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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;222463]She's actually claimed in the past that she couldn't walk by the catering table at a WWE show without grabbing something to eat. She's just got a really freakish metabolism and can't put on that much extra weight. Given your history on the boards and everything I [i]know[/i] you're not a misogynist or anything, Remi, so please don't think I'm singling you out, but there are a lot of people who go after thin women for being too thin the same way that a few of the ****heads in this thread have gone after women anywhere above the hundred pound mark. It's just as insulting, and really hard on some of those girls. If you weigh too much you can probably diet or exercise, but when you want to gain weight and your body just isn't cooperating and people won't stop criticizing you for it, that's really rough.[/QUOTE] Given the fact that I have that "condition" (an overactive thyroid which contributes to a supercharged metabolism), I'm pretty familiar with the phenomenon of eating sides of beef a day and seemingly not gaining an ounce. Perhaps I wasn't clear that I was speaking euphemistically in terms of what my preferences are in aesthetics. I wasn't knocking Stacy per se, she's obviously a very attractive woman in many people's eyes. She's just not "my type" or the body type I prefer. And I'd be surprised if Stacy was criticized a lot for her body type. She's built like a supermodel and I don't see the fashion industry changing their preference in that area (even though the vast majority of women consumers don't fit that mold).
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