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Total Xtreme Wrestling: Fantastic Four

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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/TXWLogo.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Red"]TXW House Show Report (Held Live From Bailey's Atlantic City... Atlantic City, NJ)[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I][CENTER]The scheduled match of Roderick Strong and ??? vs. Brent Albright and James Gibson had to be canceled because Brent Albright had a family death, Strong had travel problems and Gibson called in and said he would not feel comfortable working anyone else as it would not help advance the storyline.... The attendance was 2,000 People so yet again TXW sells out the venue it runs! The show started off pretty big with the debuting Mike Quackenbush coming to the ring to a very welcoming New Jersey crowd and was very cool with the fans... KENTA came out and people are starting to know who he is. KENTA and Quackenbush had a pretty good match but there will always be naysayers in the crowd who hate on everything they do because they are not WWE Guys... KENTA and Quack had a battle of Luchamerican vs. Puro match for the main part with Quack doing his stuff and KENTA his... KENTA however got the win late on in the match with the Go 2 Sleep that caused many of the critics to hush! Our next match was resident Comedy Patrol Colt Cabana and El Generico teaming up against the Old Guard... Cabana has had his problems with the Old Guard in recent weeks so it was good to try and get some revenge this week. Storm and Waltman proved to be the superior team though as they got the win with the X Marks the Spot Double Superkick on Generico! And finnaly your main event consisted of Gregory Helms and CM Punk teaming up against Charlie Haas and Harry Smith... Smith was making his TXW Debut and did an excellent job by teaming with Haas. The New Jersey crowd knew who Smith was because he use to wrestle in JAPW and they welcomed him warmly.... Haas of course was super over from his work in New Jersey! Helms and Punk though capitilized on Smith being new to the game by beating him with the Vertabreaker after a big main event match! TXW House Shows Return Next Week live as The Titans make there House Show Debut against Jack Evans and Mike Quackenbush... Evans and Quack are not familar with each other but both are very good in Tag Team Action! Also Roderick Strong makes his house show debut... After the fiasco last week the scheduled Strong and a Mystery Partner vs. Gibson and Albright match was moved to the TXW Octane Taping... And your main event will be a huge match as Sean Waltman will be wrestling Colt Cabana in a one on one contest![/CENTER][/I]
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[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/GabeSapolsky.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JimCornette.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/KrisKloss.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]The Four have a Meeting![/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]The setting is just after the first ever TXW House Show! Everyone in the room is on the edge wondering what the hell this meeting could be about... Gabe walks in Gabe: Gentleman I just wanted to give all of you the good news... Our house show and Two TV Tapings have actually generated revenue thus far in the company... Right now our bank balance without Ted Turners Money sits out $39,275... This is very good as it makes us look stronger than WCW and TNA have ever done... Jim: Well Gabe thats fantastic but what about ESPN and WGN breathing down our ass about ratings? Gabe: ESPN and WGN are the least of our worries Jim... Think about it... Youtube nor MavTv have griped yet and that would be my main worries... Our house show generated profit... We don't need National TV to look like a threat to Vince and TNA... If we lose the ESPN deal then within 5-6 months we can have another deal just as good... Wrestling is about adapting to change not about being defeated by change.. Paul: I learned that lesson the hard way... Kris: All of this is good news but we have to decide something... Who is going to be our first World Champion... It needs to be someone who can carry the company on his back... I know the PPV is coming up but when will you announce who is in the match! Gabe: I have already told Paul he will announce it on Week 4 of our TV Show. This will give the fans a cliffhanger on who could be the champion... I promise our biggest stars will be in it though... Now onto bigger matters Gabe pulls out a contract... Shows it to them Gabe: This contract in my hand believe it or not is for a working agreement with TNA Wrestling (Cornette looks angry!)... Now I know just as well as anyone that TNA will screw us over in a heartbeat but thats not why I have this contract... I have this contract so we can screw TNA over... I vote we take the agreement... Send off one of our stars for a week to them... We get Joe or Angle and we can use them on our house shows... They job out to one our guys and we send them back and then declare war on TNA in a few months... I know its testing bad water but think about it... If we screw TNA then they will know we mean business... Cornette: Gabe I am game but just remember one thing... Before I sign this contract... If you play with fire you could get burned... I gotta think about it[/I] [U]I WANT YOU THE READERS TO DECIDE IF I SHOULD DO THIS OR NOT... Think about it... Haas vs. Angle... Joe vs. Punk... Styles vs. Gregory Helms... RVD vs. Style... RVD vs. Daniels... I can use this to my advantage for two months to gain capital at house shows... If you think yes vote yes or if you think dont test that water say no...[/U]
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