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NJPW: Strong Style For Life!

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So, it's January of 2007 and I'm sitting here in Tokyo Japan, at the offices of my favorite wrestling promotion New Japan Pro Wrestling, as their newly appointed head booker. I'd love to share how this all happened but alas, I've been sworn to silence by the powers that be...at least for now. I'm lucky to have gotten the job on an upswing for the promotion. Even though Brock Lesnar came in and screwed us by refusing to drop our coveted IWGP Title, then canceling his remaining dates with us, most people think we are putting on solid shows. I've decided to strip Lesnar as my first order of business. Honestly, if my name ended with McMahon, I'd just strike his entire reign from the history books, and let everyone forget about it. The problem is, then you're just destined to repeat past mistakes. I'm also lucky that Shinsuke Nakamura, who my predecessor was pushing to be the ace of the company, has just returned from an almost year long sabbatical. Yep, it's good to be me.
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Week 1 Jan. 2007 -------------------------- Wednesday - Mitsuharu Misawa wins GHC Heavyweight Title. Friday - Genichiro Tenryu becomes head booker at NOAH. Saturday - Keiji Muto wins Triple Crown. Gran Naniwa and Hisakatsu Oya are announced to be taking part on NJPW's next, as of yet unnamed, tour. Week 2 Jan. 2007 -------------------------- Wednesday - Tenryu wins GHC Heavyweight Title. Week 3 Jan. 2007 -------------------------- Monday - NJPW announces Strong Style KickOFF! for Feburary. It's to feature a 8 man tournament for the vacant IWGP Heavyweight Title. Here are the cards for the first two shows straight from njpw.co.jp: [B]Strong Style KickOFF! Show 1[/B] [I]Tetsuya Naito vs Takashi Uwano (Dark) Hisakatsu Oya vs Mitsuhide Hirasawa (Dark)[/I] Yujiro vs Black Tiger IV Yano and Ishii vs Samurai and Taguchi Prince Devitt vs Wataru Inoue CTU (Liger, Minoru, Goto) vs. Kanemoto, Tiger Mask, and Naniwa Shinya Makabe vs Takashi Iizuka Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Hiroyoshi Tenzan (IWGP Fight Round 1) Jado and Gedo vs Nagata and Yamamoto Shinsuke Nakamura vs Giant Bernard (IWGP Fight Round 1) [B]Strong Style KickOFF! Show 2[/B] [I]Yujiro vs Jushin Thunder Liger (Dark) Prince Devitt vs Tiger Mask IV (Dark)[/I] Tetsuya Naito vs Mitsuhide Hirasawa Takashi Uwano vs Naofumi Yamamoto Samurai and Taguchi vs Tanaka and Goto Jado, Gedo, & Black Tiger vs. Yano, Ishii, & Oya Koshinaki and Makabe vs Team Golden (Tanahashi & Kanemoto) Yuji Nagata vs Takao Omori (IWGP Fight Round 1) Masahiro Chono vs Manabu Nakanishi (IWGP Fight Round 1) Week 4 Jan. 2007 -------------------------- Thursday - AJPW has lost it's TV spot on ESPN International Sunday - NOAH has lost it's TV spot on Nippon TV [I]OOC: I'm planning on posting mostly about NJPW, but I'll include some news about the other 2 big promotions in Japan, just to give the reader an idea of what's going on outside the fed I'm running as well. I'm using Lukie's Moeru Toukon mod to run this so it's Japan only. Predictions are welcome.[/I]
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Predictions!! [QUOTE=Carlzilla;214316] [B]Strong Style KickOFF! Show 1[/B] [B]Tetsuya Naito[/B] vs Takashi Uwano (Dark) [COLOR="Red"]Naito's the man in my opinion of the Young Lions.[/COLOR] [B]Hisakatsu Oya[/B] vs Mitsuhide Hirasawa (Dark) [COLOR="Red"]Goin with Oya over Hirasawa, Hirasawa is definitely the future with Naito but I gotta go with the outsider here.[/COLOR] Yujiro vs [B]Black Tiger IV[/B] [COLOR="Red"]BTIV for sure, Yujiro is another great young guy but I don't think he's to BT level yet.[/COLOR] [B]Yano and Ishii[/B] vs Samurai and Taguchi [COLOR="Red"]Tough one here gonna go with Yano and Ishii though I've always been a fan and they are the Heavyweight team against the Juniors. Yano over Taguchi.[/COLOR] Prince Devitt vs [B]Wataru Inoue[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Devitt is yet again another great young talent but Wataru is IWGP Junior Champ material almost right away.[/COLOR] [B]CTU (Liger, Minoru, Goto)[/B] vs. Kanemoto, Tiger Mask, and Naniwa [COLOR="Red"]Goin with CTU...cause well it's CTU. A fall to Liger for Naniwa wont hurt anyways.[/COLOR] [B]Shinya Makabe[/B] vs Takashi Iizuka [COLOR="Red"]Goin with my man "The Biggest Junior Ever" Togi..I mean Shinya Makabe.[/COLOR] [B]Hiroshi Tanahashi[/B] vs Hiroyoshi Tenzan (IWGP Fight Round 1) [COLOR="Red"]Wow an amazing opening bout to the IWGP tourny. I'm going with Tanahashi though, which hurts as I'm a huge Tenzan mark.[/COLOR] Jado and Gedo vs [B]Nagata and Yamamoto[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Once again going with the heavies here. Though with Yamamoto's inexperience and facing the Tag Team specialists it may be a close one to call.[/COLOR] [B]Shinsuke Nakamura[/B] vs Giant Bernard (IWGP Fight Round 1) [COLOR="Red"]Super Nova Shinsuke Nakamura, I'm a big Bernard fan and he is a great Gaijin Ace without a doubt, but Nakamura is the future baby.[/COLOR] [B]Strong Style KickOFF! Show 2[/B] Yujiro vs [B]Jushin Thunder Liger[/B] (Dark) [COLOR="Red"]Liger without a doubt.[/COLOR] Prince Devitt vs [B]Tiger Mask IV[/B] (Dark) [COLOR="Red"]TMIV but again with a great talent like Devitt and in a Dark match is a close one. Though Devitt probably has young boy status in game so a win would hurt TM greatly and ratings.[/COLOR] [B]Tetsuya Naito[/B] vs Mitsuhide Hirasawa [COLOR="Red"]Going with Naito, he's just silk I tell ya.[/COLOR] Takashi Uwano vs [B]Naofumi Yamamoto[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Bigger, Badder and Better Naofumi Yamamoto. Bad ass merchandise and all.[/COLOR] Samurai and Taguchi vs [B]Tanaka and Goto[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Tough one, two former champ teams with a vet and young generation.[/COLOR] [B]Jado, Gedo, & Black Tiger[/B] vs. Yano, Ishii, & Oya [COLOR="Red"]CTU again with Oya taking the fall.[/COLOR] Koshinaki and Makabe vs [B]Team Golden (Tanahashi & Kanemoto)[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Going with the Ikemen here.[/COLOR] Yuji Nagata vs [B]Takao Omori[/B] (IWGP Fight Round 1) [COLOR="Red"]Wow another tough one, gonna go with Omori for the outsider win.[/COLOR] Masahiro Chono vs [B]Manabu Nakanishi[/B] (IWGP Fight Round 1) [COLOR="Red"]Nakanishi just cause the guy doesn't get enough respect.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Man those are some hard matches to predict. Good job on the match up's. The tournament looks all kinds of swank. What stables are you currently running with?
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Right now, I've just got CTU and Great Bash Heel. The Chono/Nakamura/Milano Collection AT stable just didn't seem like it really needed to be around, especially with Milano set to semi-active in this game. I've still got Chono and Nakamura as an active tag team though. I'm glad you're into the first round match ups.
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[B]Strong Style KickOFF! Show 1 (Tuesday Week 1 Feburary)[/B] [B]Tetsuya Naito [/B]vs Takashi Uwano (Dark) -Naito and Uwano put on a decent match for Young Lions. [B]Hisakatsu Oya[/B] vs Mitsuhide Hirasawa (Dark) - Oya makes a successful, but extremely underwhelming return to NJPW. [B]Yujiro[/B] vs Black Tiger IV - Two more youngsters kick off the main show, and Yujiro picks up what some people are calling an upset over Black Tiger IV with the Half Crab. - Definitely a better match than I was expecting out of them. [B]Yano and Ishii[/B] vs Samurai and Taguchi - Toru Yano and Tomohiro Ishii laid a pretty good beating on El Samurai and Ryusuke Taguchi before Yano picked up the pin on Taguchi. - The match was a bit on the dull side as El Samurai seemed really off his game. Prince Devitt vs [B]Wataru Inoue[/B] - Amazing chemistry between these two, and this lead to an unexpectedly hot match. - Inoue picked up the win with the Staggerin' Blow. CTU (Liger, Minoru, Goto) vs. [B]Kanemoto, Tiger Mask, and Naniwa[/B] - In another hot match, Koji Kanemoto, Tiger Mask IV and Gran Naniwa picked up a win over CTU, when Kanemoto kicked Goto's head off. [B]Shinya Makabe[/B] vs Takashi Iizuka - Makabe and Iizuka gave it their all in the next bout. Not as good as the last two, but still a decent fight. - Makabe wins with a vicious lariat. Hiroshi Tanahashi vs [B]Hiroyoshi Tenzan[/B] (IWGP Fight Round 1) - The first match in the IWGP Title tournament was an excellent one, Tenzan picked up the comeback win with a TTD. - Even though the match wasn't as good as some had hoped, Tanahashi still impressed the fans in defeat and he left the ring to cheers after this 23 minute fight. Jado and Gedo vs [B]Nagata and Yamamoto[/B] - Even though Jado and Gedo are tag team specialists they proved no match for Yuji Nagata, as a Nagata Lock II on Jado was enough to end this one. - Yamamoto was bloodied by Jado and Gedo pretty bad, he has vowed to bloody the both of them just as bad the next time they meet. [B]Shinsuke Nakamura[/B] vs Giant Bernard (IWGP Fight Round 1) - The main event was a huge let down, as Nakamura and Bernard just couldn't click with one another. This led to an awkward 18 minute long match. - Nakamura was able to pick up the win with the Shining Triangle. [CENTER][IMG]http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e162/Carlzilla/NJPW/Tw1Feb07.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - The show was sort of a let down over all, with many fans feeling that we could do much better. Although no one had any specific problems with the event, it was decidedly average. [B]Strong Style KickOFF! Show 2 (Friday Week 1 Feburary)[/B] Yujiro vs [B]Jushin Thunder Liger[/B] (Dark) - The only surprise here is how well these two clicked. Liger picked up a non-surprising win with a brainbuster. Prince Devitt vs [B]Tiger Mask IV[/B] (Dark) - Another very good match. Tiger Mask wins with a Tiger Suplex. [B]Tetsuya Naito[/B] vs Mitsuhide Hirasawa - The main show is opened by a fairly poor match between two Young Lions. Naito wins. - The entire match was sloppy as neither of these guys could read each other. Takashi Uwano vs [B]Naofumi Yamamoto[/B] - Yamamoto steps it up a bit from the last match, and scores a win against Uwano. Samurai and Taguchi vs [B]Tanaka and Goto[/B] - Minoru and Hirooki Goto beat El Samurai and Ryusuke Taguchi in a good match, when Goto pins Taguchi after a Goto Heaven. - Samurai once again seemed lost in space. Jado, Gedo, & Black Tiger vs. [B]Yano, Ishii, & Oya[/B] - Great Bash Heel and Hisakatsu Oya pick up a surprise win in a decent match over CTU. With Ishii pinning Black Tiger after a lariat. - After the match Toru Yano commented that he wouldn't mind Oya being an honorary outside member of Great Bash Heel. Koshinaki and Makabe vs [B]Team Golden (Tanahashi & Kanemoto)[/B] - Tanahashi was sent packing from the tournament last night, so he teamed up with IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Champion Koji Kanemoto to beat Great Bash Heel members Shiro Koshinaka and Shinya Makabe. - Tanahashi scored the pin after hitting Koshinaka with the High Fly Flow. [B]Yuji Nagata[/B] vs Takao Omori (IWGP Fight Round 1) - Nagata and Omori put on the match of the night as they killed each other for 21 minutes. Nagata eventually took it home with a Nagata Lock. - Omori promised that even though this was not his time, that he would challenge for, and win the IWGP Heavyweight Title. Masahiro Chono vs [B]Manabu Nakanishi[/B] (IWGP Fight Round 1) - The main event was only a minor step down in quality from the Nagata / Omori affair, and the fans ate up the back to back awesomeness. - Nakanishi surprised the entire 13,000+ in attendence when he pinned Chono with an Argentine Backbreaker into a German Suplex. [CENTER][IMG]http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e162/Carlzilla/NJPW/Fw1Feb07.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - This was a much better show, and the fans where much happier about it. Hopefully it helps boost our attendence to sell out levels again, as it was down after our competent but not spectacular tour kick off show.
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[B]NJPW Press Conference (Saturday Week 1 Feburary)[/B] NJPW figure head Antonio Inoki was out answering questions from the press about the sudden split from YUKES! and the hiring of a new, and foriegn, booker. Plus the four semi-finalists in the IWGP Fight title tournament gave their opinions on the tournament, and the companies situation. [COLOR="Red"]Press: Why has NJPW and YUKES parted ways? Was the split amicable? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Inoki: YUKES decided that there was more money to be had other places and so they gave us the opportunity to repurchase our stock from them. We are making money and felt that being a separate entity could only be a good thing. Yes, the split was friendly and we plan on working with YUKES very closely on several large projects in the future.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Press: Did the new booker come on as the last decision of YUKES or was he hired after the split? What led to his hiring?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Inoki: It was all them, I do not like the idea of a foreign booker, He's going to have to do a lot to impress me. I however consider myself to be a fair man, so I'll give him a chance. But he should know that there are several members of the NJPW who I trust to do a better job, so he best not slouch. As far as why YUKES brough him in, you'd have to ask them. I think we're focusing too much on the business end of things and we should be focusing more on the reason why anyone even cares, the wrestling.[/COLOR] Nagata, Nakamura, Nakanishi, and Tenzan all stand up from where they where sitting behind Inoki and step forward. Nakamura is the first to get on the mic. [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Nakamura: It's been a long time since I've been in a NJPW ring, and I come back to disarray. No one in this company could get the belt from Lesnar and now we are all suffering for it. I blame them for not having a leader. I will take this tournament and I will lead NJPW![/COLOR] Tenzan gets in his face. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Tenzan: You are confident, but for what reason? You had your chance to take the belt back as well, and you failed like the rest! I will not work under the "leadership" of someone who is no better than the rest. Great Bash Heel and myself will run NJPW after I destroy all of you and claim the IWGP Title![/COLOR] [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Nakamura: Spoken like a true oaf. Your time is past, you've had your chance and you've failed...time and time again. Even if you did win the belt, you'd never be able to defend it, or have you forgetten your track record old man?[/COLOR] Tenzan is furious by this point and begins making his way towards Nakamura. Luckily, a much calmer Nakanishi separates them before getting on the mic to say his piece. [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Nakanishi: You two are acting like children, not leaders. NJPW needs someone who can restore honor and dignity to the belt. I just hope that if I do not win, that neither of you do either. You hear that Nagata? It's either you or me, or NJPW is doomed.[/COLOR] Nakamura and Tenzan both look slightly embarrassed about being called out like that by Nakanishi, and they both sit down again. Nagata makes his way over to the microphone to give his opinions. [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Nagata: I couldn't agree more with what was just said. Except that I do not doubt that I will win the IWGP title. NJPW needs a leader, and I proved the last time I held that belt, that I am the leader that they need. Next Friday, I will beat Nakanishi, then it doesn't matter if it's Nakamura or Tenzan, I will beat whoever is standing opposite me, and NJPW will enter the BLUE ERA! [/COLOR] Inoki closes the conference with a round of Bom-ba-ye's!
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Week 1 Feb. 2007 -------------------------- [B]Wednesday[/B] - AJPW has lost it's TV spot on GAORA. Jun Akiyama wins the GHC Heavyweight Title. [B]Saturday[/B] - NJPW Announces the cards for next weeks Strong Style KickOFF! shows. From njpw.co.jp: [QUOTE] [B]Strong Style KickOFF! Show 3[/B] [I]Takashi Uwano vs Mitsuhide Hirasawa (Dark) Yujiro vs Tetsuya Naito (Dark)[/I] Hisakatsu Oya vs Hirooki Goto Samurai and Taguchi vs Jado and Gedo (IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Titles decision match) Giant Bernard vs Takao Omori Gran Naniwa vs Tiger Mask IV (c) (NWA Jr. Heavyweight Title Match) Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs Shinsuke Nakamura (IWGP Fight Round 2) [B]Strong Style KickOFF! Show 4[/B] [I]Tetsuya Naito vs. Takashi Uwano (Dark) Oya / Koshinaka vs Black Tiger / Goto (Dark)[/I] Wataru Inoue vs Mitsuhide Hirasawa Tiger Mask / Yujiro vs Liger / Devitt Naofumi Yamamoto vs Shinya Makabe Milano Collection AT vs Koji Kanemoto (c) (IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title Match) Chono / Nakamura / Hirata vs Tenzan / Yano / Ishii Yuji Nagata vs Manabu Nakanishi (IWGP Fight Round 2)[/QUOTE] [B]Sunday[/B] - NOAH rise to cult size after a highly successful PPV. [I]OOC: This is my first diary, so if there's anything I could to to help people get into it at all let me know, I like feedback, negative or positive. Also as always, predictions are welcome.[/I]
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[B][U]Strong Style KickOFF! Show 3[/U][/B] Takashi Uwano vs [B]Mitsuhide Hirasawa[/B] (Dark) [I]Screw Uwano.[/I] [B]Yujiro[/B] vs Tetsuya Naito (Dark) [I]Tough One I'll go with the slightly bulkier and more experienced Yujiro.[/I] Hisakatsu Oya vs [B]Hirooki Goto[/B] [B]Samurai and Taguchi[/B] vs Jado and Gedo (IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Titles decision match) [I]Hmm, I'll go with my heart with Samurai & Taguchi. And hope for a Samurai Gym formation.[/I] Giant Bernard vs [B]Takao Omori[/B] [I]The Outsider over the Gaijin.[/I] Gran Naniwa vs [B]Tiger Mask IV[/B] (c) (NWA Jr. Heavyweight Title Match) [I]TMIV to retain.[/I] Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs [B]Shinsuke Nakamura[/B] (IWGP Fight Round 2) [I]Gah, these tournament matches are hard to predict. I'll go with the returning Nakamura.[/I] [B][U] Strong Style KickOFF! Show 4[/U][/B] [B]Tetsuya Naito[/B] vs. Takashi Uwano (Dark) [I]I'll repeat myself. Screw Uwano. :p [/I] [B]Oya / Koshinaka[/B] vs Black Tiger / Goto (Dark) [I]I'll go with Oya and Kosh. Ass power FTW![/I] [B]Wataru Inoue[/B] vs Mitsuhide Hirasawa Tiger Mask / Yujiro vs [B]Liger / Devitt[/B] [I]Ooo tough one. When in doubt go with CTU.[/I] Naofumi Yamamoto vs [B]Shinya Makabe[/B] [I]Hmmm, I'll go with the Biggest Junior.[/I] Milano Collection AT vs [B]Koji Kanemoto[/B] (c) (IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title Match) [I]Hmmm Big Brother to retain.[/I] Chono / Nakamura / Hirata vs [B]Tenzan / Yano / Ishii[/B] [I]GBH in some dastardly way.[/I] [B]Yuji Nagata[/B] vs Manabu Nakanishi (IWGP Fight Round 2) [I]Eek, the most underated guy in NJPW versus the guy who isn't underrated yet still never is given a chance.....Tough one. I'll go Nagata.[/I]
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[B]Strong Style KickOFF! Show 3 (Tuesday Week 2 Feburary)[/B] [B]Takashi Uwano[/B] vs Mitsuhide Hirasawa (Dark) - Uwano was able to eek out a hard fought victory over Hirasawa in a decent match. [B]Yujiro[/B] vs Tetsuya Naito (Dark) - Yujiro blitzed Naito and never let up, causing him to submit to the Half Crab at around the 7:30 mark. - Naito was a little upset about suffering his first loss of the new year to another young lion. Hisakatsu Oya vs [B]Hirooki Goto[/B] - Oya continues to stink up the ring, and no matter how hard he tried, Goto just couldn't pull a decent match out of him. - Goto wins with a Go To Heaven in about 8 min. Samurai and Taguchi vs [B]Jado and Gedo[/B] (IWGP Jr. Tag Team Titles decision match) - Jado and Gedo where looking very good out there and ran circles around the aging El Samurai. - This is Jado and Gedo's 3rd reign as champions [B]Giant Bernard[/B] vs Takao Omori - In the match of the night, Giant Bernard showed his dominance and made an example out of Takao Omori. - Bernard made a warning to who ever wins the IWGP Fight Title Tournament, saying he was going to tear them apart. Gran Naniwa vs [B]Tiger Mask IV(c)[/B] (NWA Jr. Heavyweight Title Match) - Tiger Mask makes his first defense of the NWA Jr. Heavyweight Title against Gran Naniwa. - Gran Naniwa was really not on top of his game tonight and it was fairly obvious to the crowd. - Tiger Mask on the other hand came out looking very good. Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs Shinsuke Nakamura (IWGP Fight Round 2) - This match went to the 60 minute time limit. - No one is quite sure what NJPW booking is going to do regarding the tournament at this point, it is widely assumed that some sort of announcement will be made on friday. - Tenzan and Nakamura really seem to work well together, but the lack of flow hurt the overall reaction. [CENTER][IMG]http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e162/Carlzilla/NJPW/Tw2Feb07.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Another mediocre show to start the week, hopefully we can break this pattern of mediocre show / decent show. [B]Strong Style KickOFF! Show 4 (Friday Week 2 Feburary)[/B] [B]Tetsuya Naito[/B] vs. Takashi Uwano (Dark) -Naito is back on the winning track tonight, defeating Uwano for the second time this tour. [B]Oya / Koshinaka[/B] vs Black Tiger / Goto (Dark) - Two veteran members of Great Bash Heel defeated two younger CTU stars. - Koshinaka looked really good in this match and picked up the pin over Black Tiger. - Oya proves that he can put on a decent performance still. [B]Wataru Inoue[/B] vs Mitsuhide Hirasawa - The main show is opened with a sub par young lion beating. Inoue wins with the Triangle Lancer. Tiger Mask / Yujiro vs [B]Liger / Devitt[/B] - This was a hot match and the fans where really into the Yujiro/Devitt exchanges. - Devitt was able to pin Yujiro after a flying footstomp after a good back and forth 12 minute long match. An announcement is made that Hiroyoshi Tenzan and Shinsuke Nakamura would fight in a rematch next Friday to determine who would advance to the finals of the IWGP Fight title tournament. Naofumi Yamamoto vs [B]Shinya Makabe[/B] - Makabe knocks Yamamoto out with a really stiff lariat. - After the beating Yamamoto took at the hands of Jado and Gedo, and now Makabe, he gives an interview back stage wondering if he's cut out for pro wrestling. [B]Milano Collection AT[/B] vs Koji Kanemoto (IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title Match) - Milano Collection AT wins his first NJPW title as he beats Koji Kanemoto for the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title with the AT Lock. - Kanemoto was not willing to work with Milano Collection during this match, even so it was a hot match and was very enjoyable. Chono / Nakamura / Hirata vs [B]Tenzan / Yano / Ishii[/B] - The announcemnt that Tenzan and Nakamura would fight again this tour to see who advances in the tournament really got people excited for this match. - Too bad it let them down. Hirata is pretty much useless in the ring at this point, and Chono was off his game. - Great Bash Heel however gave it their all and came out on top when Tenzan put Nakamura away with the TTD. - Tenzan is now 1-0-1 with Nakamura, this has to give him some confidence going into their rematch next Tuesday. Yuji Nagata vs [B]Manabu Nakanishi[/B] - Nakanishi and Nagata brought the show to a good close as they battled it out for over 30 minutes to see who would advance to the finals. - Nakanishi finally caused Nagata to submit with an Argentine Backbreaker. - Nakanishi will face either Nakamura or Tenzan on the last Friday of Feburary for the IWGP Heavyweight Title. [CENTER][IMG]http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e162/Carlzilla/NJPW/Fw2Feb07.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - And the streak continues as we put on a decent show here to keep our mediocre / decent show streak alive.
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