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New Age Wrestling: The next generation of Extreme

Guest The Aussie

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Guest The Aussie
[I]God I love Ontario[/I] The first thing I said when I got back from my prolonged term with New Age Wrestling Australia. I was good friends with the owner Peter Farry and had worked there for six months when he established it. Of course, The severe lack of interest from Melbourne and the competition from Pro Championship Wrestling finished it off when it was finally getting its legs. Of course, Strong booking and decent wrestlers helped us out and I came back to Canada happy. I'd stuck around in Australia for a few weeks and checked out the IWA and AWF in New South Wales and saw CIMA put on two great matches in the AWF and unfortunatly left before Steve Corinos tour. My mobile brought me to my senses and I picked it up "Hello?" and was immediately answered by Peter Farry himself. Apparently he was establishing an arm of New Age Wrestling right here in Ontario and wanted me to be the booker. He had obviously paid attention to my ability to pick good talent. "When are we starting?" I asked, almost on cloud nine at this offer from nowhere. "What are we waiting for? Let's get started" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There you have it, my backstory. I've taken certain liberties with the FOTRC database and created NAW in there. For the Aussies, NAW never went out of buisiness and Peter Farry is not Canadian. Next post will show the roster.
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Guest The Aussie
[IMG]http://www.freewebs.com/evil_aussie/banner01.jpg[/IMG] MAJOR ANOUNCEMENT: NEW WRESTLING COMPANY OPENED IN ONTARIO, CANADA New Age Wrestling, originally formed in Australia by Peter Farry and booked by Morgan Williams and which closed because of mounting financial issues, has been officially opened in the Canadian province of Ontario. Rumors have been running around recently of the opening and along with the opening has been the announcement of the NAW World Wrestling Classic which is slated to feature wrestlers from all across the world. Amongst those that have been confirmed to be appearing at the WWC are TAKA Minchinoku and Australian Wrestling Federation owner Mark Mercedes. We at Wrestleview will keep you informed of other confirmations and the date.
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Guest The Aussie
[I]The First Day[/I] "[COLOR="Red"]So, how have you been Morgan?[/COLOR]" Farry inquired of me as I walked into the newly dubbed NAW Arena which was essentially a fairly large warehouse that had been converted into an arena. [COLOR="Blue"]"Yeah, I've been good. How about yourself?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] "Perfectly fine, I've been working on our new promotion for a month now" [/COLOR]Farry replied which suprised me slightly; The original NAW had only been closed for slightly over a month and he had already opened up this one. "[COLOR="Blue"]What've we got concerning competition here?[/COLOR]" I asked, trying to get rid of my personal feeling of failure. Farry merely smiled and spelled out the initials '[COLOR="Red"]ECCW' [/COLOR] I laughed at this, Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling was nowhere near Ontario and I didn’t have any plans on having shows over in British Columbia. [COLOR="Blue"] “What have we got planned for the WWC”,[/COLOR] I asked about what could truly create us. “[COLOR="Red"]You’re the booker man”[/COLOR] Farry replied, [COLOR="Red"]“ I don’t do anything except run the business side of things” [/COLOR] I pulled out a list from my pocket with various names scribbled onto it and begun to read them out. Ryan Sakoda~ [COLOR="Red"] Nice choice on him, He’s talented and still is a decent age.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]I think so too, but look at the other guys that I’ve gotten.[/COLOR] Sean O’Haire~ [COLOR="Red"] Who?[/COLOR][COLOR="Blue"] You don’t know about Sean O’Haire? He wrestled for WCW in their dying days and was in the WWE for a while. He was great in the ring, a really good brawler and could really entertain.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Never saw him[/COLOR] Mark Mercedes~ [COLOR="Red"] I dunno about Mercedes. He was technically our opposition in Australia.[/COLOR][COLOR="Blue"] We aren’t competing with his company now are we?[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"] Well, He’s talented by any terms so he’s a keeper.[/COLOR] The Candyman~ [COLOR="Blue"] Aren’t we glad that I remembered this guy? A good brawler and pretty good on the mic.[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"] And an all-round good guy also. Probably the biggest star that we could bring over here from Australia[/COLOR] Trikki D~ [COLOR="Blue"]Another fine choice by yours truly If I don’t say so myself[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"] Pat yourself on the back some other time. We still only have five people. In an eight man tournament nonetheless.[/COLOR] I rolled up the paper again and slipped it into my pocket again. [COLOR="Blue"]“Don’t worry my man. I’m keeping the others as secrets so that no one spreads the word on the internet” [/COLOR]
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Guest The Aussie
Made up a Promotional poster for the World Wrestling Classic that's on in 5 days. [IMG]http://www.freewebs.com/evil_aussie/Promo%20Poster.jpg[/IMG] Current Card (Predictions Welcome)- ??? v ??? in the WWC Ryan Sakoda v Sean O'Haire in the WWC Trikki D v TAKA in the WWC Mark Mercedes v The Candyman in the WWC Tag Title Match: KUDO and Danny Swagger v An Unknown opponent Jimmy Yang v Insanio Jason James v Daisuke Sekimoto
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Guest The Aussie
The World Wrestling Classic is Go DARK MATCHES: ‘Wyld Animal’ Jimmy James v Daisuke Sekimoto My Notes: A nice back and forth match that lasted for about 7 minutes before Jimmy James scored a pinfall after a Wyld Backbreaker. Overall- D Main Card- The Epitome of Arrogance (KUDO and Danny Swagger)w/ George the Hitman v The Iron Saints (Vito & Salvatore Thomaselli)– My Notes: A decent opening match to start the show with lasting 5 minutes with KUDO opening up things with a series of nice roundhouse kicks to bring Vito to the ground for a 2-count. The team work together nicely and cut Vito off from Salvatore but Vito makes the Hot Tag with about a minute left in it and Salvatore clears house. Both teams brawl around the ring but Salvatore gets too close to the ropes. George takes the chance to hit Salvatore in the back with a steel chair without the ref knowing and KUDO hits him with a springboard Missile Dropkick and scores the pinfall. Winners- KUDO and Danny Swagger Overall: D Eric Young v Black Dragon in the WWC My Notes: Strong way to start the tourney as Eric Young uses his technical expertise to ground Black Dragon while Dragon also pulls off a good grappling match. This match goes for 9 minutes before Dragon knocks Young to the ground with DDT and fails to connect with a moonsault after Young rolls out of the way and as Dragon gets to his feet, connect with The Showstopper for the pinfall. Overall: C Sean O’Haire v Keiji Sakoda in the WWC My Notes: Wow, these guys didn’t work well together at all. A very meh match with O’haire working an MMA style offense and when this didn’t work because of Sakoda’s toughness, and nailed Sakoda with a chair before connecting with a Cruel Intentions for the win. Overall: C- Trikki D v TAKA Michinoku in the WWC My Notes: Good bout between two really talented high flyers. TAKA and Trikki went pretty well in their match and finished with TAKA nailing a Michinoku Driver II for a pinfall at 9 minutes after Trikki missed with the Sick Trikk (Slingshot Senton into the ring) and TAKA took advantage of this. Overall: C Insanio v Jimmy Yang- My Notes: Yang received a good pop when he came out, as most people there must have recognized him from his time in the WWE while Insanio didn’t receive any. Good short match yet overbooked match, which led to both Insanio kicking out after a Yang Time and Yang kicking out of an Asylum Bomber (Standing Flipping Leg Drop across the face). Insanio gets pissed off after this and drops Yang throat first onto the ropes before locking in a reverse necklock for the win. Overall: D Mark Mercedes v The Candyman in the WWC My Notes: A nice brawl, which was also short but showed Candyman playing to the crowd and Mercedes pulling some heel moves to steal the momentum. Mercedes ended this after a big spear into a pinfall for the win. Overall: C Eric Young v Sean O’Haire in the WWC My Notes: A better match for O’Haire after his lackluster debut but Eric Young won again by out-grappling O’Haire and nailing him form behind in 5 minutes with a Young Blood neckbreaker Overall: C (Hello Mr. C-…. I haven’t seen you for a while.) TAKA Michinoku v Mark Mercedes in the WWC My Notes: Another good match for Mercedes and this time he is working with a good worker. The bout lasts a while with both workers showing an amazing ability to take it to the mat and work a Japanese style. TAKA wins the bout after he dodges a Spear from Mercedes and hits the Michinoku driver for the win. Overall: C Tommy Dreamer v The Hitman My Notes: An unexpected match as the crowd didn’t expect that ECW legend Tommy Dreamer would wrestle for a company the size of NAW. A simple hardcore brawl that lasted about 8 minutes before Dreamer connected with a Spiccoli Driver for the pin. Overall: C Hype for ME: Farry hypes up TAKA vs. Eric Young in the WWC final for the NAW Heavyweight title Overall: D TAKA v Eric Young in the WWC for the NAW Heavyweight Title My Ratings: A strong finale to the WWC, which again lasted about 8 minutes and had TAKA actually hit a Young Blood Neckbreaker for the near fall. Young responds by performing a Michinoku Driver for another near fall. The momentum shifts between the two with TAKA locking on a Just Facelock for the submission victory. It’s kind of funny that these two had no chemistry within the ring and they got a C. Imagine if they actually worked together well? Overall: C Celebration Angle TAKA Michinoku stayed in the ring after he won the match and taunted for the fans with the belt. Overall: C End of show
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Guest The Aussie
So, I was poking around on the web today and turned up on the wrestleview.com forums and I found a topic on our latest show. It's actually pretty sweet. [QUOTE]Originally posted by SaintJimmy Who in the Toronto area went to see the Wrestling Expo the other day? [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Originally posted by MRWWEFAN2097 Dis Bull$h!t, They usin WWE guys. Dreamer, Yang + TAKA all wresld 4 WWE. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Chuck-Norris-Is-God [QUOTE]Originally posted by MRWWEFAN2097 Dis Bull$h!t, They usin WWE guys. Dreamer, Yang + TAKA all wresld 4 WWE. [/QUOTE] Well, they weren't used well were they? TAKA won the NAW title on his first night [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Originally posted by 3H Ne1 else notic the Aussies that wrestled? [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Originally posted by SaintJimmy Didn't only Mark Mercedes and Danny Swagger win matches? [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Originally posted by ModSquad It was quite nice to see the Eric Yong in the final match against another great wrestler. I myself am going to kepp an eye on this company. [/QUOTE] This is just so cool, We have got some people to notice us in one show.
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Guest The Aussie
I walked into Mr. Farry's office in a hesitant manner as I carried in the finance sheets and some notes taken after our first month and I was a little bit concerned. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"] How'd we do?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]How?[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Money Wise of course. I'm not going to run a company that loses money if it doesn't turn things around.[/COLOR] Gulping, I placed the finance sheet in front of him and smiled. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Not too badly I take it?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Depends on how you look at it *Inwardly I was just anticipating his reaction[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]The Hell? We're down over 5,000 bucks?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]To be fair sir, 3000 of it is from your contract. And 1,000 was with Eric Young who I've had to let go.[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Why the f*** would you do that? He was a good worker and the only worker know non a wide scale.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]A thousand an appearance is a helluvalot to pay out, no matter the size of the promotion.[/COLOR] What about TAKA? We still got him right?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Of course, He's the only Japanese bloke on our roster that speaks a lick of English.[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Ah yes..... Waitaminute! Did you just say bloke?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Nope, It's just the senility talking.[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Shut It, You've just gotten all Australian on me[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]What did I say? What did I do?[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Nevermind, Have you got us a Road Agent now? Because We can't keep on using TAKA and Mark as stand in ones.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]I'll double that statement and raise you two road agents.[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]What the f*** are you talking about?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Nothing. I'm in negotiations with The Winger and a certain wrestling legend.[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Who is it?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Can't tell, There might be Smarks around.[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Is it Flair? He was recently fired from the 'E. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]No, It's someone in the WWE Hall of Fame.[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]That really doesn't help, Just come back later when you've hired this guy.[/COLOR] At this I turned around and left the office before letting out a sigh of relief, I'd actually been able to get through my first month in a new promotion and not get fired. Not bad at all
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Guest The Aussie
Taken from [url]http://www.freewebs.com/r1ch-money/index.htm[/url] and was posted by the webmaster [QUOTE][IMG]http://www.newagewrestling.net/img/logo.gif[/IMG] NEW AGE WRESTLING Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the official website of New Age Wrestling Canada; The only place where you will encounter the Cutting Edge of the Wrestling World. I, Morgan Williams (The Webmaster and Head Booker of NAW) welcome you and hope that you follow the promotion vividly. We're hot off the heels of the World Wrestling Expo which saw Japanese Indy Great TAKA Michinoku defeat "Showtime" Eric Young in the final round of the tournament to be crowned the NAW Heavyweight Champion. We are going to be airing all of our shows over the internet along with at live events at the New Age Wrestling arena in Toronto. Be prepared for NAW: What a Rush! coming the 16th of November. Be There[/QUOTE] This is from the official New Age Wrestling Canada website and the card for the show is of currently: NAW- What A Rush (Card Subject to change) Keiji Sakoda vs TAKA Michinoku for the heavyweight title KUDO & Danny Swagger v The Iron Saints v Shad Gaspard and The Neighbourhoodie (Cryme Tyme) to decide the NAW Tag Champions Tommy Dreamer & THe Candyman v Jimmy Yang & Mark Mercedes and more t ocome
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Guest The Aussie
I’ve noticed something recently, I’ve hired a lot of legitimately nice guys onto the roster. This should counter any morale problems I may encounter, as I don’t seem. I’ve also released Sean O’ Haire, Black Dragon and Eric Young from their contracts as both cost too much to keep around with Young actually asking for a grand an appearance. My Roster as of November 1st: Main Event: Billy Kidman TAKA Michinoku Tommy Dreamer Jimmy Yang Ryan Sakoda Upper Midcard: Trikki D- The Candyman- The Iron Saints (Vito and Salvatore Thomaselli)- Mark Mercedes- Danny Swagger: Insanio- Midcard: Dan Maff Jimmy James Milanito Collection a.t. Luther Reigns Retail Dragon Shad Gaspard Lower Midcard: Daisuke Sekimoto Takashi Sasaki Histeria JTG Pineapple Hanai KUDO Openers: KAZMA The Winger NEWS in the Wrestling World: WWE – A whole mass of workers were released and I mean an insane amount. The World Tag Titles have changed hands twice in the last month now with Umaga and Joey Mercury holding them before the titles were vacated for some reason and the titles were won by the pairing of Burchill and Benjamin. The U.S title actually has a holder now and it is Brian Kendrick. TNA There were also a few releases but I personally don’t care about them TNA has now risen to what is estimated as an international size. The tag titles are now held by Petey Williams and Jay Lethal who won them from the Latin American eXchange. NJPW A few releases here too, also not caring Remember this about New Japan. The only days that they don’t have shows are on Wednesdays and Sundays. Nuts Eh? The title situation is nuts there, Masahiro Chono is the heavyweight champion after beating Shinsuke Nakamura who made 18 defenses in a month but to be fair the guy didn’t really have a day off. Koji Kanemoto is still Jr. Heavyweight champion after 16 defenses. Chono and Tenzan managed 16 tag title defenses before dropping them to Wataru Inuoe and Mitsuhide Hirasawa who then quickly dropped them to Takashi Iizuka and Jado Jado also holds the Jr. Tag Team titles with Kintaro Kanemura, which makes one wonder what the hell Gedo is doing right now. Ring of Honor A few releases here too, also not caring Nothing much has happened, Brent Albright won the ROH Heavyweight title from Brian Danielson while the Briscoes are the tag champions after beating Aries and Roderick Strong.
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Guest The Aussie
The poster for NAW: What A Rush has been released to the public so I thought I might add it to my scrapbook [IMG]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=2367&stc=1&d=1176385591[/IMG] Once more, not very high quality stuff but bugger that. And be sure to sign up for our forums at [url]www.freewebs.com/r1ch-money[/url] and join in.
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