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WCW: From The ScrewJob On!

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The Wrestling Buzz! [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/WCW/internet.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="darkgreen"][CENTER]Match of the Week:[/CENTER][/COLOR] [I]Match of the week (Week Four) based on crowd reaction and who it is is... Mitsuharu Misawa vs. Kenta Kobashi Which was live on AJPW TV... A very good match but not much is known about it... Got an A Rating![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/WCW/ECW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/WCW/WCW1998.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]In what many people call a shock move of the century WCW has developed a working relationship with none other than ECW! This is considered a backstab by ECW who just a few months ago had there Pay Per View being promoted on WWF TV! WCW Commissioner Eric Bischoff had this to say "We believe that a working relationship with ECW will be the best for both brands..... In fact the next story should give you some insight on the first detials of this relationship!"[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/WCW/UltimateWarrior2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/WCW/RobVanDam.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Rob Van Dam traded for Ultimate Warrior: Part of ECW/WCW's working relationship is the ability to trade talent... This ability has been showcased very quickly and in a strange way... After months of negotiations the Ultimate Warrior has signed on with WCW in a temporary role and has mainly been brought in to put others over... After some negotiations for quite a while he has been brought back in... He had a try out match in front of the WCW booking team and they agree he has some ring-rust... Bischoff then called Heyman and told him that he was interested in using RVD for three shows... Heyman agrees but wants a true WCW Superstar to replace him on a few shows so that he can use the star to put over his guys such as Raven and the Sandman... Bischoff tells Heyman that Warrior has signed on and Heyman says that he will make the perfect heel from "Hollywood" wrestling as he calls it... Not much is known what WCW will do with RVD during his first three appearances... Lets hope he is not put into an Ultimate Warriorish role and his career is ruined! [/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/WCW/WCW1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/WCW/NJPW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/WCW/nWoKevinNash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/WCW/JushinThunderLyger.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]In another move that many wrestling fans are saying "WHAT?" about Kevin Nash has been sent to work for NJPW for three Shows after refusing to job to a "Damn JAP" recently on WCW Nitro referring to Ultimo Dragon... NJPW has agreed to lend Lyger to WCW in a trade off of sorts... Nash is said to be very displeased by this since his creative control clause will be null and void in NJPW... When WCW Commissioner Eric Bischoff was contacted he said this "We would like to expand the NWO to a global format so Mr. Nash is an ambassador of sorts!"[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/WCW/WWF.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]In WWF news nothing really too big has happened over the past few weeks except Ken Shamrock defeating Rocky Miavia in the Main Event of RAW... When will WWF be back on top..?[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/WCW/Starrcade97.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [I][CENTER]Starrcade 1997 is shaping up to be the biggest even in WCW History and will air live on Pay Per View from the Alamo Dome! On the WCW Starrcade Preshow! Things start off with a NONWCW match of sorts as Eric Bischoff has made this match an "International Challenge"... Young up and comer rookie from ECW Rob Van Dam will go head to head with Jushin Thunder Lyger in a Cruiserweight Dream match... Bischoff has also promised a Title Shot to either man the next night on NITRO depending on who the winner is! WCW opens the show up with Scott Norton taking on the man with the neverending Undefeated Streak Bill Goldberg... Both men are of the same size, speed and strength so who will walk out of Starrcade with the Big V?! The next match will feature none other than The Dudleys going two on two with the Steiners in a thats right TABLES MATCH! This is the first match of its kind and it could be very interesting! Oh did I mention its for the TAG TEAM TITLES! Match Four of the show features WCW Cruiserweight Champion Eddy Guerrero taking on Dean Malenko for the Cruiserweight Championship... After a month of buildup its good to see these two square off again! This will be immidiately followed by the match to determine who owns WCW Truly as Scott Hall (With Eric Bischoff) takes on Bret Hart (With Larry Zybysko) in a match to determine the fate of WCW! Then the Flock does battle with Team Davey Boy! Davey Boy and Benoit promise someone from Raven's shocking past.... WHO IS IT!? The United States Title is on the line next as Curt Henning will go head to head with Diamond Dallas Page... Is it time for the US Title to feel... DA.... BANG!!! Finnaly your WCW Starrcade Main Event of the evening pits WCW Champion Hollywood Hulk Hogan against Sting in a one on one match that could soon be the Match of the Century! Who will walk out of the ring WCW Champion and winner of the biggest Pay Per View Main Event... EVER![/CENTER][/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/WCW/Starrcade97.gif[/IMG] [B]Live From: The Alamo Dome![/B] [IMG]http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/8/88/300px-Alamodome.jpg[/IMG] [I]In front of 67,373 People!!![/I] [B][U]PPV Preshow[/U][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]Hype up the fans![/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan are all shown at the announcing table! Mike: WELCOME EVERYONE TO WCW STARRCADE!! This is the biggest Pay Per View in WCW History and I cannot thank of a better place to hold it than right here in San Antonio, TX!!! *Fans Pop* Mike: Tonight we have a bunch of action so sit tight, strap in your safety belts and get ready for the roof to EXPLODE![/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: None Time: 1 Minutes[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]Rob Van Dam vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]Lyger is somewhat familar to WCW fans and they popped for him hardcore! Lyger hit the ring and a few fans threw streamers when he was doing his entrance taunt... Lyger is obviously the face... Rob Van Dams music hit and he had on a shirt that says "Mr. Sunday Night"... The fans did not welcome him warmly! RVD and Lyger start things off with an exchange of Armdrags and Dropkicks trying to top each other in the style of cruiserweightness... RVD got the advantage early on and dropkicked Lyger off the apron... The fans were wondering what RVD was about to do when RVD catapulted over the Top Rope with a Flipping No Handed Plancha! The fans are now into this match!... RVD and Lyger would fight sporidically in and out of the ring until Lyger hit a Shooting Star Press of the Top Rope onto RVD that got the fans going even more.... Tenay: Tony, Bobby I think both men are going all out here to make sure they please these fans on such a historical night as Starrcade! Bobby: You said it Mike!.... Back to the in-ring action RVD has been working over Lyger's leg and looks to have the win! Lyger fights back up and goes for his famous Lyger Bomb!!!! RVD reverses into a Rana and goes up Top and nails the most viscious Frog Splash I have ever seen! He calls it the Five Star Frog Splash and it must be because it just got him the 1-2-3! [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: C Time: 16 Minutes[/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]MAIN SHOW[/CENTER][/U][/B] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]Elimination Match: The Flock (Kidman, Raven, Saturn and Hammer) vs. Team Davey Boy (Davey Boy Smith, Chris Benoit, Stevie Richards and Jim Neidhart)[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"]Raven and his Flock came to the ring first to a loud chorus of boos! It is obvoius the Texas Crowd does not like this bunch of artsy-fartsy tree-huggin gothic queers! "God Saves the Queen" hits and Davey Boy walks out with Jim Neidhart and Beniot and a mysterios man in a mask... Davey boy grabs a mic and reveals Stevie Richards as the man from the past as Raven looks scared! Match started off with Richards and Kidman in the ring in a good light-heavyweight battle. Overall some of Kidmans best in ring WCW Work... Richards hit Kidman with some good offense and the fans are getting behind Richards!... Tag into Davey Boy Smith who immidiately man-handles young Kidman... Kidman does not look like he has much hope in the match until he hits a Dropkick out of a Flapjack on Davey Boy... Kidman tags in Hammer... Tag to Neidhart and the two powerhouses collide with Neidhart looking good. Hammer cannot seem to even put forth a half decent performance and he really drug this match down... (Firing anyone?) Hammer was the first to be eliminated after Neidhart and Smith double teamed him with the Hart attack! Tag back into Richards after Davey Boy and Neidhart eliminated Hammer! Richards and Raven square off and immidiately start brawling! Richards outsmarts Raven and nails him with the Sweet Stevie Music as he calls it and gets the one-two-three eliminating Raven! Saturn and Benoit then go at it in the ring but Saturn falls to numbers quickly and gets submitted by a Benoit snap Dragon Suplex into the Crossface! Kidman is then left alone to fight off Four People! Kidman put up a good fight which is about to be chronicled... At first it was Kidman fighting for his life against Benoit going move for move with him and looking like Gold! Benoit went for the German Suplex but Kidman back-flipped out of it and landed on his feet school boying Benoit and eliminating him as the crowd went crazy! Tag into Richards who battled with Kidman with Richards dominating most of the time.. Richards made a mistake by going for a Superplex that Kidman reversed by punching him in the head making him land perfectly squared up for a Shooting Star Press off the Top Rope to eliminate him! Neidhart then ran into the ring but ran too fast and lost him momentum and Kidman rolled him up into a Small Package! The fans are shocked and so is Raven who is watching from ringside! Davey Boy then went back into the ring as it is now 1 on 1 and face off with Kidman... They went at each other move for move but one man would prevail... That man was Davey Boy who got the win when Kidman went for a Body Block off the Top Rope and Davey Boy reversed it into a Powerslam!!! [U]After the match[/U]: Kidman shook hands with Davey Boy much to the anger of Raven who demanded Kidman be whipped by a Kendo Stick for his actoins against the Flock... Davey Boy stood up to Raven but got Evenflowed for his troubles by Raven... Kidman refused to attack Davey Boy and Raven was about to go after Kidman again when Chris Benoit hit ringside!! Benoit came in and was about to German Suplex Raven when Perry Saturn came back and hit him with a Death Valley Driver... Saturn then picked up Benoit again and demanded Kidman leave a chair on the ground... Saturn gave Benoit a DVD onto the chair for good measure as Kidman leaves visibly shaken... Saturn grabs a mic... Saturn: Boy you said you wanted a match with me.... How about tomorrow night... If your walking![SIZE="2"] [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: C Time: 20 Minutes[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]Goldberg vs. Scott Norton[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]Here we have two young up and comers in WCW... The NWO Powerhouse Scott Norton and rookie sensatoin Goldberg... Goldberg and Norton start things off with a test of strength that Norton wins! Norton attempts a Iron Claw on Goldberg but Goldberg gets up and kicks him in the face for being a stupid bitch!... Norton and Goldberg mainly brawled here in what many people would call decent but not Pay Per View Action... Norton went for a running Lariat late in the match that Goldberg dodged... Goldberg then hit the ropes and hit the Spear as Norton was turning around... After a quick Jackhammer the match was over (7:55)... [U]AFTER THE MATCH[/U]: Jimmy Hart appears in the ring and says he thinks Goldberg is tough but not tough enough... Hes got a client who thinks he is tougher than Goldberg... Mortis sneaks up behind Goldberg and hits the Mortifying Trip (Shellshock) on Goldberg as Hart looks on with glee! [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: C+ Time: 10 Minutes[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]Eddy Guerrero Hype![/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]Eddy Guerrero is shown riding up to Starrcade in a HUGE Lowrider Limousine! Guerrero is also being accompanied by some Mamacitas!!! Guerrero: Dean Malenko esse? Me and you tonight right? I forgot because I am ready to get out of the Alamodome here in San Antonio and go party with my MAMACITAS!! Dean Malenko don't forget holmes history repeats itself and just like the Alamo no matter how hard the you or the Texas try the Mexican Fire, THE LATINO HEAT will always prevail sir! See you in the ring holmes! [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: C- Time: 3 Minutes[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]WCW Cruiserweight Title Match: Dean Malenko vs. Eddy Guerrero (C)[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]Dean Malenko comes through the curtain to a pretty good ovation for a guy with no charisma (He is awesome in the ring but come on)... Before he can make it to the ring though two men in Mexican wrestling masks jump out of the crowd and attack him! Malenko finnaly makes it to the ring after being assaulted by the Mexicans with chairs! Malenko looks visibly hurt though!... Guerrero comes out through the curtian and looks in the crowd for Security taking away the Mexicans he points to them and gives them the thumbs up! The fans boo him loudly! Guerrero hits the ring with Malenko holding himself by the ribs... Guerrero tells Malenko he can have the first shot... Malenko gets to both feet after holding himself by the ribs... Malenko goes over to Guerrero and bitchslaps him right across the face! Guerrero is slow to turn around but eventually gets back into the face of Malenko... Guerrero fires back with a shot but Malenko is unmoving... Guerrero attempts an irish whip but Malenko blocks it and hits one of his own... Guerrero off the ropes... Malenko nails the Leg Lariat and gets up all fired up! Guerrero sells up into a Back Body Drop! Guerrero up again and Malenko with a huge clothesline... Guerrero up one more time and a SCOOP SLAM!!! Malenko then does the unthinkable for him... He takes to the sky and hits Guerrero with a Picture Perfect Leaping Legdrop! The fans are going insane! After this Malenko locks in a Triangle Hold and looks to have it locked in tight but Guerrero makes it to the ropes and Malenko is forced to break it! Malenko then picks up Guerrero and whips him into the ropes! Malenko goes for a Spinebuster but Guerrero reverses with the Shining Wizard! Guerrero locks in a One Legged Crab and Malenko looks to be going nowhere... Guerrero continues to squeeze it in but it looks like Malenko will not give up! Malenko is a fighter! Guerrero lets go of the hold and throws Malenko to the outside... He then goes and gripes to the ref when suddenly the DAMN MEXICANS run out from the crowd again and nail Malenko with two chair shots... Malenko looks hurt.... Guerrero is done distracting the referee and turns around and runs against the ropes and hits a Suicide Dive onto Malenko! He then grabs Malenko and throws him back into the ring! Guerrero does a slingshot body-splash and goes for a pin... 1...2...3... NO Malenko's feet are on the ropes! Guerrero looks obviously frustrated and grabs Malenko again and this time whips him into the ropes and hits a Spinebuster on Malenko! Guerrero goes up to the top and hits the Frog Splash on Malenko... Goes for the pin... 1....2... KICK OUT!!! Guerrero looks on in sheer shock and thinks he is going to put away Malenko now! He picks Malenko up and attempts a Suplex... MALENKO REVERSES NAILING A BRAINBUSTER!!! Malenko locks in the Texas Cloverleaf and the fans explode! Guerrero looks like he is going to tap but the two Mexican men hit ringside again! They distract the referee and Guerrero starts to tap like a little girl! Malenko lets go of the hold to see whats going on but Guerrero low blows Malenko and rolls him up! 1...2...3 Guerrero retains! [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: B- Time: 17 Minutes[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]Dudley Boys (With Eric Bischoff)[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]The Dudley Boys are shown backstage with Eric Bischoff D-Von: Oh my brothers testify! The largest stage in Wrestling Starrcade! Me, my brother, Scott Steiner, Rick Steiner and two special tables that will be broken... Not only do I promise to send both of those goons through tables but we promise to walk out of here WCW Tag Team Champions! Bubba: Thats right D-Von! I know Big Daddy Dudley is looking down on us from heaven saying those are my boys god! D-Von... We gotta get the tables... We gotta send the Steiners through a table, hell we might even have to send the referee through a table... By the end of the night we will walk out WCW Tag Team Champions and taking the gold home to the N-W-O D-Von: Testify oh BROTHA!!! N-W-O 4 Life!!! [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: C- Time: 3 Minutes[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]Steiners Hype![/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]The Steiner Brothers are shown backstage shining up the WCW Tag Team Title Belts Scott: You people all know that we are shining these belts up just so we can look better tonight on Starrcade than we ever have! Tonight is the biggest night of our lives... In front of 60,000 plus in San Antonio, TX a state that has so much wrestling history... The Funks, The Von Erichs, need I go on! Rick: Thats right and to honor the rich history of Texas Wrestling since Bischoff is coming to the ring with the Dudleys we got a special guy to come to the ring with us! Look out Bitchoff we are coming after you... [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: D+ Time: 3 Minutes[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]WCW Tag Team Title Tables Match The Steiner Brothers vs. The Dudley Boys with Eric Bischoff[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]The Dudley Boys come out with Eric Bischoff and each are holding a special NWO spray painted table and looking on with glee at the ring and the fact that Tables are legal tonight.... Steinierized hits and the fans go ****ing insane! Scott grabs a mic and begins to talk! Scott: All you people need to get on your feet right now and give the man we are about to introduce a standing ovation! This man helped make Texas Wrestling and me and Rick have nothing but respect for this tough bastard... He has been through a lot lately and I hope this ovatoin inspires him... Give it up for.... KEVIN.... VON... ERICH!!!! *The Old KVE Theme hits and Kevin Von Erich comes out on stage to the LOUDEST POP of the whole night no lie... Von Erich has tears coming down his face and has a look of pure joy on his face* Von Erich and the Steiners walk down the ramp as the fans absolutely explode... The Dudleys and Bischoff get out of the ring looking scared to death! The Steiners go to the ropes holding up the belts and Scott in typical Scotty Steiner fashion hawks a loogie at Bubba Ray! Bubba Ray and D-Von get in the ring and the brawl begins... This match was pretty much organized mayhem and thats the way the fans wanted it! The Steiners and the Dudley beat the **** out of each other with many attempts to send each other through tables! The Dudleys however got the first elimination by sending Rick through a Table with a 3D on the outside!!! Scott Steiner was left to fight the Dudleys in the ring but that did not stop him... With the help of a chair he fought them off with it... Eric Bischoff attempted to charge into the ring but he was met by a Lariat from Kevin Von Erich! Kevin then waited for Bischoff to get up and locked in THE IRON CLAW as the roof went off the building! Kevin then Clawslammed him through a table set up on the outside... The Dudleys then got back together and started fighting again... They attempted a 3D through a Table in the ring but Scott saw through it and grabbed D-Von who was bending down and picked him up for a Powerbomb... Bubba moved the Table out of the way but Scott knew it was going to happen. Scott makes a complete 180 with D-Vons crotch still in his face and Powerbombs him to the outside of the ring through a Table! The fans go nuts yet again! Scott then yells at Kevin Von Erich and says "KVE get the Tables!!!" Kevin for some reason though sets up two tables ontop of each other on the outside of the ring! Bubba Ray gets the advantage on Scott and hits a Bubba Cutter out of nowhere and sets up a Table in front of a Corner... Scott and him fight into the corner but Bubba gets the advantage and headbutts Scotty... Bubba looks like he is going for the Superbomb but he takes it a step furhter and gets on the top rope with Scott! Scott punches out of it though and lands in the ring! Scott then gets on the apron (The Double Deck Table is behind them) Bubba turns his attention around to Steiner who is running on the apron towards him... Scotty jumps up higher than any NBA Star and lands with his legs perfectly around Bubba's neck and flips backwards! Scott lands on the ground and Bubba catapults onto both of the tables that break as the fans go ape****! The STEINERS RETAIN!!! Rick comes out and helps Scott up along with Kevin Von Erich... They then hold up Scott's arms and the WCW Tag Team Title Belts knowing they just made history!!! The Steiners then go around ringside shaking every fans hand in the building and they finnaly leave! [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: C+ Time: 24 Minutes[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]Macho Madness![/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]Macho Man Randy Savage is shown in front of the set of Macho Madness! Macho begins to talk! Macho: OOH YEA STARRCADE 1997 LIVE AT THE ALAMODOME IN SAN ANTONIO TEXAS... The Dudleys may have lost but tonight my main men Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall and Curt Henning will win there respective matches and walk out the winners! Thats a promise brother!! Now on to more serious matters... I saw your cute little show last week Jericho and you better watch your mouth on it... MACHO MADNESS IS HERE TO STAY... I will beat you in our little ratings battle on whos show is better! OOH YEA BROTHER!! Better watch your mouth or the Madness will drop and elbow straight across your chest... OOH YEA SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM!!! [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: B- Time: 3 Minutes[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]Highlight Reel[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]Chris Jericho is shown in front of his Highlight Reel set in a costume ala 1990s Macho Man Randy Savage... Jericho: OOOH YEA JERICHOHOLICS tonight is the night of Starrcade 1997.... The Dudleys just got shut down like little bitches and so will Henning, Hall and Hogan... The three H's will lose OOH YEA SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM I AM GETTING PAID TO TALK IN A RASPY VOICE AS WE SPEAK RIGHT NOW! *Jericho takes off the hat and looks into the camera*... Savage I know your watching my show right now and I cannot blame you... I watched your show and its good.. but its not GREAT!!! You think you can go with me in the ring well someday lets find out who can wrestle and who can't... I am the future of wrestling Savage and nothing would please me more than to take that title of legend off your waist and then put it on mine! OOH YEAAAAAAAAA!!! [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: B Time: 3 Minutes[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]Hall and Bischoff attack Zybysko![/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]Backstage Larry Z is shown lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood. The camera zooms up and Hall and Bischoff are shown saying "Too bad sirs... Too bad indeed..." [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: C+ Time: 1 Minute[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]Hart Attacks Bischoff![/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]Bret Hart is shown as Hall walks off... Hart attacks Bischoff and leaves him down and out "Yea that is too bad eh?"... Hall then runs in and Hart darts away... [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: C+ Time: 3 Minute[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]Who Controls WCW Representatives Match Bret Hart vs. Scott Hall[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]Scott Hall surprisingly comes to the ring alone which surprised many of the fans since he had the choice to join from many lackeys to come to the ring with him! Hall of course gets booed in typical NWO Fashion but you can tell that Hall could be the star of the NWO after making the entire arena hate him quickly! Bret Hart comes to the ring as the fans get to popping and the arena goes nuts. Hart enters the ring and him and Hall face off... Hall pushes Hart to start things off. Hart gets back into Hall's face and pushes him as well. They get back into each other's faces and Hall takes a shot at Hart... Hart grabs his arm and reverses it by hitting Hall in the face with a shot of his own! Hall stumbles backwards and Bret runs forward nailing a Flying Forearm on Hall... Hall and Hart meet each other at the feet again and Hart goes for a Dropkick that Hall dodges... Hall then approaches Hart and grabs him and pulls him to him and shoulder blocks him repeatedly! Hall whips Hart into the ropes and Hart goes for a Cross Body... Hall hits the Fallaway Slam! Hall then takes control of pretty much the rest of the match by dominating Hart with big move after big move and slowing him down by working over the feet. The high point came when Hall locked in a Boston Crab and Hart made it slowly to the ropes... Hall picks him up and starts to go for the Outsiders Edge... Hart lands on his feet and so he grabs Hall and hits the Russian Legsweep! Hart gets up on the Top Rope and comes off with his famous elbow drop! Hart goes for the pin... 1...2... KICKOUT Hart picks Hall up and tries to irish whip him... Hall reverses and goes for a Spinebuster... Hart reverses the Spinebuster by landing on his feet and then grabs Hall and locks in the Sharpshooter... Hall nearly makes it to the ropes but he comes up just short enough to tap out like a BITCH!!! Hart wins and helps get WCW back in the right hands Lets see what our announce team thinks of this [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: A Time: 31 Minute[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]Self High Five![/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]Diamond Dallas Page is shown backstage DDP: Tonight is the night Curt... Me... You.... The WCW US Title.. I consider this the pinnacle of my career thus far... This is the biggest match I have ever been in and I bet by the end of the night win, lose or draw it will be the best match I have ever had! Either way you will never ever see it coming Hennig *Does Diamond Cutter Sign* ITS TIME FOR YOU AND WCW TO FEEL DA BANG!!!! [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: B Time: 3 Minutes[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]Live from Japan its Kevin Nash[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]Kevin Nash is shown live from Japan as he is doing a three day tour with them! Nash: Apparently the "Man" up at WCW thinks I have a bad attitude... Well I got one thing to say about that... My three days in Japan I will be three and o sirs and ma'ams... Then I am coming back to WCW to take it by storm... They say the Japanese are the best wrestlers in the world... Japan wont know what hit it... On a more serious note I would like to congratulate my buddy Curt Henning for defeating DDP later tonight... Maybe you can come over here and school these Japs as well! [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: B+ Time: 3 Minute[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]United States Title Match: Curt Hennig (C) vs. Diamond Dallas Page[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]Self High Five hits and Diamond Dallas page walks out on stage to a big ovation... Of course DDP does his usual things of slapping fans and just making sure everyone in the arena is happy for him to be there along with him! Hennig comes out to the NWO Theme and gets a good pop... He gets into the ring and faces off with DDP and holds up the US Title belts and looks it smiling thinking to himself DDP will never hold this belt! DDP and Hennig quickly lock up and the match begins... A very even back and forth match in which Hennig really shone out as a star and so did Diamond Dallas Page... Both men tried really hart to make the match look like it should be the Main Event! The finish of the match came when Hennig hit the Hennig Plex and got a very close two count that everyone thought he had the win! The fans started to boo when the ref seemed to hit his hand the third time... Hennig celebrated but DDP knew better and turned him around and hit the Diamond Cutter... 1...2... KICKOUT... DDP then set up Hennig on the top rope who slapped DDP and looked to be setting a Tornado DDT! Hennig went for it but DDP caused him to make a full circle and DDP then nailed the DIAMOND CUTTER OFF THE TOP ROPE onto Hennig for the huge win on the biggest Pay Per View in WCW History! [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: A Time: 28 Minute[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]Hulk Hogan Promo[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]Hollywood Hogan is shown backstage... He is alone and has the WCW Title Hogan: Stinger brother tonight is the night that me and you do our dance... Our dance of death... One on one in the ring Sting vs. Hogan the Icons Clash... Its the biggest match of dare I say all time brother... I will end up ranking this match better than me vs. Andre brother... Because I know I am going in as the underdog yet again... Everyone thinks the superhuman Franchise of WCW Sting is going to walk in and lock in the Scorpion Deathlock and get the biggest win of his career and make me tap out! Thats wrong though Sting... Its going to be me who hits you with the Body Slam and then drops the leg down across your throat.. Everyone thinks all of the WCW Locker room are going to pour out and celebrate with Stinger... However the NWO will be celebrating with Hulkster... The Dudleys are going to be holding me up on there shoulders... Scott Hall doing his pointing thing! Norton and Bagwell celebrating on the top rope and Hennig right in front of us all to complete the picture.... Thats what wrestling is about brother... A brotherhood that nobody can break... I may be WCW Champion at the moment and it may come off of me at some point... But I am N-W-O for life and that is just 2 Sweet! [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: A+ Time: 6 Minutes[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]Main Event Video:[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]A hype video is shown of the Sting vs. Hogan fued that has been built up over the past year! Good video to lead into the match! [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: B+ Time: 5 Minute[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][COLOR="Navy"]Main Event Video:[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]Hulk Hogan comes out first to a big heel boo and he comes to the ring... He waits around for about 2 minutes for Sting's music to hit... Hogan grabs the mic Hogan: Well it looks like yet again the Stinger was too scared to face me but I am a man that keeps my promises... I am going to get him into the count of ten by the referee Teddy Long to come on out here and face me one on one like he said he would... ONE... No Sting yet fans where is your saviour? TWO... No Sting yet guess I get to wrestle Super Calo tonight! THREE.. FOUR... FIVE... SIX... SEVEN... EIGHT... NINE... TEN... Alright call for the bell he is done fo *Cut off* What Hogan did not know was that Sting was coming down from the rafters the whole time he was making his speech! Sting landed in the ring behind Hogan and grabbed Hogan and nailed the Scorpion Death Drop to start the match in very contraversial fashion! Hogan quickly got up from the Death Drop and the lights went out again... Hogan was shown looking around and Sting was right behind him! Sting flexed his muscles and Hogan ran out of the ring scared ****less as the fans went absolutely nuts! Hogan got back into the ring and slapped Sting in the face... Hogan kept doing it but Sting just looked on at Hogan with a face of stone everytime Hogan slapped him... Hogan came off the ropes with a clothesline but Sting stood there still! Hogan then came off the ropes looking for another Clothesline but Sting ducked it and nailed Hogan in the back of the head with a Dropkick! Sting then came up onto Hogan and locked in a Headlock!!!! Hogan fought out of it and attempted to irish whip Sting but grabbed Sting's longer hair before he did and slammed him down... Hogan then dominated the match for a while by slowing down Sting with every move he could think of (Not many for Hogan)... Sting fought back and gained the clear advantage at one point by reversing a superplex with a headbutt that knocked Hogan off the Top Rope and then Sting coming down a Body Splash! Hogan and Sting battled back and forth for over thirty minutes and the fans really loved the match and were excited the whole time with all the nearfalls and the roller coaster ride! Finish came when Hogan hit the big boot and the legdrop...1...2...3... NO FOOT ON ROPES! Hogan brought Sting up and scoop slammed him and then went for the Leg Drop again.... STING MOVES!!! Sting whips Hogan into the corner and hits the Stinger Splash!!! He then hits the Scorpion Death Drop and drags Hogan to the middle locking in the Scorpion Death Lock.... Hogan fights up but ends up tapping!!!! After the match the NWO attempt to get into the ring and attack Sting but the Steiners, Kevin Von Erich, Chris Jericho, Diamond Dallas Page, Davey Boy Smith, Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit hit ringside and run them off. The Steiners grab the World Title belt and give it to Sting and then hoist Sting onto there shoulders as the men celebrate in the ring at the end of the greatest Pay Per View in WCW History!!! [/SIZE][/FONT] Rating: A Time: 40 Minutes [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/WCW/Nitrologo95.jpg[/IMG] [I]This weeks Nitro should be titled Starrcade 2... With so many huge matches this could very well be a Pay Per Viewisq Starrcade... Lets see what action we got going on! Things open up with Cruiserweight Champion Eddy Guerrero teaming up with Rob Van Dam against Jushin Thunder Lyger and Rob Van Dam... After both men made impressive debuts at Starrcade and Guerrero and Malenko having a huge Cruiserweight Title Match... Lyger has a Cruiserweight Title shot that is owed to him but nobody is quite sure when he will cash it in. Also... will the two Mexicans who attacked Malenko reappear!? Things heat up as Perry Saturn has made a challenge to Chris Benoit... The only problem is is that Benoit got Death Valley Drivered onto a Steel Chair last night at Starrcade! Did I mention its for the TV Title!!! Also Diamond Dallas Page makes his first United States Title defense as he defends against one half of WCW's Newest Team Four C Chris Candido... Candido will have Christian Cage with him but will it be enough to unseat the US Champion! And finnally your huge WCW Nitro Main Event is 8 Man Tag Action as Team WCW of Sting, Bret Hart, Chris Jericho and Ultimo Dragon take on The Giant, Hollywood Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage and Scott Hall.... This could very well be the most organized mayhem of all time![/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/WCW/WCW1998.jpg[/IMG] [B]Hogan and Nash on last straw!?[/B] [I]It has been reported backstage that WCW Management is very unhappy with Kevin Nash and Hollywood Hogan... Many feel they are trying to bring down the WCW Product by playing master politicians and not let talent rise up to there levels... WCW Management has reported that if this continues major punishment could be in order... Even firing![/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/WCW/WCW1998.jpg[/IMG] [I]Hogan and Nash gone! After an altercation at a WCW House show with two smaller wrestlers (Ultimo Dragon and Rey Myterio) that was obviously started by Nash and Hogan they are now both gone... Reys altercation was with Nash after Nash insulted his size and his inability to get over... Rey of course is about to start a major fued and took exception to this and tried to walk away to cool down... Nash grabbed him by the arm violently and Rey struck at Nash... Rey got no punishment because Nash has had a bad attitude over the past few months and has hindered many storylines due to "Creative Control" Hogan insulted Ultimo Dragon by saying he has never accomplished crap in wrestling and saying that he never helped landscape anything in Japan... Ultimo took offense to this and so he left just like Rey did... Hogan didnt do anything at the moment but when Ultimo was in the restroom in the locker room Hogan came in and stole Ultimo's masks making him unable to compete in the night... WCW Staff team members held all the wrestlers after the show and asked very politely who stole the masks... Nobody responded so they said whoever it was was going to be terminated immidiately... Hogan fessed up to it thinking he would not be punished and was instantly fired! Keep in mind that a Luchadores masks is his whole pride, gimmick and love and stealing it is the biggest insult in the world to a Luchadore... Hogan will still be appearing on tommorow Nights Nitro, but it will be his last appearence in WCW... Nash will be in Japan and so he will not get a last appearence... The NWO is said to be getting a new leader... One who could even be a greater leader than Hulk... Who is it?![/I][/CENTER]
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