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WCW 1998 - Favourite Position is on Top

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[I]These events are fictional based on the game TEW 2007 and it is all my imagination...........[/I] [QUOTE][B][U][SIZE="5"]WCW Uncensored March 31st 1998[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/uncensored.jpg[/IMG] Eddy Guerrero defeated Booker T to win the TV Title. Juventud Guerrera defeated Konnan. Chris Jericho defeated Dean Malenko to retain his Cruiserweight Championship. Scott Steiner pinned Lex Luger. Chris Benoit defeated DDP and Raven in a 3 Way to win the US Title. Kevin Nash defeated The Giant. Bret Hart defeated Curt Hennig. Sting defeated Scott Hall to retain the WCW Title. Randy Savage defeated Hollywood Hogan in a Steel Cage Match.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U][SIZE="5"]WCW News and Rumours as of April 1st 1998[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/a/a3/Wcwlogo.jpg[/IMG] Ric Flair is apparently close to reaching a new deal with WCW regarding a new contract. WCW officials are reportedly happy with how Uncensored went last night. Eric Bischoff apparently says that in no way can he compete with all the crazy stuff WWF is doing to try and win the ratings because of the restrictions brought on him by the network, Bischoff feels that he will win the rating giving his fans good wrestling and innovative storylines. He feels the talent on his roster is superior to that of the WWF and that the fans will choose WCW over them. Many backstage feel that Bischoff is starting to feel a lot of pressure since the WWF started bridging the gap in the rating more and more however several wrestlers still feel that he shouldn’t be too worried as WWF haven’t beaten in the rating this year thus far. Several roster cuts are set to made in the coming weeks to cut back on salaries and such which has been pinpointed as one of the ways to make the company even more profitable than it already is. Many within are said to be happy that Stings title run is going so well and it doesn’t look to be ending anytime soon however Eric Bischoff has been urging Sting to drop his silence and start cutting promos to bring that extra Edge back to his character however Sting apparently says that the mystique of not talking is what is keeping him so over with the WCW faithful. The plan is to try and form a number of Tag Teams in the coming months to freshen up the product and WCW is searching the globe to find hot, new innovative Cruiserweight’s to spice things up once more. Hollywood Hogan has been on a rampage backstage as of late complaining about the NWO not being as special and dominating as before because of the large numbers of competitors in the NWO that seemingly do nothing for the group. So expect Hogan to get his way and the NWO to be trimmed in the near future. WCW officials are said to be very high on Chris Benoit at this point in time and a great admirer of his abilities, this is why he won the US Title at Uncensored, WCW is giving him the ball and its up to him to run with it. Chris Jericho has been winning over Eric Bischoff recently with his displays on the mic however Bischoff feels that he will never rise up to the Main Event for the simple fact that he is too small to be a Main Eventer. However if Jericho keeps impressing anything can happen one WCW wrestler was quoted as saying. Goldberg’s winning streak is currently at 56 and it doesn’t look like it could stop anytime soon although with the egomaniacs at WCW politicking their way around the place that plan could change at any time.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U][SIZE="5"]WCW Monday Nitro Preview for April 1st 1998[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/63/Nitrologo95.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Confirmed Matches[/U][/B] Chavo Guerrero jr vs Kidman Lex Luger vs Konnan Scott Steiner vs Saturn Bret Hart vs Booker T DDP vs Dean Malenko [B][U]Other Happenings[/U][/B] The nWo have an announcement to make. [/QUOTE]
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[B][U][SIZE="6"]WCW Monday Nitro April 1st 1998 Recap[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/63/Nitrologo95.jpg[/IMG] The New World Order’s music hit in the arena and Hollywood Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall made their way to the ring. They got in the ring and Bischoff was the first one to address the crowd. Bischoff said that the New World Order had became a shadow of its former self and Bischoff was going to take action here tonight, he said that the members standing in the ring right now are the only members left. That means that anybody else that was associated with the New World Order is out. Bischoff went on to say that they would go back to their glory days where they dominated the whole of WCW. Hogan then took the mic and said that last night at Uncensored Randy Savage scored a fluke victory on him and he wanted revenge here tonight, he therefore demanded that Savage come out and accept his challenge for a NO DQ match here tonight on Nitro. Savage’s music hit to a good ovation from the crowd. Savage came out and stood on the ramp and stared at Hogan for a few moments before accepting Hogan’s challenge. Chavo Guerrero Jr took in Kidman in singles action. This was a fast paced encounter, which saw Kidman come out on top with the Shooting Star Press. Steven Regal was in his locker room doing some stretches when Fit Finlay walked in. Finlay said to Regal that he was a tough guy and so was Regal. Finlay proposed that he and Regal form a tandem and go for the Tag Team Titles. Regal responded by saying he had great respect for the hard man Finlay and he was quite sure that they would make an unstoppable team. Both men stared into each other’s eyes and then had a firm handshake therefore making the new alliance official. Lex Luger took on Konnan in singles competition. This was an all out brawl with Konnan managing to score the shock pinfall with a Small Package much to the chagrin of Luger who was irate after the match and attacked Konnan as Konnan was about to leave the ring. After a couple of stiff clothesline Luger locked Konnan in the torture rack. Officials rushed to the ring as Konnan was screaming in pain, they finally managed to get Luger to break the hold but the damage was already done. Eddy Guerrero cut a promo backstage saying how great a moment it was last night at Uncensored to pin Booker T’s shoulders to the mat and become the new TV Champion. Guerrero said last night is as great as any night he has ever had in his career. Guerrero promised all his fans to defend his title as much as humanly possible and not disappoint anyone. Guerrero finished off by saying that he will make the whole Guerrero family proud in the coming months. Scott Steiner took on Saturn. Steiner put in an impressive display in this hard-hitting match. Saturn also showed what he was made of with some very decent offense but in the end Steiner came out on top with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. After the match Steiner got on the mic and he said he was putting the whole of WCW on notice he was going straight to the top and was going to dominate every opponent that was put in front of him. Raven is in his locker room with his Flock consisting of Saturn, Kidman and Van Hammer. Firstly Raven addresses Hammer by saying that he knows Hammer will succeed in the wrestling business and Raven will be there every step of the way moulding and shaping him and giving him the advice he needs to be a monster in this business. Raven went on to say that Kidman and Saturn are the future of the Tag Division in WCW, Kidman and Saturn nodded in agreement with this and patted each other in the back. He then went on to say that the world would find out what Van Hammer was made of later in the night. Chris Jericho is confidently walking around backstage with his Cruiserweight Title hung around his shoulders when all of a sudden he bumps into Rey Mysterio. Jericho calls him a small fry and to watch where he’s walking in the future. Mysterio replies by saying he knows he could beat Jericho for that Cruiserweight belt. Jericho just laughs back at him, but Mysterio says that the only reason Jericho is still the champion is because of his blatant cheating and a little run of good luck. Jericho just shakes his head at these allegations but he attacks Mysterio and takes him down and lays in some punches on him before Jericho is rushed by security. Bret Hart took on Booker T in a one on one matchup. This saw back and forth action, with a mixture of brawling and technical wrestling, in the end Bret came out on top with the Sharpshooter. After the match Bret Hart got on the mic and said that he watched the WCW Champion pin Scott Hall’s shoulders to the mat last night to retain his title. He went on to say he didn’t come to WCW to be just another guy on the roster and that he is here to win Championships and write more chapters in his legacy. Bret Hart says Sting is just keeping that title warm for him, and that his time will come soon by hell or high water. Just then the lights go out, when they come back on Sting is standing amongst the crowd and is pointing his Baseball Bat at Hart. Hart glares back at Sting and the battle lines have been drawn. A video is shown hyping up the awesome winning streak of Goldberg, which currently stands at 56 wins and 0 losses. This video shows the incredible power of Goldberg and his dominance thus far in WCW. DDP took on Dean Malenko in a singles match. DDP went back and forth, hold for hold and move for move in a good technical match. DDP came out on top with the Diamond Cutter. After the match Van Hammer came through the crowd and got in the ring and attacked an unsuspecting DDP. Van Hammer took it to DDP with punches and kicks and then whipped him to the ropes and took him back down with a Hard Stiff Clothesline. Hammer then finished off DDP with a vicious Powerbomb. Afterwards Hammer just looked down at DDP with a smile on his face. Curt Hennig cut a promo backstage where he talked about how he has been watching Chris Benoit do his thing in that ring for years and he comments that he has been impressed and that deep down he has a soft spot for him. Hennig said he was happy to see Benoit win the US Title last night on PPV. But Hennig says he is afraid Benoit’s glory will be short lived because he is coming for Chris Benoit and is going to outwrestle Chris Benoit on his way to the Championship. Hennig finishes off by saying we are going to find out who the best Technical Wrestler in WCW really is. Hollywood Hogan took on Randy Savage in a No DQ Match. This match was a brawl, which both men are best known for. The end of the match saw Savage head to the top rope to finish off Hogan with the Big Elbow but The Outsiders made their way to ringside and distracted Savage which allowed Hogan to pull Savage off of the top rope and knock him down with a right hand. The Outsiders got in the ring and attacked Savage, Hall hit the Outsiders Edge and Nash hit the Jacknife. Hogan nailed the Leg Drop for the win. The numbers game was too much for even Randy Savage. The show faded to black with the New World Order posing with their signature hand gesture.
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[QUOTE][B][U][SIZE="6"]Raw Results 1st April 1998[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/res/game/574/logo.jpg[/IMG] Taka defeated Aguila to retain the Light Heavyweight Title. Al Snow defeated Flash Flannigan. DOA defeated Pig and Flash. Triple H defeated Bart Gunn to retain the European Title. The Rock defeated Vader. Ahmed Johnson defeated Ken Shamrock.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U][SIZE="6"]ECW Hardcore TV Results[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/ECWLOG.jpg[/IMG] New Jack defeated Pitbull 2. Taz defeated Ian Rotten to retain the TV Title. John Kronus defeated Bubba Ray Dudley. Shane Douglas defeated RVD and Bam Bam Bigelow to retain the ECW Title.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U][SIZE="6"]News and Rumours[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.pwinsider.com/images/logo.gif[/IMG] The WWF are rumored to be currently pursuing Rob Van Dam from ECW but Van Dam is said to be adamant to be loyal to the promotion. Wrestling Insiders are said to be very high on Brian Christopher and many think he may have a great career ahead of him in the WWF. Antonio Inoki has just recently started a new promotion called GCW. Apparently he thinks he can compete with WWF and WCW within a couple of years, sources say there is a lot of money behind the promotion. The popular website [url]www.msn.com[/url] recently ran a story on rising WCW star Goldberg and documented that it cannot be long before the Superstar claims his first Championship in Wrestling. This week’s edition of Nitro drew a 5.45 rating. Jimmy Snuka has become Head Booker for new promotion ATW. He is said to be delighted at getting the job and hopes to be groundbreaking. Indy Promotion WWC have secured the services of Olympic Gold Medallist Kurt Angle who is said to be the brightest upcoming wrestler in the country. Ricky Steamboat has landed the job as Head Booker for Indy Promotion TEA. In what will have came as a shock to WCW Management Chavo Guerrero has took the job as Head Booker for Small Time Promotion JAPW. However Chavo and WCW came to an agreement where Chavo will still wrestle every week for WCW on Nitro but has been excused form future House Shows.[/QUOTE] [I]OOC: I wasn't really happy with how the length of the show turned out. It really looked a lot longer when i was writing it out in word. But ill see how i can turn that around, anyways i like writing in this short recap style and shall continue to do so. Im excited for the future of this diary and have many ideas to take it forward and pound the WWF into submission........[/I]
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...[QUOTE][B][U][SIZE="6"]WCW Monday Nitro Preview for April 8th 1998[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/63/Nitrologo95.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Confirmed Matches[/U][/B] WCW Title Rematch from Uncensored - Scott Hall vs Sting Psicosis vs Ultimo Dragon Goldberg vs The Giant U.S. Title Match - Chris Benoit vs Hugh Morrus Chavo Guerrero jr vs Juventud Guerrera Booker T vs Dean Malenko Bret Hart vs Rick Steiner[/QUOTE]...
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[B][U][SIZE="6"]WCW Monday Nitro April 8th 1998 Recap[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/63/Nitrologo95.jpg[/IMG] Randy Savage’s music hit in the arena to a great ovation. Savage walked to the ring with a purpose. Savage got on the mic and told everyone what was on his mind. Savage said that last week in his rematch with Hollywood Hogan the numbers of the New World Order yet again tookover. Savage added that they’re a bunch of cowards and that in a fair match with Hogan he would have pinned him fair and square once again. Savage said that he has a solution to this problem. Savage went on to say that he has two good friends of his coming into WCW soon that will even the numbers and the New World Order wont be so tough once the numbers are even. Hollywood Hogan’s music hit and he came out on the ramp and questioned whom Savages guys were? To which Savage replied that he isn’t going to tell Hogan but rather Hogan would find out soon enough. Hogan said that it didn’t matter who the two guys were as no one was a tough as his New World Order. Hogan added tonight his good friend Scott Hall would win the title from Sting and the New World Order would hold all the power, he then added that tonight Savage is getting his ass kicked once again. Hogan ran to the ring and him and Savage started brawling. Savage came out on top, but Nash rushed to the ring and knocked Savage down to the mat with a Big Boot. Nash then delivered the Jacknife Powerbomb. Once again Savage got outnumbered he needs to bring in his 2 friends and soon. Nash and Hogan taunted the fans as they left ringside. Psicosis went one on one with Ultimo Dragon. This was a great Cruiserweight match, which ended with Psicosis hitting the Psicosis driver. Surely this important win must mean that Psicosis could be in line for a title shot in the very near future but only time will tell. Scott Steiner cut a promo backstage where he talked about how he has been force to be reckoned with since he split up with the dead weight of his Tag Team Partner and brother Rick Steiner. Steiner went on to say that he has the best body in WCW and also has the most impressive moves and he has no equal in the company. Steiner added that he will power through the whole of WCW on his way to the top and would not duck any challenges, he told the whole WCW to watch out because he was coming for them all. Steiner ended the promo by flexing his big muscles at the camera. Goldberg took on The Giant in singles action. This was one of Goldberg’s biggest tests to date as The Giant managed to take it to Goldberg but in the end Goldberg came out on top with the Spear and Jackhammer to take his winning streak to 57-0. DDP music hits in the arena to a very impressive reaction. DDP gets in the ring and he has something on his mind. DDP says that last week he was attacked by a young upstart named Hammer. DDP says he knows why this attack was perpetrated on him in particular. DDP continued by saying that in recent months he has become such a major player in WCW that people think they can make a name for themselves by attacking him and taking him out, DDP added that he cannot be taken out, and he wants Hammer to come out and face him like a man in a matchup tonight. Raven’s music hit in the arena and Raven appeared on ramp himself with no sign of Hammer. Raven said that he gave Hammer the night off. Raven added that it was his idea for Hammer to attack Page last week. Raven went on to say that he has never liked DDP, he said what really annoys him most about DDP is that DDP was given opportunities in WCW that Raven has never been given, Raven declares that he deserved these opportunities a lot more than Page and that he is going to make an example of DDP and make his life a living hell from now on. DDP responded by saying Raven was paranoid and that he earned his opportunities and he took advantage of his opportunities and became successful on his own merit. Raven responded by saying DDP was full of mystery and imagination and said that Page will be seeing a lot more of him and his flock in the near future, Raven left and headed backstage leaving DDP shaking his head in the ring. Chris Benoit defended his newly won US Title against Hugh Morrus. This was a tough battle between with both men but in the end Benoit was too much for Morrus, Benoit won the match with the Crippler Crossface. When Benoit was celebrating his victory, Hennig came out on the ramp and then pointed to Benoit and made a motion round his waist as if to say that title is mine buddy and im gonna take it off you very soon, Benoit just shook his head in response. Konnan’s music hits in the arena to a decent reaction. He comes down to the ring looking really pissed off and upset. He gets in the ring and addresses exactly why he is out here tonight. Konnan says that last week he beat Lex Luger fair and square but after the match Luger was a sore loser and decided to attack Konnan while he was celebrating and Konnan takes exception to this, Konnan calls out Luger to come out so that he can get his revenge. Luger’s music hits and he comes out on the ramp with a mic in hand. Luger says that last week he was so embarrassed losing to mediocre competitor like Konnan that he just lost it when he got pinned for the 3 count. Luger says their would be no revenge for Konnan tonight. Konnan responds by calling Luger a coward. Luger just heads backstage leaving Konnan in the ring without his revenge that he was so sorely seeking. Chavo Guerrero Jr took on Juventud Guerrera. This match was back and forth with plenty of high flying action, and Chavo tried to ground Juventud but Juventud managed to score the win with the Juvi Driver for the win. We see Rey Mysterio in his locker room when all of a sudden there is a knock on the door. Mysterio opens the door and there is a messenger and the messenger hands Mysterio a bouquet of flowers. The messenger hands Mysterio a card then leaves. Mysterio opens the card and it reads sorry for kicking yours ass……..much love Chris Jericho. Just then Jericho rushes into Mysterio’s locker room and hits him with a barrage of punches then takes him down and hits some more devastating punches. Once Mysterio has been battered and bloodied Jericho stands over Mysterio and just starts laughing then says that Mysterio will never take his title away from him. Jericho then leaves with an audacious swagger. Booker T took on Dean Malenko in singles action. Malenko managed to keep Booker grounded for most of the match but it wasn’t enough to stop Booker T firing on all cylinders and hitting the Axe Kick for the win. Bret Hart took on Rick Steiner in singles competition. Steiner and Hart had some nice exchanges but it was Bret Hart’s superior technical prowess that saw him come out on top with the Sharpshooter for the Submission Victory. After the match Bret Hart had something to say in regards to the WCW Title and Sting. Hart said that last week Sting was trying to play his mind games with Bret, but Hart said that it did not work and Sting’s games will not work on him. Hart says he knows that Sting is defending his WCW Title against Scott Hall tonight and his eyes will be glued to the TV Monitor watching on because Bret is sure Sting will do the right thing once he defeats Scott Hall and that is give the rightful contender Bret Hart his title shot. We see a video package where the newly formed tandem of Steven Regal and Fit Finlay and shown in the Gym training together in a tough workout regiment, we see both men sweating a lot and generally sweating their asses in the gym, obviously preparing to take the WCW Tag Team Division by storm in the coming months. Sting defended his WCW Title against Scott Hall in a rematch from the last PPV where Sting won that encounter. This match was back and forth throughout the whole match. Hall managed to take the advantage and hoisted Sting high above his shoulders for the Outsiders Edge but Savage came through the crowd and attacked Hall. Savage was laying a beating on Hall until Hogan and Nash made their way into the ring and started beating on Savage. Nash held Savage while Hogan hit Savage with some punches, Nash then hit a Sideslam on Savage and Hogan hit the Leg Drop. Savage gets beats up but he ruined Hall’s opportunity to become WCW Champion.
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[B][U][SIZE="6"]2nd Week of April Results and Rumours[/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Raw Results April 8th 1998[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/res/game/574/logo.jpg[/IMG] Justin Hawk Bradshaw defeated Test. Taka defeated Scott Taylor to retain the Light Heavyweight Title. Triple H defeated Bart Gunn to retain the European Title. The Rock defeated Super Crazy to retain the IC Title. The DOA vs Mankind and Ken Shamrock went to a no contest. Steve Austin defeated Goldust.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]ECW Hardcore TV Results April 13th 1998[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/ECWLOG.jpg[/IMG] The Dudley Boyz defeated Spike Dudley and Pitbull 2. Little Guido defeated The Blue Meanie. Taz defeated Chris Candido to retain the TV Title. Shane Douglas defeated Rob Van Dam to retain the ECW World Title.[/QUOTE]
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...[QUOTE][B][U][SIZE="6"]WCW Monday Nitro Preview for 15th April 1998[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/63/Nitrologo95.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Confirmed Matches[/U][/B] Ultimo Dragon vs Juventud Guerrera Psicosis vs Dean Malenko Booker T vs Lex Luger DDP vs Kidman TV Title Match - Eddy Guerrero vs Stevie Ray Chris Jericho and Curt Hennig vs Rey Mysterio and Chris Benoit Scott Steiner vs Rick Steiner[/QUOTE]...
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Favourite position is on top eh? ;) [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] vs Juventud Guerrera Psicosis vs [B]Dean Malenko[/B] [B]Booker T[/B] vs Lex Luger [B]DDP[/B] vs Kidman TV Title Match - [B]Eddy Guerrero[/B] vs Stevie Ray [B]Chris Jericho and Curt Hennig vs Rey Mysterio and Chris Benoit[/B] We're all winners here :P But seriously . . no contest [B]Scott Steiner[/B] vs Rick Steiner
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[B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] vs Juventud Guerrera Love to see Ultimo go over here, imagine if WCW had have utilized the Japanese contingent right? Not only Ultimo, but Masahiro Chono, The Great Muta, Hiriyoshi Tenzan, Magnum Tokyo - some of those guys had serious potential, particularly Muta, Chono, Tenzan and Ultimo. Psicosis vs [B]Dean Malenko[/B] Dean Malenko is a wrestling master class, the Iceman to prevail, even though Psicosis is of course also a hell of a wrestler who again never quite got a decent go in WCW, he was too often jobbed for his potential. Booker T vs [B]Lex Luger[/B] I sense a finish via interference here. [B]DDP[/B] vs Kidman Bada bing, bada bang, bada... BOOM! TV Title Match - [B]Eddy Guerrero[/B] vs Stevie Ray Suckas gots to know, how good is this yak Eddy Guerrero? Chris Jericho and Curt Hennig vs [B]Rey Mysterio and Chris Benoit[/B] Great match, although Curt Hennig was treated like such a secondary jobber in WCW it was incredulous. He'd been so hot as Mr Perfect, and they treated him like a midcard filler/jobber to the stars. Unbelievable stuff. [B]Scott Steiner[/B] vs Rick Steiner I liked Rick, but I guess at this stage Scott was on the midst of really being pushed up the card, often at his brother's expense. Hmmm - and following on from mtm's comments, gotta say there's better positions than that :) I can honestly say, the roster of WCW '97/'98 I don't think has or ever will be bettered, and second to that, there was so much potential it's unbelievable to think 3-4 years later they were out of business. How the hell did that happen? :mad: (Not happy, because I was a massive WCW mark, as we all were down in New Zealand because we didn't get WWF from recollection in New Zealand at that stage, and we all loved STING!)
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[B][U][SIZE="6"]WCW Monday Nitro April 15th 1998 Recap[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/63/Nitrologo95.jpg[/IMG] The New World Order start off the show and Scott Hall has something to say. Scott Hall tells us that last week Randy Savage screwed him out of his chance to become the WCW Champion, Hall adds that he had Sting up for the Outsider’s Edge and was ready to put Sting away till Savage came in and ruined everything. Hall demands that Savage come out and get his ass kicked. Bischoff take the mic off of Hall at this point and has something to say. Bischoff feels that Hall was indeed screwed and tonight he is going to make everything right. Bischoff says that tonight Scott Hall will take on Randy Savage in a matchup and if Hall wins then he gets another rematch with Sting for the WCW Title but Bischoff says in the interest of fairness if Savage wins then Savage and his two friends that he says he is bringing in to make the numbers fair against the New World Order will fight Hall, Nash and Hogan in a six man tag at Spring Stampede. At this point Nash and Hogan look irate at what Bischoff has just done. Hogan grabs Bischoff by throat and demands him to explain himself. Nash pulls Hogan off of Bischoff. Bischoff tells Hogan that he is the brains behind the New World Order and Hogan has to trust him, however he adds that if anyone interferes in tonight’s main event between Savage and Hall then they will be fired on the spot and that includes members of the New World Order. Nash, Hall and Hogan’s eyes are near popping out of their sockets with shock at this announcement. Ultimo Dragon took on Juventud Guerrera in a singles matchup. The action went fast and furious with both men trading some impressive exchanges but it was Guerrera who came out on top with the Juvi Driver for the win. We see Kidman talking to Raven backstage. Raven is telling Kidman that he is facing DDP tonight and that a win is the only option. Raven says Kidman is on his own tonight in that ring and tonight is the night to impress Raven and for that matter also inspire his fellow Flock Members. Raven says he has confidence in Kidman’s abilities and that he is sure Kidman can pull off the victory against Ravens arch nemesis DDP. Kidman nods and tells Raven that he wont let him down. Psicosis took on Dean Malenko in one on one action. Dean Malenko kept Psicosis grounded for most of the match with a barrage of holds but Psicosis managed to wrestle his way back into the match and scored the pinfall with the Psicosis Driver for the win. Psicosis has been picking up many victories lately and it cannot be long before he finds himself in the Cruiserweight Title hunt going after the Champion Chris Jericho. We are shown a video package of Steven Regal and Fit Finlay working out together as they prepare to make their debut as a Tag Team in WCW. The video shows both men doing laps round a racetrack and show them in a gym bench-pressing crazy amounts of weight. Booker T took on Lex Luger in a singles matchup. The match went back and forth throughout the matchup but Booker T came out on top when Konnan came to ringside and started talking trash to Luger, which allowed Booker T to take the advantage with a rollup for the victory. After the match Konnan jumped in the ring and Luger and Konnan started brawling. Konnan managed to whip Luger to the ropes and then hit him with a backdrop and followed that up with a Clothesline to the outside. When Luger got to his feet he started backing up the ramp and Konnan talked shouted some smacktalk at Luger as he headed up the ramp with his tail between his legs. A video package is shown documenting the matchup last week between Goldberg and The Giant. The highlights showed the amazing fight by Goldberg to claim the win against The Giant via the Spear and The Jackhammer. The video also highlighted that Goldberg’s winning streak stands at 57-0. DDP took on Kidman in one on one action. DDP dominated most of the match until the whole Flock came through the crowd and rushed into the ring causing the referee to declare a DQ. Raven came in and knocked DDP down with a Hard Clothesline. Hammer brung a chair inside the ring and Raven picked up DDP and delivered the Evenflow DDT on the chair. Raven then instructed Hammer to inflict damage on Page. Hammer picked up DDP and delivered a Powerbomb on the chair. Raven instructed The Flock to leave through the crowd, Raven went outside and got a mic, he then slid back in the ring. He crouched down and started addressing the prone DDP. Raven said that he told DDP last week that his hell had only just begun and Raven meant what he said. Raven finished off by saying this was only step 1 in the journey to hell for DDP and that by the time The Flock was done with DDP he would be toiling in a sea of insanity. The Giant cuts a promo talking about how last week he got beaten by Goldberg and how he is another number on that amazing winning streak that Goldberg has been working up as of late. The Giant says that Goldberg is possibly the strongest and to boot possibly the toughest man he has ever faced in the ring. The Giant says that he gave it his all but it wasn’t good enough but he adds that the time will come where The Giant and Goldberg will once again to head to head and that next time the outcome may be a little different via a Chokeslam. Eddy Guerrero defended his TV Title against Stevie Ray. This only showed Eddy Guerrero’s strength and he showed his athleticism and strength. Guerrero came out on top with the Frog Splash for the win. The team of Chris Jericho and Curt Hennig took on Chris Benoit and Rey Mysterio. This match had a lot of bragging right’s at stake, recently Hennig has said that he will be the next US Champion a title which Chris Benoit currently holds and Rey Mysterio and Jericho has been embroiled in a bitter war for the Cruiserweight Title as of late. This match was fast paced and intense, Rey Mysterio pinned Chris Jericho after a Crucifix Pin for the win, and surely Jericho can no longer hold off a Mysterio title shot in the near future. Hennig and Benoit squared up after the match up and Hennig slapped Benoit to which Benoit hooked in the Crippler Crossface making Hennig tap like a drunk man until security broke up the hold. Scott Steiner took on former Tag Team partner and his brother Rick Steiner in one on one action. Both Steiner’s brawled for most of the match up with Scott looking the stronger of the two and putting in the more impressive and dominating performance. Scott Steiner got the win via an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. Bret Hart’s music hit in the arena to a very good response from the fans in the arena. He swaggered confidently down to the ring. He got in the ring and got right to the point. He said that Sting had still not answered Hart’s claims as the number one contender. Hart said that the time for waiting was over and he wanted an answer tonight and he wasn’t going to wait any longer because he was getting impatient and wanted that answer right away. The lights went out and when they came back on Bret Hart was lying knocked out in the ring. Was Bret attacked by Sting? All evidence would point to it being Sting. Scott Hall took on Randy Savage in a one on one matchup with much at stake. If Hall wins then he gets his rematch for the WCW Title against Sting but if Savage wins then it’s a six man tag at Spring Stampede pitting Hall, Nash and Hogan against Savage and two guys of his choosing. The match was a close one with both men coming close to the pinfall with many near falls but in the end Savage came out on top with a Piledriver followed up with a Top Rope Elbow Drop for the win meaning that It is a massive Six Man Tag Team match at Spring Stampede.
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...[QUOTE][B][U]RAW Results for 15th April 1998[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/res/game/574/logo.jpg[/IMG] Triple H defeated Phineas Godwinn to retain the European Title. Henry Godwinn defeated 8Ball. Al Snow defeated Mabel. Bart Gunn and Kurrgan defeated The New Blackjacks. The New Age Outlaws Defeated DOA. Ken Shamrock defeated Owen Hart.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]ECW Results for 20th April 1998[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/ECWLOG.jpg[/IMG] Ian Rotten defeated Spike Dudley. Taz defeated New Jack to retain the TV Title. The Dudley Boyz defeated Axl Rotten and Devon Storm. Shane Douglas defeated Bam Bam Bigelow to retain the ECW Title.[/QUOTE]...
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[I]OOC: I decided to change the format of the shows a little bit. Instead of recapping the promos i thought id write the promos out in full.[/I] [B][U][SIZE="6"]WCW Monday Nitro April 22nd 1998 Recap[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/63/Nitrologo95.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Hogan Gets Annoyed at Bischoff[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]The music of Hollywood Hogan hit in the arena to a large chorus of boo’s. He swaggers down to the ring dressed in Black Jeans and his signature New World Order T-Shirt on. He gets in the ring and grabs the microphone as he has something to say.[/I] [B]Hogan:[/B] I couldn’t wait to get out here tonight Brother, because last week the dude Eric Bischoff he did something that really puzzled me. Last week Eric put Scott Hall in a match with my arch nemesis with Randy Savage but this wasn’t any normal match brothers there was a lot at stake in this particular match. The stipulation was if Savage could pin my fellow New World Order dude then that meant there would be a six-man tag team match at the next Pay Per View Spring Stampede, but if Hall won then he would get his rematch against Sting for the WCW Title. Not only that but Bischoff said that if anyone interfered in the match then they would be fired on the spot. That does not make any sense to me, this is not the Eric Bischoff I know, I need an answer Eric? What’s the deal here are you turning your back on the New World Order? I need to know right now! [I]Eric Bischoff makes his way to the ring dressed in Blue Jeans and a Leather Jacket and has a stern look on his face as he comes to address Hogan’s question. He steps in the ring and already has a mic in hand.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Hogan you and me have known each other for a long time now. I think it’s pretty obvious who’s side im on here. I am totally loyal to the New World Order and totally on your side. In question to you being puzzled about my actions last week, my actions were reasonably simple. I need to keep the New World Order as strong as possible and by doing what I did last week I did exactly that in my view, I need to keep every member on their toes for us to be successful as we always were. Come Spring Stampede I have no doubt in my mind that you, Kevin and Scott will wipe the floor with Savage and his two mystery partners I have total faith in you guys and the New World Order will reign supreme as it always does. In saying that though we have business to attend to here tonight and I am making a match here tonight. Tonight in preparation for Spring Stampede Kevin Nash will take on Randy Savage in order to keep him fresh in preparation for the Pay Per View. [B]Hogan:[/B] I guess you have a point brother, Nash will totally kick Savage’s ass. [I]Bischoff puts out a gesture to Hogan to shakes his hand and Hogan accepts and both men leave the ring together and head up the ramp once again united.[/I] [B][U]Singles Match – Goldberg vs Stevie Ray[/U][/B] [I]Goldberg took on Stevie Ray in singles action. During the matchup the commentators talked about how impressive Goldberg has been and that his streak now stands at 57-0. They talked about how last week Giant talked about his respect for Goldberg and how impressed he was with him, they speculated as to whether Giant would get his rematch. During the match Giant came out and watched from the entrance way but Goldberg didn’t seem distracted at all and picked up the win with the Spear and the Jackhammer. Goldberg headed up the aisle and Giant headed towards him but Goldberg just walked straight past him leaving Giant shaking his head.[/I] [B][U]Winner - Goldberg[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]DDP will not Stay Down[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]DDP’s music hits in the arena to a good ovation and he makes his way to the ring with a determined look on his face. He slides in the ring and has something to say.[/I] [B]DDP:[/B] Week after week after week. The Flock…….they beat me down, they mess with my head, and they stalk me. By this point im sure it’s pretty obvious to them that they will never keep me down. At the end of the day im a fighter, im a warrior, im a soldier. You can beat me down but I will always get back up. These four guys Raven, Hammer, Saturn and Kidman, they like to think of themselves as tough guys, but whenever im in a one on one situation it always turns into me getting a gang beat down. Me however the only help I need is my fists. Raven im calling you out right now one on one. For once in your life Raven be a man and fight me one and one and don’t get one of your lackeys to do it for you. [I]Raven’s music hits in the arena but it is Kidman who makes his way down to the ring. Kidman goes to attack DDP but DDP blocks the punches and nails Kidman with the Diamond Cutter. But Hammer rushes into the ring and nails DDP with a Clothesline. Hammer stomps on DDP and then picks him up and delivers a Diamond Cutter of his own using DDP’s own finisher on him! Raven makes his way through the crowd and jumps into the ring and crouches down and spits in the face of DDP adding insult to injury.[/I] [B][U]Singles Match –Chris Candido vs Chavo Guerrero[/U][/B] Chris Candido made his WCW debut against Chavo Guerrero in singles action. Candido had an impressive display in his first outing and him and Chavo traded holds and both had their fair share of highflying offense. During the match the commentary team talked up the potential of the young Candido and said he is one to look out for in WCW. Candido got the win with a Hurricanrana. [B][U]Winner – Chris Candido[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]Jericho says Mysterio got Lucky[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Chris Jericho is backstage with Gene Okerland and Jericho has a few choice words for Rey Mysterio.[/I] [B]Jericho:[/B] Last week a crime was committed, last week there was an act of Criminal Justice. Last week little Rey Mysterio had a supreme act of Criminal Good Luck when he managed to pin me for a three count, and might I add there was a quick count from the referee. You see folks this is just typical of the setup in WCW. Everyone is against yours truly. Everyone in WCW wants to stop my momentum and for me to lose my precious WCW Cruiserweight Championship. And who do they want the next Cruiserweight Champion to be you ask? Well none other than little Rey Mysterio of course. Mysterio is the chosen one. The fans love this little dwarf, why do they love him and not me? Can’t account for bad taste I guess. But listen to me when I say this Gene Okerland I will not lose this Cruiserweight Title. I will be the greatest Cruiserweight Champion of all time and not even ‘The Chosen One’ Rey Mysterio can stop me on my grandiose journey. [I]Jericho shoves the mic in Gene Okerland’s face and swaggers off with his Cruiserweight Title hung across his shoulder.[/I] [B][U]TV Title Match – Eddy Guerrero vs Rick Steiner[/U][/B] Eddy Guerrero defended his TV Title against Rick Steiner. During this match the commentary team talked about the Guerrero family legacy and how proud Eddy’s family must be of him becoming the new TV Champion. This match was fairly fast paced with both men getting a lot of offense in, Eddy in the end came out on top with the Frog Splash successfully defending his TV Title. [B][U]Winner – Eddy Guerrero[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]Hennig Challenges Benoit[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Curt Hennig is backstage with Gene Okerland with something to say in regards to Chris Benoit.[/I] [B]Hennig:[/B] You know something Gene last week me and Chris Benoit locked horns in that tag match that involved Jericho and Mysterio. I had Benoit’s number last week, and Chris Benoit knows it. I could have pinned Benoit’s shoulders to the mat at any time but I decided to play with him a little bit and show him that I am indeed the superior athlete. As ive said before Chris Benoit is a great representative as the US Champion but I am that much better. Im glad its Benoit that is the Champion and not some mediocre competitor because when I beat Benoit and win the US Title, the whole world will know I just earned the title because I beat one of the very best that the world has to offer. [I]Just then Chris Benoit walks up to Hennig and has some words in response to what Hennig has been saying.[/I] [B]Benoit: [/B] You know something Curt im sick and tired off all your trash talking about how you’re the superior athlete and how your going to wipe the floor with me on your way to becoming the US Champion, how about you come through with these claims and take me on at Spring Stampede with my US Title on the line? [I]Hennig smiles back at Benoit.[/I] [B]Hennig:[/B] You’re on champ. [I]Hennig walks away looking happy at what has transpired.[/I] [B][U]Singles Match – Scott Steiner vs Hugh Morrus[/U][/B] Scott Steiner took on Hugh Morrus in singles action. Steiner has been rampaging his way through the whole WCW as of late and has looked quite the unstoppable man, the commentary team talked this up all through the match. This was a brawl all the way through and Scott Steiner just looked superior in every way, as hard as Morrus tried he just could not find a way into the match and Steiner finished him off with the Belly to Belly Suplex to pick up the win. [B][U]Winner – Scott Steiner[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]Luger is Superior in Every Way[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Lex Luger is shown in the gym working out and building up a sweat and looking mighty impressive. Luger takes a break from his workout to address Konnan.[/I] [B]Luger:[/B] Konnan in the past few weeks you’ve been a pain in my shapely backside. Konnan I will get my own back on you. You think your smart, but im smarter. You think your buff and have a great boy but im buffer. I have won the WCW Title in my illustrious career as well as headlines shows around the world? What have you really achieved in the world of wrestling. You a midcard act, that’s what you are right now and that’s what you always will be. Once im done with you at Spring Stampede I will go onto what ive done in the past and that is be the headline act and look damn good while im doing it. Konnan come Spring Stampede you are going to wish you never messed with ‘The Total Package’ Lex Luger. [I]Luger goes back to his workout and starts to build up a big sweat once again. [/I] [B][U]Singles Match – Rey Mysterio vs Psicosis[/U][/B] Rey Mysterio took on Psicosis in one on one action. Very fast paced encounter as to be expected, the commentators talked about the undefeated streak that Psicosis has been on as of late but they also talked about how Mysterio feels he is long overdue for a title shot on Chris Jericho and that it cant be long before the young man gets it. The ending saw Chris Jericho make his way down to ringside, which distracted Mysterio, Psicosis came from behind Mysterio and School Boy Pinned him. After the match Jericho got in the ring and attacked Mysterio with a vicious flurry of Punches and the attack culminated with Jericho applying the Lion Tamer. [B][U]Winner - Psicosis[/U][/B] [B][U]Tag Team Match – Fit Finlay and Steven Regal vs Juventud Guerrera and Ultimo Dragon[/U][/B] The debuting team of Fit Finlay and Steven Regal took on Ultimo Dragon and Juventud Guerrera. During the match the commentary team talked about how in recent weeks we have saw Finlay and Regal train together and get ready for their debut as a team on Nitro and how they look as ready as they will ever be. They also talk about how Juventud Guerrera pinned Ultimo Dragon in singles action last week but both men seem to have so much respect for each other and they also speculated as to whether we would see them team together again after tonight. This match saw Regal and Finlay dominate for a long period of team but Dragon and Juvi came back with their high flying offense, but the domination of Regal and Finlay was too much and the match ended when Finlay hit the Tombstone Piledriver on Juvi for the victory. [B][U]Winners – Fit Finlay and Steven Regal[/U][/B] [B][U]Singles Match – Booker T vs Saturn[/U][/B] Booker T took in Saturn in singles competition. Booker has been impressive since becoming a singles competitor and the commentary team talked this up during the match, and they also added that Booker T had such a tough childhood and had conquered so many adversaries in his life. The match itself was back and forth with Saturn and Booker sharing an almost equal amount of offense until Booker hit the Axe Kick for the win. [B][U]Winner – Booker T[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]Bret Hart knows it Was Sting[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Bret Hart’s music hits in the arena to a pretty impressive reaction. He storms to the ring looking like a very pissed off person. He swiftly gets in the ring and gets right to what he has to say.[/I] [B]Bret:[/B] You know last week I called out Sting and what did I get. The same thing that always happens, he likes to mess with people’s heads. Last week when I called him out the lights went out and when they came on, I was lying unconscious, although it was dark when I got attacked im pretty sure I felt a Baseball Bat connect with my head. Yeah that’s right that’s Sting’s weapons of choice. I know it was Sting that attacked me and im sure everyone knows that. Sting you’ve been avoiding my claims of being the number one contender well im sick and tired of waiting, you cant duck and dodge me forever I will get you in this ring one day and when I do im gonna kick your creep ass and take your title while im at it. [I]Just then the lights go out in the arena and when they come back on Sting and Bret Hart are face to face. Hart goes to punch Sting but Sting block and hits Bret with a few punches and then whips him into the corner. Sting then hit the Stinger Splash and then hits the Scorpion Death Drop. Sting leaves the ring swiftly and heads up the ramp once again outsmarting Bret Hart.[/I] [B][U]Singles Match - Kevin Nash vs Randy Savage[/U][/B] Kevin Nash took on Randy Savage in singles action. Nash dominated in the early going but Savage made a big comeback hitting some hard-hitting offense. During the match the commentary team hyped up the big six man tag at Spring Stampede and speculated as to who the two mystery partners of Randy Savage would be and whether we had seen them before in WCW or not. The end of the match came when the ref was knocked out and Scott Hall interfered and hit the Outsider’s Edge on Savage, Nash then hit the Jacknife Powerbomb on Savage. Hall woke up the referee, which allowed the referee to make the count. Hall and Nash hugged as the show went off the air. [B][U]Winner – Kevin Nash[/U][/B]
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......[QUOTE][B][U]WWF Monday Night RAW Results for April 22nd 1998[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/res/game/574/logo.jpg[/IMG] New Age Outlaws defeated the DOA to retain their Tag Team Titles. LOD defeated The New Blackjacks. The Rock defeated D’Lo Brown to retain his IC Title. Taka defeated Brian Christopher to retain his Light Heavyweight Title. Triple H defeated Vader to retain the European Title. Shawn Michaels defeated Ahmed Johnson.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]ECW Hardcore TV Results for April 26th 1998[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/ECWLOG.jpg[/IMG] The Dudley Boyz defeated Spike Dudley and Balls Mahoney. Kid Kash defeated Guido and Rogers. Sabu defeated The Sandman. Rob Van Dam defeated Shane Douglas.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]Notes[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.pwinsider.com/images/logo.gif[/IMG] The WWF have strengthened their roster with a lot of great signings………Bam Bam Bigelow, John Tenta and Keiji Muto, Taz, The British Bulldog and former WWF Champion Sid. ECW fans are said to be irate that Taz has left ECW to join the WWF. They are calling him a sellout as he was scheduled for an ECW World Title run later this year. We will have to wait and see if the WWF uses Taz to his full potential or whether they think he is just too short to be seen as a threat in the lands of the giants. Sid is said to be brought back not to be a bit part player and be nowhere near the WWF Title like he was in the past. The WWF snapped up Bulldog after WCW released.......he was surplus to requirements in the thriving WCW. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U][SIZE="6"]Final Card for Spring Stampede This Sunday[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/3/38/WCWSpringStampede2000.jpg/220px-WCWSpringStampede2000.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Six Man Tag Team Match [/U][/B] Hollywood Hogan & Kevin Nash & Scott Hall vs Randy Savage and Two Mystery Partners of his Choosing [B][U]WCW Title Match[/U][/B] Sting © vs Bret Hart [B][U]US Title Match[/U][/B] Chris Benoit © vs Curt Hennig [B][U]Cruiserweight Title Match[/U][/B] Chris Jericho © vs Rey Mysterio [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] DDP vs Saturn [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] Lex Luger vs Konnan[/QUOTE].......
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[B][U][SIZE="6"]WCW Spring Stampede April 28th 1998[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/3/38/WCWSpringStampede2000.jpg/220px-WCWSpringStampede2000.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Singles Match – Lex Luger vs Konnan[/U][/B] The opening matchup from Spring Stampede saw Lex Luger and Konnan go at it in singles competition. In the month of April we have seen Luger attack Konnan but Konnan coming back and outsmarting Luger. During the match the commentary talked up how frustrated Luger had been after been outsmarted by Konnan recently they also talked about how Luger always has a chip on his shoulder and acts like the world owes him something. This match saw back and forth action with both men getting a near equal amount of offense. The end of the match saw Konnan go for a Running Powerslam but Luger managed to slide out of the shoulders of Konnan and lock Konnan in a Small Package for the victory. After the match Luger quickly fled from the ring. As Luger head up the aisle walking backwards Konnan looked irate at how he had been pinned as Luger pointed at his head as if to say he had outsmarted Konnan because of his much larger brain. [B][U]Winner – Lex Luger[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Bret Hart Salutes WCW Management[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Bret Hart is backstage with Gene Okerland ready to get something off his chest.[/I] [B]Bret:[/B] You I just really have to salute WCW Management here tonight. They’ve obviously been listening to what ive had to say these past weeks about how I want a shot at the WCW Title. They’ve obviously seen Sting duck me then attack me. Until these past few weeks I thought Sting was a fighting Champion, I thought Sting was a man of honour and I thought Sting was the type of guy that would deal with you face to face, but seeing as two weeks in a row Sting has attacking me from behind twice, I now know what sort of a man Sting is. He’s a coward, he’s a snake and he is not a fighting champion. I wanna salute WCW for giving me this opportunity at the WCW Title tonight, and let me make it clear to the people out there that they forced Sting to fight me tonight, it was not his decision. Management told him that if he didn’t take me on and put his WCW Title on the line then he would be stripped of the Title. Your looking at the next WCW Champion……the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. [B][U]Singles Match – DDP vs Saturn[/U][/B] In the past month DDP has been having his fair share of problems with Raven and The Flock and tonight DDP had a chance to get some sort of retribution when he took on Flock Member Saturn in one on one action. During the match the commentary team speculated as to the whereabouts of the other 3 Flock members but they did not make an appearance during this matchup. This match was a hard hitting brawl with DDP dominating the early going but Saturn made a comeback and showed his power but in the end DDP came out on top with the Diamond Cutter and the win to get a small measure of revenge on The Flock. [B][U]Winner - DDP [/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]It is Proven that WCW is Against Jericho[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Chris Jericho is standing by with Gene Okerland and has something to say regarding having to defend his Cruiserweight Title against Rey Mysterio tonight. [/I] [B]Jericho:[/B] You know Scheme Gene. This past week on Nitro I let the world know that Rey Mysterio was the ‘Chosen One’ for the Cruiserweight Championship in WCW. Mysterio has been hand picked by WCW to take this title from me. And tonight I get to the arena and some cretin informs me that tonight I am taking on Mysterio and guess what, my title is on the line. What a surprise that was……..NOT. You see I had been preparing to fight Mysterio all week because I just knew that WCW was gonna try and spring this one on me. Im prepared Gene, as ive said many a time before, your gonna have to kill me before you take away this title from around my gorgeous waist. Rey Mysterio gets a lesson in Cruiserweight Wrestling courtesy of yours truly. [I]Jericho swaggers through the curtain and heads to defend his title.[/I] [B][U]Cruiserweight Title Match – Chris Jericho © vs Rey Mysterio[/U][/B] Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio have been engaged in a war recently with Mysterio feeling that he should be Cruiserweight Champion and Jericho running his mouth about how he is the greatest Cruiserweight Champion of all time. During the match the commentators talked about the heart of Rey Mysterio and how it might be his time to shine here tonight and walk away with the belt. They also talked about how Jericho just exudes confidence and feels that he is the very best that there is. The match was fast paced as only can be expected and Jericho took the advantage in the early going until the tide turned and Mysterio fought back with his signature high flying offense including Head Scissors and Flying Cross Body’s. The end of the match came when Mysterio went for the Guillotine Leg Drop but Jericho moved out of the way and locked in the Lion Tamer for the Submission Victory. Chris Jericho successfully defended his Cruiserweight Title. [B][U]Winner – Chris Jericho[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]Eddy Guerrero makes Open Challenge to Anyone[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Eddy Guerrero’s music hits in the arena to a positive response and he makes his way down to the ring in his ring gear looking like a very focused man. As soon as he gets in the ring he is handed a microphone and he addressed the thousands in the arena and the hundreds of thousands watching at home.[/I] [B]Eddy: [/B] You know something last month at Uncensored I became the TV Champion. I was so proud, and my family was also very proud of me. In the past 2 weeks I have successfully defended my TV Title on Nitro. But yet I get to the arena tonight and I don’t have a challenger to defend my title against. I feel disappointed that both WCW Management and Eric Bischoff for that matter could not find an opponent to wrestle me tonight for the TV Title. So what im going to do is quite simple im making an open challenge right now to anyone in that locker room that wants an opportunity to become a Champion. I challenge anyone in the back that thinks they have what it takes to take this title from………….. [I]Just then the music of Goldberg hits to a very good ovation from the fans and Guerrero looks shocked as if to say he wasn’t expecting a big challenge here tonight.[/I] [B][U]TV Title Match - Eddy Guerrero vs Goldberg[/U][/B] So it was Eddy Guerrero defending his TV Title against Goldberg. During the match the commentary team talked about Eddy’s successful title defenses the past couple of week son Nitro and how impressive and convincing he’s looked as Champion, they also talked about the winning streak of Goldberg and speculated as to whether or not Guerrero would break it tonight. The match in the early going was all Goldberg showing his amazing power and strength but Guerrero managed to ground Goldberg by working on the legs of the Undefeated Superstar. Goldberg somehow managed to wrestle his way back into the match and hit the Spear just as he was about to finish off Guerrero with the Jackhammer, The Giant came from nowhere and attacked Goldberg! The Giant hit the Chokeslam on Goldberg prompting the referee to declare the match a ‘No Contest’. Guerrero sneakily slid under the ring ropes and headed up the ramp and to the back with his TV Title around his waist. A narrow escape for Guerrero and The Giant has cost Goldberg the chance to become TV Champion! [B][U]Winner – No Contest[/U][/B] [B][U]US Title Match – Chris Benoit © vs Curt Hennig[/U][/B] In recent weeks Curt Hennig has been bragging about how he could take the US Title from Benoit at any moment he wanted and that he was destined to have the title around his waist. Hennig claimed that he respected Benoit but that he was the superior athlete. This led to Benoit challenging Hennig to a match tonight and Hennig accepted. Hennig and Benoit went one on one with the US Title at stake. This match was technically sound as a match can be. Hennig dominated large parts of the match with his technical skill, but Benoit also came back with an impressive array of technical moves including Suplexes and Armbars. During the match the commentary team talked up the fact that both men are great athletes and have great technical skill. The end of the match saw Hennig go for the Hennigplex only for Benoit to somehow manage to counter it and lock in the Crippler Crossface for the Submission Victory. Chris Benoit successfully retains the US Title. [B][U][COLOR="blue"]Bischoff Gets his Troops Hyped Up[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Hollywood Hogan, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall are in their locker room discussing possibilities of who Savage’s mystery partners could be.[/I] [B]Nash:[/B] I wonder who his partners are tonight guys. It could be someone we’ve crushed in the past before and looking for revenge. [B]Hogan:[/B] Well in that case their gonna get crushed again Brother. [B]Hall:[/B] When all three of us are united their aint no three guys that can stop us. [I]Just then Bischoff walks in.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] You guys aren’t discussing the possibilities of who Savages partners can be AGAIN are you? [B]Hogan:[/B] As a matter of fact we are brother. [B]Bischoff:[/B] Well it stops right now then because tonight we grab WCW by the throat once again, we squeeze the life out of Savage and we squeeze the life out of whoever he has managed to bring to WCW to help him take on the New World Order. Savage has been running his mouth too long and ever since he left the New World Order he has been a pain my ass every single week. [B]Nash:[/B] It’s time for the big man to kick him some ass. [I]Scott Hall puts his arm around Kevin Nash.[/I] [B]Hall:[/B] Tonight we will take out Savage and the two loser friends of his, and then we go and paint the town Black and White. It’s gonna be ‘Too Sweet’. [I]Bischoff turns to Hogan.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Are you ready to rise to the occasion Hollywood? [B]Hogan: [/B] Tonight I run wild on the whole WCW Dude! [I]All four men look at each other smiling as if to say this night is going to be going their way.[/I] [B][U]WCW Title Match – Sting © vs Bret Hart[/U][/B] Sting took on Bret Hart with the WCW Title on the line. The fans seemed to turn on Sting in the early going and chose Bret Hart as their hero. The commentators talked about this and said the fans are obviously confused about the actions from Sting as of late and they now see Bret Hart as their hero. Sting took it to Bret Hart in the early going but couldn’t put Bret Hart away, and Bret fought back with some hard-hitting offense and tried to put away Sting with the Sharpshooter but Sting made it to the ropes. Sting tried to put away Bret with the Scorpion Death Drop but Hart kicked out. The end of the match saw Sting lose the plot and grab his bat from outside and he came in the ring and started laying a beating on Bret with the bat, the referee declared the match a No Contest, but Sting continued the beatdown until security rushed the ring, but it was too late the damage had already been done. [B][U]Winner – No Contest[/U][/B] [B][U]Six Man Tag Match – Hollywood Hogan and Kevin Nash and Scott Hall vs Randy Savage and his Two Partners of Choosing[/U][/B] The New World Order made their entrance first. Savage then came down to the ring, he then pointed to the entrance way signaling for his two partners, the music of The Road Warriors hit to a monstrous ovation. Throughout the match the commentary team talked about the history of The Road Warriors and how they have dominated Tag Team Wrestling throughout their careers and winning so many Tag Team Titles throughout the years. They also talked about Savage had found a match for the Outsiders in the Road Warriors. Savages were firing on all cylinders in the early going, but New World Order’s cheating tactics worked to their advantage as the match progressed. Savage and Hogan got into a brawl on the outside and they brawled all the way out of sight. Fortunately they weren’t the legal men and it was left between The Road Warrior and The Outsiders to fight it out. The end of the match came when The Road Warriors had Scott Hall all alone and hit the Doomsday Device for the win. [B][U]Winners – Randy Savage and The Road Warriors[/U][/B]
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...[QUOTE][B][U]WWF Unforgiven April 28th 1998[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.brandsoftheworld.com/brands/0003/3624/brand.gif[/IMG] Flash Flannigan and Mark Henry went to a no contest. Miguel Perez defeated Mr Aguila. The Undertaker defeated Bob Holly. Jeff Jarrett defeated Thrasher, Al Snow and Mabel. Keiji Muto and Marc Mero defeated Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow. Hashimoto defeated Billy Gunn. Farooq defeated Goldust. The Rock defeated Road Dogg to regain the IC Title. Taka defeated Brian Christopher to retain the Light Heavyweight Title. Triple H defeated John Tenta to retain the European Title. Steve Austin defeated Kane to retain the WWF Title. Sid And Ahmed Johnson defeated DOA to defeat DOA.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]News and Rumours[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.pwinsider.com/images/logo.gif[/IMG] Last night WWF and WCW PPV’s (Spring Stampede and Unforgiven went to head. This was a war which WCW won and hurt the WWF greatly. WCW drew a buy rate of 21.24 and went before a crowd of 67,572 at the Alamodome while the WWF drew a buy rate of 11.53 and a measly 1,000 people at the Amazura Concert Hall. Many industry insiders are blaming this on the mediocre Main Event that was scheduled pitting Sid and Ahmed Johnson against DOA. Everyone is baffled as to why McMahon would put this very random match with no build up as his Main Event for the evening instead of the WWF Title match pitting Steve Austin against the challenging Kane. It is being said that many WWF fans are disillusioned by the product in the past few weeks and might start tuning off if things don’t start to change very soon. In the past month RAW has been trailing in the rating to Nitro, with RAW drawing in the 3.2 range and Nitro drawing in the 5.5 range, obviously a vast difference in the number of people tuning in. [/QUOTE].....
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[QUOTE]you doing any more?[/QUOTE] Yeah no doubt about it, the reason for lack of updates is i've been on Easter Holiday and haven't been on the computer much, i plan to take this diary to the end of 1998 at the very least thanks for the feedback pal :) and your suggestion is noted for Fall Brawl :cool:
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[QUOTE=Killacam;222757]Yeah no doubt about it, the reason for lack of updates is i've been on Easter Holiday and haven't been on the computer much, i plan to take this diary to the end of 1998 at the very least thanks for the feedback pal :) and your suggestion is noted for Fall Brawl :cool:[/QUOTE] It makes sense because the Road Warriors were in the first War Games on Dusty Rhodes team. I'd probably add a cruiserweight to each team and go from there. My suggestions would be a guy like Jericho and Syxx(if you have him/can get him)
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  • 2 weeks later...
.....[QUOTE][B][U][SIZE="6"]WCW Nitro Preview April 29th 1998[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/63/Nitrologo95.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Confirmed Matches[/U][/B] Steven Regal vs Ultimo Dragon The Giant vs Rick Steiner Saturn vs Chris Candido DDP vs Hammer Psicosis vs Kidman Chavo Guerrero vs Dean Malenko[/QUOTE].....
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[B][U][SIZE="6"]WCW Monday Nitro April 29th 1998[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/63/Nitrologo95.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]The Road Warriors are Back[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]The show starts off with Randy Savages music hitting to a great ovation. He makes his way down to the ring much to the fans delight. He gets in the ring and grabs a mic and he has something to say.[/I] [B]Savage:[/B] Ohhh Yeahhh!. All these past weeks of wait have been worth it. People speculated as to who my mystery partners were and ill tell you people out here tonight, that I had no doubt my friends would be able to take out the New World Order. You see the New World Order thought they could walk over whoever I was bringing with me to fight them but I came through on my word and brought the single greatest tag team in the history of this business to WCW Dig-it! But let me tell you right now, this thing is far from over, these guys weren’t just brought in for a one night deal, these guys will help me conquer the New World Order once and for all and restore Full Power to the WCW! So without further ado, welcome my partners and more importantly my friend The Road Warriors Animal and Hawk. [I]The Road Warriors music hits and the crowd explodes for the Greatest Tag Team Wrestling has ever seen, they both walk down to the ring with their signature swagger soaking in the applause and obviously happy to be back at the top of wrestling. They both get in the ring and pose to the fans but its then down to business as Savage hands Animal the microphone, he obviously wants to address these rawkus fans that are in attendance here tonight.[/I] [B]Animal:[/B] Last night at Spring Stampede me and Hawk proved why we are feared in the squared circle around the world. The New World Order acts like their the toughest guys in town, but guess what, we showed them what it means to be tough guys and what it means to be team players. This is far from over, and we are behind Savage all the way. Power will be restored to WCW and the New World Order will be extinct by the time me and Hawk are finished with them, tell em Hawk! [B]Hawk:[/B] Well! The proof is in the pudding and last night we showed tough guys how to be tough and we showed the world how to pound the bullies into submission. The New World Order messed with the wrong people and they will regret it for the rest of their lives. Me and Animal are Warriors and we fight with dignity and we fight with heart. Your going down New World Order just like a stack of Domino’s. [I]Hawk shakes hands with Savage and then Animal does the same, the New World Orders music hits and Kevin Nash makes his way onto the ramp with a microphone in hand and the crowd boo the big man.[/I] [B]Nash: [/B] You know I admit you guys got the victory last night, but the truth is, this is far from over. The New World Order is the biggest force in wrestling history and you guys are nothing more than idle threats. You may have beat us last night but that was a one off, a fluke if you will, so what im gonna propose is you put your money where your mouth is. I challenge any one of you guys to a match tonight, I don’t care which one of you it is, I just wants someone’s ass tonight, so who’s it gonna be huh? [I]Animal grabs the mic with intent.[/I] [B]Animal:[/B] You know what big man it felt really good when I was kicking your ass last night, so I want another piece of you tonight. Im gonna pummel your ass right into the mat Road Warrior Style, and im gonna do It all by myself. No one at ringside. [I]Nash smiles at Animal and then leaves, leaving the Road Warriors and Savage rubbing their hands together itching for another piece of the New World Order.[/I] [B][U]Singles Match – Steven Regal (with Fit Finlay) vs Ultimo Dragon (with Juventud Guerrera[/U][/B] Last week both teams made their debut as teams on Nitro. In the end Regal and Finlay bested the Cruiserweights. This week it is a single match, which sees Regal take on Ultimo Dragon with both men having their tag team partners in their corners. During the match the commentators talked about the future of the WCW Tag Team Division and how it had started to take shape in recent weeks. The match went back and forth between Regal and Ultimo. Finlay talked trash to Juvi on the outside, the end of the match came when Regal tried to put away Ultimo with the Double Arm Suplex but Ultimo countered into a Crucifix pin for the win. After the match Finlay slid in the ring and attacked Ultimo, which prompted Juvi to get in the ring and take it to Finlay. Both teams brawled before being separated by security. Things are hotting up between these two teams. [B][U]Winner – Ultimo Dragon[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]The Giant was Tired of Waiting[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]The Giant’s music hits in the arena to a large amount of boo’s he walks to the ring looking pleased with himself. The commentators talked up how last night Eddy Guerrero issued an open challenge to anyone in the locker room and then Goldberg accepted the challenge but just when Goldberg was ready to finish off Guerrero and win the TV Title The Giant rushed into the ring and delivered a Chokeslam to Goldberg causing the DQ. The Giant gets in the ring and he has something to say.[/I] [B]Giant:[/B] Let me tell you all something, what I did to Goldberg he had it coming, he would rather go for the TV Title than face up to me. I admit Goldberg beat me once, and he was a tough son of a bitch, but he would not give me my rematch and last night, when I seen him out there getting ready to put Guerrero away I just snapped. I ran to the ring and gave this ignorant son of a bitch the Chokeslam and it felt good damnit, maybe now Goldberg will start taking me seriously and give me my damn rematch. [I]Goldberg’s music hits in the arena to a great ovation and he rushes the ring and hit the Giant with the Spear and follows it up with the Jackhammer. Goldberg then leaves through the crowd and celebrates with his thousands of fans. Goldberg gets one back on the Giant, but the Giant still hasn’t got his rematch.[/I] [B][U]Singles Match - The Giant vs Rick Steiner[/U][/B] The Giant took on Rick Steiner in singles competition. During the matchup the commentators talked about how Goldberg accepted Eddy Guerrero’s open challenge last night and was just on the verge of winning the TV Title when The Giant came in and ruined It all for Goldberg. The Giant struggled in the early going with Rick Steiner taking full advantage of Goldberg’s attack before the match, but The Giant powered his way back into the match and hit the Chokeslam for the win. [B][U]Winner – The Giant[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]Raven Riles up Hammer[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Raven is in his locker room with Hammer trying to get the youngster motivated for his important matchup with DDP later tonight.[/I] [B]Raven: [/B] Hammer last night was a bad night for the Flock. Last night DDP pinned our teammate and most importantly our friend Saturn to get one over on us. We really need you to come through for us tonight and pin DDP’s shoulders to the mat, but ill tell you what you have to do, you have to teach DDP a lesson, you have to show DDP that you are not a pushover but you are a force to be reckoned with in WCW. Tonight Hammer you defend the Flocks honour and you show the world what the future of this business looks like and that you truly have arrived. Tonight I wont be at ringside and neither will Saturn or Kidman, because tonight your on your own, prove yourself to me Hammer, prove yourself! [I]Raven pats Hammer in the back and Hammer looks ready to do battle and take out DDP and do it not only for himself but also for the honour of the Flock.[/I] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]Scott Steiner’s Mean Streak[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]A video package aired focusing on Scott Steiner. It showed highlights from his matches from the past few weeks. It also showed Steiner doing what he does best and that is running his mouth talking about how great he is. After the video had aired the commentary team talked about how impressive Steiner had been since going solo but they also talked about how Steiner could snap at the click of a finger and that he was an accident waiting to happen and how it is not advised to get in the powerhouse’s way.[/I] [B][U]Singles Match – Saturn vs Chris Candido[/U][/B] Saturn took on Chris Candido in singles action. The commentary team talked up the fact that Chris Candido had a winning debut last week. They talked about how he is a young man with huge potential they also talked about the impressive physique and the aggressiveness of Saturn. The match saw Saturn use his sheer strength and show a wealth of Suplexes, it also showed Candido’s fight and his heart. The end of the match saw Saturn hit the T-Bone Suplex to pick up the win. [B][U]Winner - Saturn[/U][/B] [B][U]Singles Match – DDP vs Hammer[/U][/B] DDP took on Hammer in singles action. The commentary team talked about how DDP has been singled out by Raven and the Flock and how it all started when Hammer attacked DDP weeks ago acting as a lackey for Raven. They talked about how Hammer has much more potential than to just be a lackey for Flock Leader Raven. They said that if DDP gets victory tonight it is another form of retribution for him. The match itself was back and forth with Hammer showing his impressive strength and athleticism but DDP would not quit and hit back with his signature sure fire offense, the end of the match came when DDP hit the Diamond Cutter for the win to get a measure of revenge on the Flock. [B][U]Winner - DDP[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]Hennig Didn’t Live up To his Word[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Chris Benoit is backstage with Gene Okerland and he has something to say.[/I] [B]Benoit:[/B] After all the hype, after all the bravado, all the talk, all the bragging that he was better than me, last night I proved that I am the Superior Wrestler. Ill be the man and admit that Curt Hennig is one of the toughest matches ive ever faced in my career, but the fact of the matter is, he could not get the job done, I was that bit sharper, I was that much quicker and I was that much better and I got him in the Crippler Crossface and made him tap like he has never tapped before. People in this company need to give Chris Benoit the respect he deserves, they need to recognize the fact that I am a Submission Machine when I step into that ring, and no matter how confident my opponent is of victory I will come out on top every time, they all succumb to the Crippler one way or the other. [B][U]Singles Match – Psicosis vs Kidman[/U][/B] Psicosis took on Kidman in one on one action. During the match the commentary team talked about how Psicosis has yet to get a Cruiserweight title and that it confuses them because he has been on such an impressive winning streak and putting on great performances while he’s at it. The match itself was a typical Cruiserweight affair. There were high spots galore and Psicosis ended it with the Psicosis driver. After the match he started motioning around his waist, as if to say that he was coming for Jericho’s Cruiserweight Title. [B][U]Winner – Psicosis[/U][/B] [I]After the match the music of Chris Jericho hit and he came out to a chorus off boo’s and stood on the rampway and acknowledged Psicosis by starting to clap.[/I] [B]Jericho: [/B] Everybody give a round of applause to Psicosis. Im out here to address a little situation that has popped into my mind. You know they give Rey Mysterio the title shot at Spring Stampede and I beat him easily, without even breaking a sweat. Rey Mysterio’s career is over, this little munchkin was making claims that he could take the title from me like it was candy from a baby but nosireebob! Last night was not a challenge to yours truly. But here you have Psicosis a man that has been winning matches left, right and center, and he just gets ignored by WCW, he gets overlooked? Psicosis do you want a title shot? [I]Just then Mysterio comes out and attacks Jericho, taking it to Jericho. Then both men start brawling to the back. Leaving Psicosis in the ring looking on.[/I] [B][U]Singles Match – Chavo Guerrero vs Dean Malenko[/U][/B] Chavo Guerrero took on Dean Malenko in one on one Cruiserweight Action. The match was a ground-based effort, which is rather uncharacteristic of the Cruiserweight division. But this was good as it adds another dimension to the division. During the match the commentary team talked about what the future holds for both of these in the company as both men have lacked direction in the past few months and that a victory could signal a turn in pace for either man. The end of the match saw Chavo go for the Frog Splash but Malenko moved out of the and managed to lock in the Texas Cloverleaf for the victory. [B][U]Winner – Dean Malenko[/U][/B] [I]As Dean Malenko was still celebrating and Chavo Guerrero was just getting to his feet the music of Eddy Guerrero hit to a good reception and he came out with a mic in hand obviously wanting to address one of these two men in the ring.[/I] [B]Eddy:[/B] Chavo what is happening to you brother? Your losing matches like there is no tomorrow. Chavo you need me to help you succeed in the WCW. Chavo I will help you, if you let me. We are family, we are blood, and with me by your side I can make you successful in the WCW. [I]Chavo grabs a mic from ringside and starts to address Eddy’s comments.[/I] [B]Chavo:[/B] Eddy I tried my best tonight, just like every night when I step in the ring I give 100% and I am sorry if me losing a couple of matches tarnishes the Guerrero legacy, there is no shame in losing to great athletes like Dean Malenko, but as for your offer, I will take it into consideration. [I]Eddy interrupts Chavo.[/I] [B]Eddy:[/B] Well while your taking my offer into consideration, ill tell you what next week I will take on Dean Malenko, but not only that I will put my TV Title on the line, and I want you to be in my corner for the match so you can get a close up look on how a Champion competes in the ring. [I]Chavo nods his head then heads up the ramp, Malenko just stars at Guerrero and then stares at his title and there is a hint of a smile on Malenko’s face as he knows he has an opportunity to become the TV Champion next week on Nitro.[/I] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]Konnan Addresses Luger[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Konnan is in his locker room with Gene Okerland and he has something to say in regards to his loss at Spring Stampede.[/I] [B]Konnan:[/B] You know what Gene, at Spring Stampede I went one on one with Lex Luger, now he was the one that started this war between him and me, he got all up in my face and he decided that he wanted a piece of my ass. Well let me tell you something, in recent weeks me and Luger have went toe to toe, nail to nail and last night he showed me what he’s made of, last night me and Luger beat the hell out of each other and he managed to outsmart and lock in a Small Package for the victory. But let me tell you Gene as a man I cannot let this thing between him and me slide, me and Luger will meet again and the next time I’ve got a feeling I’ll be a little smarter and this time it will be my hand raised in victory. Lex Luger has not seen the last of me. [I]Konnan stares into the camera with a stern look on his face, the man has never looked more determined than he has now.[/I] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]The New Face of WCW[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]The music of Bret Hart hits in the arena to a great ovation from the fans and he storms to the ring, obviously still in a rampage that Sting got himself Dq’ed last night to save his belt. Hart quickly gets in the ring and gets on the microphone and gets ready to air his grievances.[/I] [B]Bret:[/B] Last night thanks to WCW Management I finally got my opportunity to step in the ring and compete for the WCW Title against Sting. Sting had been dodging me and attacking me weeks leading up to last nights matchup, and might I add he was forced into facing me last night, quite frankly that makes Sting a coward, he should be a fighting Champion, a Champion should take on all comers and defend his belt with honour. Me and Sting went at it back and forth, and he decided the easy way out and he got himself Dq’ed by using his baseball bat on me causing himself to get Dq’ed, I was announced the winner but Sting gets to keep his belt. Sting I know you haven’t uttered a word in WCW for over 16 months, but tonight I want some answers and I want them right now. You owe me that much………. [I]Shockingly the music of Roddy Piper hits and the crowd erupts for the Icon. Piper appears on the ramp in his signature gear with a huge smile on his face and salutes the fans. He makes his way down to the ring soaking in the adulation of the fans. Hart looks confused. Piper grabs the microphone from Bret Hart and obviously has something to say.[/I] [B]Piper:[/B] You may all be wondering why im out here tonight, and believe me there is good reason for Roddy Piper to be at Nitro. You see when Hogan was Champion, Bischoff had all the power, but when Sting became champion, WCW regained some of that power but Bischoff still some power around these parts, WCW Management doesn’t yet have full control of their company, and let me tell you folks, that is about to change from this moment on. WCW have made me The Face of WCW Management! From this moment on the Icon of professional wrestling, makes all the decisions. Eric Bischoff is done, his days of matchmaking are over, but im not finished, you see Bret Hart old buddy old pal. I have some good news and I have some bad news. The bad news is Sting isn’t here tonight. The good news is next Pay Per View you get your Rematch in a No Holds Barred match, no count outs, no dq. Sting vs Bret Hart there will be a clear-cut winner! And if Sting doesn’t show up for the PPV to defend his title then he is stripped of the title! [I]Piper and Hart shake hands and Hart heads up the ramp looking a pleased man. Piper is still in the ring and Bischoff’s music hits to a chorus of boos’s. He comes out and stands on the ramp shaking his head and has a mic in hand obviously taking exception to Piper’s comments.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Who in the hell do you think I am? Im Eric Bischoff I have all the power around here, what hole did you crawl out of anyway? I have all the power in WCW and I always will. [B]Piper:[/B] You see Sleazy E that’s where you’re wrong. You’re done pal, and I forgot to mention something else to you their sir. Your banned from WCW forever, security get em out of here, and don’t ever let him back in again. [I]Security grabs Bischoff and escort him from the building, and Eric is kicking and screaming but it does him no good as he leaves WCW forever. The fans chant Piper’s name as he heads up the ramp. Piper is ‘The face of WCW Management’. And it’s Sting vs Bret Hart at the next PPV in a No Holds Barred Match for the WCW Title.[/I] [B][U]Singles Match – Road Warrior Animal vs Kevin Nash[/U][/B] Kevin Nash took on Road Warrior Animal in singles action. During the match the commentary team talked up how the Road Warriors are considered the greatest tag team of all time and also about how Nash and Hall might become the greatest of all time when it’s all said and done, they speculated as to who would survive this war between the New World Order and the Road Warriors and Randy Savage. The match itself featured some very hard-hitting action with Nash and Animal both exchanging heavy blows. The ending of the match saw Animal hit the Running Powerslam but the match ended in a DQ due top interference from Hall who attacked Animal. Hawk rushed the ring and the two teams brawled as Nitro went off the air with no team getting the clear advantage. [B][U]Winner - Animal by DQ through Interference.[/U][/B]
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....[QUOTE][B][U]Raw Results April 29th 1998[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/res/game/574/logo.jpg[/IMG] DOA defeated Flash Funk and Henry Godwinn. Bob Holly and Recon defeated The New Blackjacks. Triple H defeated D’Lo Brown to retain the European Title. Goldust defeated 8Ball. The New Age Outlaws defeated Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow to retain the Tag Team Titles. Ken Shamrock and Sid defeated British Bulldog and Owen Hart.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]ECW Hardcore TV Results[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/ECWLOG.jpg[/IMG] Pitbull 1 defeated Kid Kash, Guido and Mikey Whipwreck. Taz defeated The Blue Meanie to retain the TV Title. Bam Bam Bigelow defeated The Sandman. Sabu defeated Shane Douglas.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]News and Rumours[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.pwinsider.com/images/logo.gif[/IMG] ECW have just secured a TV Deal with TV Cable Deep South to debut a weekly wrestling show next season. WWF fans at RAW were said to be irate when Stone Cold Steve Austin 'The WWF Champion' wasn't even booked at the show at all. They did not even get an explanation as to why he didn't appear and this just adds to their frustrations in recent weeks where they have been complaining that their Champion is being used badly and it's bringing down the importance of the WWF Title. This week on ECW Taz filled out last date for the promotion and should be debuting on RAW at next week's broadcast. Nothing has been announced as of yet, about what will be done with the FTW title. Although it will most likely just be forgotten about anyway. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U][SIZE="6"]WCW Monday Nitro Preview for May 5th 1998[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/63/Nitrologo95.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Confirmed Matches[/U][/B] DDP and Booker T vs Kidman and Saturn (with Raven and Hammer at Ringside) Fit Finlay (with Steven Regal) vs Juventud Guerrera (with Ultimo Dragon) Chris Candido vs Stevie Ray T.V. Title Match - Eddy Guerrero (with Chavo Guerrero in his corner) vs Dean Malenko Chris Benoit and Konnan vs Curt Hennig and Lex Luger[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]OOC: Thanks for the feedback Daniel, good to know you enjoyed the last Nitro. And yeah it took a lot of work to make Nash lose. I had to keep him strong, have the match end in a DQ etc.[/QUOTE]
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Glad to see Benoit and Hennig together in matches....man, they would've been so great in the ring together. Great job bringing in LOD also, now that's a ruuuuuuuuuuush! Looks like the Guerreros are getting together, that's still one of the best tag teams IMO in the last 10 years. Great read here and you've got a fan :)
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