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Grades and their numerical equivalent...

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GRADES % F- : 0 to 5.0 F : 5.1 to 11.0 F+ : 11.1 to 17.0 E- : 17.1 to 23.0 E : 23.1 to 29.0 E+ : 29.1 to 35.0 D- : 35.1 to 41.0 D : 41.1 to 47.0 D+ : 47.1 to 53.0 C- : 53.1 to 59.0 C : 59.1 to 65.0 C+ : 65.1 to 71.0 B- : 71.1 to 77.0 B : 77.1 to 83.0 B+ : 83.1 to 89.0 A : 89.1 to 95.0 A* : 95.1 to 100 you can find this, along with a TON of other useful info here. [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21038&highlight=compilation[/url]


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