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4C- Canadian Combat!!!

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[SIZE="2"]As Agent Rand, I have been a manager in the New England territory for six years. I managed mostly submission based wrestlers and sometimes the occasional high-flyer. My most famous client is Alex Daniels who a hidden gem in the region. I have managed some really good wrestlers and some really bad guys, who should never be allowed in a wrestling ring. I loved working the New England region and thought that’s where I would be for the rest of my career. So you can imagine how surprised I was when I received a letter from 4C’s Owner Troy Winner. In the letter Troy said he was impressed with my managing skills and wanted to bring me in and form my own stable in 4C. I was extremely excited as I called the 4C Office in Ontario, Canada. I spoke with his front office and they told be to come up to Ontario in a few weeks. I was overwhelmed with joy as I prepared for my new career in Canada. [OOC: I have been wanting to do a dynasty ever since reading Shipshirt’s old MAW one. I thought it was the best one I ever read. Then I read his new one and it is really good. I was going to do a MAW one but there is no way I could compete with Shipshirt so I decided to do a 4C one. I am three months in advance so the next few posts are to get the story across. Feel free to leave comments. I hope you like Canadian Combat!][/SIZE]
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Part 2 [SIZE="2"]I arrived in Ontario and was surprised as I got off the plane and spotted 4C Champion and Head Booker Joey Poison waiting for me as I grabbed my baggage. JOEY POISON: Hey man. Welcome to Canada! Troy sent me to pick you up and answer any questions you have about 4C. I also wanted me to give this. It’s the Roster List. Troy wants you to pick two guys to manage. Here. Joey hands me the Roster List and I look it over. [B]~Roster List~[/B] [I]Air Attack Weasel[/I]- Current Combat Champion and a good high-flyer. [I]Jacob Jett[/I]- Good high-flyer and one half of Mighty Fine with Darryl Devine. [I]Darryl Devine[/I]- Great wrestler and future world champion, one half of Mighty Fine with Jacob Jett. [I]Ace Youngblood[/I]- Decent wrestler and good Indian gimmick. [I]Canadian Gangsta[/I]- Current Co-Tag Team Champion with Hardkore Killah as Thug Life. [I]Hardkore Killah[/I]- Current Co-Tag Team Champion with Canadian Gangsta as Thug Life. [I]Phenomenal E[/I].- Great high-flyer and one half of Phenomenal Excess with Duberry Excess. [I]Duberry Excess[/I]- Good wrestler and one half of Phenomenal Excess with Phenomenal E. [I]Calvin Dark[/I]- Interesting gimmick, kind of a prime madonna. [I]Brett Fraser[/I]- Good brawler but that’s it really. [I]Barry Kingman[/I]- OK wrestler, lacks a good character. [I]Warren Technique[/I]- Good submissionist but lacks personality. [I]Cal Sanders[/I]- Good wrestler but lacks personality. [I]Alan Parent[/I]- Good wrestler and a good main eventer. [I]Joey Poison[/I]- Current 4C Champion and has a great gimmick. After looking over the List, I turned to Joey. TJ RAND: I was thinking of bringing in some new talent, surprising the fans with a couple of new faces. JOEY POISON: I thinks that a good idea. I’ll talk to Troy about it. Let’s go. We have a meeting at the 4C Office in a hour. Joey lend me to his car and we got in and took one more step towards my new career.[/SIZE]
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Part 3 [SIZE="2"]I walked into the 4C Office extremely nervous but the feeling when away as soon as I spotted Troy Winner, wrestling’s only midget promoter. His smile made me relax and I felt at home. TROY WINNER: TJ! I am glad you finally make it. How’s New England? I heard you were making some major noise there, huh? Well I am calling a meeting to go over the recent months and if you have any questions just ask. I sat down next to Joey Poison and referee Andy Gordy. Troy stood at the head of the table and cleared his throat as he began. TROY WINNER: OK everyone. The last few weeks have been interesting. Joey has been a great champion and been booking some great matches but we still can’t seem to break through to the next level. We brought in TJ Rand, a manager from the New England area, to shake things up. He’s going to pick two heels and manage them. TJ any idea who? I felt on the spot and I turned to Joey. JOEY POISON: Well TJ and I talked and he thought it would be a good idea to bring some outside talent in. Give the 4C some new faces. TROY WINNER: I like it. Any ideas on who? TJ RAND: I have a few ideas. TROY WINNER: Remember we have Working Agreements with the MAW and the NYCW. Don’t go after anyone in the NOTBPW, because we have a Non-Aggression Pact with them, ok? TJ RAND: Ok. The rest of the meeting with about building up the next event, Caged Rage 2007. Joey Poison vs. Alan Parent was the main event and the focus of the show. Troy said that the 4C News would be updated on the 4C website by tomorrow and that the show is a few days away so we needed to get ready. I was nervous as I left the meeting, thinking about talent to bring in. I met Joey outside the office where he handed me a folder. JOEY POISON: This is a bunch of bios on guys I wanted to bring in. Look them over and maybe there’s someone you think would be good in your group. As Joey walked away, I thumbed through the folder and stopped when I came across a bio of a MAW guy. I know this was one of the guys I wanted to be in my group. I walked back to my motel room to give him a call.[/SIZE]
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Part 4 [SIZE="2"][B]4C NEWS: [/B] -Caged Rage 2007 is looking to be a must see show. What a way to start off 2007 with 4C Champion Joey Poison defending against "Parental Abuse" Alan Parent! -Tag Team Champions Thug Life are set to defend against Phenomenal Exess in what is going to be an exciting tag match. -Combat Champion Air Attck Weasel is defending against one half of Mighty Fine, Jacob Jett. This is high-flying at it's best! -Calvin Dark is facing off against Brett Fraser in what many are calling a clash of styles. -Darryl Devine is set to take on Barry Kingman. Devine is looking to break into the main event, while Kingman is looking for another title shot. -Agent Rand will be at the event with a huge announcement! -Come see 4C live at the Windsor Arena Hall![/SIZE]
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Part 5 [SIZE="2"][b]Caged Rage 2007[/b]: 218 People at the Windsor Arena Hall. TERRY SMITH: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Caged Rage! I'm your host, Terry Smith and we have a packed show for you tonight. Joey Poison is defending the.... [i](Suddenly music cuts Terry Smith off as Agent Rand, along side with Steven Parker and Zeus Maxmillion, make their way down to the ring. Agent Rand grabs the mike)[/i] AGENT RAND: I stand here, along side of two of the top names in the indy world. Steven Parker and Zeus Maxmillion! I have signed both these men to join The Agency as my first clients! This is a warning to everyone in the back! This is the Agency! [i](The three leave the ring as the fans boo and throw trash at them)[/i] [b]D[/b] TERRY SMITH: Well that's an interesting way to kick off 2007! It's only going to get better! [b]Air Attack Weasel defeated Jacob Jett, in 7:23, to retain the Combat title[/b] Air Attack Weasel unleashed all of his high-flying goodness and Jacob Jett tried to fight back, but was unable and pinned after the Air Attack Press [b]D[/b] TERRY SMITH: Jacob Jett tried to take the Combat title away from Air Attack Weasel but failed. Let's hope his partner Darryl Devine has better luck later on. [b]Samoan Machine defeated Ace Youngblood in 0:43[/b] Samoan Machine OWNED Ace Youngblood in his 4C debut. He destroyed the wannabe Indian with the Samoan Driver, to the cheers of the fans [b]D[/b] TERRY SMITH: The Samoan Machine looks to be a force in the 4C. The wrestlers better take notice to this monster! [b]Thug Life defeated Phenomenal Excess, in 6:55, to retain the Tag Team titles[/b] Thug Life had the fans going crazy as they battled Phenomenal Excess. Duberry Excess really looked good here, but was pinned by the Canadian Gangsta after the Drive By [b]C-[/b] TERRY SMITH: Thug Life retains but Phenomenal Excess almost had them beat! I smell a rematch! [b]Calvin Dark defeated Brett Fraser in 6:30[/b] Brett Fraser had this match won, until Joey Poison ran down and hit him with the Antidote Web, allowing Calvin Dark to pin him [b]D[/b] TERRY SMITH: Look's like Joey Poison and Calvin Dark are partners in crime. They robbed Brett Fraser of a victory! [b]Darryl Devine defeated Barry Kingman in 5:42[/b] Really nice back and forth action between these two. Darryl Devine wins with the Devine Dream Drop [b]C-[/b] TERRY SMITH: Darryl Devine is someone to watch in 2007. He's a superstar in the making! [b]The Agency of Steven Parker and Zeus Maxmillion (with Agent Rand) defeated Cal Sanders and Warren Technique in 7:57[/b] The Agency looks like a force to watch out for. Good showing by everyone in this match. Steven Parker wins by hitting Cal Sanders with a pair of brass knuckles [b]C[/b] TERRY SMITH: The Agency cheated to win! Sanders and Technique were screwed! [b]Joey Poison defeated Alan Parent, in 5:41, to retain the 4C title[/b] Match of the Night without a doubt. Joey Poison plays his character well and won with the Antidote Web [b]C[/b] TERRY SMITH: Great Main Event! Great Show! See you next month for X-Factor! [b]OVERALL: C-[/b][/SIZE]
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Part 6 [SIZE="2"][b]4C News[/b]: -Marc Speed has signed a PPA contract with the 4C -The 4C has signed a Working Agreement with the EX-USA -X-Factor 2007 has signed it's main event: Thug Life will defend the Tag Team Titles in a Triple Threat Match against Phenomenal Excess and Mighty Fine! -Brett Fraser has challenged 4C Champion Joey Poison for a match, due to the fact that Joey Poison cost him his match against Clavin Dark. Joey Poison has agreed and made it into a title match! -Samoan Machine has challenged anyone from the 4C roster, and Barry Kingman has answered. -Cal Sanders and Warren Technique look for revenge against The Agency! -Come see 4C live at the Windsor Arena Hall![/SIZE]
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Part 7 [SIZE="2"][B]X-Factor 2007[/B]: 213 People at the Windsor Arena Hall. TERRY SMITH: Welcome to X-Factor 2007! Tonight's main event is going to be great! Thug Life defends the Tag Team Titles against Mighty Fine AND Phenomenal Excess in a triple threat match! Let's get this show going! [B]Calvin Dark defeated Marc Speed in 5:16[/B] The fans really don't like Dark. Speed was impressive in his 4C debut. Dark wins with the Darkside. [B]D[/B] TERRY SMITH: Joey Poison's lackey Calvin Dark picks up a win over Marc Speed. [B]Air Attack Weasel defeated Ace Youngblood, in 4:54, to retain the Combat Title[/B] The Weasel is looking good, flying around the ring like he's on drugs. Youngblood looked ok, but was pinned by the Air Attack Press. [B]D[/B] TERRY SMITH: What is Air Attack on?!?! That guy is off the wall! [B]Samoan Machine defeated Barry Kingman in 0:49[/B] Samoan Mahcine murdered Kingman with the Unbreakable Sleeper. [B]C-[/B] TERRY SMITH: Samoan Machine continues to destroy anyone in his path. [I]Agent Rand and Steven Parker make their way to the ring. Parker calls out Cal Sanders and taunts him, calling him boring and dull.[/I][B] F[/B] TERRRY SMITH: Agent Rand and his little group are such jerks! [B]Steven Parker (with Agent Rand) defeated Cal Sanders in 7:42[/B] Parker looks great. Sanders really helped Parker out and made him look like a star. Parker wins with a handful of tights. [B]C[/B] TERRY SMITH: The Agency steals one again! [B]Warren Technique defeated Zeus Maxmillion (with the Agency) in 5:42[/B] Maxmillion had the upper hand most of the match, until Cal Sanders chased Steven Parker and Agent Rand from ringside. This allowed Technique to lock in the Machine Sleeper for the win! [B]C[/B] TERRY SMITH: HA! Looks like the Agency's plan backfired! [B]Joey Poison defeated Brett Fraser, in 7:08, to retain the 4C Title[/B] Poison made Fraser look good. Poison wins with the Antidote Web.[B] C[/B] TERRY SMITH: The Champ retains! Brett Fraser didn't get any revenge for the interference last month. [B]Thug Life defeated Mighty Fine and Phenomenal Excess, in 8:11, to retain the Tag Team Titles[/B] Canadian Gangsta looked good, while Hardkore Killah got really tired. Mighty Fine and Phenomenal Excess both did a good job. Canadian Gangsta pins Jacob Jett with the Drive By. [B]C-[/B] TERRY SMITH: Thug Life retains! I love those guys! See you next month at Final Fight! [B]OVERALL: C-[/B][/SIZE]
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Part 8 [SIZE="2"][B]4C News: [/B] -Final Fight 2007 looks like a great night for 4C fans! We have a great lineup for you! -Brett Fraser looks to get back in the title picture, by challenging the undefeated Samoan Machine! -Mighty Fine takes on Thug Life for the Tag Team Titles! -Zeus Maxmillion of the Agency has challenged Alan Parent! Maxmillion looks to take his place as a main eventer! Can he do it? -Joey Poison has an open challenge to anyone on the 4C roster for a title shot. Many where surprised when Phenomenal E. answered the challenge! -Come see 4C action live at the Windsor Arena Hall![/SIZE]
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Part 9 [SIZE="2"][B]Final Fight 2007:[/B] 205 People at the Windsor Arena Hall. TERRY SMITH: Welcome to Final Fight! Tonight Champion Joey Poison defends against one half of Phenomenal Excess, Phenomenal E. Let gets this show started! [B]Samoan Machine defeated Brett Fraser in 0:54[/B] Samoan Machine is unstoppable. He is ripping through the 4C roster. Machine wins with the Samoan Driver. [B]D[/B] TERRY SMITH: Samoan Machine is a monster! Who can stop him? [B]Ace Youngblood defeated Calvin Dark in 5:09[/B] This match stunk up the show bad. The fans really really don't like Dark at all. Youngblood wins with the Blood Breaker. [B]E[/B] TERRY SMITH: Ummm.. Next match. [B]Thug Life defeated Mighty Fine, in 5:44, to retain the Tag Team Titles[/B] The fans love Thug Life, well, mostly Canadian Gangsta. Hardkore Killah is just kinda there. Canadian Gangsta pinned Jacob Jett with the Drive By. [B]C-[/B] TERRY SMITH: The fans love Thug Life! [B]Cal Sanders defeated Marc Speed in 4:41[/B] Speed is looking really good in his run in 4C. Sanders wins with the Lumberjack Hammer. [B]C-[/B] TERRY SMITH: I love that move! Lumberjack Hammer! [B]Air Attack Weasel defeated Barry Kingman, in 4:51, to retain the Combat Title[/B] The Weasel is crazy. He is willing to through himself all over the place to win. Pins Kingman with the Air Attack Press. [B]C-[/B] TERRY SMITH: The Weasel retains! Man, he's insane. [B]Alan Parent defeated Zeus Maxmillion (with Agent Rand) in 6:07[/B] Maxmillion looked good. Parent wins with the Parental Control. [B]C-[/B] TERRY SMITH: Alan Parent keeps his spot as a main eventer, but Maxmillion didn't look that bad... [B]Steven Parker (with Agent Rand) defeated Duberry Excess in 7:08[/B] Parker is gold! Wins after Agent Rand tripped Excess. [B]C-[/B] TERRY SMITH: The Agency cheats again! I don't like those guys! [B]Joey Poison defeated Phenomenal E., in 9:04, to retain the 4C Title[/B] Poison is a good champion. These two don't click at all. Poison wins with the Antidote Web. [B]C-[/B] TERRY SMITH: No one will take that title from Joey Poison. What a night! See you next month! [B]OVERALL: C-[/B][/SIZE]
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Part 10 [SIZE="2"][B]4C News:[/B] -Wrestling Showcase's main event is signed! After a great series of matches last year, Joey Poison will defend the 4C Title against Warren Technique! -Alan Parent will take on Cal Sanders in what will be a great match -Barry Kingman and Ace Youngblood are looking to form a tag team, and their first challenge will be against Mighty Fine! -Marc Speed will face Air Attack Weasel for the Combat Title! -Samoan Machine has challenged the lackey of Joey Poison, Calvin Dark! Dark refused the match, but 4C owner Troy Winner ordered the match! -Come see 4C action live at the Windsor Arena Hall![/SIZE]
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Part 11 [SIZE="2"][B]Wrestling Showcase 2007[/B]: 189 People at the Windor Arena Hall. TERRY SMITH: Hello everyone! Tonight we will see another part of the Warren Technique-Joey Poison series! Let's get sta... [I]Terry Smith is interrupted by the Agency, led by Agent Rand. Agent Rand walks over to Smith and grabs a mike.[/I] AGENT RAND: Hey shut up! Listen here, Terry. We heard you have been talking trash for the last few months and I'm sick of it. Boys. [I]Zeus Maxmillion and Steven Parker grab Terry Smith and set him up. Parker lifts Smith up and Maxmillion drops Smith through the table with a powerbomb! EMTs rush over and check on Smith as the Agency laughs.[/I] AGENT RAND: That will teach you to make fun of the Agency! I guess I'll take over as announcer for the night! [I]Agent Rand takes his seat behind the broken table as the EMTs put Terry Smith on the stretcher and wheeled backstage. [/I][B]F[/B] [B]Mighty Fine defeated Barry Kingman and Ace Youngblood in 5:55.[/B] Kingman and Youngblood don't make a good team. Mighty Fine continues to look great. Devine pins Youngblood with the Devine Dream Drop. [B]C-[/B] AGENT RAND: Mighty Freaks win against two losers. NEXT!! [B]Marc Speed defeated Air Attack Weasel, in 5:59, to win the Combat Title.[/B] Marc Speed is on fire. Air Attack was a good champ, but Speed is gold. Speed wins with the Speed Limit. [B]C-[/B] AGENT RAND: Speedy McSpeedy wins the Combat title from the Monkey! Woo. [B]Thug Life defeated Phenomenal Excess, in 7:35, to retain the Tag Team Titles.[/B] The fans love Thug Life. Hardkore Killah some how managed to pin Duberry Excess with the Drive By. [B]C-[/B] AGENT RAND: The Thugs win. That match sucked. [B]Alan Parent defeated Cal Sanders in 6:58.[/B] Parent is on a roll. Sanders looked ok. Parental Control for the win. [B]C-[/B] AGENT RAND: Alan Parent beats that loser Sanders. Why is Cal still in the 4C? [B]Steven Parker defeated Brett Fraser in 5:45.[/B] Steven Parker is a future champion. Agent Rand ran down from the announcer's booth to interfere, hit Fraser with a chair. Parker gets the pin. [B]C-[/B] AGENT RAND: My boy wins! All by himself! [B]Samoan Machine defeated Calvin Dark in 0:46.[/B] Dark looked like crap. Machine wins with the Samoan Driver. [B]D[/B] [I]Calvin Dark starts whining and crying about losing. Samoan Machine will have none of that and Powerbombs Calvin over the ropes, through the ringside table! The fans cheer for the Machine! [/I][B]F[/B] AGENT RAND: Holy crap! What's with people being put through tables tonight? [B]Joey Poison defeated Warren Technique, in 7:54, to retain the 4C Title.[/B] Good match. Joey wins with the Antidote Web! [B]C[/B] AGENT RAND: Well losers. It's been fun, but I'm out of here. [B]OVERALL: C[/B][/SIZE]
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Part 12 [SIZE="2"][B]4C News: [/B] -Calvin Dark has been taken out of the 4C, at the hands of Samoan Machine. -4C has signed Frankie Perez. -No Limits 2007 is looking to be a great show. Agent Rand will be there with a huge announcement. -Alan Parent has demanded a title shot against Joey Poison. Poison agreed, only if it's a loser-leaves-4C match! After a few days, Alan Parent has agreed! -Last month we saw Barry Kingman team with Ace Youngblood. This month they will be facing off in the ring. -Marc Speed will put the Combat title up against Cal Sanders. -Agent Rand somehow managed to get Zeus Maxmillion and Steven Parker a title shot against the Champions Thug Life. -Come see 4C action live at the Windsor Arena Hall![/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=DodgyDavid;220508]I have been enjoying your diary, you've got my support! keep up the good work[/QUOTE] Thanks man. I'm glad to see you like it. I think you guys will like it more in a few days. 4C is in for a shock.
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Part 13 [SIZE="2"][B]No Limits 2007[/B]: 195 People at the Windsor Arena Hall. TERRY SMITH: Hello everyone! Last month the Agency attacked me and put me through a table. I'm back but my neck is still having problems, bu that's besides the point. Tonight Alan Parent puts his 4C Career up against Joey Poison for the 4C championship! Plus... [I] The Agency makes their way down to the ring, as the fans boo. Agent Rand grabs a mike and holds up his hand.[/I] AGENT RAND: Listen up losers. Tonight is a big night for the Agency. Tonight we gain the tag team titles and a new member. Tonight, Frankie Perez joins the Agency! [I]Frankie Perez makes his way down to the ring as the fans boo.[/I] AGENT RAND: Welcome to the Agency! Thug Life, tonight is your last night as champions so enjoy it. The Agency is taking over! [B]D[/B] TERRY SMITH: Those jerks! Why the hell is Frankie Perez joining up with them? [B]Phenomenal Excess defeated Mighty Fine in 6:11[/B] Good match between the two foundations of the tag division. Mighty Fine continues to get better and better. Phenomenal E. pins Jacob Jett with the Phenomenal Splash. [B]C[/B] TERRY SMITH: It is only a matter of time before those two teams are champions. Good match! [B]Ace Youngblood defeated Barry Kingman in 5:33[/B] Ok match. Youngblood wins with the Blood Breaker. [B]D[/B] TERRY SMITH: The partners turns foes! Ace wins with that swinging neckbreaker. [B]Air Attack Weasel defeated Brett Fraser in 3:55 [/B] Good match. Air Attack is a mad man. Wins with the Air Attack Press. [B]C-[/B] TERRY SMITH: What the hell is the Weasel on?!?!? [B]Marc Speed defeated Cal Sanders, in 4:41, to retain the Combat Title[/B] I was hoping for a little better from these two but still an ok match. Speed Limit for the win.[B] C-[/B] TERRY SMITH: Marc Speed is on the rise! Watch out for him. [B]Warren Technique defeated Frankie Perez (with Agent Rand) in 6:44[/B] I am starting to like Technique more and more. Perez looked good in his 4C debut. Agent Rand caused Perez to get disqualified. [B]C-[/B] TERRY SMITH: Agent Rand tried to cheat but got caught! DQ! [B]The Agency of Steven Parker and Zeus Maxmillion (with Agent Rand) defeated Thug Life, in 5:53, to win the Tag Team Titles[/B] Great match! The Agency looked amazing here. Maxmillion and Parker work great together. Parker pins Hardkore Killah with the Future Shock. [B]C[/B] TERRY SMITH: Damn it! Why did the Agency have to win the titles! [B]Joey Poison defeated Alan Parent, in 9:41, to retain the 4C Title in a Loser-Leaves-4C Match[/B] Alan Parent's last match and I wished it went better. Parent wanted way too much for his new contract so he's gone now. Poison wins with the Antidote Web. [B]C-[/B] TERRY SMITH: Alan Parent is out of the 4C! What a match! What a night! See you next month for Best of the Best! [B]OVERALL: C-[/B][/SIZE]
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Part 14 [SIZE="2"][B]4C News:[/B] -Alan Parent has been forced out of the 4C, losing a Loser-Leaves-4C match to Champion Joey Poison. We wish Parent the best of luck. -We have recieved news that a founding member of the MAW will debut at Best of the Best 2007! Fans will be talking about this one for a while! -Darryl Devine will get a shot at the Combat title at Best of the Best. Will Marc Speed retain or will Devine rise through the ranks? -Samoan Machine will take on Warren Technique. Can Technique stop the Unstoppable Machine? -Joey Poison will defend the 4C title against Cal Sanders in what should be a great match. -Newly crowned Tag Team champions Steven Parker and Zeus Maxmillion of the Agency will defend their titles against the Phenomenal Excess in the main event! Can the Agency shine in the main spotlight or will Phenomenal Excess finally win the tag titles? -Come see 4C action live at the Windsor Arena Hall![/SIZE]
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Part 15 [SIZE="2"][B]Best of the Best 2007[/B]: 185 People at the Windsor Arena Hall. TERRY SMITH: Hello everyone and welcome to Best of the Best! We have a packed show for you tonight. Wait is that Mainstream?! [I]Mainstream Hernandez makes his way down to the ring as the fans go crazy. He smiles and grabs the mike.[/I] MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ: Tonight I'm taking the 4C to the mainstream. Tonight I will whip Jacob Jett's butt from post to post. Tonight is the night of Freaks! [I]The fans cheer as Mainstream makes his way to the back.[/I] [B]F[/B] TERRY SMITH: Well, Mainstream Hernandez is here in the 4C! One of MAW's founding fathers is here! [B]Marc Speed defeated Darryl Devine, in 6:40, to retain the Combat Title[/B] This was the match of the night and a great way to start off the show. Speed wins with the Speed Limit. [B]C+[/B] TERRY SMITH: Holy Hell! That was amazing! [B]Ace Youngblood defeated Barry Kingman in 5:40[/B] I am trying to find an opponent that Ace works well with. Not tonight. Wins with the Blood Breaker. [B]D[/B] TERRY SMITH: Ace Youngblood now holds two wins over his former partner Barry Kingman. [B]Samoan Machine defeated Warren Technique in 0:36[/B] Machine is on fire! Burn baby Burn! Samoan Driver for the win. [B]C[/B] TERRY SMITH: Who can stop the Samoan Machine? Who? Maybe our champion Joey Poison? [B]Mainstream Hernandez defeated Jacob Jett in 7:14[/B] Wow. I really hoped for more that what it got. Apparition #14 for the win. [B]C-[/B] TERRY SMITH: Mainstream is here to stay! [B]Joey Poison defeated Cal Sanders, in 10:39, to retain the 4C Title[/B] Better that the last match. Poison is a great champ. Antidote Web pins Sanders. [B]C[/B] TERRY SMITH: Maybe Joey Poison can stop the Samoan Machine! Cal Sanders couldn't stop the Poison though. [B]The Agency of Steven Parker and Zeus Maxmillion (with Agent Rand) defeated Phenomenal Excess, 12:26, to retain the Tag Team Titles[/B] Good match. Parker and Maxmillion looked great! Parker pins Duberry Excess with the Future Shock. [B]C[/B] TERRY SMITH: What a night! Thanks for watching! See you next month. [B]OVERALL: C[/B][/SIZE]
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Part 16 [SIZE="2"]It was the day after Best of the Best as I walked into the 4C Office and was surprised to see Troy Winner, waiting for me. He looked upset. TROY WINNER: TJ. Come into my office. My heart started to backflips. Was I fired? The Agency is going so well. I walked in and sat down, as Joey Poison walked in. He also looked upset. Both men just stood there for a few minutes before Troy started to talk. TROY WINNER: TJ. You have been doing a great job these last few months. The Agency is great, the boys in the back like you and the your ideas have been good. That why Joey and I are coming to you. JOEY POISON: I'm stepping down as Head Booker. Being the champion and booking the shows is too much. I just signed a PPA contract with NYCW, so Troy and I decided it was a good idea for me to step down. TROY WINNER: That's where you come in. TJ RAND: Me? You want me to be the Head Booker? TROY WINNER: You got the skills and the boys respect you. You're perfect. JOEY POISON: Plus I can help if you need it. You'll be fine. Iron Man Challenge is this month so you should get started. TROY WINNER: You're new office is next to mine, so get started! I walked out of Troy's office and into my new office. I still can't believe that I'm the new Head Booker of the 4C. I sat down and started up my computer. I looked up our roster and then checked out some bios of new guys I want to bring in. I then started to write up the 4C News for this month. [B]Stay Tune for the New Era in Combat![/B][/SIZE]
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Part 17 [SIZE="2"][B]4C News:[/B] [I]-Breaking News! Brett Fraser, Ace Youngblood, Air Attack Weasel and former 4C Champion Barry Kingman have all been released! -4C has signed Flemmy Lemming, American Elemental, and Joss Thompson! -The Ironman Challenge is a must see event! The main event has been signed. 4C Champion Joey Poison will defend the title against Warren Technique in a Two-Out-of-Three-Falls Match! Their series has resulted in some great matches and now it's coming to an end! Will Warren win the big one again or will he be poisoned? -Phenomenal Excess is looking to regain some momentum as they face off against former champions Thug Life. Who will become contenders to the Tag Team Titles? -Marc Speed has an open contract for anyone to face him for the Combat Title. It was a huge surprise when Joss Thompson signed it! Can Speed put the Limit on Thompson or will Joss make an impact by winning the Combat Title in his first match? -Mighty Fine has been on a roll lately and with be recieving a title shot against The Agency! Will Mighty Fine look good with gold or will the Agency use Agent Rand to get the victory? -The Ironman Challenge will be live at the 4C Center (Windsor Arena Hall)! Come on down![/I][/SIZE]
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Part 17 [B]Ironman Challenge 2007[/B]: 189 People at the 4C Center! TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="Silver"]Welcome to the Ironman Challenge! And joining me is the owner of the 4C and my new announcing partner, Troy Winner! [/COLOR] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]Hello everyone! We are going to see a new era in the 4C! What match is first?[/COLOR] TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]Frankie Perez of the Agency against Flemmy Lemming! Let's go to ringside![/COLOR] [B]Frankie Perez (with Agent Rand) vs. Flemmy Lemming[/B] Good debut for Lemming. Both men looked good. Perez won with the P-Clutch. [B]C-[/B] [B]Winner: Frankie Perez at 5:38 [/B] TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]Frankie Perez wins with the modified Arm Bar![/COLOR] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="Silver"]Perez should get a shot at the Combat Title soon.[/COLOR] Mai[B]nstream Hernandez vs. American Elemental [/B] Highflying action at it's best. These two work well together. Mainstream wins with the Apparition #14. [B]C-[/B] [B]Winner: Mainstream Hernandez at 4:50[/B] TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]Mainstream is working his way through the 4C roster. He has his mind set on the 4C Title![/COLOR] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]That would be a great match! Hotstream Hernandez vs. Joey Ink![/COLOR] TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]What?[/COLOR] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]Nevermind....[/COLOR] Th[B]ug Life vs. Phenomenal Excess[/B] I was hoping for a little better from these two teams. The fans love Thug Life. Duberry Excess pins Hardkore Killah with the ExPlex. [B]C-[/B] [B]Winners: Phenomenal Excess at 6:25[/B] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]Duberry Excess may just be the Shawn Michaels of his team. Phenomenal E. better watch out![/COLOR] TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]Who's Shawn Michaels? [/COLOR] [B]Marc Speed(c) vs. Joss Thompson for the Combat Title[/B] This was just an ok match. Marc has been on a roll lately but this match was kind of boring. Thompson looked good though. Speed Limit for the win. [B]C-[/B] [B]Winner: Marc Speed retains at 5:43[/B] TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]Can anyone break the Speed Limit? No one has gotten out of the move once Marc locks it in.[/COLOR] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]Marc Speed is a good Combat Champion.[/COLOR] [B]The Agency of Steven Parker and Zeus Maxmillion(c) (with Agent Rand) vs. Mighty Fine for the Tag Team Titles[/B] Match of the night! All four of these men are future world champions. Steven Parker and Darryl Devine were the stars of the match. Parker pins Jacob Jett with the Future Shock. [B]C+[/B] [B]Winners: Steven Parker and Zeus Maxmillion retains at 7:51[/B] TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]Even though I hate those guys, they make a great tag team.[/COLOR] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]Agent Rand is a jerk.[/COLOR] [B]Samoan Machine vs. Cal Sanders[/B] Samoan Machine is the man. No one has been able to beat him yet in the 4C. Samoan Driver pins Sanders. [B]C[/B] [B]Winner: Samoan Machine at 1:26[/B] TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]Samoan Machine is still undefeated![/COLOR] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]That man is a monster! Holy crap![/COLOR] [B]Joey Poison(c) vs. Warren Technique for the 4C Title in a [U]Two-Out-Of-Three-Falls Match[/U][/B] Great way to end their series of matches. Joey Poison wins the first fall with a roll up and then the second fall with the Antidote Web! Good match. [B]C[/B] [B]Winner: Joey Poison retains at 13:38[/B] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]Joey Ink wins the match in two straight falls! Wow![/COLOR] TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]See you next month for One Night Only![/COLOR] [B]OVERALL: C[/B] [I]Notes:[/I] Good show. I'm a little disappointed with Mainstream Hernandez. I was hoping for at least solid C matches, but he's only given C- matches. Steven Parker and Zeus Maxmillion are a great team. I am very pleased with how they are working out. I'm happy with how the Technique-Poison series went. I hope that Frankie Perez is ready for a good push because I think he could be a main eventer in the future. That's it for Ironman Challenge!
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Part 18 [B]One Night Only 2007[/B]: 197 People at the 4C Center. TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]Welcome to One Night Only![/COLOR] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]Tonight's show is packed. Mainstream Hernandez is going to get a shot at the 4C Title![/COLOR] TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]Let's get it started![/COLOR] [B]Joss Thompson vs. Cal Sanders[/B] OK match with Joss looking good. Cal Sanders fell to the Clean Cutter.[B] C-[/B] [B]Winner: Joss Thompson at 7:21[/B] TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]Thompson wins with the Clean Cutter![/COLOR] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]Nice victory for Joss Thompson.[/COLOR] [B]American Elemental vs. Jacob Jett[/B] These two work well together. High Flying action at it's best. Elemental wins with a frog splash. [B]C-[/B] [B]Winner: American Elemental at 6:54[/B] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]The masked guy wins![/COLOR] TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]That's American Elemental...[/COLOR] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]Oh.....[/COLOR] [B]Frankie Perez (with Agent Rand) vs. Marc Speed(c) for the Combat Title[/B] Good match. Both gave it their all. Agent Rand angered the crowd to no end. Perez locks in the P-Clutch to win the Combat Title! [B]C[/B] [B]Winner: Frankie Perez to win the Combat Title at 5:44[/B] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]Frankie wins the Combat title from Marc Speed! Great match![/COLOR] TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]I smell a rematch![/COLOR] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]I smell you... Take a bath....[/COLOR] [B]The Agency of Steven Parker and Zeus Maxmillion(c) (with Agent Rand) vs. Thug Life for the Tag Team Titles[/B] Good match. The fans love Thug Life and hate Agent Rand! Maxmillion pinned Hardkore Killah with the Thunderbolt. [B]C[/B] [B]Winner: Steven Parker and Zeus Maxmillion retains at 7:37[/B] TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]The Agency retains again! When will those jerks lose those belts?[/COLOR] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]They are a good team though.[/COLOR] [B]Darryl Devine vs. Duberry Excess[/B] Devine is a future world champion. He's great. These two worked well. Devine Dream Drop for the win. [B]C[/B] [B]Winner: Darryl Devine at 7:22[/B] TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]Darryl Devine could be a huge singles star in the near future![/COLOR] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]He's the golden boy of the 4C.[/COLOR] [B]Samoan Machine vs. Warren Technique[/B] Match of the night... only lasted a minute though. Great match with Samoan Machine picking up another win with the Samoan Driver. [B]C+[/B] [B]Winner: Samoan Machine at 0:42[/B] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]The Samoan Machine will not be stopped![/COLOR] TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]He's still undefeated![/COLOR] [B]Joey Poison(c) vs. Mainstream Hernandez for the 4C Title[/B] Good match. Mainstream looked good here. Poison wins with the Antidote Web. [B]C[/B] [B]Winner: Joey Poison retains at 9:40[/B] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="silver"]Joey Poison retains the 4C Title! [/COLOR] TERRY SMITH: [COLOR="silver"]What a night! See you next month for....[/COLOR] TROY WINNER: [COLOR="Silver"]Demolition Derby![/COLOR] [B]OVERALL: C[/B] [I]Notes:[/I] Good show. I was a little surprised on the match of the night. It only went 42 seconds. Mainstream looked much better tonight. Darryl Devine is just amazing. After Mighty Fine runs it's course Devine could be a future 4C Champion. That's it for One Night Only!
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  • 2 weeks later...
4C Dead? Well this thread is dead now. I didn't realize what screen I was on, thought I was loading my game but ended up trashing it. Maybe I'll start another 4C one in the future but that's it for Canadian Combat!
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