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The Ravenous MAW Of Death

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[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][B]Saturday 18th April 2007[/B] Rip Chord didn't look happy. He had called the unknown booker into his office and there were no jokes, sarcasm or props this time. [B]Chord:[/B] [I]"What the hell are you playing at. Apparently your not renewing Jean Cattley's contract. You have also fired Marv Earnest & Carlos Conzalez, a man you brough in only a few months before. Explain yourself"[/I] [B]Booker:[/B] [I]"Its all down to money. Mean Jean wanted more than i was willing to pay him for the amount of time i used him. His asking price was more than we get in ticket sales a month. As for Marv, I know you liked him but i have managed to get someone in to replace him for half price and he is just as good."[/I] [B]Chord:[/B] [I]"And Carlos?"[/I] [B]Booker:[/B] [I]"I hold my hand up to that. I had high hopes for him but for the money we had to pay him i dont think he was worth it"[/I] [B]Chord:[/B] [I]"Hmmm. Your treading on thin ice here. Stop f***ing with my company or im going to have you replaced"[/I] [/FONT]
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From mawspace.com [QUOTE] [FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BAW/internet.png[/img] [SIZE="5"][B]Mid Atlantic Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Presents [SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Much Ado About Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE] Tuesday 2nd May 2007 Orange County's Booster Park Attendance: 58[/CENTER] [B]Dark Match:[/B] Cameron Vessey [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]VS[/COLOR][/B] Erik Strong Erik Strong defeated Cameron Vessey in 7:28 by pinfall with a Strong Sault. [B]Winner:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Erik Strong[/COLOR] [B]Rating: [COLOR="DarkRed"]* * *[/COLOR] * * *[/B]
[COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Feuding Partners:[/B][/COLOR] D.C. Rayne starts the show by coming down to the ring. He takes a microphone and addresses the crowd: [B]Rayne:[/B] [I]"Since the last show i have people coming up to me and going 'why, oh why' sobbing at me for upsetting them. Well boo hoo. Who cares just what you think. My reasons are my own and im not sharing them with you lot, now get off my back"[/I] Natural Storms music plays and out walks Eddie Howard. [B]Howard:[/B] [I]"Like most of the fans, im wondering exactly what you have to gain by turning on me. You sure not good enough to go after the Mid Atlantic Championship..."[/I] [B]Rayne:[/B] [I]"...Shut your mouth. Or im gonna have to finish what i started last month"[/I] [B]Howard:[/B] [I]"You know what. I dont care really. Meet me in the ring later and lets settle this"[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="DarkRed"]*[/COLOR] * * * * *[/B] [B]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[/B] [B]Singles Match:[/B] Curtis Jenkins [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]VS[/COLOR][/B] Ricky Douglas Curtis Jenkins defeated Ricky Douglas in 8:51 by pinfall. [B]Winner:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Curtis Jenkins[/COLOR] [B]Rating: [COLOR="darkred"]* *[/COLOR] * * * *[/B] [B]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[/B] [B]Singles Match:[/B] Flash Savage [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]VS[/COLOR][/B] Huey Cannonball Huey Cannonball defeated Flash Savage in 8:44 by pinfall with a Cannonball Run. [B]Winner:[/B] [COLOR="darkred"]Huey Cannonball[/COLOR] [B]Rating: [COLOR="darkred"]* *[/COLOR] * * * *[/B] [B]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[/B] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Still Feuding Partners[/COLOR][/B] Eddie Howard is backstage getting interviewed by someone you cant see. [B]Howard:[/B] [I]"...Like i said earlier though, I wanted an explanation from D.C about why he turned his back on me. Sure we were no longer a team but a thought we were friends. But it seems like he has turned his back on all that. Well if thats the case im going to bring it tonight and sure him just which one of us made that team what it was"[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="DarkRed"]*[/COLOR] * * * * *[/B] [B]Singles Match:[/B] D.C Rayne [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]VS[/COLOR][/B] Eddie Howard D.C. Rayne defeated Eddie Howard in 11:41 by pinfall with a Storm Damage. [B]Winner:[/B] [COLOR="darkred"]D.C Rayne[/COLOR] [B]Rating: [COLOR="darkred"]* *[/COLOR] * * * *[/B] [B]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[/B] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Des Davids Interview[/COLOR][/B] Des Davids is in interview mode: [B]Davids:[/B] [I]"Tonight, it seems that i will finally get my hands on Antonio. After making appointments with Nicole Kiss and a kind word with Rip Chord, its gonna happen tonight"[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="DarkRed"]* *[/COLOR] * * * *[/B] [B]Singles Match:[/B] Antonio [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]VS[/COLOR][/B] Des Davids Antonio defeated Des Davids in 12:14 by pinfall when Nicole Kiss interfered. The crowd were up in arms at that point. [B]Winner:[/B] [COLOR="darkred"]Antonio[/COLOR] [B]Rating: [COLOR="darkred"]* * *[/COLOR] * * *[/B] [B]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[/B] [B]Mid Atlantic Championship:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]VS[/COLOR][/B] Steven Parker Mainstream Hernandez defeated Steven Parker in 14:52 by pinfall with an Apparition #14. Mainstream Hernandez wins the Mid Atlantic Championship title. [B]Winner:[/B] [COLOR="darkred"]Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR] [B]Rating: [COLOR="darkred"]* * * *[/COLOR] * *[/B] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Final Show Rating: [COLOR="darkred"]* * * [/COLOR]* * *[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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