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What if....Houston Wrestling - Panix style!

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[CENTER][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][B]Main event[/B] Junkyard Dog [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/JunkyardDog2.jpg[/IMG] Age: 29 Wage: $1800 PPA Notes: I see JYD as being a major player for the fed. He has consistently received positive reactions and is defiantly a guy I want to keep hold of. Gino Hernandez [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/GinoHernandez.jpg[/IMG] Age: 26 Wage: $1000 PPA Notes: One of my most consistent peformers thus far. Havn’t really got any decent storys for him just yet, but this guy is too good for ratings to let go – besides Eric will never forgive me if I release him! Kamala [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/Kamala2.jpg[/IMG] Age: 30 Wage: $1400 PPA Notes: I love Kamala, I just think he’s got a very quirky, easy to like character and for a big man he is OK in the ring. The fans love him and he has been putting on good matches. The masked Superstar [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/MaskedSuperstar.jpg[/IMG] Age: 36 Wage: $1400 PPA Notes: A bit long in the tooth now. But he is seriously over with the HCW faithful. Im not overly fond of his gimmick and a gimmick change could mean a decent storyline, but at 36 he’s not going to be around forever.
[B]Upper midcard[/B] Mr Olympia [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/MrOlympia2.jpg[/IMG] Age: 34 Wage: $800 PPA Notes: Good in-ring skills but not very popular. I don’t really know what to do with him when his current story arc is over, so he will either be unmasked or released. Butch Reed [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/ButchReed.jpg[/IMG] Age: 27 Wage: $1000 PPA Notes: Well, he is butch! I actually like Reed, I think he has a good look and OK skills. Needs a bit of a push I think. Havn’t got anything for him just yet, but I’m defiantly gonna keep him around. Super Destroyer [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/SuperDestroyer1.jpg[/IMG] Age: 30 Wage: $1000 PPA Notes: Super destroyer may be on his way out once his current story is finished. Not really a big fan, he hasn’t got youth on his side and his wages are pretty high. The one thing holding me back is his high match ratings thus far. Chavo Guerrero [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/ChavoGuerrero2.jpg[/IMG] Age: 34 Wage: $800 PPA Notes: I’m a big fan of Chavo Sr. He has impressive skills in the ring and is pretty popular especially in Mexico. Getting on a bit, but I have a few idea’s for him yet.
[B]Midcard[/B] Arn Anderson [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/ArnAnderson2.jpg[/IMG] Age: 24 Wage: $500 PPA Notes: I’m a big admirer of AA so you can expect to see a rise up the card for him. I’m going to be tagging him with Malenko for a bit and see what happens from there. Iron Mike Sharpe [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/MikeSharpe.jpg[/IMG] Age: 30 Wage: $500 PPA Notes: My little mini push seems to be having a good effect on Sharpe. I doubt he will jump out of the midcard much, but he’s a useful guy to have around and he’s not that expensive either. Jake the Snake [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/JakeRoberts.jpg[/IMG] Age: 27 Wage: $1150 PPA Notes: A bit pricey but an absolute legend in the ring! As soon as the crowd get behind him expect to see him in a lot of main events! Jim Duggan [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/JimDuggan.jpg[/IMG] Age: 30 Wage: $800 PPA Notes: Not really the worlds greatest in-ring performer, but has enough popularity to make him worthwhile keeping about, but will have to consider this when his contract expires, if he starts asking for figures I may just show him the door. Buddy Landell [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BuddyLandell.jpg[/IMG] Age: 21 Wage: $800 PPA Notes: Not really set the world alight for me, his wages are a bit steep as well. Is OK in the ring and has age on his side, but is probably a candidate for release. Matt Borne [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/MattBorne.jpg[/IMG] Age: 25 Wage: $800 Notes: Matt Borne or ‘Marvellous’ Matt Borne as he will soon be known, has a good future, but a poor attitude. I really want to push this guy, but his attitude may hamper his progress. Magnum TA [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/MagnumTA.jpg[/IMG] Age: 23 Wage: $675 Notes: I will almost certainly be saying goodbye to Maggie, I just don’t like him! And there is no way im paying somebody $675 a night just to job – badly!
[B]Lower midcard[/B] Art Crews [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/artcrews.jpg[/IMG] Age: 28 Wage: $100 PPA Notes: Will probably keep as job as long as he don’t expect any sort of pay rise! El Sicodelicio [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/Sicodelico.jpg[/IMG] Age: 44 Wage: $600 Notes: This guy wants far too much money for a lower midcarder, plus he is pretty old! I think he will be out the door as soon as his brother is gone. Dean Malenko [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DeanMalenko.jpg[/IMG] Age: 22 Wage: $425 Notes: Is on quite big wages for his position on the card, but he’s a big prospect.
[B]Opener[/B] Perry Jackson [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/PerryJackson.jpg[/IMG] Age: 24 Wage: $100 PPA Notes: Got a bit of a push for him on the way, but I don’t wanna give him too much pushing, because he is essentially a jobber! Leatherface [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/Leatherface.jpg[/IMG] Age: 21 Wage: $150 Notes: He’s cheap and he looks cool! Yeah he sucks, but he wears a friggin leather mask! Worth the $150 for that alone!
[B]Enhancement talent[/B] Mike Bond [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/mikebond.jpg[/IMG] Age: 25 Wage: $100 Notes: Will keep him around to fill up the lower half of the card.
[B]Occasional wrestler[/B] Mil Mascaras [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/MilMascaras.jpg[/IMG] Age: 40 Wage: $2200 Notes: too old, can’t use him too much because of his part time status, plus he’s old and a bit of an arsehole backstage. So once his storyline is done, he will be gone for good, shame really, he was amazing for ratings!
[B]Manager[/B] Lee-James Bovey [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/Leebovey.jpg[/IMG] Age: 25 Wage: Pah, are you kidding? Notes: Well I have helped raise the popularity of HCW thus far haven’t I? Just need to balance the books a bit better!
[B]Anouncer[/B] Peter Birkholz [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/PeterB.jpg[/IMG] Age: 37 Wage: $1500 written Notes: Wages are a bit steep, but as announcers go he’s pretty young! Only got 6 months left on his contract so I will probably wait till then before making a decision on him.
[B]Colour commentator[/B] Paul Boesch [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/PaulBoesch.jpg[/IMG] Age: 67 Wage: $3000 lifetime Notes: You can’t change your boss! Shame really!
[B]Referee[/B] Nick Patrick [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/NickPatrick.jpg[/IMG] Age: 23 Wage: $800 Notes: A very solid, young referee, really glad we have him.
[B]No push[/B] Tiger Conway Jr [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/TigerConwayJr.jpg[/IMG] Age: 32 Wage: $500 Notes: His tagging with leatherface was fruit-less and I can’t really think what to do with him. I cant be bothered to even try and push him, so I think he will be on his way.
[B]Summary[/B] Having looked through the roster I think the 3 releases are going to be: Tiger Conway Jr. Magnum TA Buddy Landell When I can loosen the purse strings a bit there are a few others that might be out the door, but for now I am fairly happy with the roster.[/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/HCWbanner.jpg[/IMG] [B]Location: Small Mid-south Venue[/B][/CENTER] [B]Peter Birholz: [/B]Im Peter Birholz and with me is always is Paul Boesch and after a rip roaring night at the January big show i can't wait to see what the fall out from that show is like. [B]Paul Boesch: [/B]I couldn't agree more Pete, there are a lot of issue's still yet to be resolved and im sure they will spill onto TV on the next few week's broadcasting.
[B]Segment 1: [/B] The Camera show the backstage area where Leatherface is shown cutting up leather in a mental, psychotic fashion. [B]Rating: E [/B]
[B]Segment2: [/B] Mike Sharpe’s music played and he made his way down to the ring. [B]Paul Boesch:[/B] Well it’s safe to say that Sharpe doesn’t look happy after last week’s big show. [B]Peter Birkholz:[/B] I think your right Paul, rumour has it he’s furious about his opponent in the number 1 contender match. [B]Paul Boesch:[/B] Well I guess we are about to find out. [B]Mike Sharpe:[/B] As much as I hate to admit it, I was defeated last week and missed out on my opportunity at a title shot. There was one man who is responsible for this, Lee Bovey! If you had given me my title shot in the 1st place this never would have happened you have had it in for me from the start. And I aint gonna tolerate it no more. Not telling me my opponent till just before my match was appalling and the blame stops with you. Its solely your fault that its going to be Jake Roberts going for that title and not me! [B]Rating: D[/B]
[B]Match: Iron Mike Vs. Arn Anderson[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/MikeSharpe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/thvs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/ArnAnderson2.jpg[/IMG] Iron Mike looked determined to prove that he is no flash in the pan with a typically violent onslaught aimed the way of the talented Arn Anderson. A fairly even match up saw Arn’s superior technical ability give him the upper hand. However he could not quite hit the Anderson slam and Mike took advantage of that by raking the eyes of Anderson and following that up with a thunderous clothesline giving him the victory. [B]Winner: Iron Mike Rating: D+[/B]
[B]Segment3:[/B] The masked superstar makes his way to the ring for his scheduled match against Mike Bond. He enters the ring and takes the microphone away from the ring announcer. [B]Masked superstar:[/B] I’m sure there were plenty of people who came to the show last night who must be feeling pig sick, sick because they had to sit here and witness one of the biggest miscarriages of justice, in the history of professional wrestling. I’m the ring with Gino, one of the most talented workers in the game and I get screwed by that idiot Kamala. He had no business to get involved in the match, none at all. It ruined what would have surely been an awesome spectacle. So I think its only fair that next week on HCW TV that Gino and I go one and one and replay the match the fair way, what do you say Gino, you willing to sign on the dotted line? [B]Rating: C+[/B]
[B]Match: The masked superstar Vs. Mike Bond[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/MaskedSuperstar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/thvs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/mikebond.jpg[/IMG] This was never going to be pretty and never going to end on a high note for Mike Bond as the determined Masked Superstar came quick out of the blocks and unloaded on poor Bond with a flurry of forearms to the face. Then he fired him into the ropes and caught him on the rebound with an almighty clothesline that could have legitimately broken Bond’s Jaw. No need for any fancy finishing manoeuvres no sooner had it started it ended with a win for the masked superstar. [B]Winner: The masked Superstar Rating: D[/B]
[B]Segment4:[/B] Gino Hernandez walked brashly down to the ring with the brand new, gleaming HCW title draping over his shoulder, he smiled and winked at a girl in the front row of the audience before jumping over the ropes with a microphone in hand. Gino Hernandez: Hello to my many fans here in Houston. I’m sure you have all seen that leading up to the January big show I was steam rolling wrestler after wrestler, they all wanna be like Gino, well guess what there is only one of me! Its only fitting that the most handsome man in the whole of this state be the champion, YOUR champion! The only problem is that my match’s have become boring recently, it must be hard for you people to watch when you already know who the winner is going to be! And as for this Roberts fella, who brings a snake to the ring, pah, I got no need for that, when I wrap these pythons around his neck, he is going to go to sleep with the rest of them! And as for you Masked Superstar the Handsome half breed recognises talent and so next week on HCW TV you will get your title shot. [B]Rating: B-[/B]
[B]Match Gino Hernandez Vs. Art Crews[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/GinoHernandez3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/thvs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/artcrews-1.jpg[/IMG] After all the self hype Gino had just spouted a good display was needed to back up his words and predictably it came, although few would have predicted the level of entertainment! Art Crew’s work genrally tends to be hard to watch but Gino managed to carry him to a decent match using his combination of speed and strength he really tested crews and eventually got the win using the reverse flying elbow. [B]Winner: Gino Hernandez Rating: C-[/B]
[B]Segment5: [/B] A video is shown of Jim Duggan backstage crying. The camera plans closer and his head lifts. [B]Jim Duggan: [/B]I just can’t believe Perry has disappeared, I really am worried, I want to know what that brute JYD has done to him, I knew he was low, but I never thought he would sink to this level. He returns to sobbing uncontrollably [B]Rating: F-[/B]
[B]Match: Jake Roberts Vs. Matt Borne[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/JakeRoberts.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/thvs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/MattBorne.jpg[/IMG] A solid, if unspectacular match up saw Jake Roberts pick up the victory over marvellous Matt Borne. Borne fought hard but his rash, but strong offence was not the right approach against a man as technically sound as Jake Roberts who just flat out outwrestled Borne and eventually got the win by the grace of front face lock. [B]Winner: Jake Roberts Rating: D[/B]
[B]Segment6: [/B] Mil Mascaras made his way to ring in his attire ready to face off against his brother El Sicodelicio. He entered the ring and gestured towards the ring announcer that he wanted the microphone. [B]Mil Mascaras: [/B]I want to take this opportunity to just make everyone aware of the format for the competition for my mask to be held at this months big show. There will be two qualifying rounds the 1st with Chavo Guerrero taking on my brother El Sicodelicio and the 2nd with Mr Olympia taking on Super destroyer, the winner of these two match’s will meet in the last show before the big show to decide who will take on me for a chance at becoming Mil Mascaras II. [B]Rating: B+[/B]
Match: El Sicodelico Vs. Mil Mascaras [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/Sicodelico.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/thvs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/MilMascaras.jpg[/IMG] Clearly there is a lot o respect between these two workers and they put on a good solid showing in this match. In an exciting back and forth contest Mil Mascaras finally made his class pay nailing the flying body press and showing the HCW faithful that it is going to take some effort to be considered the next ‘man of a 1000 masks. [B]Winner: Mil Mascaras Rating: C-[/B]
Attendance 1935 Final Rating: D+
[B]Bookers notes:[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/DOTT%20diary/Leebovey.jpg[/IMG] Another show that raised my popularity can't be bad! But my finances are! EEK! I really need to release a few people on my roster who are too expensive! But signing replacments are going to be tough for me with Paul Boesch insisting we only sign resiliant workers who have a really good grasp of the basic's kind of prevents me signing any rookie's. But when the end of the month arive's i will take a look at who i can get to join the roster! It was a bit of a make shift card this week due to financial tie's But hopefully the standard should be a bit higher next week.
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