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PGHW: Don't forget what P stands for (C-Verse)

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[I]I've been thinking on creating a Story/Diary for some time. I used to do it for Cycling Manager. I will start off by explaining my vision on a diary: I will take the time to make a story out of it, and will try not to make it too formal. I will document the PPV's to a large extend. The weekly shows will just get a resumé. I work mainly with screencaps of the events, and without worker pictures, for I assume the people who will read this are familiar with the C-Verse characters. Hope you'll enjoy it. Pointers are of course always welcome. [/I] [U][B]Introducing the roster:[/B][/U] A short description of the workers, with a validation grade behind them. [U]Main event[/U] * Nobuatsu Tatsuko : The 'Iron Man', and one of my personal faves. Still needs technical schooling though. (++) * Yoshimi Mushashibo : PGHW = Mushashibo. Simple as that. (++) * Eisaku Kunomasu : Of all workers, I value the Lord of Strong Style the most. Can play in all styles. (+++) * Shuji Inukai : 'The Untouchable' is quite ironically the stepping stone towards other's greatness. I don't like him. (+) * Mito Miwa : The 'Pride Warrior' is one of the cornerstones of PGHW. I will therefore use him as such. (++) - Bryan Vessey: A huge star, but the ego is killing his title opportunities in my book. (+) - Buddy Garner: Matches with him are usually a bit of a gamble, but cannot be missed for worker tech. development. (++) - Raymond Diaz: I like his persona a lot, but his working unsureness is holding him back for true stardom. (+) - Dread: Dreadfully stale, all thanks to his despicable stamina rating. To be jobbed and traded. (0) - PRIDE Koiso: His character is so awesome. Paired with his talent, he could go a long way. (+) - Akinori: A star on the rise, and soon to replace a main eventer. (+) - Noriyori: Multi-talented, and a must to maintain fan interest in the product. And still relatively young. (++) - Lee & Alexander: Mentioned together for obvious reasons. 'Team Toronto' is the sole reason Lee is still working here. Alexander may have a solo career ahead of him. (0) - Kozue: Still needs to grow if he wants to stay in the midcard. But is flashier than most of his peers. (+) - Masaru: I definately see him becoming more popular as time passes. Still very young. (++) - Danger: A more than solid performer. A fine tool for developing workers since this one still has skillz. (+) - Junnosuke: Just another old stepping stone. But this one is almost gonna crack. (0) - Ryoma: 'The Rocket' is somewhat queer. But I like that in people, so we'll give him a few years and see what happens. (0) - Masayuki: Another old guy. Still usable though. (0) - Tetsunori: Probably one for the future, but is currently of little use. Still usable as well. (0) - Bryan H.: Hellow... One of the most, if not THE, best asset to the midcard. (++) - William: The fact that he's not 'mine' has positive effects, but still more negative ones. (0) - Washi: Cute mask, but no. (-) - Joshua: Like all openers, just filler material as far as I'm concerned. (0) - Kazushige: Damn, he sucks. Better send him to development camp. (-) - Larry Vessey: Unlike the AI, I'll better only rarely use him, and only as a Vessey Brother. (0) Like you see, not many negative values, so most are all keepers. Still, we need to concentrate on new talent if one should get 'deadly' injured. Next, the teams: * Team Toronto: A recurring force in the tag team division. * Vessey Brothers: Their rare appearances make them somewhat special. * Team Dynasty 2000: (Shuji & Yoshimi) A fine duo, but I won't use them that much. - Team Energy: (Nobuatsu & Noriyori) Fine workers, and a versatile duo. - Ryoma & Masaru: The future, but to be treaded with care. - Mito & Akinori: One of my personal favorite tag teams. - Kozue & PRIDE: Very good as a tag team imo. - Dread & Holmes: Why? Short-lived to be sure. All right. Soon to kick off with Elite Series 2007. I've shaped it into a PPV, in a way like the AI does it. All matches are done on the same day. The alternative is to hold each as main events with a storyline, but it conflicts with the Night of Pride. I'll also make a picture summary tomorrow.
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Can I suggest using Larry Vessey as a singles worker, to use his overness to move other workers (Sanda / Holmes etc) up the card as they beat him. I know PGHW doesnt value overness, but card position still does work on that. Please don't use him with Bryan - he'll drag the matches down something awful. Good luck with this - PGHW are one of my faves, so I'll be reading.
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Before I start off I'd like to announce a parnership with NOTBPW. It's good to have friends at the other side of the world. Out of all the major promotions, NOTBPW was the obvious choice, considering product similarity. I might even start a women's division soon to reach a more similar build of the fed. Anyhow, I started off with some try-out events on the first tour in March, since I'm still in my evaluation period. Familiarity with the workers and detection of possible chemistry between top workers is priority at the moment. Shows take place on mondays and thursdays, regular touring schedule. I might change the touring schedule to a normal one, but those are potential future plans. The events weren't that good, respectively B-/B/B-/B/B/B, given the low chemistry notes that pop up. I've scheduled the shows so in the monday show all lower titles will be defended, all main titles on the thursday show. Both are Big events. Title contenders will be selected on momentum. The industry in on a rising D+, economy is falling from C. A tad bit problematic, but hey. On to the hirings: I've brought in Shingen Miyasaki on a PPA contract, and for this Tour only there's Eisaku Hoshino, Dark Angel, Burning Exile, Hitomaru Suzuki, Wael Hossan & Merle O' Curle. Furthermore, I've signed SUKI for a development deal in January. If there are any more suggestions, please post them so I can take them into account. Feel free to ask for changes or something else as well (or firings). Questions about the status of selected workers will of course also be answered. As a first result of the NOTBPW Partnership, we've traded Dread for Duane Stone, so they'll both make a few select appearances. I've scheduled Duane for both upcoming PPV's. [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/4041/temp1ch5.jpg[/IMG][/URL] (I assume you all know Dark Angel :)) ELITE SERIES 2007 (Sat, Week 1, March) [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/4172/eliteseries2007ae4.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Synopsis: The stars can get the job done, that's a relief. Only tag team partners Shuji and Yoshimi can't seem to create a good match, they have very bad chemistry together so they'll probably never see each other eye to eye again. I've capped the Tournament storyline at the finals, so the Eisaku vs Yoshimi match can be rescheduled at the Night of PRIDE, for optimal ratings. I'll hype it during a weekly show. :) Duane didn't participate on the tournament, but provided an ok quality match that suffered from the momentum of the tourney matches. In the 2 following weeks, the main eventers were only rarely used, given their fatigue level and risque for injury. NIGHT OF PRIDE (Sun, Week 3, March) [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/6420/pghwb1yc4.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Behold one of the greatest events in wrestling today: The Night of PRIDE. But it sure wasn't "PRIDE" Koiso's night, as he lost to Mito Miwa in what was percieved as one of the greatest matches of the evening. The main event delivered big, as we hoped. The other A-match contenders were specifically put there for their chemisty: Mito and PRIDE mix greatly, and the others go pretty well together too. We got a 1.59 buy rate which I can't really compare yet with other PPV's but the 2007 Elite series, held on the first week of march, which got a 1.75. 2 PPV's on such a short time probably caused this drop. Should I just hold it on one of the weekly shows? I'll deal with it next year. Rob asked that I'd put Larry in singles competition rather than in a Tag Team with his brother. You ain't gotta worry 'bout him anymore. I used him for the first time in this event, and he performed at a pretty low level, as expected. Unfortunately, Mr. Vessey fell on his head and suffered a major concussion; he's 12 months out. What to do now?... Go on of course. What'd you expect? :) I'll better fire him now so I won't stare on his concussed self anymore. In the end, I have to thank his incompetence, since a better match on that place might've costed me my main event's momentum. Financially everything went fine too, I only changed the music to Lower Licenced and upped the DVD quality a little. Made +3.000.000$ profits in March. A fine day. As for popularity, it's stable at the moment, but I predict a slight drop in the coming months/year, since it's pretty hard coming up with constant B-shows. March's Main Events: - Eisaku K. drew with Eisaku H. (B-) - Yoshimi def. Buddy for the Title (B) - Nobuatsu def. Eisaku H. (B) - Buddy def. Shuji (B) - Eisaku K. def. Shuji (B) - Yoshimi def. Mito for the Title (B) - Mito drew with Nobuatsu (B+) - Yoshimi def. Eisaku H. for the Title (B) Dark Angel did get a B+ match with Mito. Raymond Diaz is already at 2 B+ matches and seems promising.
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[U]April 2007 is up:[/U] Nothing new, just continuing to explore for good match-ups. The main event storyline I created currently resolves around Yoshimi, Eisaku, Mito and Nobuatsu. Main Events: - [B]Yoshimi def. Nobuatsu[/B] (A*) for the Title: [I]Bingo! These 2 put on an awesome match together. I've never seen 2 workers who fit so well together. The Night of GLORY main event is set.[/I]- Mito def. Shuji (B+) - Team Dynasty 2000 def. Mito & Kwakami (B-): [I]Suffered from the better Eisaku vs Bryan match right before it.[/I] - Nobuatsu def. Buddy (B+) - Yoshimi def. Akinori (B) for the Title: [I]Very risky with the Mito vs Shuji rematch (B+) scheduled before it, but turned out ok due to pretty good chemistry displayed.[/I] - Team Energy drew with Team Dynasty 2000 (B): [I]Didn't want to tire them out before the PPV, so a moderate hyping match[/I]. - Nobuatsu def. Akinori (B-): [I]Gave most main eventers the rest they needed post-PPV. Given Akinori's push, what the heck. Bad chemistry however.[/I] - Yoshimi def. Noriyori (B+) for the Title: [I]Again, risky, but worth it in the end.[/I] NIGHT OF FORTITUDE [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/6783/clipboard02lb4.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I thought I'd experiment with the idea of a Battle Royal for a low-card title. It could've been worse though. :) I gave Danger the title for 2 reasons: it helps the title gain some much needed prestige, and it gives him valid reason to face lower card talent on a constant basis and develop their performance skills. Washi managed 7 title defenses. Two whole months of title continuity, and the fans suddenly get spoiled with another title change. Team Canada captures the International Title from Ryoma & Masaru, also at their 8th Title Defense. Furthermore one of the few times Bryan H. ever slightly dissapoints. But a good event nontheless, though nothing spectacular has been offered to the fans. I'm currently very pleased with the touring workers. Dark Angel is doing really well, though I fear next month will be weaker since other CGC will start touring again and takes his stamina to the limit. Burning EXILE has had good to great chemistry with multiple workers and will definately be asked for other tours. Merle is slowly developing popularity, and has even worked a B match once, with Alexander of Team Canada. Hitomaru is also doing well, and Eisaku as well (doesn't need to be said actually) though I expected more of him (1 B+ match with PRIDE, but very consistent nontheless). As for Shingen, who was given a contract, he's been ok, though he's not totally mine. But was involved in a B-rated tag match, unlike his appearances in INSPIRE and GCG, who give him some wins but at a constant C-rate level. TITLE STATUS: Given I haven't really mentioned anything about the champions, now's the time. At the Night of FORTITUDE the International Title changed hands for the first time since the start of 2007, when Washi held it. The International Tag Titles, arguebly the worst title in the fed (what's its use?), Ryoma & Masaru lost it too at their 8th championship match at the Night, in favor of Team Canada. No other titles have changed hands for the moment. So that keeps you up to date. ;)
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[U]May results[/U] are in: As the main title storylines collects heat like a sunbathing lizard (god I suck) another rivalry pops up: Dread, PRIDE, Eisaku H. and Raymond got involved in a segment, leading to a brawl. Main events: [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/6355/tempmaineventsy5.jpg[/IMG][/URL] - Eisaku drew with Eisaku H. (B) - Mito drew with Buddy (B+): [I]Also featured an awesome (B+) match between Danger and Shingen for the International Title[/I]. - Eisaku H. & Eisaku drew with Team Dynasty 2000 (B+) - Nobuatsu won a battle royal for No. 1 contendership for the Glory Crown Title at the Night of GLORY (A): [I]This was actually an experiment. Glad it turned out ok, since all of the main eventers were featured in it. Picture above.[/I] - Yoshimi def. Eisaku H. for the Title (B+) - Nobuatsu def. Eisaku (B+): [I]On the show, we saw Noriyori and Alexander put on an awesome match (A).[/I] - Yoshimi def. Mito for the Title (B+) - Team Dynasty 2000 drew with Team Energy (B+): [I]Imo an excellent opener given the main event at the Night a few days later, just like last month. This time it worked out (due to storyline heat I presume).[/I] Now the PPV. [B]Night of HONOUR:[/B] Lot of history going into this PPV. We got title matches scheduled of course. Very interesting is, if Bryan Holmes should win this, he would be carrying the title for a whole year. It was at the Night of HONOUR 2006 where he first won the famed title. Lot of 'history' behind that title as well. Aside from it, both Tag Titles are on the line in the first (and given the nature of the match: only) Title Unification match in recent PGHW history. PRIDE and Koiso, the Glory Tag Team champs, will go for the melting pot of gold against Team Toronto. On this tour, they have beaten the Canadians twice for the Title. Will the Canadians be victorious, when much greater things are on the line? The unification match is preceded by Shuji vs Akinori, first time meet. Odds will go for Shuji of course, but who knows, given Kwakami's recent push, he might pick up the win. Then there's Dark Angel and Ryomi going for it. It's Ryomi's chance for a big break, must he beat Dark Angel here and now. Finally, there's 2 more tag matches, featuring Mito and Dread. Tune in to see it all on PPV at Emperor's Choice. Aside from the Historical Title matches, there's of course the Main Event. Mushashibo vs Tatsuke. It's been a month in the making, and will undoubtly deliver. Scheduled before it is the Submission match between Eisaku Kunomasu and NOTBPW star Duane Stone. The latter is a rock solid technician with remarkable Flying skills. Kunomasu is no newbie on high flying as well. Definately a unique match up, and an exciting one as well, since Kunomasu himself has offered to head to NOTBPW to return the favor, and compete there. What else have we got? Vessey (the non-injured one) will face off with Buddy in a 30 minute ultimate submission match. Given their awesome technical abilities, there's no chance the match won't deliver some hot action to the buyer's TV room. [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/3717/pghw2avv2.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [U]Concerning the next tours:[/U] There. The Historical Title is history, so it seems. I'm sorry for the very strict and formal nature of the Diary, I know it's limited to the PPV's, but I'll change that soon. If the new tour is coming up (in a month) I'll document each event more throughly. This tour's purpose was mainly to detect potential chemistry. I haven't match all workers against each other of course, but it gives a solid base to create good PPV's from now on without being 'surprised' by awful chemistry that destroys match momentum. I'll give an account of the main workers with noticable affinity for one another in the following evaluation. EVALUATION: *Eisaku has no real matches as of yet, after being paired up with each main eventer. *Yoshimi was real awful with Shuji, but showed excellent chemistry with both Nobuatsu and Akinori. *Nobuatsu on his behalf failed to perform well with Akinori. *Mito has once got a awesome match with PRIDE Koiso, but failed to deliver with Raymond. *Shuji, apart from the misfit with Yoshimi, performs average. *Bryan had an exclusive match with Duane Stone that went pretty well. His match with Raymond on the other hand was an utter failure to 'communicate' in-ring, and his match with Akinori, again, was below average. - Buddy, unlike Bryan, could not perform so well with Duane. Alas, but life goes on doesn't it? Still, awesome for a non-main eventer. - PRIDE displayed average matches given his status as upper midcarder. - Eisaku H. had a good run with our company, and will be asked in the future, if our boss allows it. - Raymond did well in general, but showed problems with Akinori (again), and severe problems with previously mentioned encounters. - Akinori, as you've noticed already, is to be booked pretty selectively. On a sidenote, I must add that Noriyori seems at home in the current roster. He displayed an awesome bond in-ring with Alexander from Team Canada, Bryan H., Dark Angel ànd Burning EXILE. Shingen on his turn was good with Tetsunori and Hitomaru. Other surprise match-ups were Kozue vs Wael and EXILE vs Tetsunori.
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[U]July 2007:[/U] From now on I'll post each individual result. I apologize, but it didn't seem worth it on the first tour because the cards were basically pairings to check for good chemistry. [I]Italics[/I] are for the dark match(es), if there's one taking place at that show. As announced: for my new tour I've scheduled the famed 'Pistol' Pete Hall. Masutaro Shiga will also be touring with us, as will a few others who will only join from Wk2 onward: Rhyno Umaga & Champagne Lover. During the first Week though, BHOTWG has shown interest in Raymond Diaz. I gave him a new contract before they did, but it didn't matter. I liked him. I sure did... Oh well... :) [B]Show 1: Monday Wk1[/B] - [I]Masutaro def. Tetsunori: C[/I] - Danger def. Washi for the International Title: B- - Dread def. William: B - Ryoma def. Kozue: C+ - Akinori def. Masaru: B - Pete drew with PRIDE: B+ - Team Toronto drew with Team Energy for the Tag Titles: B+ * Mito def. Eisaku in a No. 1 contender's match: B+ [B]B+[/B]: Great show. Road agents noted that Pete Hall didn't gave his all last night, but no matter. He made a big impression with the fans. During the event, we also announced Pistol Pete vs Raymond for the next PPV... in a Last Man Standing match. Both are large heavyweights, so that'll be an awesome match. Lets hope. [B]Show 2: Thursday Wk1[/B] - [I]Masutaro def. Masayuka: C[/I] - Junnosake def. William: C - Lee def. Joshua: B - Shingen def. Washi: C - Masaru def. Ryoma: C- - Raymond def. Bryan H.: B+ - Buddy def. Alexander: A * Team Dynasty 2000 def. Mito & Akinori: B- [B]B-[/B]:Can you believe the last match actually lifted the crowd? My god this sucked. A bad chemistry note popped up twice (in William's and Masaru's match es resp.) and the Buddy/Alexander match blew the crowd away. Oh well. At least the fundaments have been layed for the main event of the Night of WARRIORS, in a few days. I've moved its date up so the PPV's are more apart. Masutaru is putting on his second 'off' match of his tour already. It could possibly be over soon for his sorry old ass. [B]NIGHT OF WARRIORS[/B] Here's the card. If anyone is willing to make predictions (winners, best/worse match,...), plz do so. Here goes: - [I]Joshua/Junnosuke/Kazushige/Kozue/Washi vs Masuyuki/Shingen/Tetsunori/Masutaro/William[/I] - Team Toronto vs Danger & William for the Tag Titles - Akinori vs Bryan H. - Dread vs Buddy - Eisaku vs PRIDE - Noriyori vs Masaru for the Historical Title - Shuji vs Bryan - Nobuatsu vs Duane Stone in a 30 min. Ultimate Submission match - Raymond vs Pistol Pete Hall in a LMS match * Yoshimi vs Mito for the Glory Crown Title in a 30 min. Iron Man Match I will post the results around few days.
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[b][u]PGHW NIGHT OF WARRIORS[/b][/u] - [b]Joshua/Junnosuke/Kazushige/Kozue/Washi[/b] vs Masuyuki/Shingen/Tetsunori/Masutaro/William - [b]Team Toronto[/b] (Alexander Robinson and Lee Bennett) vs Danger Kumasaka & William Hayes for the Tag Titles - Akinori Kwakami vs [b]Bryan Holmes[/b] - Dread vs [b]Buddy Garner[/b] - [b]Eisaku[/b] (Kunomasu?) vs PRIDE Koiso - [b]Noriyori Sanda[/b] vs Masaru Ugaki for the Historical Title - Shuji Inukai vs [b]Bryan Vessey[/b] - [b]Nobuatsu Tatsuko[/b] vs Duane Stone in a 30 min. Ultimate Submission match - [b]Raymond Diaz[/b] vs Pistol Pete Hall in a LMS match * [b]Yoshimi Mushashibo[/b] vs Mito Miwa for the Glory Crown Title in a 30 min. Iron Man Match As a fan of PGHW, I know that I know all the names off by heart but not everyone else does. Might be good to have the full names of the people involved because not every member of your roster is terribly well known even my us Cornellverse smarks ;) I picked most of the PGHW homegrowns to win but it's tough to pick a best/worst match.... I think worst will go to the tag team title match between Team Toronto and the new pairing of Hayes and Kumasaka. Best match of the night..... it's gonna have to go to Yoshimi and Miwa. Although I expect high levels of competition from Tatsuko and Duane Stone for that honour too. A little more detail is always nice, it keeps the easily amused more interested and helps us all learn a little more of what is going on in the world. Derek B
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[QUOTE=derek_b;216739] A little more detail is always nice, it keeps the easily amused more interested and helps us all learn a little more of what is going on in the world. Derek B[/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback. I'll try using the full names also. I'll detail major events in the world as well, but I admit I'm not that good of an English writer (it's supposed to be my third language :( ). But I'll try. :) EDIT: Since I can't put as much work into this piece as a big company like PGHW deserves, I'm inclined to stop this diary. I just don't feel like doing justice to a great fed like Pride. It's kinda hard for me to develop a non-formal story based on a fed that is all about pureness. :) Sorry. the winners from the PPV: Joshua/Junnosuke/Kazushige/Kozue/Washi vs Masuyuki/Shingen/Tetsunori/Masutaro/William C+ - [B]Team Toronto[/B] (Alexander Robinson and Lee Bennett) vs Danger Kumasaka & William Hayes for the Tag Titles B - Akinori Kwakami vs[B] Bryan Holmes [/B]B - Dread vs [B]Buddy Garner [/B]B+ - [B]Eisaku Kunomasu[/B] vs PRIDE Koiso B - [B]Noriyori Sanda [/B]vs Masaru Ugaki for the Historical Title B+ - Shuji Inukai vs [B]Bryan Vessey [/B]B- [WORST MATCH: a surprise] - [B]Nobuatsu Tatsuko[/B] vs Duane Stone in a 30 min. Ultimate Submission match A (best match, duh) - Raymond Diaz vs [B]Pistol Pete Hall [/B]in a LMS match B * [B]Yoshimi Mushashibo[/B] vs Mito Miwa for the Glory Crown Title in a 30 min. Iron Man Match B+ So you weren't far off B. ;) Highly predictable, but I don't think the fans care wether it is in fact predictable.
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