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The rise of TCW!

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[I]"I don't get it, the ratings have been going up. Ok, they're not great but there not exactly terrible." "Yeah I know, I know" "The show seemed to go down [I]well[/I] last night."[/I] "Yeah I know, I know" [I]"So what seems to be the problem?" "There's not really a problem." "Of course there is, I can tell. It's in your voice. Spit it out"[/I] [I]"..."[/I] [I]"Hello?"[/I] [I]"Yeah yeah, I'm here. Look, I think it's time for a change. It's something I've been mulling over for a while now. I need to take SWF in another direction."[/I] [I]"Cool,"[/I][I] "Yeah, that means changing a few things around."[/I] [I]"What you got in mind?"[/I] [I]"Uh...you."[/I] [I]"Me!"[/I] [I]"Listen T this is nothing personal. I just think that you've been working hard lately, real hard and I perhaps even too hard and so I guess maybe it's taken it's toll on you. Maybe it's time you took some time out, refresh yourself and then get those creative juices flowing through your veins again."[/I] [I]"So you're not firing me?"[/I] [I]"Let's just say we're parting ways for the time being."[/I] [I]"Are you firing me or not?"[/I] [I]"Well...yeah. But you know maybe in the future we can do business again."[/I] [I]"Thanks Richard but if this is how you do business then forget it. [I]F[/I]iring [I]me over the phone is not how people do business properly[/I] you prick!"[/I] [click] It took me a while to get over what had happened. I'd been with the company for 12 years. Starting out as creative writer and then quickly working my way up to head booker. I'd helped the company fight off the competition that threatened to tear it apart and that prick just fires me like that. I didn't see that coming. He was right though,the product needed freshing up. The shows were becoming predictable. The average wrestling fan could write it. I'll admit I was running out of ideas, we all were. Maybe he was right maybe I did need a break. At least now I'd get some quality time to spend with the wife and kids. Maybe I'd take a year or two out, relax and go to South East Asia like I keep telling myself I'd do sometime. I told Anna that I'd been fired from my job and she seemed pretty cool with it, which surprised me. She did reiterate what I'd been thinking, it was a chance to take a breather. That was 2004, it was now 2007 and I was thoroughly enjoying my free time. In fact, me and the family were just preparing to take a holiday to Madrid and was just about to get into the cab to the airport when I got a phone call from Tommy Cornell. He wanted to talk business there was an opening for the head booker position and he wondered if I was interested. I hadn't heard from him in ages. To be honest I'd kind of stayed away from the wrestling business since I left only, catching a glimpse of it every now and then just to see what the hell Richard was up to. From what I saw it was pretty good. Not groundbreaking but good enough to hold my attention for more than a few minutes. I told him I'd give him a call when I got back from Madrid in two weeks time. I'd been out of the game for so long that I was getting pretty comfortable. I hadn't thought about racking my brains and coming up with exciting storylines that would caputre the audience and force them to stop and take notice. But over the course of the holiday that's all I could think of. Of course I new that Tommy's promotion had been a deadly rival of SWF, that Tommy had taken over the reigns and of course he wanted to knock SWF off of its perch. It would be a great way to show Richard that I still had it. Forget Richard. I had nothing to prove to him. I'd done that many times over when we went head to head with HGC, I needed the challenge. As soon as I got back home I called Tommy and set up a meeting.
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