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WCW 1998 - Favourite Position is on Top

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How can Bischoff just be out?!?!? Hopefully we will see an NWO vs Piper/WCW battle royal in the near future to determine who will get control of the company! I also like the Road Warriors vs Outsiders angle that is going and as someone else mentioned that could turn into an awesome War Games matchup.
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......[B][U][SIZE="6"]WCW Nitro Monday 5th May 1998[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/63/Nitrologo95.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]New World Turmoil[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]The music of the New World Order hits in the arena to a rather mixed reaction. I suspect they like the likeable Hall and Nash and despise the WWF legend that acts like a teenager and does several jackass things on a monthly basis. Last week Roddy Piper fired Eric Bischoff and banned him from the building for ever and ever and ever. The three members of the New World Order walk to the ring looking rather pissed off and they obviously mean business another reason why this might be is that Kevin Nash got pinned by Road Warrior Animal in singles action last week and then the Outsiders and The Road Warriors brawled as the show went off air. The New World Order get in the ring and Hogan is the first one to talk, as simply he is the only one in the ring with a microphone in his hand.[/I] [B]Hogan:[/B] Let me start off by saying one thing southerner’s. The rumor mill has been circulating and everyone and their grandmother and granddaddy having been saying that since Eric Bischoff got fired by Roddy Piper last week that the New World Order is dying and only has weeks to live. Well let me just say this, you are looking at the three most dominating wrestlers in the history of this business and we don’t need no Suit to lead us to the promised land. Bischoff had became a liability in recent weeks anyway, he was surplus to requirements and were of the belief that Roddy Piper did us a favour by firing Eric Bischoff. This is the last time you’ll ever hear us talking about Eric Bischoff dudes. Now onto bigger situations. Last week Road Warrior Animal pinned Kevin Nash, the truth is Nash hasn’t been 100 percent for a while, well im not gonna say anymore Im done, im gonna let me New World Order compadree say the rest. [B]Nash:[/B] You see Ive been keeping a secret from you people a long time. Truth is I have a problem. Let me just come clean, truth is……..i have asthma. That’s right, and I forgot my inhaler last week. That is the reason I lost to Animal, and the thing is I brought my inhaler this week, so im good to go and ready to kick some ass! [I]Hogan pats Nash on the back as if to say he’s going to be okay as he brought his inhaler. Hall grabs the mic and has something to say, which is always interesting.[/I] [B]Hall:[/B] Hey Yo……………Tonight, is the night for retribution, tonight we take out these no hopers. Road Warriors………Randy Savage. Get your Asses out here because we have a little challenge for you. Get your asses out here so Scott Hall can give it to you clean and straight, because we are men and that’s what we do Chico! [I]The music of Roddy Piper abruptly hits to a great ovation and he comes out with a mic in hand on the rampway looking like a man that means business.[/I] [B]Piper:[/B] New World Order tonight there will be no challenges, you see this is my first full week in charge and im the sheriff in town and by god the sheriff has some plans for you, oh yes he does! Tonight im putting Hogan and Hall in one corner and by ringside will be Nash as their manager. The other side im putting Hawk and Randy Savage Ohhhhhhhh Yeah and their manager will be Road Warrior Animal. Tag Team Match both men have managers! And yesir this will be one to remember, im the sheriff and my decision is final, have fun boys! [I]Piper leaves leaving the New World Order feeling threatened by his power and feeling insulted by their lack of power.[/I] [B][U]Tag Team Match - DDP and Booker T vs Kidman and Saturn (with Raven and Hammer in their corner)[/U][/B] The team of Booker T took on the Flock’s Tag Team of Kidman and Saturn. Raven and Hammer were in Kidman and Saturn’s corner to show the unity within the Flock and to threaten DDP. The Flock and DDP have been being going back and forth for a while now with the Flock victimizing DDP but in recent weeks DDP has scored a couple of valuable wins over Flock members this week is just another chapter in DDP’s fight for survival. Booker T teams with DDP tonight. Booker T has been on a very good winning streak and looks to move up the ladder in WCW in the current months, he’s certainly got the talent to do that, ill tell you that one for nothing. The match itself saw back and forth action between both teams, Booker T particularly impressed with his athleticism. Raven and Hammer screamed abuse at DDP. But DDP seemed a focus man and did not get deterred from the abuse. The end of the match saw DDP go for the Diamond Cutter only for Kidman to push him into the ropes where Raven managed to grab the leg of DDP which sent him face first to the mat, this allowed Kidman to climb the ropes and then hit the Shooting Star Press for the victory. Booker T just left the ring after the match avoiding any confrontation with the gang, he knows better than to take on all four men. The Flock headed up the ramp in victory and Raven looked quite the confident man, but you just know this victory is not satisfaction enough for him, this man will try to end DDP’s career someday, but for tonight I guess the victory was enough for him. [B][U]Winners – Kidman and Saturn[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]Steiner the Mack Daddy[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]The cameras go to backstage where we see Scott Steiner bragging to Elizabeth about how great is.[/I] [B]Steiner:[/B] Im the baddest son of a bitch that ever lived Liz. I have rampaged through everybody that has been put in my path. It’s like ten pin bowling, WCW sets them up and I just keep on knocking em down hitting strike after strike. You’re a single woman and it’s a big bad world baby and Scott Steiner has what you’re looking for. [B]Liz:[/B] You do? [B]Steiner:[/B] You see they don’t call me a genetic freak for nothing Liz I have the body, but I also have the tools to get the job done. [I]Steiner leans in and whispers something in Liz’s ear then gives her a big old slap in her ass, and Liz has a shocked look on her face. At this moment Hugh Morrus rushes to the aid of Liz and gets in between her and Steiner. He squares up to Steiner and has some harsh words for him.[/I] [B]Morrus:[/B] Steiner you do not know how to treat a woman, you talk to them like their pieces of meat son, that is not how you treat a lady. You have to treat them like royalty. Steiner tonight im challenging you to a match, and after I beat you tonight im going to sweep Liz off her feet and give her the night of her life. Scott Steiner do you accept? [I]Steiner has a smirk on his face and looks amused.[/I] [B]Steiner:[/B] Tonight two things are gonna happen, number one im gonna kick your ass and take the victory then im gonna have my way with Liz, and then im going to leave her to pay the Hotel Bill. Ill see ya in the ring later tonight Hugh. [I]Steiner then slaps Liz in the ass once again and Liz looks just as shocked as she did the first time Steiner slapped her ass. Steiner proceeds to walk away down the corridor, leaving Liz and Morrus looking at each other, kinda checking each other out. Steiner takes on Morrus later tonight.[/I] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]The Newest WCW Recruit[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]We see a video playing the video starts off black then all of a sudden this quite nifty Rock Music starts playing, and this really deep voice starts speaking. The voice says that soon a man that has achieved success in the Wrestling Business will return to WCW his true home. The voice also tells us that this man has great ability in the ring, and sometimes fans love him, sometimes fans hate him, but fans always respect him. The video fads to black and the kick ass rock music fades out as well. [/I] [B][U]Singles Match - Fit Finlay (with Steven Regal) vs Juventud Guerrera (with Ultimo Dragon)[/U][/B] Fit Finlay took on Juventud Guerrera in singles action. In recent weeks these relatively new tag teams have been going back and forth in singles and tag team action with none of them getting a really clear advantage. Regal and Ultimo were at ringside for this one, in support of their respective teams. The match itself went back and forth with Finlay dominating for large spells with his extreme and unorthodox style using a variation of street fighting and technical offense but Juvi being the young fighter he is fought back and made this one a very interesting matchup indeed. Juvi hit various highflying moves. But in the end the match ended in a big brawl when Regal and Ultimo interfered and the referee had no choice but to call a double DQ and throw the match out, and the two teams were finally separated by the WCW security. This one if far from over folks, not by a long shot. [B][U]Winner – No Contest[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]The Non-Friendly Giant[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]The Giant is backstage with Gene Okerland and has some words for his arch nemesis Goldberg.[/I] [B]Mean Gene:[/B] Last Week Giant you came out and told us why you chose to cost Goldberg his chance to win the T.V. Title but then Goldberg came out and delivered a Spear and a Jackhammer to you, and then you had to wrestle a match with Rick Steiner straight afterward and you managed to fight through the pain barrier and overcome Rick Steiner, what are your thoughts on this situation which deepens each and every week? [B]The Giant:[/B] You see Gene last week, it all happened again. For weeks and weeks I’ve been after my rematch with Goldberg because I know when I step into that ring with him again, this time the outcome this time, will beat him with my Chokeslam and this whole winning streak that Goldberg has been on will come to an abrupt end but no, before my match with Rick Steiner Goldberg comes out and attacks me by surprise, delivering a spear and a jakchammer then swiftly leaving and heading backstage. But I overcame the odds Gene, I pinned Rick Steiner to the mat and managed to pick up the victory. Even after the attack by Goldberg I still managed to win my match. So the question remains, will I ever get my rematch? Only time will tell, I’ve got nothing but time Goldberg and you know where to find me, im done with playing your childish little games! [I]The Giant storms off leaving Mean Gene speculating as to whether The Giant will ever get a rematch.[/I] [B][U]Singles Match – Chris Candido vs Stevie Ray[/U][/B] Stevie Ray took on Chris Candido in singles action. Stevie Ray has been fumbling along in WCW since he and Booker T split up and went on to become solo competitors. Candido is a relative newcomer to WCW and has looked impressive since arriving on the scene mixing a Technical Style with some impressive highflying moves thrown in. The match itself was better than expected with Stevie Ray showing some nice offense with his slams and Suplexes and general showboating. Candido was no slouch in this match though and showed his sheer Technical Skill. The end of the match saw Candido hit a Top Rope Powerbomb for the impressive win. It’s been said before but Candido looks like he could really be something in this business and most importantly make a real impact in the sport of Professional Wrestling. [B][U]Winner – Chris Candido[/U][/B] [B][U]Singles Match – Scott Steiner vs Hugh Morrus[/U][/B] Scott Steiner took on Hugh Morrus in one on one action. This match came together earlier in the evening with Steiner trying to pull Elizabeth, but Morrus came to the rescue and wanted to defend Elizabeth’s honour. Elizabeth watched this match from the ramp closely. During the match the commentary team talked up the run of Scott Steiner in WCW in the recent weeks and how he looks set to be one of the most dominating big men the sport has ever seen. The match itself saw Morrus trying to out power Steiner but it just wasn’t happening, as Steiner is a manster. Steiner proceeded to beat the sweat out of Hugh Morrus and finished him off with the Belly-to-Belly Suplex. After the match Steiner looked up at Elizabeth and thrusted his hips at her as if to say, that’s in your future baby, so get ready for the pain Liz! I wonder if Steiner really is a genetic freak in all areas? [B][U]Winner – Scott Steiner[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]What Sherri and Madusa Want[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]The camera’s are backstage in the women’s locker room and Sherri and Madusa are caught in a rather candid conversation about men. [/I] [B]Sherri: [/B] Girl I needs me a man, and I aint talking about no skinny, shy, bashful, cant defend his woman man, I need a man that’s in the damn street handling his business and man that can come home to me and. [I]Madusa cuts off Sherri.[/I] [B]Madusa:[/B] Oh goodness gracious me, I feel you 100 percent there baby girl. Im tired of these Johnny Come Lately’s that I be dating lately nah’m’sayin? We got some stallion’s here in this company though, we need to go scouting some talent and spy on these honeys in the shower or something? What you think? [I]Sherri has a kinda horny look on her face as she answers.[/I] [B]Sherri:[/B] I like the way you think sweetness, we need to get all up in them air vents or something like that and spy on these Supermen’s in the shower, and then we can make a shortlist of men we want then we can get it down to one man and then we will pursue them and they can take of us and most importantly. [I]Madusa cuts off Sherri yet again.[/I] [B]Madusa: [/B] Yeah you know you aint even gotta say it, were women we know what we want. [I]Madusa and Sherri smile at each other, as they know what each other are thinking and stare into each other’s eyes as they fantasize about their new mission in life.[/I] [B][U]TV Title Match – Eddy Guerrero (With Chavo Guerrero in his corner) vs Dean Malenko[/U][/B] Eddy Guerrero took on Dean Malenko with his T.V. Title on the line. Eddy had his cousin Chavo in his corner watching on at ringside. This match came about last week when Chavo lost to Dean Malenko in one on one action on Nitro. Eddy then declared that Chavo is just stuttering around in WCW and his little cousin has so much potential and that Eddy wants to guide him to success in the sport of wrestling, Eddy said that tonight he wanted to show Chavo what a true champion did in that ring, and that he would do It here tonight against Dean Malenko and defend his title with honour. During the match the commentary team talked about how far Chavo could go in his career with Eddy in his corner and how Eddy has been a good T.V. Champ thus far during his reign. The match itself was a very sound technical encounter, with both competitors showing their true skills in that ring. The end of the match saw Eddy Guerrero hit the Frog Splash on Malenko for the victory and signaled a successful title defense. After the match Eddy invites Chavo into the ring. Eddy then gets a mic and addresses his little cousin Chavo Guerrero. [B]Eddy:[/B] Little Chavito that is how a champion performs in the ring. Tonight you were at ringside to witness what your big cousin, your familia does best. You should have brought a pen and pad with you to ringside tonight to note all the positives in my performance. I am still the T.V. Champion and I once again proved that I am, what I say I am and indeed that is a fighting Champion. [I] Chavo looks at Eddy and nods rather hesitantly[/I]. [B]Eddy:[/B] So Chavo, I have one more thing to say………will you let me manage you to success here in WCW? Will you let yourself become a better wrestler and even more importantly a better man with my guidance. We’re family brother, let me help you. What is your answer. [I]Chavo hangs his head and then jumps out of the ring and heads up the ramp with his head pointed to the floor in a rather depressing manner. Eddy looks on in shock as Chavo passes through the backstage curtain. Eddy doesn’t have his answer and Chavo has left his family member hanging.[/I] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]The U.S. Champion[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]A hype video played for the U.S. Champion Chris Benoit. This video showed the technical skill of the man. It showed him using his patented German Suplexes and his devastating Crippler Crossface. This video also said that Chris Benoit was arguably the best Technical Wrestler in the World today. The ending of the video showed Benoit rubbing his hands together in a rather perverted fashion and it said Benoit in action next![/I] [B][U]Tag Team Match – Chris Benoit and Konnan vs Lex Luger and Curt Hennig[/U][/B] A Tag Team match pitting Chris Benoit and Konnan against Lex Luger and Curt Hennig was up next. This match had a lot of history involved. Recently Chris Benoit and Curt Hennig have been battling for the U.S. Title with Hennig claiming he would become the next champion at Benoit’s expense and also claiming that he is a superior athlete to Benoit, but alas Benoit made Hennig tap in a U.S. Title match at Spring Stampede. Last week on Nitro Benoit insisted that he is not to be under estimated and that he is indeed a wrestling machine and has that killer instinct to put opponents away. This week Hennig has a chance to get one over on him if he pins him here tonight in this tag match. Konnan and Lex Luger have been in a war of words and a war of fists and submission holds lately. Luger got the victory over Konnan at Spring Stampede but last week Konnan claimed that is it far from over between them and retribution was not far away. The match itself was a little cracker. It had plenty of action between the feuding adversaries. The end of the match came when Benoit tried to lock in the Crippler Crossface but Hennig managed to counter with the Hennig-Plex for the win. After the match the commentators speculated as to whether this puts Hennig right back in the title hunt and as to whether Benoit would ever give Hennig a rematch. [B][U]Winners – Curt Hennig and Lex Luger[/U][/B] [B][U]This Missing Man Named Sting[/U][/B] [I]We see a video playing that shows the feud between Bret Hart and Sting. IT shows the history that has been developing between the men. It shows all the sneaky attacks from Sting and it shows Hart talking about the face that Sting had to get himself Disqualified in order to keep his title at Spring Stampede. The video documents the whereabouts of Sting last week, and asks the question when will Sting show up at Nitro again? Next it shows the shocking return of Roddy Piper and his making of the match last week between Sting and Bret Hart for the WCW Title in a re-match and this time it’s no holds barred, no countouts, no disqualification, so that Sting cannot save his title by cowardly tactics. The video fades to black with the face of Sting and the Face of Bret Hart and the words who will walk out champion at Slamboree?[/I] [I]We go back to the arena and the crowd is silent waiting to see what happens next on this episode of Nitro when the music of Bret Hart hits to a fabulous ovation. He walks to the ring in his jeans and a Canadian T-Shirt. He gets in the ring and poses to his many fans and then proceeds to grab the microphone and the Canadian Hero and perhaps the next WCW gets ready to address the fans.[/I] [B]Bret:[/B] This is rapidly becoming like that movie ‘Groundhog Day’. You know the one where Billy Murray wakes up every morning and it’s the same thing every day. It’s the same damn day everytime he wakes up. Every week I come out here to confront Sting, and week after week, he either attacks me, or he just doesn’t turn up to Nitro at all. Well this week I can take great solitude in knowing that come Slamboree I have his ass in a No Holds Barred match. You see Sting this time there is no cowardly tactics you can use to escape with your title. You either have to pin my shoulders to the mat, or you have to make me submit. And quite frankly in a No Holds Barred match I don’t think you’re capable of beating me Sting. I am the Excellence of Execution and come Slamboree I will also be the new WCW Champion. [I]Bret Hart drops the mic and abruptly leaves. He shakes hands with his fans at ringside and heads up the ramp, salivating while thinking about his rematch with Sting come Slamboree.[/I] [B][U]Tag Team Match – Hollywood Hogan and Scott Hall (with Kevin Nash in their corner) vs Randy Savage and Hawk (with Animal in their corner)[/U][/B] This was the Main Event of the night. Hogan and Hall vs Savage and Hawk, with Nash and Animal in their respective corners. Piper made this match earlier as he is the new sheriff in town. During the match the commentary team talked up the return of the Road Warriors and how their still as good as they ever were. They also said that the New World Order seems to be crumbling and falling apart, and that maybe Bischoff was holding them together but now he is gone forever. The end of the match saw Hogan hit Savage with a pair of Brass Knucks, which the referee managed to not see to pick up the win. Hawk came in after the match to confront Hogan but he also got the Brass Knucks to the face. The show went off the air with the New World Order posing to the crowd. The New World Order have regained some of their momentum with this victory and the Road Warriors and Savage have surely lost some. Next week they have to do something big to get one over on the New World Order! [B][U]Winners – Hollywood Hogan and Scott Hall[/U][/B].....
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.....[QUOTE][B][U]RAW Results May 5th 1998[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/res/game/574/logo.jpg[/IMG] Bradshaw & Mosh and Phineas Godwinn defeated Chainz & Kama and Steve Blackman. Skull defeated Test. Doug Furnas defeated Taka. Kurggan defeated D'Lo Brown. Triple H defeated Crush to retain the European Title. The British Bulldog and The Undertaker went to a No Contest.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]ECW Hardcore TV Results[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/ECWLOG.jpg[/IMG] Pitbull 1 defeated Little Guido. D'Von Dudley defeated The Blue Meanie. John Kronus defeated Bubba Ray Dudley to win the Television Title. Sabu defeated Shane Douglas.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]ECW Wrestlepalooza[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/ECWLOG.jpg[/IMG] Big Dick Dudley defeated Mustafa. Mikey Whipwreck defeated Spike Dudley and Balls Mahoney. The Blue Meanie defeated Pitbull 1. Tracy Smothers defeated Boo Bradley. Little Guido defeated Kid Kash. Justin Credible defeated New Jack. D'Von Dudley defeated Tommy Rogers & Bubba Ray Dudley and Axl Rotten. RVD defeated Ian Rotten. John Kronus defeated Lance Storm to retain the TV Title. Sabu defeated Tommy Dreamer and Sandman. Shane Douglas defeated Bam Bam Bigelow to retain the ECW Title.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]News and Rumours[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.pwinsider.com/images/logo.gif[/IMG] John Kronus defeated Bubba Ray Dudley to win the ECW TV Title this week. It is said that Heyman see's a lot in the athletic big man. Expect to see him get longer matches in the ring to show the ECW fans that he really can go in that ring. Kronus is a former Tag Team Champion with now WCW Star Saturn. Stone Cold was yet again a no show on RAW. Yes that's right yet again the WWF Champion was not booked on the the WWF's flagship show. How long can it be before we see him again? Only time will tell, PWinsider will get to the bottom of it sooner or later for all you great wrestling fans. WCW drew almost double the amount of fans in the Monday Night Wars this week! WCW drew a 5.06 whereas the WWF only drew a 3.25. The WWF is slipping away as the Monday Night Wars drive on. It remains to be seen if the WWF can do what is needed to come back and gain some momentum on WCW.[/QUOTE]....
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  • 3 weeks later...
[B][U][SIZE="6"]WCW Monday Nitro May 12th 1998[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/63/Nitrologo95.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Piper Addresses Slamboree[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]The show starts off with the music of Roddy Piper blasting through the speakers. The crowd goes crazy for the rather mental Scotsman. He appears on the ramp in his signature Kilt and sporting an ‘Icon’ T-Shirt. He salutes his fans and makes his way to the ring with a mic in hand. The face of WCW Management looks like he has some big news here tonight. He gets in the ring and gets ready to address the audience.[/I] [B]Piper:[/B] Tonight the face of WCW Management has some very big news regarding the next Pay Per View come the end of May named ‘Slamboree. You see right now I am going to announce two matches for Slamboree! The first match I have put much deliberation and though into. These past couple of months we have seen the New World Order fight it out with Randy Savage and the returning Road Warriors, so at Slamboree we have a Tag Team match pitting Hollywood Hogan and Scott Hall taking on Animal and Hawk the Road Warriors! But no im not done, Randy Savage will take on Kevin Nash. The struggle between The New World Order and Savage and The Road Warriors continues at Slamboree folks! But im still not done, ya see we have a pretty big show for you here tonight. I am to entertain all you WCW fans and give you your money’s worth so tonight Hollywood Hogan takes on Animal and also in the Main Event of the night we will see Bret Hart prepare for his World Title shot at Slamboree by taking on the monstrous Kevin Nash! I came to make matches and chew bubblegum and im all outta bubblegum! [I]Piper drops the mic but the music of Randy Savage hits and the crowd goes nuts. Savage makes his way to the ring pointing to Piper and smiling. He slides in the ring and grabs the mic that Roddy Piper dropped.[/I] [B]Savage:[/B] Ohhhhhhhhh Yeahhhhhhh! Rowdy Roddy Piper, the man himself, the icon, the face of WCW management. Let me just say this to you Roddy Piper. Since you arrived here in WCW, this place has been tidied up. People are getting fair opportunities once again. WCW wrestlers are getting a fair shot in this company. Roddy Piper let me shake your hand to show you how much I respect you. [I]Both men shake hands and Roddy Piper smiles at Savage and Savage nods in a sign of respect. Piper leaves the ring and Savage salutes him. But Savage isn’t finished once Piper is out of sight Savage has more on his mind.[/I] [B]Savage:[/B] Let me just tell you this Kevin Nash. The New World order has been falling apart since my good friends The Road Warriors came into this company to make the odds even. We have shown that the New World Order can’t compete with the best of them when the odds are even. This will be proved come Slamboree Kevin Nash. I will prove this by beating you fair and square 1-2-3, and the Road warriors will wipe the floor with Hollywood Hogan and Scott Hall. New World Order soon your cancerous organization will be no more and WCW can kiss your Asses goodbye. [I]The music of Kevin Nash hits in the arena to a slightly mixed response from the crowd. He comes out dressed in Blue Jeans and a New World Order Black and White T-Shirt. He has a mic in hand and has some choice words for Savage.[/I] [B]Nash: [/B] Randy Savage you like to talk about how the New World Order is falling apart. Where there is no evidence that this is happening. Since Bischoff got fired we have been a stronger unit. If anything since the Road Warriors came into this company we have become even stronger, you see Randy Savage when I heard earlier tonight that I would be facing you at Slamboree I was one happy man, you know why Randy? Come Slamboree I will be ready for you, your gonna be Roadkill by the time im done with you, you might talk a good game Savage but by the time im done with you, you will just become another victim of the best big man this business has ever seen. And as for Bret Hart later tonight, you might think your preparing for Sting later this month, but don’t look past me Bret Hart, I see myself as a contender for the World Title as well. I may already be a Tag Champion, but believe me Bret Hart im gonna make an example of you tonight on my way to better things, you call yourself the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. Not on my watch pal your gonna feel the Jacknife. But back to you Randy Savage see you at Slamboree for your funeral. [I]Nash drops the mic and leaves, leaving Savage to contemplate Nash’s comments.[/I] [B][U]Singles Match – The Giant vs Stevie Ray[/U][/B] The Giant took on Stevie Ray in one on one action. Stevie Ray has been floundering along recently doing nothing much of any notice. Whereas The Giant has been embroiled in mind games with Goldberg. It all started when Goldberg defeated The Giant and ever since The Giant has wanted a rematch but has not gotten it, although he has been attacked by Goldberg and you could say Stalked by him in recent weeks. Last week The Giant claimed that he has no time for Goldberg’s games but someday he will get his rematch. The match itself saw The Giant dominate Stevie Ray and he won the match with a Chokeslam. After the match the music of Goldberg hit to the delight of the crowd. Goldberg ran to the ring and attacked the Giant who was exhausted after his match. Goldberg took The Giant down with a Clothesline then waited for The Giant to get up and he speared him all the way to the outside! But Goldberg was not done he picked up The Giant on the outside and whipped him face first into the ring post which split The Giants face open, leaving his face a crimson mask of blood. Goldberg then looked down at the bloodied face of The Giant and then backed up the ramp looking satisfied with his work here tonight on Nitro. The Giant may have won his match here tonight but he continues to lose in his battle with Goldberg. [B][U]Winner – The Giant[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]Hennig Confirms that It’s Far From Over[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Curt Hennig is backstage with Gene Okerland with something to say in regards to his victory over Chris Benoit in tag team action last week.[/I] [B]Hennig:[/B] Chris Benoit, all these weeks and months ive been talking about how I could pin you and how I should be the U.S. Champion and last week in tag team action I proved that I am indeed not all about talking. You suffered the Hennig-Plex and you were pinned by me. I proved that I am the next U.S. Champion. You see you may have beaten me at Spring Stampede. But were even Chris Benoit cos I pinned you fair and square in that tag team match last week. I want my shot Chris Benoit! I want a singles rematch with you and I will be the new champion when that time comes. Are you man enough to give me another shot and prove that you are the better man? [I]Out of nowhere comes Chris Benoit he walks right up to Hennig and both men get in each others face then Chris Benoit just nods his head. Benoit walks off looking really focused and Hennig manages to pull out a smile knowing somewhere down the line he is getting his rematch.[/I] [B][U]Three Way Dance Match – Booker T vs Lex Luger vs Konnan[/U][/B] A Three Way Dance Match was up next pitting Booker T against Konnan against Lex Luger. Booker T has been mighty impressive since splitting from his former Tag Team partner Stevie Ray whereas Stevie Ray has been swimming in a sea of mediocrity since the split. Booker T is a firm fan favorite and im sure his fans would be delighted if he could pick up a victory here tonight on Nitro. The other two competitors in this match here tonight have a chequered history. Konnan and Lex Luger have been engaged in a war for quite some time now, with neither man willing to let bygones be bygones, a victory for either one of these men tonight will surely give them the bragging rights in the feud. The match itself featured many high spots, with each of the competitors getting their signature offense in. The end of the match came when Luger had the Torture Rack locked in on Konnan but Booker T delivered the Axe Kick to the face of Luger and quickly made the cover to pick up the win. After the match Booker left the ring and headed up the ramp celebrating his victory leaving Konnan and Luger in the ring together. Luger hit the first punch on Konnan but Konnan responded with a punch of his own and followed that up with a Short Arm Clothesline. Konnan then went to the outside and grabbed a chair, he slid back in the ring and waited for Luger to get up. Once Luger gotten up Konnan swinged the chair at Luger connected with a sickening thud. But the now crazed Konnan was not done. Konnan started viciously attacking Luger’s leg with the chair! Shot after shot after shot! By the time security rushed the ring to break this madness up the damage to Luger’s left leg had already been done. Konnan has just snapped tonight and Lex Luger may never be the same! [B][U]Winner – Booker T[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]A Different Rey Mysterio[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]The music of Rey Mysterio hits in the arena and he swiftly makes his way to the ring. He slides in the ring and is handed a mic. He obviously has something on his mind and he isn’t afraid to come out and tell us what is.[/I] [B]Mysterio:[/B] Im gonna be a man right now and admit my shortcomings. I lost to Chris Jericho at Spring Stampede. He beat me without cheating. He beat me and proved he was the better man on the night. He showed that he is deserving of being the Cruiserweight Champion. Ever since Spring Stampede and the defeat ive been sneaky and ive attacked Chris Jericho from behind. You see Rey Mysterio is not a bad person. This is just what the Cruiserweight Title means to me. It transforms me into a different person. It makes me become an animal. It does something to me, its like some sort of super powerful drug. I just love the title that much, normally im a nice guy. But believe me I will do everything in my power to have that title around my waist once again and I don’t care if you fans love me or hate me, I know that you will respect me. With that said, Chris Jericho give me that rematch, give me one more chance. This is my life Chris Jericho so please I need that one more chance at your Cruiserweight Championship? I need an answer now! [I]After several moments Chris Jericho’s music hits and he comes out on the ramp dressed in an extravagant pink suit, looking rather fetching if I must say myself. He has a mic in hand and is chuckling under his breath. He starts to talk in his usual ****y tone.[/I] [B]Jericho: [/B] Little Rey Mysterio could you be anymore Melodramatic? This is your life, the Cruiserweight Title makes you into some sort of maniac? What is this an episode of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air or something? Little Rey Mysterio if ive told you once ive told you 45 thousand times. Psicosis is the in-form challenger in the race to face me for this Cruiserweight Title. You’re way down the pecking order. You’re a blemish on the Cruiserweight Division, when is the last time you even won a match you little whippersnapper? But seeing as im a generous guy as well as a generous lover, im willing to give you one more opportunity. But it wont happen here tonight, not a chance! At Slamboree its gonna be a 3 way dance. Chris Jericho vs Psicosis vs Rey Mysterio. Im not doing this for your benefit. When I beat both of you, the world will have to bow down and kiss my feet, as I will be the greatest cruiserweight that ever lived. I will be the King of the World! [I]Jericho drops the mic and sarcastically laughs at Mysterio standing in the ring. But Mysterio is the picture of happiness clenching his fist in midair looking forward to his rematch for the Cruiserweight Title. This should be a dandy at Slamboree![/I] [B][U]Singles Match – Hugh Morrus vs Dean Malenko[/U][/B] Hugh Morrus took on Dean Malenko in a singles matchup. Hugh Morrus hasn’t picked up a win on Nitro in quite some time but he is a talented individual and the WCW fans seem to respect the big man who can pull outta a hell of a moonsault at any given time. Dean Malenko is one of the best Technical Wrestlers WCW has ever had and he just failed to wrestle away the TV Title from Eddy Guerrero last week, but it certainly wont be the last time the little guy gets a shot at a title in WCW ill tell you that one for nothing. The match itself saw Morrus inflict pain on Malenko with his strength and tenacity but it was Malenko who got the victory after wearing down Morrus with several Leg Locks and then finishing him off with the Texas Cloverleaf. [B][U]Winner – Dean Malenko [/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]Sherri and Madusa Save Liz[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Sherri and Madusa are at a club and they are at a bar ordering drinks, they suddenly spot Elizabeth dancing her heart out on the dance floor looking as free as a bird. Liz is dressed in a tight little leather skirt with a tight white top, which is hugging her huge breasts. Suddenly out of nowhere comes Scott Steiner, he starts grinding up against Liz but Liz looks scared, Liz tries to get away from Steiner but grabs Liz’s arm. Sherri and Madusa alert the bouncers in the club to the antics of Steiner. When the 2 bouncers go over to Steiner to try and get him out of the club he just attacks them and throws them into the speakers in the club. He then shouts to Liz that this is far from over. Steiner storms out of the club. Sherri and Madusa check on Liz and make sure she is okay. Steiner maybe the craziest man alive.[/I] [B][U]Singles Match – Psicosis vs Rick Steiner[/U][/B] Psicosis took on Rick Steiner in singles action. Rick Steiner hasn’t picked up a win on Nitro in quite some time. Psicosis however is the exact opposite. Psicosis has been beating Cruiserweight’s left, right and center and Chris Jericho the Cruiserweight Champion has went on record as saying that he believes it is Psicosis and not Rey Mysterio that deserves a Cruiserweight Title shot. But tonight Psicosis takes on Heavyweight Competition in Rick Steiner and this should be a test of how good Psicosis really is. The match itself saw Rick Steiner stamp his authority on the match with his trademark aggression and his sheer power, Psicosis however showed his heart and determination finding a breakthrough when Steiner went for a Powerbomb but Psicosis turned it into a Hurricanrana. He took his advantage from there and managed to win the match in hard fought manner when he hit the Psicosis Driver. Psicosis has yet again shown he is a force to be reckoned with in WCW, not in only in the Cruiserweight Division but also in the Heavyweight Division. [B][U]Winner - Psicosis[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]So What is it Chavo?[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Eddy Guerrero’s music hits in the arena to a pretty damn nice ovation from the fans, he walks down to the ring dressed in his street clothes and has the TV Title around his waist. Last week he successfully defended that title against Dean Malenko. Chavo was also at ringside in Eddy’s corner. Eddy invited him there to show what a true champion does in that ring. This was all in aid of Eddy wanting to manage Chavo to greatness in WCW. After the match when Eddy asked if Chavo wanted Eddy to be his manager, Chavo just walked away with his head hung low. Eddy was now in the ring and had to something to say about this situation.[/I] [B]Eddy:[/B] Im out here tonight to address my confusion as to what happened last week with my little cousin Chavito. Ya see last week I took on Dean Malenko with my TV Title on the line and Chavo was in my corner. This match was designed to show how a true champion performs in the ring because I want to guide Chavo to greatness in WCW and I want to be his manager. So I beat Dean Malenko with my Frog Splash then I ask Chavo, will he let me be his manager and he puts his head down low and just walks away from me. I just do not understand this. Chavo? Why did you not answer me, what is going on in your head little Chavito! I need to know! [I]Chavo’s music hits in the arena and the crowd give him a polite response, he stand on the ramp with a mic in hand dressed in blue jeans and a generic black top. He gets ready to address Eddy.[/I] [B]Chavo:[/B] Eddy we grew up together. Throughout the years you have been like a big brother to me. You have guided me through life, got me through the hard times and also shared the good times with me. Last week I watched on from ringside as you and Dean Malenko had a great match and you managed to beat him with the Frog Splash. Then it hit me Eddy. It just hit me right between the eyes Bro. Ya see Eddy I know your strengths but im damn sure I know your weaknesses, as I watched on from ringside I said to myself, you know what I could beat my cousin Eddy for that TV Title. Why would I want Eddy to be my manager when I want what he’s got? Eddy im sure not gonna get that TV Title while its around your shoulders if you’re my manager! That’s why im challenging you to a match at Slamboree Eddy Guerrero, will you give me my chance Eddy? [I]Eddy is shaking his head inside the ring and puts his mic to his mouth hesitantly.[/I] [B]Eddy:[/B] Chavito I know what your trying to say, you do know my strength’s, you do my weaknesses but let me tell you Chavo you are not ready Bro. You will be no match for me, so lets do a little deal here. If you pin me at Slamboree you’re the new TV Champion and I wash my hands of you, but Chavito if I beat you then you let me be your manager and ill give you a rematch when I know your ready for it? That’s sounds fair to me Bro? [I]Chavo just nods his head and then walks away leaving Eddy in the ring contemplating his thoughts about the direction Chavo has taken in the past week.[/I] [B][U]Tag Team Match – Saturn and Kidman vs Juventud Guerrera and Ultimo Dragon[/U][/B] The team of Saturn and Kidman took on the team of Juventud Guerrera and Ultimo Dragon. Saturn and Kidman picked up a big win last week against the team of Booker T and DDP and will be looking to build on that here this week. Recently Juventud Guerrera and Ultimo Dragon have been feuding back and forth with the team of Steven Regal and Fit Finlay in both singles matches and also tag team action. During the match the commentary team talked about the growing Tag Division that we are seeing in WCW and how it is showing so much promise. The match itself was evenly fought out with both teams getting a fair amount of offense in. Juvi and Ultimo showed their high flying style and Saturn and Kidman showed their team spirit with quick tags and hard hitting offense the end of the match came when the ref was knocked out Regal and Finlay came through the crowd and attacked Juvi and Ultimo. Finlay hit a Tombstone Piledriver on Ultimo and Regal hit a Double Arm Powerbomb on Juvi. Regal and Finlay quickly left the crime scene. Kidman woke up the referee and made the cover on Juvi the legal man to pick up the win. Saturn and Kidman pick up another win here this week but it’s a tainted victory due to the interference of Regal and Finlay. Ultimo and Juvi will be looking for revenge on their nemesis’s. [B][U]Winners – Saturn and Kidman[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]DDP makes it known his intentions for Slamboree[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]DDP’s music hits in the arena to a fantastic ovation. He makes his way to the ring with intent in his steps. He slides in the ring and shows his Diamond Sign to the crowd then grabs a mic and gets ready to say whatever he has to say to the masses.[/I] [B]DDP:[/B] For months and months and months. Raven has been stalking me, abusing me, making my life a living hell. He threw every one of his flock members at me and ive taken them all out. None of them have been any match for me in singles competition because their only tough guys when they run in packs. Raven you have never had the guts to get into this ring with me one on one, you have only beaten me down in group beat downs with all your little lackeys. Enough of the games Raven we need to settle this one on one. How can you call yourself a man if you wont even get in here with me right now and go to man to man. Raven im calling your bitch ass out right now! [I]There is a pause before Raven’s music hits but it’s Hammer who comes out and not Raven. Hammer has a mic in hand and has a message to deliver to DDP from Raven.[/I] [B]Hammer:[/B] DDP, Raven doesn’t have time to come out here and address you himself here tonight but he gave me a message to deliver to you. Raven says that come Slamboree you will get your one on one matchup with him but its on his terms? What do you think about that Page do you want Raven’s terms? [B]DDP:[/B] I will fight Raven in any match, doesn’t matter the rules, doesn’t matter the place, don’t matter the time. I just want his ass in that ring one on one. [B]Hammer:[/B] Raven wants a Weapons Cage Match one fall to a finish. No rules just the way he likes it. Do you accept Page? [B]DDP:[/B] At Slamboree it’s on! [B]Hammer:[/B] He also told me to do one more thing. [I]Hammer starts running to the ring and he slides in and him and DDP fight it out. Hammer takes down DDP with a Clothesline but DDP gets back and delivers a few stiff shots to the face of Hammer then hits the Diamond Cutter! Page leaves the ring before any more of Raven’s goons can ambush him, he leaves through the crowd as all his fans are patting him on the back.[/I] [B][U]Singles Match – Hollywood Hogan (with Scott Hall) vs Road Warrior Animal (with Hawk In his corner)[/U][/B] Hollywood Hogan took on Road Warrior Animal in singles competition. Earlier in the night Roddy Piper made this match between Hogan and Animal. Piper also said that at Slamboree Hogan and Hall will take on Animal and Hawk in tag team action. We will also see Hogan and Nash’s New World Order buddy Kevin Nash take on Randy Savage. During the match the commentary team talked up how Slamboree is really taking shape and how these matches will shape the future of WCW. They also speculated as to whether if Animal and Hawk get a win at Slamboree will they be granted a Tag Title shot at the Outsiders? The match itself between Animal and Hogan was a slow fought out brawl, which is what we expected when we heard this match announced earlier, Hogan used his cowardly heel tactics to gain an advantage in the match. Hall and Hawk had words for each other throughout the match trash talking each other at every opportunity. Animal looked set to finish off Hogan when he had him in the Running Powerslam position, but Hall got on the apron which forced Animal to drop Hogan, Animal went to attack Hall, but Hall jumped off the apron. Hogan then snuck up behind Animal and rolled him up for the 3 count and the win. Hogan has took advantage of the distraction from fellow teammate Scott Hall to pick up the important victory. After the match Hogan and Hall swiftly leave the ring and head backstage. Hawk and Animal are left in the ring shaking their heads at each other. [B][U]Winner – Hollywood Hogan[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]The Ambush[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Juventud Guerrera and Ultimo Dragon are seen storming around the backstage area looking fuming while searching for Regal and Finlay. Juvi and Ultimo look irate and are searching everywhere. They are suddenly viciously attacked from behind by Regal and Finlay. Regal and Finlay beat the utter hell out of them and leave them basically knocked out. Regal has some choice words for both men although I doubt they can hear anything.[/I] [B]Regal:[/B] You bloody little scallops think you can get away with embarrassing proud British men like us then you’re bloody off your trolley. Tonight we showed you why were feared through the planet, and come Slamboree we will finish you off and be done with you. [B]Finlay:[/B] No one messes with the Queens Men. [I]Finlay and Regal walk off rather snobberly leaving Juvi and Ultimo a brutal mess. Who knows if they will even make it to Slamboree![/I] [B][U]Singles Match – Bret Hart vs Kevin Nash[/U][/B] Bret Hart took on Kevin Nash in singles competition. This match was made by Roddy Piper earlier in the night. Piper also said that at Slamboree It would be Kevin Nash vs Randy Savage. Piper said that this match would show the fans what to expect from Hart at Slamboree as he prepares for Sting in a No Holds Barred match for the WCW Title. Yet again Sting was a no show tonight, but as Piper said on the night of his return as the face of WCW management. If Sting does not turn up to Slamboree to defend his title then he will be stripped of the Championship. During the match the commentary team talked about how they believe Sting vs Bret Hart will be a classic matchup and one of the biggest matches in the history of the WCW. They also talked about how Kevin Nash and Randy Savage is bound to be a cracker as well. The match itself saw Kevin Nash methodically pick apart Bret Hart with his offense but Hart went after the legs and the back of Nash obviously setting up for the Sharpshooter. During the match Savage came out on the ramp and watched the match closely, obviously scouting Kevin Nash and trying to figure out his weaknesses so that Savage could exploit them at the Pay Per View. The end of the match came when Nash whipped Hart to the ropes only for Hart to bounce back and lock in a Crucifix Pin for the victory. Bret Hart picks up the win here tonight against Kevin Nash. As Hart leaves the ring and heads up the ramp, Savage passes him and winks at him. Savage walks to the ring but doesn’t get inside. He waits for Nash to get up and then just points at him. Nash looks back at him and points back with a fierce look on his face. Both men stare each other out as the show goes off the air. [B][U]Winner - Bret Hart[/U][/B]
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......[QUOTE][B][U]Raw Results May 12th 1998[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.tothegame.com/res/game/574/logo.jpg[/IMG] 8Ball defeated Bob Holly. The Rock defeated Recon to retain the IC Title. Taka defeated Brian Christopher to retain the Light Heavyweight Title. Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Kama and Steve Blackman. Triple H defeated Farooq to retain the European Title. Owen Hart defeated The Undertaker.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]ECW Hardcore TV Results for May 17th 1998[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/ECWLOG.jpg[/IMG] Spike Dudley defeated New Jack. D’Von Dudley defeated Little Guido. John Kronus defeated Lance Storm to retain the TV Title. Shane Douglas defeated Bam Bam Bigelow to retain the ECW World Title.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]News and Rumours[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.pwinsider.com/images/logo.gif[/IMG] D’Lo Brown has signed a contract extension with the WWF. This week saw a huge dip in ratings for both WCW and WWF. With Nitro once again trouncing RAW. Nitro drew a 4.57 to RAW’s 1.47.[/QUOTE]
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