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WWE Aftermath

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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;228833]May 4, 2007 Backstage, Viscera is demolishing the catering table. Not literally; he's just eating all the food. Val Venus comes up behind him and taps him on the shoulder. "Hey... hey, big man, ease off. Ease off! You don't need to get any bigger." "I'm not doing this to keep bigger, man. I'm doing this to stay big." "Why? You think it's the only reason you're alive?" "It is! I should've been on that plane, man! I was supposed to judge a Diva contest... but they told me I was too fat and there wasn't enough room for me, and the only reason, the only reason I'm still alive, is because I eat! So dammit, I'm gonna eat!" "Vis, Vis, get ahold of yourself! It wasn't fat that kept you alive... it was fate. I haven't told you yet... but when they couldn't get you on the plane? They called me. They wanted me to take over your spot, get to the airport and make the flight. But my cell phone was dead... I never got the call. I heard about the crash, plugged in the phone, and I got Vince's voice on my voicemail, yelling at me to pick up and get to the airport. If that battery hadn't been dead... I would be. So you, me? It's fate that's kept us alive. It's fate that we're a team, it's fate that we're here today. So I say, let's show them that it's our fate to hold the Tag Team Titles."[/QUOTE] classic e to use anything they can from a tradgedy well played, well played
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May 5, 2007 WWE.COM announces that, as the authorities have finished questioning him, The Undertaker has been cleared to tell his version of what happened... and will do so live via satelite on Monday Night Raw. Also announced for Raw: Two huge main-event-level matches, as the final member of the Contendership Tournament has his first match, Chris Benoit takes on Randy Orton... and the veterans get a chance to show what they can do as Mick Foley faces Kane! Plus, a recap of Smackdown's surprise shocking return, and will CM Punk have anything to say about it?
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WWE: Aftermath will return as soon as I figure out where I'm going with this. I like the start and I've got a semi-roadmap for Smackdown, but until I can find something to do with Raw instead of just spinning wheels, I won't be able to put on a decent show.
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I know that Raw and Smack down are one brand again, as the main talent pool has been depleted. And that the big names are back for the Main event to bounce back and forth between the two shows. i am guessing that much of smack down will revolve around tag division that is now Smack down exclusive. So what to do with Raw? how about influx of talent from OVW. A single person leading the charge Say Goldberg sees a big paycheck float his way from the wwe's insurance payoff? brings in a whole crop of WCW style roid freaks? and while Goldberg himself stands tall the rest of his Group gets showed the Door week after week? Maybe the Return of a life time, Bret Hart Comes back as commisioner of RAW now that Daddy dearest is gone, he realized life is to short to hold onto a grudge for ever, plus you know the wrestling itch must still be under that Hart Skin! Leading back a whole group of wrestlers who at one point felt let down or Betrayed by the E, but are Helping to Rebuild it now that Vince is no longer in the Picture? Don't know if that helps at all. I just know that if this accident ever happened, it would not just change the face of the E but also how many people who have left the industry or the E, see thier place in the world.
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