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UXW - The Rise from Underground (A cornellverse diary)

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Update #3 Posted first card, got a D- my first show. Pretty good for an 'F' pop local group. Anyway, this is an open question to my readers (if I have any). Let me know if you want more focus on in-ring or out of ring stuff. I have some idea for fiction stories going on behind the scenes, or I can keep posting cards. Just post/PM me with what you want to see more of. ====================================================================================================[B][/B] Update #2: Prologue Part 3 is posted. Have a complete roster now. Will start work on first card tomorrow. ==================================================================================================== Ok, first off is the external stuff. Quick background. 1st: This is my first diary, please be gentle 2nd: I'd like this thread to keep as clean as possible as I develop the story. So feel free to do an initial post letting me know what to think but beyond that if you have comments, suggestions, tips, tricks, etc. just PM them to me. I do love feedback, so by all means drop me a line. 3rd: This is the story about a little local fed i created, Ultimate Extreme Wrestling. The backstory is that it was a little underground/backyard affair that actually had some decent talent in it. 4th: For my created workers, I used renders pulled from the threads. Some of these pictures came with names in the filename. So I used Adrenaline and Johnny Lightning's names as I liked them and couldn't think up better names for them. So now, without further ado, the Prologue, first of many to come.
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Prologue: Part 1 It was supposed to be an ordinary day. Just another day in the life of a UXW superstar. But that lady changed everything. My name is Dante Orrison, and for the past year I've been wrestling out of my backyard. No, we're not one of those trashy garbage feds that tries to pass off blood and violence as a substitute for real entertainment. No, we were real. We pooled our money to get the best equipment we could. Even made a little bit of money, but we weren't a real federation. None of us were "registered" wrestlers, heck we didn't even know about the TEW Wrestler Database. We just knew what we watched on TV and DVD's. Life was great, life was simple. Just the eight of us pretending to be big shots. I guess you could call me the head booker, but booking was easy. There were no titles, no feuds, no carefully crafted storylines or scripted interviews. Whoever showed up that day wrestled with whoever else showed up. Sometimes our shows would be shorter then half an hour if people were busy. We just fit wrestling around our "real" lives. Heck, I was a network administrator for a local accounting firm. Anyway, everything changed that fateful November afternoon, when she showed up. It was our biggest show ever, everyone was able to make it. Adrenaline did an amazing top rope spear into Johnny Lightning, who actually got up afterwards even though you could see the bruise forming from the impact. I had an amazing drawn out bout with Taker. He was on his game that night and we had a spectacular match. It wasn't until afterwards that the real magic happened, though. We were packing our equipment up when Johnny noticed someone was still in the bleachers. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Show's over M'am. We'll be having another match in a month or so if you're interested. You can also check out our tapes and DVD's in the lobby."[/COLOR] She saunted closer, and I got a good look at her for the first time. Piercing eyes, round hips, there was no doubt that she was attractive, but her voice was something else. [COLOR="Purple"]"I'm not here to trade tapes or get autographs. I'm here to change your life." [/COLOR] The rest of the boys and I stopped, confused and curious. [COLOR="Purple"]"My name is Farrah Hesketh, and I would like to speak to your owner about taking this group to the next level."[/COLOR] Adrenaline gasped when he heard her name. [COLOR="Green"]"I know you. You work the mic for CGC and CZCW."[/COLOR] She smiled a bit, [COLOR="Purple"]"I also work for Triple A. Well, I used to. Like I said, can I talk to your owner?" [/COLOR] All eyes were on me. I was the closest thing to an owner we had. I handled money and logistics, but I never really thought of myself as in charge. The rest of the guys packed up and went back home to their real lives, but Farrah and I stayed up all night. Farrah started talking about making wrestling my real life, as well as a few others. I sat for nearly half an hour in shocked disbelief. It was really happening. I was becoming a professional wrestler overnight. Her plan was to make us into a groundbreaking promotion where women and men were equals. There wouldn't be a seperate woman's division, but we would all be wrestling for the same titles. It was an interesting idea, but I thought it would be fantasy. However, Farrah had over $50,000 to back us as we convert into a real promotion so I was smart enough to keep the idea to myself. In the wee hours of the morning came the hardest part of the night...cutting the roster. Darrah had done her homework, had watched pretty much all of our matches. She knew who had talent and who didn't, she knew who had potential and who didn't. She told me the only ones to convert to the new fed would be Johnny, Taker, and myself. I spent nearly an hour trying to sell the others to her, but she flat out told me they wouldn't cut it...except for one. She was on the fence about Adrenaline. He wae had talent, there was no denying that. Only problem was he had no discipline. After a much heated debate, I promised her I would control Adrenaline. She finally consented. Now for a quick background lesson: Johnny Lightning was an old friend, had been with us since the beginning. He was smart, athletic, good looking, and had received a bit of professional training. of all of us, we figured he would be the one to go on. The Taker: To be honest, he just kinda showed up one time during practice. We needed an 8th man, and so decided to give him a trial run. He was good...real good. Apparently he had wrestled other indy leagues before, and he brought with him a lot of experience. Only problem was he didn't talk to much and never socialized. None of us knew who he was outside of wrestling. Adrenaline: 16 yrs old and yet he'd been wrestling longer then I had. He would live, eat, and breathe wrestling. He was also destined for the high ropes from the start. Heck, he jumped off his first roof at just 6 yrs old. He took gymnastics for 4 years just so he could learn better flips. And his flips were beauitful, there was no denying that. Only problem with him was his opponents. He prefered style over saftey, and had received and caused more injuries then the rest of the roster combined. I was not looking forward to the next day though, as I had to tell Fleetfeet, Ice, Swan and Croc the news, that the rest of us were going pro and they were being left behind. Not a talk I wanted to give to a bunch of old friends. Anyway, that is the story about how a small time underground group turned into the newest wrestling fed.
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Adrenaline's Rush (aka Prologue Part 2) I couldn't believe what I heard. When Dante told me that I was becoming pro wrestler...I couldn't stop shouting. It was really hard to say goodbye to the others, I just hope that if they practice maybe we can work together later. When I told the kids at school to be watching for me in future shows, they just looked and stared. I might be a weird outcast in high school, but in the ring I am a star! I AM ADRENALINE! Imagine my surprise when I was called down to the new UXW office. I mean, we have an office now, we are truly legit. I sat in the waiting area for awhile, but eventually got bored and wandered around. The building was pretty empty, apparently Farrah and Dante had just bought it recently, and some of the rooms were still being remodeled. The coolest part was the basement. We had a huge underground training facility, including an actual ring to practice matches in. While wandering around, I eventually found Dante's office, convienently right next to Farrah's. I could hear them talking inside. Now, I'm not an evesdropper by nature, but I heard them talking about potential workers and I couldn't resist listening in. [COLOR="Purple"] "Now, we want this fed to look like it has potential, which means we have to hire trained wrestlers, and we have to hire young. We'll be creating a lot of our own stars, I don't want to ride on the coattails of other feds. We're trying to establish ourselves as new, unique, which means new and unique talent. We'll bring in some quality workers from other feds, we'll have to in order to round out the roster, but we'll reserve the spotlights and the titles for our stars. On that note..."[/COLOR] That smooth as velvet voice could only be Farrah, UXW's new owner and my new boss. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Hang on a second, before we start discussing potential workers, I want to have an expert in the room, hang on while I fetch him."[/COLOR] I was puzzled by that expert comment. I leaned in closer trying to hear who the expert was when suddenly the door swung wide, revealing a very surprised Dante. [COLOR="Green"]"Heh heh...wow, that carpet sure does a good job stopping sound"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"] "Just get in here, I need your help."[/COLOR] Still a little confused, I came in and sat down next to Farrah. She was looking radiant as usual, carrying quite a few folders in her arm. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Nathan..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Call me Adrenaline. It's my real name now."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"] "Alright, Adrenaline here knows more about wrestling and wrestlers around the world then I do, and I imagine he could give you a run for your money as well. I want his advice on the matter." [/COLOR] Hearing this I just couldn't stop grinning. This was really happening. They were creating a new promotion and I was going to help select new workers. My grin was from ear to ear. Farrah did not look terribly impressed, but she continued anyway. [COLOR="Purple"] "First off, I have a list of 'must-have's. These 5 wrestlers will hopefully form our core of stars. On the women's side we have Ginko Kuroda and Agent 69, both women have solid skills and training. For men we have Frankie Dee, Cal Sanders and Harry Wilson."[/COLOR] I nearly choked when I heard that last one. [COLOR="Green"]"Are you sure about that one?"[/COLOR] Seeing the puzzled looks, I explained it a bit more. [COLOR="Green"]"Yeah he's the brother of Dark Angel, but he was let go from NOTBW. I mean it's hard to deny the Stone's family eye for talent, and you also can't argue about his history with a brother like Cliff. The fact that they released him says a lot."[/COLOR] Farrah looked a little unsure of herself for a moment, but quickly recovered. [COLOR="Purple"] "Nevertheless, we need stars, but we can't afford the big names. If contract negotiations go smoothly I'm hoping that his name alone will draw in some crowds. Who knows, Dan Stone can't be right all the time."[/COLOR] Dante and Farrah discussed other possabilities, some names I kinda recognized, but most I didn't. Eventually they contacted the big 5, as well as other names like Tempest Appleby, Kashmir Singh, Thomas Morgan, Nadia Snow, and Kinuye Mushashibo, K-Squared, and Mark Smart. By the time they got to Mark, it sounded like they were wrapping up. I just couldn't let this end without a little bit of input. [COLOR="Green"]"Hang on. If it's talent you want, I know a couple people you didn't include. Either of you ever watch 5SSW?"[/COLOR] Seeing their blank looks, I guessed the answer to that. [COLOR="Green"]"Well, there is this one wrestler there, a wonderful chick called "High Energy" Otsune Tsumura. I think she's great and worth sending an invite too. Also, 4C has quite a bit of high flyers. There's a couple guys I wouldn't mind facing in the ring. Joey Poison's a good one, and Phenomenal E... now there's a guy who I'm sure I could put on a some good matches with."[/COLOR] I was excited to see Dante writing down the names I mentioned, so I continued. [COLOR="Green"]"Overseas in Europe and UK they've got this guy named Joey Beauchamp. Dude is A-MAZING! Not to mention hilarious to listen to. He's got this great line 'I am the breeze' that he says with that accent. I don't really understand it but the way he says it is awesome." [/COLOR] Dante continued scribbling as Farrah sat back, taking all this in. [COLOR="Purple"]"You're really a true fan of wrestling, aren't you."[/COLOR] I just nodded my head eagerly, happy that I could be of use. Farrah just smiled a little before going back to business. After that they said they would try and contact everyone listed, and should have a finalized roster ready to go by the end of next week. I can't wait to meet my new co-workers.
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Dante's Decisions [B]Sunday, Week 1, January 2007 Dante Orrison[/B] Well, that was a long week. I've never made so many tough decisions in my life. It was a lot easier when I just needed to worry about 7 friends. So, a quick review of the interviews and hirings. ================== First on Friday, the Big 5 that Farrah wanted: [B]Zoe Ammis (Agent 69):[/B] We had talked maybe... 10 seconds before she launched into her character. She has developed quite the back story for her persona, that's for sure. Once we got past that things went much more smoothly. She was trained by the DeColts, and she showed both a lot of potential and a strong desire to for us. She especially liked the idea of competing against men for the same titles and not being shunted to a Women's Division. Result: Signed her up to an Exclusive PPA per Farrah's request. Upon talking to Zoe more I've decided to move her in-ring character away from tough Russian agent to sexy Russian agent, similar to Bond girl from the films. (Alignment: Heel Gimmick: Ravashing) [B]Ginko Kuroda:[/B] To be honest I don't know how this interview went. Ginko apparently does not speak a word of English, and we couldn't afford to fly her over here so I attempted to interview her over the phone while holding an English --> Japanese Guidebook. Result: I think I signed her to an Exclusive PPA...or ordered fried chicken from her, the translation book was laid out topically and some phrases were not properly translated, like "pay-per-appearance", or even "push" in the wrestling sense. If she does show up, I have an idea about a tag team opportunity. (Alignment: Face Gimmick: Ninja) [B]Frankie Dee:[/B] We were very lucky to get an interview with him. There were strong rumors circulating that he had drawn the interest of some large feds, namely NOTBPW but in the end the rumors proved to be vapid. I had seen Frankie wrestle at an indy show that passed through Chicago a couple years ago, and I must say I was shocked about his transformation. What once was a bland, talentless wrestler has bloomed in both look and quality. I pitched UXW the hardest with Frankie. Result: Farrah was very pleased when I announced to her that I was able to get an Exclusive PPA for Frankie. He will be a nice solid addition to both our fliers and technicians. I was a little dissapointed that he was unable to speak any Japanese. I was hoping he would be a bridge between Ginko and I. (Alignment: Heel Gimmick: Martial Artist) [B]Cal Sanders:[/B] Very strong technical skills wrapped in a boring shell. Unfortunately his lack of personality was not just a gimmick. However, what he lacked on the mic he more then made up for in the ring. Result: Another Exclusive PPA. I'm really hoping we can develop him into something more then just his lumberjack gimmick. Until then he will be a faceless heel, jobbed to other future stars. (Alignment: Heel Gimmick: Lumberjack) [B]Harry Wilson:[/B] This was the interview I was most nervous about, as Harry's last name alone could make or break our budding promotion. Sadly, Harry started off on the wrong foot, and things just went from bad to worse. We made a little small talk before discussing business and he seemed to be an alright guy. Then I mentioned his brother, Cliff. Instantly Harry's face narrowed as if he had just bit down on a lemon. He went on for almost five minutes about how much he hates to be compared to his brother, and that everywhere he goes everyone always asks about his brother. I quickly realized that there was not a lot of love lost between him and his sibling, and decided to move on to a different topic, his past work exeperience. As soon as I mentioned NOTBPW his face went sour again. Another five minutes went by as he explained how the Stone's wouldn't recognize talent if they saw it, and that the everyone working there are a bunch of talentless hacks. I interrupted him at this point to get to business when I received the biggest shock. He straight up demanded at least $360 an appearance. This was more then triple the amount we'd agreed for anyone else. Now, prior to this interview I had studied Harry's old matches and although he was decent, he was by no means that spectacular. I realized by the end why Harry was not re-signed by NOTBPW, and I had to agree with them. I thanked him for the interview and told him we would get into contact with him later. Results: I had a long discussion with Farrah about this. In the end though she agreed with me, a person like that would not only wreck our slim wallet, but would also destroy morale and be a potential drama queen. At this stage we had neither the time nor the resources to be putting out morale fires because of one bitter prima-donna. ================== Saturday was the start of the hiring of the rest of the roster [B]Joey Beauchamp:[/B] I was actually surprised by Joey because he called me right at 8:30 in the morning, which puzzled me because I thought I had scheduled him for around noon. What was even more puzzling was that he called apologizing for being late. I was halfway through the interview when I realized the problem was timezone difference, I had forgotten to specify on the e-mail I sent out. Adrenaline picked a winner with this guy, that's for sure. Talking to Joey was an enjoyable exeperience, and having seen footage of him, I was convinced he would make a great heel for us. Result: Signed to a PPA. This guy will be a great heel leader, being the mouthpiece and mastermind behind heel stables. I can't wait to see his potential against the other talent we have. My biggest concern though is that he also works for UCR, and the jetting about will take it's toll on him. (Alignment: Heel Gimmick: ****y Youth) [B]Tempest Appleby:[/B] When I talked to Tempest over the phone, I was relieved to find out he was not nearly as weird as his name sounded. We talked for awhile and I learned that he had studied at some Canadian wrestling schools and had been working the independent circuit for quite awhile. A side note was that I discovered he had a truly bizarre sense of humor. Result: Exclusive PPA. I'm hoping that we can quickly turn him into a star as he is not as young as the other workers. Should be a good addition to our growing high flyer ranks. (Alignment: Face Gimmick: Dancing Fool) [B]Kashmir Singh:[/B] From the moment I met him I liked him. He was eager to work, had a lot of potential as well as a large amount of existing talent. He was thrilled to finally be contacted by a federation after years of working they indy circuit. He has a very unique look to him, as he's slight like a lightweight, but muscled like a middleweight. Result: Signed very quickly to an Exclusive PPA. He'll be a good jobber to my heel stars, as well as great generic tag team partner. Hopefully within the year he'll be ready for a solo star run. (Alignment: Face Gimmick: Blue Collar [B]Otsune Tsumura:[/B] Once again I was forced to translate Japanese over the phone. I am not sure exactly what was said, but she kept repeating '5SSW.' Result: Apparently after talking with Ginko later on, it turns out that Otsune was very loyal to 5SSW to the point of not wanting to work for another company. This was dissapointing for me because I was hoping she would become Ginko's tag team partner. [B]Ed Larkins (Phenomenal E):[/B] I've seen Ed work, and he is a solid performer. He does look like wrestling is taking it's toll on him, but hopefully he'll have quite a few years left in him as he's developing nicely into good worker. Results: Signed to a PPA. He'll make a good partner for Adrenaline and a rival for Joey. After talking to him a bit I decided to try and give him a 'Rebel' persona, which will make a good counter-point for Joey's 'pro-establisment' style. (Alignment: Face Gimmick: Rebel) [B]Thomas Morgan:[/B] 'Trademark' Thomas is a good technical wrestler who has had years of experience in the indy's. He has all the skills we need to round out the technical part of our roster. Result: Signed to an Exclusive PPA. He'll be a great help in training up some of the less technical and experienced workers, as well as being able to cut a decent interview. For a (hopefully) classic crowd appeal we're working on giving him a Patriot gimmick, even going so far as giving him an American flag cape to stroll to the ring in. (Alignment: Face Gimmick: Patriot) [B]Nadia Snow:[/B] Talented and attractive, her personality very much matched her namesake: cold. She wasn't mean, just didn't seem to connect with me at all. There is no denying her skill though. Result: Although talented, I felt that UXW already had enough talent similar to her style. However, in the future when we're looking for additional workers, Nadia will probably be one of the first people I call. ================== On Sunday came the final hirings to round out the roster. Before interviews started I met with Reese Paige, a nice woman who Farrah had hired to be our Road Agent. I had never heard of her, and even Adrenaline only knew a bit about her, but she seemed experienced, organized, and above all very nice to everyone around her. I hope she fits in well with the rest. On to the interviews of the day. [B]Mark Smart:[/B] Mark was a very weird guy. A fan boy to the extreme, he reminded me a bit of Adrenaline, but not in a good way. He did have decent high rope skills though. Result: Similar to Nadia, I felt that we had enough people of Smart's style on the roster already. [B]Kinuye Mushashibo:[/B] Cut to me once again on the phone struggling with translations. No one had heard of Kinuye, so it was hard to make a decision about her. Result: After discussing the matter with Farrah, we decided to go forward with the idea of an Asian tag team. I called Kinuye back and hopefully arragned an Exclusive PPA. (Alignment: Face Gimmick: Fun Babyface) ================== As Sunday evening came about, I felt exhausted yet excited. We had a full roster, interesting gimmicks and a show quickly approaching. The dream was quickly becoming a reality. ================== [B]UXW Roster:[/B] [B]Main Eventers:[/B] Johnny Lightning (F) Frankie Dee (H) The Taker (H) Agent 69 (H) [B]Upper Midcarders:[/B] Kashmir Singh (F) Tempest Appleby (F) Phenomenal E (F) Thomas Morgan (F) Blade (F) Joey Beauchamp (H) [B]Midcarders:[/B] Ginko Kuroda (F) Adrenaline (H) Kinuye Mushashibo (F) [B]Lower Midcarders:[/B] Cal Sanders (H) [B]Referee: [/B] Farrah Hesketh [B]Road Agent:[/B] Reese Paige [B]Announcer:[/B] ????? (Farrah said she was in contact with someone, but I haven't heard anything yet) [QUOTE][B]In the News of Wrestling: Week 1[/B] Shooter Sean Deeley leaves CGC for a written deal with NOTBPW Jerome Turner leaves CGC for a written deal with NOTBPW Adrian Garcia leaves CGC for a written deal with NOTBPW Whippy the Clown leaves CGC for a written deal with NOTBPW Jacob Jett leaves 4C for a written deal with NOTBPW Frankie Perez leaves CZCW for a written deal with NOTBPW Jack Griffith signs with TCW Queen Emily signs with SWF Jenny Playmate signs with 4C Kiko Sakakibara & Kit Hatoyama defeat Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka for 5 Star Tag Team Title American Psychos defeated the Pack for the WEXXV Blood Brothers Title[/QUOTE]
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UXW Extreme Combat [B]Thursday, Week 2, January 2007 Farrah Hesketh [/B] Checking over last weeks news feed I realized I had left CGC at the right time. It looks like NOTBPW is picking their roster clean. Time to check our own roster. My biggest concern is the 8-man championship to determine the first champion of UXW. I still can't believe Dante decided to back out of it, I mean, I had planned on having him be the first winner but he backed out before I could even present that idea. Standing up and stretching I realized that all those late nights were starting to take their toll. I spent a moment rolling my neck to try and get the stiffness out of it, but it was too little, too late. Time to check on Dante's idea for our first card tomorrow. =================== [COLOR="Purple"]"You've made some...interesting choices."[/COLOR] Dante looked back at me with hopeful expectations. I was feeling a little uneasy about this whole set-up. [COLOR="Purple"] "I don't trust Adrenaline against Agent, I don't want one of our stars getting injured the first night. How about you fight Adrenaline and Agent fights Kashmir."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"That sounds alright, Adrenaline and I know each other's styles pretty well."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Also, what's this about setting up Tempest as a lumberjack?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"During practice last night I teamed Tempest and Cal together against Ginko & Kinuye, mainly because everyone else had gone home and Kinuye still needs some practice. Well, turns out Tempest and Cal work great together, so I think we have a heel tag team to feud with 'Asian Sensation'"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Asian Sensation? That's what you're calling Ginko and Kinuye?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Hey, I think it's pretty catchy. Plus we need to help the audience understand why they don't speak English. I'm really glad Ginko's a quick learner because otherwise there'd be no way to tell Kinuye what I needed her to do."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Well, the rest of this looks pretty decent. I think the Triangle match will draw better results then Frankie vs. Phenomenal. Make the triangle match the main event. Also, good work on laying the groundwork for the feud between Taker and Johnny Lightning, sounds good. Let's run it."[/COLOR] [B]UXW Extreme Combat Friday, Week 2, Jaunary 2007[/B] [B]Dark Match #1: Clearcutters (Tempest Appleby & Cal Sanders) d. Asian Sensation (Ginko Kuroda & Kinuye Mushashibo)[/B] Tempest and Cal worked really well together, Dante was right about that chemistry. Ginko wrestled solidly too, but Kinuye just couldn't hit her spots and the crowd really noticed. Rating: E+ Post-Match After the match Kinuye and Ginko danced around in celebration. Dante is really playing up their Asian origins... I can't stand all the techno. Rating: D- [B]Dark Match #2 Blade d. Adrenaline by putting him through the table[/B] Dante did an excellent job making Adrenaline look like he knew what he was doing. Not bad for a debut match, especially for Adrenaline. I will give him this though, Adrenaline does look spectacular from the top ropes, only problem being he stinks up the ring when he's on solid ground. The crowd agreed with me as they starting booing Adrenaline. I feel sorry for the kid, but he is out of his league. Rating: D- The gymnasium darkens as the lights turn off. Creepy gothic music starts playing in the background, the gregorian chants building to a crescendo as the lights come on revealing The Taker in the ring. I will give him this, he does create a good atmosphere of death. "Greetings mortals. I am here to warn the land of the living of a soon-to-be departed soul. Johnny Lightning. A poor, talentless boy that will soon be buried six feet under. That is all" Right at the end the lights drop, and a moment later the house lights rise again showing an empty ring. The crowd buzzes a little about the anouncment, but most of the crowd doesn't even know who Johnny Lightning is. Rating: D [B]Agent 69 d. Kashmir Singh[/B] I was dissapointed to hear Martin try and call this match. even from the ring I could hear him struggling to keep up with the fast back-and-forth between Kashmir and Agent. I do like the new finisher Agent has been working on, a strong side kick to the face called "From Russia With Love". When she landed that Kashmir went down and I called the 3 count. The crowd seemed entertained but not enthralled Rating: E+ A loud thundercrack is heard, followed by the soft sound of rain. Then the guitar riffs start wailing away, the intro sound for Johnny Lightning. "HELLLOOOOOO OHIO. I have an announcment to make, I will not be going anywhere. The Taker can boast and brag with his goth friends about how he will 'take me away, but I assure you that he won't be doing anything to me. When I beat him tonight in the triangle match, everyone will know the truth: You CAN'T STOP LIGHTNING!" His finishing line was punctuated by another thundercrack. I must tip the sound guy extra, he was really on with the cues tonight. Rating: D- [B]Frankie Dee d. Phenomenal E[/B] I"m glad I bumped this from the main event. In fact, I even signaled to end the match early. Frankie was just all over the place tonight, and was struggling to hit the right marks. To Phenomenal E's credit, he worked and adapted to Frankie's mistakes, but it just wans't a main event quality match. Rating: E+ [B] Triangle Match: The Taker d. Johnny Lightning and Thomas Morgan[/B] This was the best match of the night. Thomas Morgan perfromed admirably considering he was mostly there as interference between Taker and Johnny. Morgan was quickly eliminated, leaving Taker and Johnny to slug it out. Taker did a great job getting the crowd into fight, he's becoming a monster heel very quickly. In the end Johnny was finished by a Tombstoner DDT. The crowd finally showed a bit of enthusiasm as I made the 3-count on Johnny. Rating: D After the match, after Johnny and Thomas limped away, Taker grabbed a mic and stayed in the ring. "Greetings mortals. As you saw, I CAN stop Lightning. In fact, I can stop anything and everything. Nothing stands in my way for the title so WHEN I win it, I offer an open challenge for anyone to try and take it from me. Anytime, anywhere. I am always ready to usher more souls to the afterlife." Once again the lights drop, and when they return Taker is gone. Show Rating: D- This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity. [QUOTE]Week 2 News: Saeko Hiroyuki defeats Yuma Maruya for the 5 Star All-Asian Title Shane Hannigans defeats Jeffery McPeterson for the MOSC Blood & Beer Title Reaper Dante defeats Blood Raven for the SOTBPW Campeon de Menor Title Carl Batch leaves DAVE for a written deal with SWF Darryl Devin leaves 4C & USPW for a written deal with SWF Jim Force signs with SWF Blonde Bombshell signs with TCW American Elemental leaves WLW for TCW[/QUOTE]
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