Crew". [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/SaraDelRay.jpg[/IMG] [b]Sara Del Rey[/b] - "The American Angel" Sara Del Rey was trained by "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson and is arguably the best female wrestler in North America today. She employs a variety of hard hitting strikes as well as great mat wrestling techniques to wear down her opponents limb by limb. Works in Mexico under the name American Angel and can be found working every SHIMMER taping in Illinois. [i]Semi-Active/Regular Special Attraction/Soon to Debut Workers[/i] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/DougWilliams.jpg[/IMG] [b]Doug Williams[/b] - "The Anarchist" Doug Williams is arguably the best British wrestler today and one of the top technicians in the world. He has a background several forms of martial-arts including Judo and Karate. Works all over the World with various Indy promotions. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/DaveCrist.jpg[/IMG] [b]Dave Crist [/b]- Formerly known as Lotus and Crazy J, Dave Crist and his brother Jake were among the most popular superstars in the HWA. Their tag team work as The Irish Airborne is second to none, and they have found equal success in their many singles endeavours inside and outside the HWA. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/GranAkuma.jpg[/IMG] [b]Gran Akuma [/b]- "Mysterious Mythological Warrior from Afar" Gran Akuma is a graduate from second class of students from the CHIKARA Wrestle Factory and employs a hard hitting strike based offence in addition to various Lucha techniques he learnt from Mike Quackenbush. Initially wrestled under a mask until losing it at "Running in the Red" to Shane Storm. Since losing the mask he has taken on a much more brutal persona and he and tag partner Icarus soon gained success by winning the Campeones De Parejas. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/Hallowicked.jpg[/IMG] [b]Hallowicked[/b] - The "Dark Minion of the Underworld", Hallowicked is one of the prized students to graduate from the CZW/CHIKARA wrestle factory after learning his craft from the CHIKARA duo of Mike Quackenbush & Chris Hero. Hallowicked has proven his ability on many occasions earning himself bookings across the North-East, Mid-West and even venturing up to Canada to show his talents and still remains as one to look out for as he continues to improve. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/crazyj.jpg[/IMG] [b]Jake Crist[/b] - Formerly called Crazy J and Lotus, Jake Crist and his brother Dave are considered among the elite tag team specialists in the sport today. As The Irish Airborne they have performed for most independent wrestling organizations in the Midwest, and have never failed to display incredible in-ring finesse and acrobatics. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/Jigsaw.jpg[/IMG] [b]Jigsaw[/b] - "A wrestling riddle wrapped in an enigma" Jigsaw is one of the most talented students ever to graduate from the CHIKARA Wrestle Factory. He began as a part of "The Conundrum" with Rorschach but despite being a strong team they split and Jigsaw certainly came off the better for it. In recent years he has held his own in the ring with Austin Aries and B-Boy among others, making him one of the best prospects on the independents. He was also the first person to win the YLC outside of the tournament. [i]Managers[/i] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/JuliusSmokes.jpg[/IMG] [b]Julius “Junkyard” Smokes[/b] - Smokes is most well known for his crazy antics as the corner man of Homicide in many different promotions, most notably Ring of Honor. Also wrestles but is a much better corner man than wrestler due to his natural charisma. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/LarrySweeney.jpg[/IMG] [b]Larry Sweeney [/b]- "Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney is the most charismatic of the graduates from the CHIKARA Wrestle Factory and is a suave and cunning wrestler. Employing a more old school approach in his matches he is not at first glance seen as a fit in many of the current independent promotions but can bee seen popping up anywhere from FIP to CZW. Recently was taken on in a managing role for his charisma by Ring of Honor. [i]Announcer[/i] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/LennyLeonard.jpg[/IMG] [b]Lenny Leonard[/b] - Lenny Leonard is an announcer for Ring of Honor and Full Impact Pro. He recently took some time away from announcing but is now back and raring to go in ROH and many feel it is only a matter of time before he is back on the FIP releases. [i]Colour Commentator[/i] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/DavePrazak.jpg[/IMG] [b]Dave Prazak[/b] - Dave Prazak is a well known and respected Colour Commentator and manager on the independent circuit. He has a natural charisma and great interview skills. Made his name in IWA Mid South but has since moved on to commentate for Ring of Honor, Full Impact Pro and more. He also owns books and commentates the women's SHIMMER promotion out of Berwyn, Illinois. [i]Referees[/i] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/BrianGorie.jpg[/IMG] [b]Brian Gorie[/b] - Referee in the Mid-West and Tri-State areas for promotions including IWA:MS and ROH. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/BruceGray.jpg[/IMG] [b]Bruce Gray[/b] - Known as "The Colour-blind Ref" he even has his own website. His favourite phrase is "Who needs to see colour, when you can count to 3". [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/GarryMorere.jpg[/IMG] [b]Garry Morere[/b] - Garry Morere is a referee who works mostly in the Tri-State area. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/JasonHarding.jpg[/IMG] [b]Jason Harding[/b] - Harding is a referee for IWA:MS and ROH. [b]Mike Coughlin[/b] - Mike Coughlin is a referee on the New England independent scene. He can be seen in Chaotic Wrestling on a regular basis as well as sometimes in Ring of Honor. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/MikeCrockett.jpg[/IMG] [b]Mike Crocket[/b] - Crockett is a referee in the New England area, mostly for Chaotic Wrestling. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/MikeKehner.jpg[/IMG] [b]Mike Kehner[/b] - Referee for ROH and other Tri-State promotions. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/paulturner.jpg[/IMG] [b]Paul Turner[/b] - Paul Turner is a referee who works in the Mid Atlantic and Tri-State areas. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/ToddSinclair.jpg[/IMG] [b]Head Referee Todd Sinclair[/b] - Todd Sinclair is a referee who works mostly in New England. [i]Other Staff[/i] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/BobbyCruise.jpg[/IMG] [b]Bobby Cruise[/b] - Most well known for being the personal ring announcer of Steve Corino. Cruise has worked all over including Zero-One and World-1. Now calls ROH home where he is the latest ring announcer of the company. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/CarySilkin.jpg[/IMG] [b]Cary Silkin[/b] - Owner of Ring of Honor since the Rob Feinstein situation. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/GabeSapolsky.jpg[/IMG] [b]Gabe Sapolsky [/b]- Gabe Sapolsky is a prodigy of Paul Heyman. He's the main man behind ROH's booking and does the announcing for their shows formerly under the name Chris Lovey then under the name Jimmy Bauer. One of the best bookers today. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/GaryMichaelCappetta.jpg[/IMG] [b]Gary Michael Cappetta [/b]- Gary Michael Cappetta is a long-time wrestling announcer who is now a backstage interviewer for Ring of Honor. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/BeckyBayless.jpg[/IMG] [b]Rebecca Bayless[/b] - Rebecca Bayless was trained by Homicide and works primarily for Ring of Honor. She was the valet for Special K until leaving the wrestling business for a time due to neck injuries. Now back in a backstage interviewer capacity.[/CENTER] [/quote] Coming Next, Teams, Champions and Upcoming Show schedule
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[center]Current Ring of Honor Champions [b]ROH World Heavyweight Title[/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/takeshimorishima.jpg[/IMG] [i]Current Holder[/i]: Takeshi Morishima [b]ROH World Tag Team Titles[/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/JayBriscoe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/MarkBriscoe.jpg[/IMG] [i]Current Holders[/i]: Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe [b]Current Ring of Honor Tag Teams[/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/crazyj.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/DaveCrist.jpg[/IMG] [i]Irish Airborne[/i] – Jake Crist and Dave Crist [i]Finisher[/i] – Irish Air Raid [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/JimmyJacobs.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/BrentAlbright.jpg[/IMG] [i]Lacey’s Angels[/i] – Jimmy Jacobs and Brent Albright [i]Finisher [/i]– No Specific Finisher [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/ChristopherDaniels.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/MattSydal.jpg[/IMG] [i]Lords of the Ring[/i] – Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal [i]Finisher[/i] – No Specific Finisher [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/daveyrichards.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/RoderickStrong.jpg[/IMG] [i]No Remorse Corps. [/i]– Davey Richards and Roderick Strong [i]Finisher[/i] – Vengeful Death (Strong holding up opponent for a powerbomb as Davey comes off onto him with a Shooting Star Press, pushing the opponent’s back onto Strong’s knee) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/JayBriscoe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/MarkBriscoe.jpg[/IMG] [i]The Briscoe Brothers[/i] – Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe [i]Finisher[/i] – Spike Jay Driller [b]Current Ring of Honor Stables[/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/daveyrichards.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/RoderickStrong.jpg[/IMG] [i]No Remorse Corps. [/i]– Davey Richards and Roderick Strong [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/LarrySweeney.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/ChrisHero.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/ROH/JohnToland.jpg[/IMG] [i]Larry Sweeney’s Un-named stable[/i] – Larry Sweeney, Chris Hero, “Personal Trainer” Tank Toland [b]Upcoming Ring of Honor Schedule for the next couple of months[/b] [i]All Star Extravaganza III - Michigan State Fairgrounds & Expo Center – Friday Week 4 March Supercard of Honor II - Michigan State Fairgrounds & Expo Center – Saturday Week 4 March Long Island, New York – Sports Plus Entertainment Centre – Friday Week 2 April Edison, New Jersey – Inman Sports Club – Saturday Week 2 April St. Paul, Minnesota – St. Paul Armory – Friday Week 4 April Chicago Ridge, Illinois – Frontier Fieldhouse – Saturday Week 4 April Hartford, Connecticut – Connecticut Expo. Centre – Friday Week 2 May Manhattan, New York – Manhattan Centre (Grand Ballroom) – Saturday Week 2 May Braintree, Massachusetts – Braintree National Guard Armory – Friday Week 2 June Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Pennsylvania National Guard Armory – Saturday Week 2 June Dayton, Ohio – Montgomery County Fairgrounds – Friday Week 4 June Chicago, Illinois – Windy City Fieldhouse – Saturday Week 4 June[/i] [/center]
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[center][b]Ring of Honor Newswire for March Week 1 2007[/b] In a couple of pieces of sad news to start us off, it is our sad duty to inform all of the fans that the Dragon Gate superstars are off the Wrestlemania weekend shows. This is due to circumstances beyond our control after a terror alert in one of Japan’s major Airports has caused worker to take “Strike” action. This strike action over unsafe working conditions coincides with the flight times of the Dragon Gate stars and thus they cannot fly over for the shows. We hope to book these stars in the future once the whole business has settled down and airport order is restored. Another effect of this is Nigel McGuinness, who is currently in Japan working with Pro Wrestling NOAH. He had a tough decision to make regarding whether to cut short his tour and return to be able to work for ROH or whether to stick it out. Ring of Honor management decided to make Nigel’s decision for him and after discussions with the NOAH management Nigel will be staying in Japan and helping to train Young Lions in the European style for the near future. Nigel hopes to be back once this amazing opportunity to help train in one of Japan’s best dojos has been fulfilled. So after two pieces of bad news regarding talent for the Wrestlemania weekend shows we are trying hard to sign up workers to make sure the ROH fans get their moneys worth out of the show. Speaking of these shows, the first match for “All Star Extravaganza III” has been revealed and it promises to be a fantastic contest as the No Remorse Corps will be represented by Roderick Strong, Davey Richards and an as of yet unnamed third member. They will face off with Austin Aries and two partners of his own, one of which has already been announced as Matt Cross. Aries believe Cross is the future of Ring of Honor and what he is doing is building for the ROH future. Also on this card we will see Delirious try to get back on the winning trail. After defeats on both of the nights in the United Kingdom he will go up against The Shooter himself Brent Albright. This could be make or break for Delirious as he doesn’t want to walk away without a win from the Wrestlemania weekend too. Albright may be his best chance of success as he has his hands full the following night at “Supercard of Honor II” when he goes up against a man fresh off a trip to Pro Wrestling NOAH, Chris Hero. With Larry Sweeney in his corner as well it will certainly be an uphill task for Delirious on both nights. Last night in Japan Takeshi Morishima raised the prestige of the Ring of Honor World Title some more as he successfully defended it against KENTA in a thirty minute plus fan voted semi-main event. Morishima overcame KENTA thanks to two Backdrop Drivers in a row followed by a vicious Lariat that almost took KENTA’s head off. After the match Morishima claimed he would be heading to ROH to defend his title in Manhattan in early May. No word on who against yet, but whoever takes up the challenge better be ready for a fight after the way he decimated the previous champion, Homicide. Morishima will also be in Non-Title action the night before in Hartford. Speaking of Homicide, after beating Davey Richards then going to a sixty minute draw with Samoa Joe in Liverpool he will go up at “All Star Extravaganza III” against Jimmy Jacobs. Homicide should not underestimate Jacobs otherwise he could be in for a shock as the Emo Warrior will stoop to any levels to win matches and gain approval from Lacey. This will be a tune up for grudge matches that both men will have at “Supercard of Honor II” as Homicide will look to gain revenge on former Rottweiler Rocky Romero. Romero turned his back on fellow Havana Pitbull Ricky Reyes recently and as leader of the Rottweilers Homicide considers it his duty to teach some “Street Respect” to Rocky Romero. One feud that has gone right as far from “respect” as it is humanly possible is the feud between former tag team partners BJ Whitmer and Jimmy Jacobs. At the second UK night Jacobs faked injury to get out of a street fight with Whitmer before destroying him during his match with Ashley Reed. Whitmer said he wanted Jacobs soon and at “Supercard of Honor II” he will get him in a stipulation of his choice. BJ was quick to announce the stipulation and it certainly will have a huge impact on the lives of both men. Whitmer said that Jacobs calls himself Emo and he knows what sort of reputation Emo kids have in association to cutting themselves. Whitmer said that if Jacobs likes to cut himself he will love this match because Whitmer will cut him and make him bleed, it will be an “Emo Massacre” match. The ropes will be replaced with Barbed Wire and in addition to this there will be RAZOR BLADE BOARDS. This is not something we ever thought we would see in Ring of Honor and it certainly will leave both men as changed men forever. For our more cautious fans and those with young children this match will go on as the main event of Supercard of Honor. This is to enable people to experience a great quality show and if the main event is not of their taste be free to leave. Also at SOH2 the Briscoe Brothers will defend their ROH Tag Team Titles against former champions Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal. This is a chance for Daniels and Sydal to try and gain back the belts that they lost and promises to be a tough test for the Briscoes. Stay right here at ROHWrestling.com as next week we will have news on a big Wrestlemania weekend FIP Title defence for Roderick Strong as well as more matches for what promises to be an unforgettable weekend.[/center]
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[center][b]Ring of Honor Newswire for March Week 2 2007[/b] We are now only two weeks away from the big Wrestlemania weekend double shot and a big Full Impact Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Title match has been added to “Supercard of Honor II” as Roderick Strong will take on possibly his toughest opponent yet. Roderick will go one on one with the Necro Butcher; this will be a rare chance to see Necro Butcher back in ROH so make sure to get yourself down to Detroit for this memorable match. After the impression he made at the UK shows against Roderick Strong and Matt Sydal, Pac will be back for Wrestlemania shows weekend. ROH officials originally wanted to bring him back sometime down the line but this process was somewhat sped up with the whole Dragon Gate problems that arose. At “All Star Extravaganza III” he will be a part of a special six man mayhem match which will also include Jack Evans, El Generico, Pelle Primeau, Matt Sydal and Jimmy Rave. This could be won by just about any of the competitors in the match and will be certain to elevate the status of all involved in the match. The following night at “Supercard of Honor II” Pac will be in a one on one contest that promises to be a match of the night contender. The high flyer from the United Kingdom will be going up against a man who has some of the most lethal strikes in the business, Davey Richards. Speaking of Davey Richards, he and fellow No Remorse Corps member Roderick Strong have said they are so confident of walking away with a victory over Austin Aries’ team that they will officially announce their third member later this week in the Newswire. Austin Aries was quick to say that he doesn’t want NRC to have no “surprise” excuses once his team kicks their ass and thus he will also announce the third member to be joining himself and Matt Cross later this week too. There will be a SHIMMER showcase match on each of the night with the Dangerous Angels of Allison Danger and Sara Del Rey taking on Mercedes Martinez and her partner making her debut in Ring of Honor, Talia Madison. Talia will soon be debuting for SHIMMER and will be given this unique opportunity to impress officials at ASEIII. The following night at SOHII a special three way match will take place between Daizee Haze, Mercedes Martinez and Sara Del Rey. These three women are three of the best the United States has to offer and will not be holding anything back in this match on the big stage. Huge news regarding the return of Takeshi Morishima to the United States in May after we already announced he would be defending the World Title in the Manhattan Centre we can now announce that the night before in Connecticut Ring of Honor will present “Trios Tournament 2007” and the first Trio to be added is “Team NOAH” of Morishima, Nigel McGuinness and Doug Williams. With more and more factions seemingly popping up in Ring of Honor this night could turn out to be huge and have a massive impact on the whole landscape of Ring of Honor. Looking closer in the future we can now begin announcing matches for our return to the Sports Plus Entertainment Centre in Long Island and what a huge match we can announce first. We will see a huge three way tag team main event as The Briscoe Brothers if they are still the champions will defend against No Remorse Corps of Roderick Strong and Davey Richards as well as the current Pro Wrestling Unplugged Tag Team champions, Ricky Reyes and The Joker. With the Rottweilers seemingly a shell of their former selves stable wise it will be interesting to see whether or not Joker will become a new member of the Rottweilers or whether he and Reyes will just be their own entity. One thing is for sure and that is that this match promises to be a tough and hard hitting match which the Briscoes will be lucky to escape intact. The night after in Edison, New Jersey will see a huge three way main event that sees former stable mates explode. Roderick Strong, Austin Aries and Jack Evans will all go it alone without their respective factions in three way match to determine which of them was the best member to grace Generation Next. The FIP title will not be on the line in this one but if Strong is pinned the winner will certainly be in line for a shot at the title on a future FIP or ROH show. Also in action that night is a special challenge match as Matt Cross takes on Davey Richards in a match that could surprise many and really gives Cross a chance to show why he was chosen to join Austin Aries’ group. We promised it and now we can deliver on that promise and announce that the third member of the No Remorse Corps is none other than Rocky Romero. Richards and Strong feel that Romero has the “No Remorse Attitude” as they put it. He has intensity and the ****sure attitude that makes him the perfect fit within the faction. After hearing this Aries decided to “Show his cards” for his faction which he is now referring to as the “Evolution Species”. We already know Matt Cross as one person but the other will be a man making his debut in Ring of Honor. This man is known to many as “The Trendsetter” and is certainly tipped by many including Aries to be the next big thing, that’s right the third man on the team is Josh Abercrombie. Josh has a chance to make a huge impression in Ring of Honor. With the No Remorse Corps otherwise engaged at SOHII it is a chance for Aries’ faction and Evans’ faction to “Test the Water” with each other. Aries will lead the “Evolution Species” into battle with Evans’ group. There is much controversy surrounding this faction which Evans is referring to as “Highspots and Hairspray” the reason for which will become more apparent as you read on. The controversy is due to the fact Evans wants Ted Hart in his stable and we all know what sort of a reputation Hart has with the management of Ring of Honor. After hearing Jack’s petition for Hart to be allowed back we consulted many members of the roster and came to the decision that we would allow him to return as long as there are no more “incidents”. The decision was made due to the fact the landscape and personnel of the locker room has changed drastically since that time and the main people to have beef with Hart have moved on to pastures new. So that’s Hart and Evans, which takes care of the Highspots but where is the hairspray? I hear you ask. Well the third member of the group is the “First Filipino Male Supermodel of Professional Wrestling”, “The Virgin Slayer” and a man who loves his hairspray. Shiima Xion. To those who have not seen Shiima in action he works primarily for International Wrestling Cartel where he forms a “Babyface Fire” with Jason Gory, which on the whole has become a successful tag team. ROH management look forward to seeing what Shiima can do at SOHII. With the cards shaping up nicely one last announcement for this week and you could say we have “Saved the best for last” as we can officially announce that former ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson will be in attendance at “Supercard of Honor II”. This will not be in a wrestling capacity as he is still not 100% cleared to wrestle but he has promised he has something to say about Takeshi Morishima and the Ring of Honor title. As a special tribute to this announcement we have a highlight video up at ROHVideos.com that showcases in a condensed music video form the whole reign of Bryan Danielson as ROH World Champion and is certainly not something to be missed. More news on future Ring of Honor shows coming next week right here at ROHWrestling.com.[/center]
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[center][b]Ring of Honor Newswire for March Week 3 2007[/b] We are a mere 12 days away from the huge Wrestlemania weekend and with the cards coming close to completion it already is looking like a big weekend in the landscape of Ring of Honor. Just added to “All Star Extravaganza III” is a big two out of three falls match between two men who at their height last year had the tag team world at their feet. Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero held three tag team straps simultaneously but after Hero joined forced with the “Super Agent” Larry Sweeney, he turned his back on Claudio, a man who he trained and mentored for years. This angered Claudio and he has been out for revenge ever since and will get his chance at this event. With two technical masters in a hero against student confrontation who knows what will happen in Detroit. Also at this event, the duo of Ted Hart and Shiima Xion from “Highspots and Hairspray” will be in a special challenge match against Jay and Mark Briscoe. This will be a non title match but that will not stop the Briscoes trying to gain a full head of steam as they go on to defend against the Lords of the Ring the following night. Finally for now to be announced for this card is a special challenge from Daizee Haze. Daizee was upset at being left out of the SHIMMER Showcase match in the first night and has issued an open challenge. The challenge has been answered and ROH are currently working through the paperwork and will give some sort of announcement next week. Added this week to “Supercard of Honor II” is a big tag team contest where it will have an ROH star teaming with a student. Adam Pearce will team with his favourite student and personal servant Shane Hagadorn against Colt Cabana who will be teaming with one of the best and most courageous students to come out of the ROH Wrestling School Pelle Primeau. In some news for the Long Island show which already has the big three way tag team match for the ROH World Tag Team Titles. Xavier will be making his full time return to ROH after impressing officials with his recent displays for other promotions. His first match will be a tough one as he steps into the ring one on one with Rocky Romero, before the following night in Edison he will be in another tough match against SHINGO from Dragon Gate. This is a tough way for Xavier to return to the promotion and he will be looking to make the right impression and show why he is a former ROH World Champion. Also in Long Island BJ Whitmer will go up against Austin Aries in a match that could have huge implications towards the title scene and who might get the shot when Morishima returns to ROH. Ahead of his match at “Supercard of Honor II” with the Necro Butcher, Roderick Strong has stated he has never been more confident of coming out of a match with the FIP title still around his waist. Strong said that Necro is just a no good drug using garbage worker and he will show him just what “wrestling” really is in Detroit. Necro Butcher had some comment of his own which can be seen in the latest Video Wire along with a recap of the Jimmy Jacobs and BJ Whitmer feud over on ROHVideos.com. Keep it here at ROHWrestling.com all next week leading into the big double shot in Detroit including Daizee Haze challenge being answered and more.[/center]
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[center][b]Ring of Honor Newswire for March Week 4 2007[/b] It’s been a hectic week here at the ROH offices and thus only a small newswire this week with some last minute details pertaining to this weekend. The last matches have been added to “All Star Extravaganza III” and “Supercard of Honor II” making them possibly the most anticipated events in ROH history. The challenge laid out by Daizee Haze has been pushed on to a later date as Mercedes Martinez was sadly injured last night working for a promotion in South Philadelphia. Due to this fact, Daizee Haze will take her place teaming with Talia Madison against the “Dangerous Angels”. The following night Mercedes is replaced by Allison Danger, making the match Danger against partner Del Rey and also Daizee Haze. The final match added to ASEIII is a huge four corner survival with Colt Cabana, Christopher Daniels, Adam Pearce and BJ Whitmer. Anyone of the four many is capable of winning this match and it could prove very interesting indeed. The final match added to SOHII is a match that sees Jimmy Rave facing off against Claudio Castagnoli one on one in what promises to be a very interesting contest. This gives us our two amazing cards for what promises to be a great night of ROH action, if you have tickets we hope to see you there, otherwise we will have results up after the weekend and the DVD out to purchase in due course. [quote] [b]Prediction Friendly Cards[/b] [b] All Star Extravaganza III - Michigan State Fairgrounds & Expo Center – Friday Week 4 March[/b] [b] Six Man Tag Grudge Match[/b] Evolution Species (“The Wrestling Machine” Austin Aries, Matt Cross and “The Trendsetter” Josh Abercrombie) vs. No Remorse Corps. (“The Messiah of the Backbreaker” Roderick Strong, “Mr. Intensity” Davey Richards and Rocky “Azucar” Romero) [b] 2/3 Falls Match[/b] “The Savior” Chris Hero w/”Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney vs. “Double C” Claudio Castagnoli “The Notorious 187” Homicide w/”The Devils Son in Law” Julius T. Smokes vs. “The Emo Warrior” Jimmy Jacobs w/”The Lovely” Lacey [b] Non Title Special Challenge[/b] The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe) vs. Highspots and Hairspray (“The Virgin Slayer” Shiima Xion and “The Controversial Hart” Ted Hart) “The Lizard Man” Delirious vs. “The Hired Gun” Brent Albright [b] Four Corner Survival[/b] “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger vs. “Classic” Colt Cabana vs. BJ Whitmer vs. “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce w/Shane Hagadorn [b] Six Man Mayhem[/b] “The Man That Gravity Forgot” Pac vs. “The Prince of Parkland” Jack Evans vs. “The Crown Jewel” Jimmy Rave vs. Pelle Primeau vs. Matt Sydal vs. “The Generic Luchadore” El Generico [b] SHIMMER Showcase Match[/b] Dangerous Angels (Allison Danger and “American Angel” Sara Del Rey) vs. Daizee Haze and Talia Madison ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b] Supercard of Honor II - Michigan State Fairgrounds & Expo Center – Saturday Week 4 March[/b] [b] Emo Massacre Main Event[/b] “The Emo Warrior” Jimmy Jacobs w/”The Lovely” Lacey vs. BJ Whitmer [b] ROH World Tag Team Titles[/b] The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe) vs. Lords of the Ring (“The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal) w/Allison Danger [b] FIP Heavyweight Title[/b] “The Messiah of the Backbreaker” Roderick Strong vs. Necro Butcher [b] Six Man Tag Action[/b] Evolution Species (“The Wrestling Machine” Austin Aries, Matt Cross and “The Trendsetter” Josh Abercrombie) vs. Highspots and Hairspray (“The Prince of Parkland” Jack Evans, “The Controversial Hart” Ted Hart and “The Virgin Slayer” Shiima Xion) “The Savior” Chris Hero w/”Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney vs. “The Lizard Man” Delirious [b] Rottweilers Grudge Match[/b] “The Notorious 187” Homicide w/”The Devils Son in Law” Julius T. Smokes vs. Rocky “Azucar” Romero “The Man that Gravity Forgot” Pac vs. “Mr. Intensity” Davey Richards [b] SHIMMER Showcase Match[/b] Daizee Haze vs. “American Angel” Sara Del Rey vs. Allison Danger “The Crown Jewel” Jimmy Rave vs. “Double C” Claudio Castagnoli “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce and Shane Hagadorn vs. “Classic” Colt Cabana and Pelle Primeau [b] PLUS “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson will be in attendance to give an interview including his opinion on NOAH star and current ROH World Champion Takeshi Morishima. [/b][/quote] [/center]
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I really really like this so far. But I just got one question since I'm a huge fan of Teddy Hart. I dont really care why he is black balled from different promotions and like him for his wrestling skills. But to the question, his ring-name is Teddy, why do u keep writing Ted?
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Prediction Friendly Cards All Star Extravaganza III - Michigan State Fairgrounds & Expo Center – Friday Week 4 March Six Man Tag Grudge Match [B]Evolution Species (“The Wrestling Machine” Austin Aries, Matt Cross and “The Trendsetter” Josh Abercrombie)[/B] vs. No Remorse Corps. (“The Messiah of the Backbreaker” Roderick Strong, “Mr. Intensity” Davey Richards and Rocky “Azucar” Romero) -Although I'm pretty sure No Remorse Corps will win, I like Aries/Cross/Abercrombie waay better. Matt Cross has improved greatly and is a solid wrestler these days. 2/3 Falls Match [B]“The Savior” Chris Hero w/”Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney [/B]vs. “Double C” Claudio Castagnoli -Tough one since I'm a fan of both guys. I say Hero wins first fall, Castagnoli second and Hero gets the final one with Sweeney's help. [B]“The Notorious 187” Homicide w/”The Devils Son in Law” Julius T. Smokes[/B] vs. “The Emo Warrior” Jimmy Jacobs w/”The Lovely” Lacey -Homicide just lost the ROH Title so I doubt Jimmy Jacobs will be picking up a win on him. Non Title Special Challenge [B]The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe)[/B] vs. Highspots and Hairspray (“The Virgin Slayer” Shiima Xion and “The Controversial Hart” Ted Hart) -Tag Team Champions will stay strong by beating two amazing high flying wrestlers. “The Lizard Man” Delirious vs. [B]“The Hired Gun” Brent Albright[/B] -Delirious is good, don't get me wrong, but I'm not really a fan of his. Albright would be a better choice to build towards ROH future. Four Corner Survival “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger vs. “Classic” Colt Cabana vs. BJ Whitmer vs.[B] “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce w/Shane Hagadorn[/B] -Maybe Pearce can pick up a huge win with a fluke victory over some big time ROH wrestlers. Six Man Mayhem “The Man That Gravity Forgot” Pac vs. [B]“The Prince of Parkland” Jack Evans[/B] vs. “The Crown Jewel” Jimmy Rave vs. Pelle Primeau vs. Matt Sydal vs. “The Generic Luchadore” El Generico -I'm assuming this is Evan's ROH return that was hyped up during the last event. Jack Evans should return strong and pick up a win. SHIMMER Showcase Match Dangerous Angels (Allison Danger and “American Angel” Sara Del Rey) vs. [B]Daizee Haze and Talia Madison[/B] -I love The Haze and Talia Madison. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Supercard of Honor II - Michigan State Fairgrounds & Expo Center – Saturday Week 4 March Emo Massacre Main Event [B]“The Emo Warrior” Jimmy Jacobs w/”The Lovely” Lacey [/B]vs. BJ Whitmer -Not really a fan of either guys but Jimmy Jacobs should get a win to give him some momentum in the company. ROH World Tag Team Titles [B]The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe)[/B] vs. Lords of the Ring (“The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal) w/Allison Danger -Tag Champs retain the titles. Waay too soon for the Briscoes to lose the straps. FIP Heavyweight Title [B]“The Messiah of the Backbreaker” Roderick Strong[/B] vs. Necro Butcher -As much as I like Necro Butcher, I doubt he would ever win the FIP Title. Six Man Tag Action [B]Evolution Species (“The Wrestling Machine” Austin Aries, Matt Cross and “The Trendsetter” Josh Abercrombie)[/B] vs. Highspots and Hairspray (“The Prince of Parkland” Jack Evans, “The Controversial Hart” Ted Hart and “The Virgin Slayer” Shiima Xion) -Cross/Aries/Abercrombie pick up another victory and stay super strong. [B]“The Savior” Chris Hero w/”Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney[/B] vs. “The Lizard Man” Delirious -Again, not a huge fan of Delirious so I hope Chris Hero beats him. Rottweilers Grudge Match [B]“The Notorious 187” Homicide w/”The Devils Son in Law” Julius T. Smokes[/B] vs. Rocky “Azucar” Romero -This should be an awesome match. I go with Homicide as he's on his path of redemption for the Heavyweight title. “The Man that Gravity Forgot” Pac vs. [B]“Mr. Intensity” Davey Richards[/B] -I'm a much bigger fan of Richards than Pac. Hopefully Davey Richard will get a huge push here. SHIMMER Showcase Match [B]Daizee Haze [/B]vs. “American Angel” Sara Del Rey vs. Allison Danger -Love the Haze. “The Crown Jewel” Jimmy Rave vs. [B]“Double C” Claudio Castagnoli[/B] -Castagnoli beats the former leader of the Embassy and tries to recover from a big loss at the hands of Hero. “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce and Shane Hagadorn vs. [B]“Classic” Colt Cabana and Pelle Primeau[/B] -Cabana and Pelle get their win back after Pearce steals a victory in the 4 way. PLUS “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson will be in attendance to give an interview including his opinion on NOAH star and current ROH World Champion Takeshi Morishima.
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[QUOTE=DeleTe;206976]I really really like this so far. But I just got one question since I'm a huge fan of Teddy Hart. I dont really care why he is black balled from different promotions and like him for his wrestling skills. But to the question, his ring-name is Teddy, why do u keep writing Ted?[/QUOTE] Actually, it depends which promotion, he has been known to use both Teddy and Ted, in modern times using Ted more often than not, i'm a big fan myself. Thanks for reading :)
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[QUOTE=forlan;207203]Actually, it depends which promotion, he has been known to use both Teddy and Ted, in modern times using Ted more often than not, i'm a big fan myself. Thanks for reading :)[/QUOTE] does this mean he has matured since his ROH tag scramble "I wanted to give the fans what they paid for." days?
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Well not wanting to take this off topic but he was recently thrown out of JAPW one of the only places that let him work in America for being diva like and askign to change match endings and such, refusing on the night to fight Necro Butcher unless Jack Evans was randomly added to the match, Bringing his own MAsseuse etc, any reply to this pm me with as i dont want to clutter my diary thanks
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[b]Ring of Honor Presents: All Star Extravaganza III Friday Week 4 March 2007 Michigan State Fairgrounds Announcers: Dave Prazak and Lenny Leonard Pre Show[/b] Larry Sweeney defeated Mitch Franklin via Shreveport Smash Shane Hagadorn defeated CJ Otis via a Big Lariat Drake Younger defeated Trik Davis and Rhett Titus via Drakes Landing on Titus. [b]Main Show[/b] [i]In an interview taped for the DVD release with Rebecca Bayless, Brent Albright announces that he is no longer messing around and he will show that when he makes Delirious tap tonight. He goes on to question the motives of Ring of Honor management in not giving him a match for tomorrow before then talking about how if they won’t give him a match he will “take” one. [/i] [b]Match One SHIMMER Showcase Match Dangerous Angels (Allison Danger and “American Angel” Sara Del Rey) vs. Daizee Haze and Talia Madison[/b] Solid way to begin tonight’s proceedings as all four women proved that they were worthy of being on the card with some solid chain wrestling in the early stages before the match broke out for a short period into a stiff-fest between Daizee and Del Rey. In the end however the Dangerous Angels showed why they are the regular team as Danger nailed Talia with the Shimmering Warlock and got the pinfall whilst Del Rey held Daizee in a Butterfly Lock. [b]Winners – Dangerous Angels[/b] [i]After the match Bryan Danielson came into the ring from the front row and embraced the woman he trained Sara Del Rey before leaving back to his seat to a raucous applause from the crowd. [/i] [b]Match Two Six Man Mayhem “The Man That Gravity Forgot” Pac vs. “The Prince of Parkland” Jack Evans vs. “The Crown Jewel” Jimmy Rave vs. Pelle Primeau vs. Matt Sydal vs. “The Generic Luchadore” El Generico[/b] Fast and frantic action from the get go in this match as all six men were not afraid to fly with Pelle really showing how much he has moved on since first graduating as he hung well with the other men in the match. At the mid point of the contest was a fantastic sequence in which Jimmy Rave landed a nice Tope onto Pelle before Generic dived onto them both with a no handed moonsault splash closely followed by Sydal with a picture perfect shooting star press. The real story was just after however as Pac and Jack Evans climbed a ring post each and both delivered amazing Corkscrew 630 Splashes onto the group as the crowd went wild. Not long after this Pac almost sealed the win when he landed Generico with a fantastic 450 splash but it was broken up by Jimmy Rave who locked in the Heel hook but Todd Sinclair was over the other side of the ring as Matt Sydal landed Pelle with the Cyclorama for the big win. [b]Winner – Matt Sydal[/b] [i]After the match was over out came the No Remorse Corps and as everyone filtered out they were alone in the ring with Jack Evans but before they could do anything out ran Ted Hart and Shiima Xion and we got a stare down with neither team moving. Eventually No Remorse Corps backed down and left to the back as Highspots and Hairspray were left standing tall. [/i] [b]Match Three Four Corner Survival “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger vs. “Classic” Colt Cabana vs. BJ Whitmer vs. “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce w/Shane Hagadorn[/b] A solid four corner survival here although it really was nothing to write home about with lots of stalling surprisingly and not the frantic pace you normally anticipate in this type of match. Christopher Daniels almost got the win when he landed the Angels Wings on Whitmer but Cabana broke it up and threw Whitmer out of the ring before pinning Adam Pearce out of nowhere with a Schoolboy rollup. [b]Winner – Colt Cabana[/b] [i]Adam Pearce looked clearly pissed off after losing whilst Cabana danced right in his face and Hagadorn held back Pearce. [/i] [b]Match Four “The Lizard Man” Delirious vs. “The Hired Gun” Brent Albright[/b] One of the best matches of the night here as both men gave their all and Albright showed his huge mean streak by absolutely decimating the left arm of Delirious in preparation for the Crowbar. This hindered various attempts by Delirious to mount that much offence because he could not really lift Albright due to the excruciating pain running through his arm. Delirious did get a huge spell in control near the end where he braved the pain and landed the Bizarro Driver and the Shadows over Hell for two count before landing the Panic attack knee strike in the corner and locking on the Cobra Stretch only for Albright to somehow twist it round into the Crowbar. As Albright wrenched and wrenched away Delirious could take the pain no longer and was forced to tap out. [b]Winner – Brent Albright[/b] [i]As the match ended Albright would not relinquish the hold and was determined to rip the arm of Delirious out of its socket. Eventually students and agents managed to get Albright to release the hold but Delirious was clearly in some form of pain and needed to be helped to the back. [/i] [b]Match Five Non Title Special Challenge The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe) vs. Highspots and Hairspray (“The Virgin Slayer” Shiima Xion and “The Controversial Hart” Ted Hart) [/b] A solid tag team contest here with the Briscoe Brothers taking the control for much of the proceedings as Hart and Xion are still in the feeling out process of teaming together. The experience of the Briscoes paid off and after working over Hart for much of the match he was in no position to make the save when Xion was nailed with the Spike Jay Driller for the three count. [b]Winners – The Briscoe Brothers Match Six “The Notorious 187” Homicide w/“The Devils Son in Law” Julius T. Smokes vs. “The Emo Warrior” Jimmy Jacobs w/“The Lovely” Lacey[/b] A fantastic match here with Jacobs showing he can really hang with the big boys and some funny interactions between Smokes and Lacey on the outside of the ring. Cide pulled off many of his big spots such as the top rope Ace Crusher and the Yakuza Kick but could still not put away the plucky Jimmy Jacobs. Jacobs began getting more and more into the match as the momentum turned in his favour and he got a very long two count thanks to his patented Back Senton on Homicide. As he was running to the corner for the Contra Code however, Cide pushed him off into the post before running the ropes and connecting with the big West Brooklyn Lariat for the three count. [b]Winner – Homicide[/b] [i]After the match was over Homicide pointed to Jacobs in an appreciative manner for the fight that he put up. [/i] [b]Match Seven 2/3 Falls Match “The Savior” Chris Hero w/”Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney vs. “Double C” Claudio Castagnoli[/b] A fantastic technical display here in the best singles match of the night by far as both men were equal in just about every way except for the deciding factor of Larry Sweeney’s antics on the outside of the ring. In the early going Hero dominated thanks to some underhand tactics until Claudio reversed a Cravat into one of his own giving him somewhat of a psychological advantage over Hero. After the early technical displays these two men started just trading off strikes with Claudio employing his European Uppercuts against Hero forearms and palm strikes with Claudio eventually gaining the upper hand and landing the Alpamare Waterslide for a near fall before quickly rising Hero to his feet and landing the Ricola Bomb to take the first fall. Claudio wasted no time in working on Hero to try and get the quick second fall by locking him in the Neutralizer but Hero somehow managed to reach the ropes although a severe toll had been taken. Claudio sensed that his win could be soon in coming but was shocked to find Hero had been playing a little possum and caught him with a European Uppercut of his own before landing the Hero’s Welcome and getting the pinfall to take the contest to one fall each. The match did not lose momentum and raged on with Hero in control until Claudio nailed the Roaring European Uppercut out of nowhere and looked like getting the pinfall until Sweeney got up on the apron to distract Jason Harding as Tank Toland snuck into the ring and levelled Claudio in the back of his left knee with pipe before sneaking off to the back as Hero locked in a Rivera Cloverleaf applying pressure to the knee of Claudio until he passed out from the pain and Jason Harding made the call to give Hero the win. [b]Winner – Chris Hero[/b] [i]Once the match was over Hero and Sweeney made a hasty retreat as Claudio was helped to the back barely able to stand by referees. [/i] [b]Main Event Six Man Tag Grudge Match Evolution Species (“The Wrestling Machine” Austin Aries, Matt Cross and “The Trendsetter” Josh Abercrombie) vs. No Remorse Corps. (“The Messiah of the Backbreaker” Roderick Strong, “Mr. Intensity” Davey Richards and Rocky “Azucar” Romero) [/b] This match promised to be something special as both teams came out clearly focused on one thing and one thing only and that was winning the match. Instead of the expected feeling out process at the start we got Strong and Aries both starting for their respective teams and wasting no time in laying the hurt with a chop exchange that left Aries with a chest as red as his trunks. Strong then quickly began working on the back of Aries to try and put this one away very early but Austin was managing to fight back and made the hot tag to Abercrombie but at the same time Romero came in for the NRC and just started using his extremely educated feet to decimate Abercrombie culminating in a straight kick to the head that sent Josh hard to the outside. Abercrombie looked out cold and we got an interesting situation with an almost handicap match effect as the NRC began to pick apart Cross looking to also take him out of the match until he eventually got the tag after almost ten minutes of punishment to Aries who began cleaning house. Aries was fighting a losing battle and with Cross in the corner not 100% by any means, Abercrombie still not moving on the floor and three men to contend with it was not long before the match ended thanks to the Vengeful Death from Strong and Richards before Romero locked in a Jujigatame as Strong and Richards knocked Cross off the apron and Aries with nowhere to go was forced into tapping out. [b]Winners – No Remorse Corps. [/b] [i]After the match the NRC were not finished and just began laying a beating to Evolution Species until out from the back for the save ran Highspots and Hairspray as they fended off the No Remorse Corps. After they fended off the NRC they did what no one expected and took cheap shots at Evolution Species themselves as Abercrombie felt the From Lust to Dust from Xion, Cross fell victim to the Open Hart Surgery from Ted and Aries was on the receiving end of a 630 Splash from Evans as the show ended with Highspots and Hairspray standing tall. In a taped interview with Rebecca Bayless BJ Whitmer discussed tomorrows Emo Massacre match and how once he is done no one will recognise Jimmy Jacobs and they will be lucky to see him in a wrestling ring again period.[/i] [quote][b]Predictions Contest[/b] The Watcher (GDS) – 4 Zigon (Corp-X) – 4 CMPunker (Corp-X) – 5 B-Unit (Corp-X) – 5 Congratulations to Punker and B-Unit who tied for predictions. [/quote]
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[B]Ring of Honor Presents: Supercard of Honor II Saturday Week 4 March 2007 Michigan State Fairgrounds Announcers: Dave Prazak and Lenny Leonard Pre Show[/B] Larry Sweeney over Derrick Dempsey and Rhett Titus via Roll up on Titus. Mitch Franklin over Bobby Dempsey via Piledriver Drake Younger over Dustin Lee via Step up Enziguri [B]Main Show[/B] [I]The show opens with a taped interview with Rebecca Bayless talking to Brent Albright. Albright talks about how he injured Delirious last night because he wanted to be on the card tonight and saw breaking the arm of Delirious from its socket as vital to this plan. He is then informed by Rebecca that Delirious has not been medically cleared to fight Hero but is still going ahead with the match. Albright stormed away upon hearing this news. [/I] [B]Match One “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce and Shane Hagadorn vs. “Classic” Colt Cabana and Pelle Primeau[/B] A solid match to open the show here with Pearce looking for revenge after being pinned by Cabana last night in the four corner survival. Hagadorn and Pearce used the usual heel tactics to isolate Pelle for much of the match as Cabana could only look on from the outside unable to tag in. Once Colt did get in however he began cleaning house and almost took Hagadorn’s head off with a vicious lariat. However he turned right back around into a shot with a chain behind Jason Harding’s back from Pearce before getting driller with a Piledriver from Adam Pearce and covered for the cheap three count. [B]Winners – Adam Pearce and Shane Hagadorn[/B] [I]After the match once Cabana had been helped up by Pelle he got on the microphone and said it was far from over between him and Pearce and the score will get settled. [/I] [B]Match Two “The Crown Jewel” Jimmy Rave vs. “Double C” Claudio Castagnoli [/B] A solid but rather average and uneventful encounter here with Claudio notably favoring his leg after what happened in the match with Chris Hero last night as Rave worked on the leg as well as the ankle in preparation for the Heel Hook. Claudio eventually began fighting back with some stiff European uppercuts to Rave that had him staggering before picking him up to attempt the Alpamare Waterslide only for his knee to buckle as Rave smashed a hard knee into his face for a close two. Claudio’s leg only seemed to be getting worse as the match wore on and eventually Rave managed to lock on the Heel Hook and Claudio was forced to tap out and give the huge victory to Rave. [B]Winner – Jimmy Rave Match Three SHIMMER Showcase Match Daizee Haze vs. “American Angel” Sara Del Rey vs. Allison Danger[/B] Another solid women’s match to follow on from last nights match as all three women gave their all and put on the best possible match for the fans in attendance. Daizee was almost playing the heel in this one as she was showing both a ****y and a ruthless streak and in the end this is what won it for her a vicious Yakuza kick variation sent Allison hard to the outside before Del Rey then fell victim to the Hart Punch/Mind Trip combination for the three. [B]Winner – Daizee Haze[/B] [I]Daizee got on the microphone after and said that if this was the competition then she may as well just retire rather than defeating the same people show in, show out. She said that before Mercedes pulled from this match she had asked for an open challenge but since she filled in here it was not answered. Daizee went on to say that the next Ring of Honor show in Long Island she is issuing an open challenge to anyone worldwide who wants to face her and if that isn’t enough then she also wants an open challenge to get answered the night after in Edison too. Daizee said that she was the best female wrestler in the world bar none and that she would prove it by defeating everyone in her path. [/I] [B]Match Four “The Man that Gravity Forgot” Pac vs. “Mr. Intensity” Davey Richards[/B] A sleeper for match of the night here as the high flyer from the UK went up against the joint leader of the No Remorse Corps. Pac used his speed advantage to great effect in the early going as he tried to tire out Davey who wanted to go a little slower throwing around his stiff shots and kicks. Davey took control for a long period of the match as he just brutalized Pac but the never say die attitude of the UK star was evident as he just would not stay down for the three count despite his kidneys being surely mangled from all the stiff kicks as well as a sickening Brainbuster. Pac began to rally back and had Davey on the ropes with some strikes before a spinning kick right to the jaw set him up nicely as Pac ascended the turnbuckle ready to dive off with something spectacular. Davey had other ideas and climbed up to meet him before there was a struggle until Davey back dropped Pac into the ring before coming off onto him with a picture perfect shooting star press. He wasn’t finished though as he rose the Brit to his feet before delivering the DR Driver and getting the three count. [B]Winner – Davey Richards[/B] [I]After Richards left the ring the fans applauded in appreciation of Pac as well as giving off a chorus of “Please come back” chants. After hearing this Pac got on the microphone and said due to the large amount of bookings he was getting in the United States he was soon hoping to come to the country on a more permanent basis and that ROH would be his first port of call to work against the best the business has to offer. [/I] [B]Match Five Rottweilers Grudge Match “The Notorious 187” Homicide w/”The Devils Son in Law” Julius T. Smokes vs. Rocky “Azucar” Romero[/B] This match was not pretty; it was brutal as both men stiffed it up to the extreme as the intensity of the feud was evident for all to see. The match was not very long but because of the intensity it certainly served its purpose of Homicide wanting to teach Romero not to mess with the Rottweilers. He did just that as despite Rocky getting a lot of offence in he feel victim to the Cop Killer for the one, two three. [B]Winner – Homicide[/B] [I]After the match Homicide got on the microphone and said that he hoped Romero has learnt his lesson not to mess with the Rottweilers or else he’ll get hurt and next time it’ll be much more serious. Whilst saying this ‘Cide motioned an almost knife stabbing like gesture. Next up was the intermission with a familiar music playing upon return, as “Final Countdown” was heard throughout the arena out to the ring came the former Ring of Honor champion and self proclaimed Best Wrestler in the World today, Bryan Danielson. Danielson talked about his comeback from his shoulder injury and about what happened to Homicide. He said Homicides victory over him at Final Battle was just a fluke and if he had been 100% he would have kicked his Negro ass back to Brooklyn or Puerto Rico or wherever the hell he comes from. He said this was proven when Morishima destroyed ‘Cide, Morishima Danielson said was the type of wrestler that just brawls and doesn’t wrestle and they are the type that “real” wrestlers eat for breakfast. He went on to say that as every champion has a rematch clause he is going to cash it in with his in ring return when Ring of Honor hits the Manhattan centre in May. Danielson said that Morishima better enjoy having the gold whilst he can because when all is said and done and both men are leaving the Manhattan centre it’ll be Danielson who leaves with the World Title firmly on his shoulder. Danielson then put down the microphone and left to the back. [/I] [B]Match Six “The Savior” Chris Hero w/”Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney vs. “The Lizard Man” Delirious[/B] This match if you could even call it such was just a mugging as Hero immediately went after the heavily strapped up arm of Delirious and got him to tap out within two minutes. [B]Winner – Chris Hero[/B] [I]After the “match” was over Brent Albright came down to the ring and said that he wanted to show Hero a proper match and take Delirious’ place and that is why he took Delirious arm almost out of it’s socket last night, he wants a chance to fight the best ROH has to offer, not just goofs in masks. Hero said that as much as he liked Albright he had just finished the match he was obliged to do and the fans didn’t deserve to see their savior wrestle twice in a row and he was going to put his feet up. When Hero said this and left, Albright stood stalking Delirious who was trying to get some feeling into his arm and as he turned around Albright grabbed the other arm and locked on the crowbar, wrenching back as agents and students hit the ring and managed to pry him off. Albright had a sick smile on his face as now both of Delirious’ arms were destroyed. [/I] [B]Match Seven Six Man Tag Action Evolution Species (“The Wrestling Machine” Austin Aries, Matt Cross and “The Trendsetter” Josh Abercrombie) vs. Highspots and Hairspray (“The Prince of Parkland” Jack Evans, “The Controversial Hart” Ted Hart and “The Virgin Slayer” Shiima Xion) [/B] A fantastic match here, as Evolution Species immediately went right after Highspots and Hairspray as revenge for the “mugging” last night after the main event. The match just ended up being a brawl between all the participants all over the arena with one spot of interest in particular being Hart diving with a corkscrew moonsault off the rafters onto Abercrombie. The action was just flying everywhere and Todd Sinclair really could not control it and had to stand by and just count pin falls in the ring as they were attempted every once in a while. The match seemed to be flowing well until it ended abruptly as Aries was on the top rope but got crotched by Xion who nailed a jumping rana before sacrificing his body by diving onto the melee of bodies onto the outside with a Tornado Plancha. This gave Evans time to hit the 630 Splash onto the prone Aries and record the big victory for Highspots and Hairspray and another big defeat for Evolution Species. [B]Winners – Highspots and Hairspray[/B] [I]As Highspots and Hairspray celebrated to the back the members of Evolution Species looked dejected and Aries didn’t look happy in the slightest. He got on the microphone and basically said that he picked those two because he felt they were the future but they seem to be buckling under the pressure and that will not do at all. He gave Cross and Abercrombie one chance to prove themselves or they were done with Evolution Species as he announced they would be going up against El Generico and Kevin Steen in a tag team match in Long Island. Win and they are given another chance, lose and Austin will be looking for a new stable that are actually capable of winning. [/I] [B]Match Eight FIP Heavyweight Title “The Messiah of the Backbreaker” Roderick Strong vs. Necro Butcher[/B] It was announced before the match began that it was anything goes, which played right into the hand of Necro and he wasted no time as he just manhandled Strong over the barrier sending a load of chairs flying. Necro then began laying in his trademark rights and lefts to the face and body as Strong tried to cover up best he could and fight back with the odd chop that seemed to be having no effect on the Butcher. Necro pounded Strong about a little more before the action returned to the ring and Necro attempted a Tiger Driver only to receive a low blow and then Half Nelson backbreaker from Strong. Strong then went to the outside and got a chair before getting back in the ring and just like a maniac start smacking Necro with it over and over putting huge dents in the chair. Strong the picked up Necro to his feet and delivered three Death by Roderick’s before delivering two sickening slams onto the chair. Strong then locked the Stronghold on a lifeless Necro as Todd Sinclair called for the bell and Strong retained. [B]Winner and still FIP Heavyweight Champion – Roderick Strong[/B] [I]After the match Roderick got on the microphone and said he would keep it short and sweet, THAT was no remorse, Strong, Richards and Romero are the No Remorse Corps and they show no remorse to anybody and Necro was first in a line of many victims as they destroy the world of professional wrestling bit by bit and mould it into their own ideal with them at the mountain top. [/I] [B]Match Nine ROH World Tag Team Titles The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe) vs. Lords of the Ring (“The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal) w/Allison Danger[/B] A great semi-main event here with Lords of the Ring attempting to gain back the tag team titles from the Briscoe Brothers and trying everything in their arsenal to do so. Daniels and Sydal tried just about anything, both men pulled off all their different finishing move variations but the resilient champions would not stay down. It was the same story in reverse however as the Briscoes were also throwing everything but the kitchen sink at LOTR but they wouldn’t stay down either and it seemed as though no one would ever get the win. In the end The Briscoes managed to retain when a Daniels Angels Wings attempt on Mark was reversed into an Air Raid Crash variation spiking Daniels right on his neck giving Jay the Chance to deliver a Jay Driller, the third of the match and Sydal’s second to get the win and retain. [B]Winners and still ROH World Tag Team Champions – The Briscoe Brothers[/B] [I]The Briscoes left to the back and Christopher Daniels got on the microphone, seems everyone has something to tonight. Daniels talked through his career in Ring of Honor before saying what many expected, “But all good things come to an end” before going on to announce that his tenure in Ring of Honor would soon be coming to an end. At the Manhattan centre in May, Christopher Daniels will take part in his finally match for the company. He is interrupted by Sydal whispering something to him as Daniels hand over the microphone. Sydal says that in recent times Daniels has been somewhat like a mentor to him and helped him realize his dream of holding a title in Ring of Honor. It is for this reason that he would be honored if he could be the final opponent for Daniels in the company. Daniels nods in acceptance as a tearful Allison Danger takes the microphone. She says that she has always stuck by Daniels, she stuck by him even when he was gone for so long, she would not let the Prophecy die and even though the Prophecy is no more she felt Daniels and her had some sort of bond. She is disgusted with Daniels that he could just abandon her and not even tell her, make her have to hear it when all of the rest of the arena does. She called Daniels a heartless bastard and says their friendship is over before spitting in his face and running off crying to the back. A short intermission was taken to take down the ropes and replace them with barbed wire and set up the Razor Blade boards. [/I] [B]Main Event Emo Massacre Main Event “The Emo Warrior” Jimmy Jacobs w/”The Lovely” Lacey vs. BJ Whitmer[/B] Before the match gets going Jacobs says that he doesn’t want Lacey to see how this all turns out as either way it is going to be messy, he tells her to go to the back and he would “get the job done”. The match began with a bit of a standoff as both men tried to force the other into the barbed wire but neither would budge. After both men realized this was not the way to go they began just openly fist fighting as the intense hatred could be felt around the arena. Whitmer then started laying in forearms and took control before Jimmy slid out underneath the barbed wire beckoning Whitmer to follow. Jacobs and Whitmer than had a long brawl all over the arena and at one point the action even spilt to the outside as Jacobs’ head was rammed into a dumpster. By the time both men were back anywhere near the ring both had the proverbial crimson mask. Jacobs was then dropped chest first onto the barbed wire by Whitmer as cuts immediately opened up on the torso and Whitmer pulled out a Pizza Cutter and began just cutting away at the cuts making them deeper and larger and Jacobs screamed in agony. Whitmer kept telling Jacobs to just give up as Jacobs was losing a hell of a lot of blood from a large forehead gash as well as the cuts on his stomach. Whitmer then signaled for a lariat to take Jacobs’ head off but Jimmy had the whereabouts to dodge it and Whitmer went hard into the barbed wire and got tangled up with his hair and skin having to be forcefully prized away from the barbed wire by Jason Harding. Jacobs then landed the Contra Code for a long two count before turning his attention to the Brutal Razor board, laying it out and ascending the turnbuckle with Whitmer close behind. Both men teetered on the top, trying to plunge the other one down onto the Razor board and eventually Whitmer looked to be setting Jacobs up for a Powerbomb but Jacobs reversed it with a huge back drop that sent Whitmer crashing back first onto the Razor Blade board. Some children whose parents had decided it was fine for them to watch the match turned away and some were physically crying as Jacobs then dived off onto a prone Whitmer with a back senton with the Razor Blades still under Whitmer. Jacobs pulled him off the blades as blood was pouring from Whitmer’s back and Jacobs covered for the three count to take the win in a match that almost killed both men. [B]Winner – Jimmy Jacobs[/B] [I]As the match ended Whitmer and Jacobs were both laid in pools of their own blood as medics came down to tend to the carnage and Lacey came down to congratulate Jimmy although he seemed in and out of consciousness. [/I] [quote][B]Predictions Contest[/B] The Watcher won as with the death of the old Corp-X I don’t have the prediction from there anymore and thus the only person to predict from GDS won. Well done :p[/quote]
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[center][b]Ring of Honor Newswire for April Week 1 2007[/b] WOW, what a weekend that was with a lot of talking points coming out of the event in the process. An amazingly brutal match between Jimmy Jacobs and BJ Whitmer, solid weekend for the No Remorse Corps and of course the news that Christopher Daniels will not be with the company for very much longer. In another piece of sad news, someone else who we may not see in a while is BJ Whitmer; during his match with Jimmy Jacobs he re-aggravated an elbow injury in addition to getting many lacerations all over his body. Whitmer’s match with Austin Aries has been called off fro Long Island next Friday due to this fact. Instead, Jimmy Jacobs will be going up against Austin Aries in a match that will determine who faces Roderick Strong for the FIP World Title when we visit the St Paul Armory at the end of the month. This is a huge opportunity for Jacobs after his impressive recent form and also a chance for Aries to get his hands on Strong one on one. A new rivalry to come out of the weekend seems to be between Adam Pearce and Colt Cabana. Cabana picked up a pinfall over Pearce at the first night this weekend to win a four corner survival but Pearce had the last laugh the following night when he laid out Cabana with a chain before spiking him on his head. ROH Officials have made a match for our return to the Frontier Fieldhouse in Chicago as Cabana and Pearce will go one on one. Negotiations are ongoing with two women to take on the international challenge laid down by Daizee Haze, one should be revealed later this week with the other being announced early next week in addition to an exciting opportunity that will be provided between Ring of Honor and SHIMMER to benefit the women’s division. Word on Delirious is that there is no major injury to either of his arms from the attacks from Brent Albright although he will miss the next two events for purely precautionary measures. He will get his chance at retribution on Brent Albright when they collide in Manhattan in May. This card is already huge as it marks the end of Christopher Daniels in ROH as he faces off with Matt Sydal one on one as well as being the in-ring return of Bryan Danielson to try and wrestle away the World Title from NOAH star Takeshi Morishima. Before then when we hit St Paul, Delirious will team up with the debuting Hallowicked as they form their “Incoherence” tag team for the first time in Ring of Honor, taking on Davey Richards and Rocky Romero of the No Remorse Corps. Richards will be in action the following night in what promises to be a very stiff encounter against Gran Akuma. SHINGO will be in a special Dragon Gate three way dance in Long Island as he goes against Jack Evans and Matt Sydal in a truly intriguing contest with Sydal going on the following night to a one on one match with the technically gifted Chris Hero. We promised it earlier in the week and now we can announce that the first person to answer Daizee Haze’s open International Challenge and set to be facing Daizee in Long Island next week will be the UK Sensation, current RQW Women’s Champion the Jezebel Eden Black. Black will even be putting the title on the line in the interesting encounter with Miss Haze. Chris Hero used underhanded tactics to defeat Claudio Castagnoli but how will he fair when he goes up against Colt Cabana in Long Island next week. Both men are technically gifted in many styles and it is certainly a match that could go either way. That’s all for this week, next week the finishing touches will be added to the Long Island and Edison cards as well as more information on St Paul, Chicago and much more. [/center]
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[center][b]Ring of Honor Newswire for April Week 2 2007[/b] Well a mere couple of days away from the Long Island/Edison double shot and the card will this week be polished up and finished off and is already looking great. If The Briscoe Brothers manage to make it out of Long Island on Friday with the tag team titles they will put them on the line the following night in Edison against the team of Jimmy Rave and Brent Albright. Both men have been doing well as of late and although they are an odd pairing they could take the titles from the champions as long as they stay on the same page. A four corner survival has been added to the Edison card with Kevin Steen, Colt Cabana, Pelle Primeau and Rocky Romero steeping into the ring together. This looks like a very interesting tie that anything could happen in and if all men are on form it could even steal the show. The final match added to Long Island will see Homicide look for revenge against Brent Albright. Albright tried to put Homicide out of commission on behalf of Bryan Danielson late last year and finally Homicide has a chance to step in the ring and even the score. Speaking of Homicide he has announced that at the Trios Tournament there will be a Rottweilers team taking part. No details as of yet as to who will be a part of the team but we can confirm there will be Rottweiler participation in the tournament. The huge Manhattan centre event has just gotten huger as a tag team title defence has been added for whoever are the champions at the time to take on the British duo of Doug Williams and Nigel McGuinness. Williams and Nigel both know what it is like to taste ROH gold and will want to taste that sweet taste again. An intriguing match has been added to Edison with El Generico going up in a singles encounter with Claudio Castagnoli. This will be a great chance for Claudio to turn things around after his recent bad luck. Generico on the other hand could cement a place on the permanent roster with a big win against the Swiss native. The second person to answer Daizee Haze’s challenge can be revealed today and is a big one. Joshi legend Mariko Yoshida has stepped up to the plate and will go up against Daizee. If she manages to defeat Eden Black for the RQW Women’s Title the night before it will be on the line in this contest. In big news regarding women’s wrestling in the United States and beyond, details are rather sketchy at the moment but Ring of Honor, SHIMMER and the United Kingdoms Real Quality Wrestling will soon combine to have a unique tournament to crown the first person to hold the Trans-Atlantic Trophy. This will feature women from both sides of the Atlantic in a tournament leading to someone winning the trophy and going on to defend it like a regular belt. Since walking out on Christopher Daniels we have not heard nothing from Allison Danger, will she show up at the shows this weekend, who knows? If she does what state of mind will she even be in after recent events? Dragon Gate flyer Dragon Kid has been exclusively added to the St Paul and Chicago Ridge events in two unique matches. In St Paul Dragon Kid will team with Matt Sydal to go up against The Briscoe Brothers with the titles on the line if they are still the title holders at the time. The following night in Chicago we will see an interesting eight man tag, Dragon Kid will team up with Matt Sydal, Christopher Daniels and Jigsaw to take on Highspots and Hairspray of Jack Evans, Shiima Xion and Ted Hart and their partner Hallowicked. This promises to be interesting and also will be under elimination rules, unique elimination rules that mean if it comes down to 2, 3 or 4 people from the same team they will then fight it out until we have one true winner. The names of the two shows this weekend can also be revealed as the Long Island show will be named Big Apple Bash and the following night aptly being named Generation Never due to the fact all three members of Generation Next will put all previous affiliation truly behind them as they face off. So here are the two spectacular cards for the two night of action this weekend, make sure you get to at least one of these events as they could have huge implications on future shows. [quote][b]Prediction Friendly Cards Big Apple Bash – Sports Plus Entertainment Centre – Friday Week 2 April ROH World Tag Team Titles[/b] The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe) vs. No Remorse Corps (“The Messiah of the Backbreaker” Roderick Strong and “Mr Intensity” Davey Richards vs. Ricky Reyes and The Joker [b]Xavier Return Match #1[/b] Xavier vs. Rocky “Azucar” Romero [b]Daizee Haze International Challenge #1 RQW Women's Title[/b] Daizee Haze vs. “The Jezebel” Eden Black [b]FIP World Title Number One Contenders Match[/b] “The Emo Warrior” Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey vs. “The Wrestling Machine” Austin Aries [b]Dragon Gate Three Way Dance[/b] SHINGO vs. “The Prince of Parkland” Jack Evans vs. Matt Sydal [b]Grudge Match[/b] “The Notorious 187” Homicide w/“The Devils Son in Law” Julius T. Smokes vs. Brent Albright “The Savior” Chris Hero w/“Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney vs. “Classic” Colt Cabana Evolution Species ("The Trendsetter" Josh Abercrombie and Matt Cross) vs. “Mr. Wrestling” Kevin Steen and “The Generic Luchadore” El Generico ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b]Generation Never – Inman Sports Club – Saturday Week 2 April Generation Next EXPLODES! [/b] “The Wrestling Machine” Austin Aries vs. “The Messiah of the Backbreaker” Roderick Strong vs. “The Prince of Parkland” Jack Evans [b]ROH World Tag Team Titles[/b] The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe) vs. “The Hired Gun” Brent Albright and “The Crown Jewel” Jimmy Rave [b]Special Challenge[/b] “Mr Intensity” Davey Richards vs. Matt Cross [b]Xavier Return Match #2[/b] Xavier vs. SHINGO [b]Daizee Haze International Challenge #2[/b] Daizee Haze vs. Mariko Yoshida “The Savior” Chris Hero w/“Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney vs. Matt Sydal “The Generic Luchadore” El Generico vs. “Double C” Claudio Castagnoli [b]Four Corner Survival[/b] “Mr Wrestling” Kevin Steen vs. “Classic” Colt Cabana vs. Rocky “Azucar” Romero vs. Pelle Primeau [/quote] [/center]
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[b]Ring of Honor Presents: Big Apple Bash Friday Week 2 April 2007 Sports Plus Entertainment Centre Announcers: Dave Prazak and Lenny Leonard Pre Show[/b] Lacey over Alexa Thatcher via Implant DDT. Pelle Primeau and Mitch Franklin over Jason Blade and Rhett Titus via Franklin Fisherman Suplex on Blade. Larry Sweeney over Corvis Fear via Shreveport Smash [b]Main Show[/b] [i]Rebecca Bayless begins the show with Homicide who is talking about his grudge match with Brent Albright tonight. ‘Cide says that tonight the score will be settled, he knows Albright was nothing more than a hired goon for Danielson at the time and after tonight that will be even more clear as Albright feels the Cop Killer first hand. We then cut to Allison Danger and she talks about how after Christopher Daniels announced his departure she was all alone until last week someone came and saved her. She referred to the person as the “Higher Power” and said that the Prophecy was nothing as once her and this person put together their “followers” Ring of Honor will be brought to its knees in a way Daniels and co could never manage. She announced that starting tonight she was actively scouting talent on behalf of the higher power and only the best people get into the “Church of the Divine” Danger then walks off presumably to scout. [/i] [b]Match One Evolution Species ("The Trendsetter" Josh Abercrombie and Matt Cross) vs. “Mr. Wrestling” Kevin Steen and “The Generic Luchadore” El Generico[/b] It was do or die for Cross and Abercrombie here as they knew that a defeat would mean both being thrown out of Evolution Species and maybe even losing their place on the ROH roster. The early stages saw a very even match with both sides getting their fair share of offence in until Steen spiked Abercrombie on his head with a Steenalizer for a two count which really took the wind out of Josh’s sails. Generico and Steen worked over Abercrombie in an almost heel like way as Josh played the face in peril before getting the hot tag to Cross who cleaned house before diving to the outside one Generico after tagging back out to Josh. This allowed Josh to land Kevin Steen with the Taliban Backpack Lung blower followed by a picture perfect Phoenix Splash for the big win. [b]Winners – Evolution Species Match Two “The Savior” Chris Hero w/“Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney vs. “Classic” Colt Cabana[/b] A great technical encounter here between two people well versed in the European wrestling style as much of the match was just trading off of holds and counter holds rather than the typical big moves independent style match. Due to the fact that the match was just a tradeoff of holds it came as no surprise when the finish virtually came out of nowhere as Cabana had a Japanese strangle hold variation on Hero who pushed back into a pinning combination forcing all of his weight down onto Cabana for the three count. [b]Winner – Chris Hero[/b] [i]Hero and Sweeney celebrated on the outside of the ring as Cabana just looked baffled on the inside. [/i] [b]Match Three Grudge Match “The Notorious 187” Homicide w/“The Devils Son in Law” Julius T. Smokes vs. Brent Albright[/b] This was a hard hitting affair right from the get go as both men just went at it until ‘Cide got the advantage and started just manhandling Albright with menace before eventually throwing him out of the ring. Once outside of the ring Homicide attempted to throw Albright into the guardrail but ended up being sent hurtling shoulder first into it before then having his shoulder rammed into the ring post three times. Albright’s game plan was clear as he was working over the left arm and shoulder of Homicide in preparation for the Crowbar that he likes to utilise. Homicide tried fighting back numerous times but Albright kept going back to the one weakened shoulder until out of nowhere Albright got smashed with the West Brooklyn Lariat as Homicide then lifted him up and dropped him right on his head with the Cop Killer. Albright must have been watching old BJ Whitmer tapes however as he rolled to the outside out of harms way to recuperate. ‘Cide followed him out but Albright out of sight of the referee Mike Kehner pulled what looked like a tire iron out from under the ring and levelled ‘Cide in the injured shoulder with it. Albright then took Homicide back into the ring and locked on the Crowbar as he wrenched back and wrenched back as ‘Cide passed out with the pain and Kehner called the match. [b]Winner – Brent Albright [/b] [i]Albright’s hand was raised as we saw Allison Danger stood at the top of the ramp applauding Albright’s efforts before then strolling off. [/i] [b]Match Four Dragon Gate Three Way Dance SHINGO vs. “The Prince of Parkland” Jack Evans vs. Matt Sydal[/b] A fast paced match here as Evans and Sydal both took numerous high risks to try and win the match whilst SHINGO was just attempting to overpower both of the men with high impact moves. A lot of the match was SHINGO working over Evans as Sydal tried to get involved but was repeatedly thrown to the outside of beaten down into a corner by SHINGO to allow him more time taking out Evans slowly but surely. This was an effective tactic until eventually Sydal landed a big jumping Enziguri to the temple of SHINGO before landing the Here it is Driver. As he was about to pin him Jack Evans sneaked up from behind and dropkicked Sydal to the outside before scaling to the top rope and landing the 630 Splash on SHINGO for the three count and the big win. [b]Winner – Jack Evans[/b] [i]It was now time for intermission and on the DVD release Allison Danger can be seen talking to Brent Albright but the sound cannot be heard and as the camera draws closer Danger abruptly ends the conversation and walks off as Albright pushes past the cameraman. [/i] [b]Match Five FIP World Title Number One Contenders Match “The Emo Warrior” Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey vs. “The Wrestling Machine” Austin Aries[/b] A great match here as Jacobs and Aries both went all out in an attempt to get the shot at the FIP title. Aries had a lot of chances to win it in the early stages as he dominated Jacobs until outside interference from Lacey distracting Aries allowed Jacobs to take over the control of the match and work over the neck of Aries. Jacobs continued working the neck before attempting the Contra Code which Aries somehow reversed into a modified Brainbuster for a long two count. Aries then worked over Jacobs some more until Josh Abercrombie randomly appeared and as Lacey distracted the referee and Abercrombie climbed into the ring and waffled Aries with a chair before landing a Phoenix Splash on the chair and throwing Jacobs on top as the referee turned around and counted the three. [b]Winner – Jimmy Jacobs[/b] [i]After the match Jacobs and Lacey celebrated his title shot win as Abercrombie got on the microphone. He said to Aries that he used him to get a foot in the door at Ring of Honor; he got the call offering him the spot in Evolution Species and thought it was the perfect way to get into Ring of Honor. He even put up with teaming with a no good no hoper like Matt Cross but now its over and Josh can cut ties with the “tools” he used and work his way up to the top of Ring of Honor. Aries then rose to his feet and Abercrombie bailed to the outside. Aries said that if Josh wanted to go up against the best ROH has to offer then he is laying two matches on the table for him as in St Paul it will be Matt Cross and Josh one on one so Josh can prove himself against the so called “No Hoper”. Then the following night in Chicago Ridge it will be Josh up against Aries one on one. [/i] [b]Match Six Daizee Haze International Challenge #1 RQW Women's Title Daizee Haze vs. “The Jezebel” Eden Black[/b] A great women’s match here and a preview to the kind of action that can be expected from the Trans-Atlantic Trophy once it is decided upon. Both women got a fairly equal amount of offence in as Daizee played up the heel using various underhanded tactics every time that Black got anywhere near a flurry of offence. Daizee thought she had the win when she began winding up for the heart punch but Jezebel slipped out of it and landed a nice clothesline before attempting the Eden Project (Japanese ocean cyclone Suplex) but Daizee reversed it into a victory roll holding the tights to win the match and win the title. [b]Winner and New RQW Women’s Champion – Daizee Haze[/b] [i]As Daizee celebrated Jezebel was noticeably angry and began talking on the microphone about how she was screwed and Daizee had the tights and wants a rematch for what is rightfully hers. Just then Gary Michael Cappetta hit the ring and said that ROH management had just this second decided to make a change to tomorrow’s card as Eden Black will get a chance to win back her RQW Women’s Title in a three way with Daizee Haze and Mariko Yoshida. [/i] [b]Match Seven Xavier Return Match #1 Xavier vs. Rocky “Azucar” Romero [/b] A rather good reaction on his return for Xavier and he did not disappoint as he put on a great showpiece with Romero as Rocky immediately started laying in the stiff kicks and chops but Xavier fought them off and almost got the win with the X-Breaker but Romero rolled out after a two count. Xavier had took a lot out of Romero with this however as he began working on wearing him down more and more only for Romero to virtually out of nowhere land a big La Bamba followed by the Jujigatame for a tap out. [b]Winner – Rocky Romero[/b] [i]Before the main event we are informed that it will be under elimination rules by referee Todd Sinclair. [/i] [b]Main Event ROH World Tag Team Titles The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe) vs. No Remorse Corps (“The Messiah of the Backbreaker” Roderick Strong and “Mr. Intensity” Davey Richards) vs. Ricky Reyes and The Joker[/b] An amazingly stiff contest here as all three teams were going all out to try and get the early advantage which lead to a great stiff chop tradeoff between Roderick Strong and The Joker as neither man backed down until Joker ended the tradeoff with a stiff headbutt to Strong which was so hard it busted him open. This severely weakened Strong and both the Briscoes and Reyes and Joker did a good job of keeping Strong away from his corner where he could tag out to Richards but eventually after Strong landed Mark Briscoe with a stiff kick to the head he managed to make the tag to Richards who laid out all four opponents out before picking up Jay Briscoe and landing him with the DR Driver but Jay Rolled to the outside. After much more brawling between the six men the match really broke down and Ricky Reyes was left all alone with both of the Briscoes in the ring as he got planted with the Spike Jay Driller and pinned for the three count. So now we were down to The Briscoe Brothers and No Remorse Corps and both teams took on a new lease of life and really went at it throwing everything that they could at each other until eventually Roderick Strong fell victim to the Springboard doomsday Device leaving him incapacitated for just long enough for Jay to give the Jay Driller to Davey Richards followed up by a Mark Shooting Star press as the Briscoe Brothers retained the titles. [b]Winners – The Briscoe Brothers[/b] [i]The Briscoe Brothers celebrated in the ring as the show came to an end.[/i] [quote][b]Predictions Contest[/b] CMPunker – 5 Craig/Zigon – 5 Score Draw :p [/quote]
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