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an All American nightmare (a DOTT Diary)

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[B]All American Girls- The Concept[/B] [I]My name is Matt Mcqueen. You may have heard of me, in 1982 I was the Cooking Oil King of the West Coast. There wasn't a fish or fry fried, that wasn't fried in McQueen's. I had a fine house, a fine wife and a fine future. By 1983, it was all but gone. Thanks to one drink too many and a late night tryst, my wife was gone, my house was with her and my future was mortgaged to a bunch of second rate lawyers. I was left with $5,000.00, my truck and a dream. But the dream would be my salvation, I would use my last $5,000.00 to start again. I would find some backers and put together the greatest female wrestling promotion the world had ever seen. We'd start small up in washington state, I had a few connections there, and some people who knew some other people. Sure I knew nothing about wrestling, but how hard could it be. I'd decided to offer the public a 'Men's Magazine' style, you know what I mean, it's all about flesh but you throw in an article or two just to keep the wives at bay. Not that this was all for show mind, I'd be chasing real wrestling talent. The fact was I knew this would make money eventually and when it did my ex-wife and her lawyers would be round for there share. I figured it couldn't hurt to have a few thousand pounds of quality female wrestling talent between me and her when they did. So with my $5,000.00, and my plan I went out to find the backers. For $20,000.00 they could be the owner of the newest and greatest promotion in the country, ALL AMERICAN GIRLS.[/I] Ok that's a start.:)
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[B]All American Girls- Finding Our Feet[/B] [I]Mildred Burke is a legend in this industry, and I can't say I didn't appreciate her coming on board with her money. I figured she was a better road agent than I was going to be able to hire too, so that was two birds with one stone, but, well at 67 Mildred had been away from the game a while, and maybe her mind was going, or maybe she just didn't like me, but from day one she was making demands I knew I would never be able to keep. First she limited who I could hire, and was none to impressed with the 8 or nine girls I had already approached, then she told me that I had two years to make her a fortune.[/I] Yep, My owner is Mildred Burke. And the goals that she has given me will be impossible to achieve. First I am not to hire anybody with a reliance or basics of less than B- (I think that covers about half a dozen women in DOTT). On top of that the promotion needs to be worth $100,000.00 in two years. We are starting as a small promotion with $25,000.00 so i don't see how this is in any way do- able. I am going to set our popularity at 7.5% in the nw just to give some indication of a 'home town' buzz, but mildred has made pretty sure this will be a two year diary. Having said that I was able to complete a roster, with only one addition to the database. [B] The Roster[/B] Main Event Judy Martin (h) Candi Devine (h) Selina Majors (f) Vicki Williams (f) Upper Mid Susan Sexton (h) Toni Ross (h) Colonel Ninatchik (h) Leilani Kai (h) Tracey Richards (h) Mid Liz Clare (f) Bett Spagnola (h) - A creation of my own in order to meet the owners blocks Lower mid Donna Marie (h) Occasional Princess Victoris (f) Announcer- Matt McQueen (me) Road Agent- MIldred Burke (owner) Referee - Wally Clift
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