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Coach ideas

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When starting a new game it would be great to allow the user to hire a coach. With Bowl Bound and Front Office Football the game sometimes assigns me a coach that is horrible. I want to be able to choose my coach and his staff, my scout, etc. I'm sure your game will have more details about the coach then the current FOF2007 game where you don't even get to see the type of OFF they prefer, eg, Westcoast, Run N Gun, Power Run, 4-3, 3-4, etc. I tend to play a more Front office role so I leave gameplanning to AUTO. The reason I do this is sometimes I don't want to have to go through all the hassles of setting up a gameplan. It would be great however to be able to set tendencies on my coaches, maybe through a "Coach tendencies" option. This option should be available when setting gameplanning to AUTO. This would allow me to set the percentage on certain aspects of the game that takes advantage of my teams strengths. For example. With AUTO gameplanning enabled I still would like it if I could set a higher RUNNING percentage even if we are loosing as this may be my teams strengths. What I find with FOF2007 is that my QB would suck but the coach still lets him throw 50 times a game when we start getting beind. Bottom line, even with AUTO gameplan I would still like to be able to: 1 - Stick to my run game even when behind by 14 points, I will continue to let my coach decide which side my runs go of course as that is what AUTO is there for - I just don't like seeing my main back with 8 RUNS and my QB with 55 attempts. 2 - Continue to BLITZ even if I'm winning. 3 - Tell my D-Coordinator to call plays based on offensive formations rather then situations. I.e. 1st and Goal at 7 yard line OFF comes out in a Singleback 3WR set while my dumb coordicator puts in my Goalline package. I watnt to be able to enable an option line "Call DEF package based on OFF package. If I leave that unticked then fine, the D coordinator will call it based on his scouting ability or whatever. I will think of more and update this thread, this is just a quickie.
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