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[B][U]FROM PWTORCH.COM Monday Week 1, April 07 by Drew Pea**** WCW Revenge Review[/U][/B] We are just a few short hours out of WCW Revenge and boy was it something special! We saw twists and turns all night. We saw a Rocky Balboa-esque end to the show with Sting swearing Revenge on Brock Lesnar, we saw the monster opening of the show, we heard that Bischoff & Bret Hart were actually damn good in the headsets, and we saw Hulk Hogan being screwed (once again) in WCW, this time by Mark Copani....and of course Paul Heyman.... Heyman has made it his goal to destroy Hulk Hogan, and with Mark Copani in his corner....well you never know...... But anyway, im gonna take you through the show, hit by hit, and fill you in, in case the reports didnt fill you in enough...all you TEW/GDS readers....so lets start.... We opened in titanic fashion and saw the new Red, White & Black look to WCW, its kinda like reminding me of a Tim Burton film...don't ask me why! The pyros must have cost more than i make in a week, but anyway, it was an image that will stick with me forever more, Bret Hart & Eric Bischoff, dressed in smart clothing, holding the stick to open us up to WCWs Rebirth... ..it was a real picture, they both looked alive, but promised us, Revenge wasnt about Bret Hart or Eric Bischoff, it was about Monster WCW Action. We of course spared a thought for the late great, Rowdy Roddy Piper, who had sadly passed away that morning... ..we went into the news that the scheduled 3way match between the American Dragon, TJ Wilson & Rod Strong was no longer a 3 way, as the American Dragon sustained a major injury before the show....so in true WCW style, it was then announced as a 4 way! Kid Kash & Trent Acid made their surprise WCW debuts in a great match. Of course during the night we saw footage of different people arriving, but oh lordy, The Giant Paul Wight stepped out of that limo, and he looked fit and healthier than I've ever seen him. He was shaved bald, but looked trim. We also saw lots of paparazzi surounding another limoscene, and it turned out that none other than “Hiatus Boy & Girl” themselves Trish Stratus & Chris Jericho has turned up together....Jericho had just walked off, but Trish seemed very oversure of herself and was demanding to be escorted direct to the front row of the crowd..... In another bout we saw two maniacs go one on one....Bob Sapp, direct from fame in Japan, vs “The Predator” Sly Terkay. This one was for the purists who like to see tough guys fight...and this one didnt disapoint, they couldnt be seperated in or out of the ring, so the bout was ended in a DQ....stay tuned for this one....When you get Terkay stalking his opponents, he doesnt just study you in the ring, he studies everything about you....Bob Sapp better hope his raw power is turned on 24-7....... We then got to follow Dawn Marie’s sweet lil a$$ down the corridor and into the locker room of her favourite 2 guys...The Impact Players, quality tag team wrestling, just went mainstream guys...these 2 in reality, whooped the Briscoes....but im sure they’ll be back. It was just good to see Dawn Marie flaunting her two guys at the end of the bout, but also flaunting the new WCW tag team gold. We had heard rumours all night of Brock Lesnar being in an unhealthy state, well guys we saw it for ourselves in the end, he wasnt drunk, or on drugs, he was just mad, we saw him beat up one guy just for drinking coffee....Sting was sure to be watching out...... ...but then we had the pleasure of seeing the US Title bout...Hogan-Copani...and of course Heyman. Paul Heyman was the deciding factor here guys, Hogan was strong, dominant, Copani was quick, clever...but he had Heyman.... WHat is it with Copani, he reminds me of a SLicker Ted Dibiase, he’s certainly thinking hes the man already here in WCW.....Copani & Hogan met once before in the ‘E, but this one was that touch better than before, if Hogan hangs around, id like to see Copani - Hogan one more time, this time without Heyman around...But give Copani his due, he looks “Marvellous” with that gold, hes a future prime time player for WCW, thats for sure. So if Hogan does stick around, and i think he should, to wipe that smirk off Heymans face, then we could be set for some fantastic future battles between the two. Chris Jericho vs The Giant could have gone all night as far as im concerned, these guys are in their prime, and are surely hoping that a foothold above one another would mean one hand on a title match against Lesnar or Sting......Jericho was the match winner here through pure quickness, but The Giant looked immense, he was surely the true winner here when he destroyed Jericho after the bell, much to the distraught of the on watching Trish Stratus from the front row....you have to wonder what her plans are for WCW, and if Jericho will be fit to return to action....or if he ever will after that mauling from the Giant....we need to know more here.. Stratus - Jericho - Giant = Ratings in my book. The Main Event was perhaps another golden moment in wrestling. Imagine Rock-Hogan, this one was with 2 guys still able to go that extra mile wrestling wise. Lesnar looks possessed right now, and Sting looks like a Hero, This match was one to tell the kids about, the electricity when the two stood face to face was amazing, i had never thought that we would see Lesnar-Sting in the same ring, WWE couldnt do it, and TNA couldnt afford to do it....WCW has done it! And they produced it well, for 2 guys who were just thrown together, they told a story in that ring, which any wrestler should take from. This one is far from over, Lesnar may have won the battle....but would you really bet againt Sting winning the War?!? Lesnar took the gold last night...but this guy looks so derranged with the power in his body, Sting is my man to come out on top... ...SO Revenge was a huge success in Miami, and by the look of it, throughout not only the US, but the rest of the wrestling world also.....so where does WCW go now....? In my opinion, WCW has put a rocket up the E’s a$$ with its rebirth, TNA has called upon the biggest available names in Pro Wrestling to put WCW back on the map, and Revenge showed they mean business, if Lesnar, Jericho, Hogan, Giant, Sting all stay fit and healthy and in particular, with WCW, then TNA have just masterminded the biggest comeback since Michael Jordan. The pushes of guys like “Marvellous” Mark Copani, Trent Acid, American Dragon, TJ Wilson, Impact Players, Briscoes etc, up the cards will give people new guys to get into, they are reknowned talents, and will undoubtedly become hits in WCW. The legend status of the supporting crew like Bret Hart & Eric Bischoff on the mic is genius, Paul Heyman managing is a breath of fresh air, Trish Stratus just on screen demands credibility, and if guys like Arn Anderson, Ted Dibiase & Sting are all involved backstage also, then WCW is on the rise, thats for damn sure. Imagine Lesnar - Giant, Hogan - Jericho, Jericho - Sting, Sting - Copani, and the title scene is phenomenal already.... ....no wonder they have stated from the start of the rebirth that no TNA stars will be involved. I do feel however, that the presence of an on screen Authority Figure is needed, those guys we’ve previously mentioned are gonna need some handling, and with guys like Mick Foley available or even UFCs Dana White on the loose, who knows!?
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[B][U]FROM PWTORCH.COM by Wade Keller Week 1, April 07 WCW PPV News & WWE Wrestlemania Report[/U][/B] WWE counter acted the momentum of WCWs rebirth with a strong Wrestlemania, drawing a B- Rating. John Cena retained the WWE Title over Kenny Dyksteria, and The Undertaker & Booker T defeated MNM. WCW Will return again to PPV at the end of April with WCW Superbrawl, and we are told there will be more huge matches, and even maybe some sort of tournament?! Take that for what you will, we will try to get hold of promotional material ASAP...
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[B][U]FROM PWTORCH.COM FRIDAY, WEEK 3, APRIL 07.[/U][/B] [B][U]WCW Super Brawl News[/U][/B] We are just 9 days away from Super Brawl and the matches are now being released thick and fast, the main 3 matches are on the promo poster for the PPV and we have been told more information from our source within WCW. *Madison Square Garden, remarkably the venue for the most historic moments in the WWEs history will be used for next Sundays WCW PPV. *Timbaland, the rapper, will be involved with the Super Brawl theme, alongside Nelly Furtado reportedly. *Sting vs Lesnar is said to be sure to tear the place down, *Jerichos challenge is said to involve his now "consultant" Trish Stratus....if he loses, the winner spends a night with Trish....but who is the mystery opponent....? *Hogan vs Copani is confirmed to be in a Cage. This should keep Heyman out of Hogans face.....well you would think.... *Mick Foley is rumoured to be at MSG in some sort of capacity, *Again, for the 2nd WCW show running, there is no plans for any time for either Bret Hart or Eric Bischoff on the mic.....unless its a WCW TV deal??....... Their commentary team is said to be a full time deal. *Expect a Tag Team Match to be scheduled with the Impact Players defending their titles, *Also an 8man elimination WCW TV Title Tournament is speculated to happen on the night..... More as we get it.....
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[B][U]FROM PWTORCH Saturday, Week 3 April 07 WCW Super Brawl News[/U][/B] The rumours have been flying around, but now they are confirmed. WCW Announcer Eric Bischoff posted a statement on TNAWCW.COM... [I][B][COLOR="Red"]"Wrestling fans in just over a week from today at WCW Super Brawl 2007, we are proud to announce that you will see the return of the WCW Television Title.....but it comes with a twist.. ...an 8man, 1 night tournament held in Madison Square Garden, the home for WCW the night of Super Brawl.... ...the twist is yet further, when each of the 8 guys in that tournament will not only be fighting for the WCW TV Title, they will be fighting for their WCW careers.... ..thats the twist guys, the WCW TV has made and broken careers over the years, and we've up'ed it a notch, if you win the title you are in with WCW, if you lose, thats it, no more....not even a tryout.... ....we promise you quality, we promise you skill, we promise you a champion...."[/COLOR][/B][/I]
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[B][U]FROM PWTORCH.COM SUNDAY, WEEK 4 APRIL 2007 WCW Super Brawl Backstage NEWS![/U][/B] We are recieving various reports of former WWE/ECW/WCW legend Mick Foley being backstage here tonight, but we can 100% confirm he is not here in an active capacity. This rules out the return of Foley to the ring in what many thought was his comeback match here tonight as Chris Jericho's mystery opponent....speaking of whom, im told the superstar who is facing Jericho tonight has been "10 years in the making"......i personally cant wait.... ....Can any of you readers guess who it could be? The 8man TV title tournament is said to be between some former mainstream stars and some top indy talents from around the US scene. Rumoured are Lex Luger, D'Lo Brown, Chris Hero and majorly Ken Shamrock..... ...Also it is worth noting that the draw of the TV title in the future is that a new superstar will battle for it each week against the Champion, the challenger will always be a new superstar from outside WCW. Hogan & Copani is said to be the clinker of the night with many fans coming to see Hogan alone, in a cage. Many people feel tonight is the night that Sting can do it and regain his mantle at the top of WCW, and what a time it would be with a rumoured TV deal, right around the corner.... ....as always you, the reader, we look forward to hearing from you with any Super Brawl predictions or thoughts.....
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no idea who is going to be facing off against Jericho. Its a shame that Foley hasn't signed as a wrestler, on the bright side his angles alone should bring in the ratings, commisioner Foley anybody? Come on, everyone knows that Mick loves the commisionary position!
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[B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER] [B][U]Attendance 22704[/U][/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] **** We Kick off tonights action in front of this heavy crowd in the garden with tonights Pre-Show, We start off at 8.30pm, a full 30 before Super Brawl gets on the air proper... ...the bell rings for our first Pre Show Match... In an even contest which the fans got into, Cheerleader Melissa, in the corner of Wilson prooved the difference maker when she distracted Roderick Strong by sitting on the ring apron...... TJ Wilson defeated Roderick Strong in 8:07 by pinfall with a Rolling Stampede. Match Rating - C Upon the return of the Hitman to WCW, it was only natural the fans would be behind the Anvil, therefore, Jim Neidhart defeated Caprice Coleman by pinfall with an Anvil Flattener. Match Rating - D **** THE PYROS FIRE TO THE SKY AS THE FANS GO CRAZY FOR THE START OF WCW SUPER BRAWL 2007!!!! WE SHOOT TO VARIOUS CROWD PICTURES AND WE SEE SIGNS IN THE CROWD.... “JERICHO FEARS ? MAN” “HOGAN FOR PRESIDENT” “STING WILL WIN, STING WILL WIN!” The official theme, “Do the Time” by Nelly Furtado & Timbaland kicks us off here and the fans lap it up, we then cut to a beautiful young lady, whose name escapes me, who sings the national anthem..... ...we then cut down to our announce team, Bret “Hitman” Hart & Eric Bischoff.... Hitman - “Good evening all around the world, guys tonight we have one of the most packed nights not only since the return of WCW, but in WCWs history....” Eric - “But we’ve only been on the air for 4minutes, but we need to head backstage right now as we’ve heard theres been a disturbance..... **** We are taken backstage...... We go to the cameras rushing to the parking lot where we see referee Brian Hebner on the floor in a pool of blood..... 3 or 4 officials rush around him as the crowd the go silent, we then see one more paramedic run in....his face is covered..... ....”I don't know what to do.....” says the paramedic....the onlooking concerned look bemused at the paramedic..... ....head down, looking at ref Hebner, the paramedic says...”what will we do? He was ref for the Main Event Title Match....” ....”Maybe....I should take his place!!!!!” The paramedic uncovers his face to reveal its MICK FOLEY!!! FOLEY IS HERE IN WCW!!! The fans go nuts!!! the noise is deafining!! He then marches away from Hebner and down the corridor!! The crowd are wild!! Hitman - “Maybe we just got ourselves a special guest referee for the main event....?!” Rating B **** In out first Quarter Final match here tonight to determine the WCW TV Champion, these “trialists” if you will have just one night to win the title and stay in WCW as the TV Champion, 8 new trialists, 1 champion..... First out are Jimmy Rave, followed by Brent Albright, nice little indy pops for the guys...... Jimmy Rave defeated Brent Albright in 3:18 by pinfall with a From Dusk till Dawn. Match Rating - C **** Kash vs Acid was the match to detemine the first new Cruiserweight Champ since the WCW rebirth.... The match was fast, hard hitting, back and forth action...Kash was getting nice heel heat...... Kid Kash defeated Trent Acid in 5:27 by pinfall with a Dead Level. Kid Kash wins the WCW Cruiserweight title. Match Rating - D **** The cameras catch The Giant and Brock Lesnar backstage discussing something. Towards its conclusion, The Giant and Brock Lesnar shake hands with each other and walk away. Match Rating - B **** In out second Quarter Final match here tonight to determine the WCW TV Champion, these “trialists” if you will have just one night to win the title and stay in WCW as the TV Champion, 8 new trialists, 1 champion..... Former WWEer Basham came out to nice heel heat, but was beaten by the travelling support for one of tonights favourites for the title, Chris Hero, he bought his section of fans and the night looked good for him in the ring of WCW.... Chris Hero defeated Doug Basham in 3:43 by pinfall with a Heros Welcome. Match Rating - C **** Once again, the sheer experience of the Impact Players & Dawn Marie was too much for the other participants....a face turn for the tag champs? If Dawn Marie has her way...maybe, not sure if Justin & Lance would agree tho..... Impact Players defeated The Briscoe's and Jack Evans and Teddy Hart in 8:23 when Lance Storm put Mark Briscoe through a table. Impact Players make defence number 1 of their WCW World Tag Team titles. Match Rating - C **** The 3rd Q.Final Match was a clinker....Cabana had his RoH faithful in attendance and Shamrock was instantly recognised.... Shamrock must be favourite for the title.....however.....Colt Cabana scored a huge upset by rolling Shamrock up in under 3mins!! The fans went wild!! Colt Cabana defeated Ken Shamrock in 2:54 by pinfall with a Colt .45. Match Rating - B **** 4th & Last Q.Final Match between 2 former WWEers, Kidman & Brown both have the potential to win this thing here tonight.... The fans were into both guys and D-LO looked good out there tonight....D-LOs night? You wouldnt bet against him..... D'Lo Brown defeated Billy Kidman in 3:31 by pinfall with a Low Down. Match Rating - D **** A real strong man contest was a match which got the crowd bubbling, everyone and his mother were edging Bob Sapp on, until The Giant pushed into second gear and destroyed the two other toughmen.....Terkay looked beaten up by a machine here.... The Giant meant business here tonight and I wouldnt wanna be in his way..... The Giant defeated Bob Sapp and 'Predator' Sylvester Terkay in 8:49 when The Giant defeated Bob Sapp by pinfall with a Show Stopper. Match Rating - C **** In our first Semi Final here tonight, Hero had the fans backing as he looked phenomenal, and perhaps on his way to a WCW contract and the TV Title!! Hero hit the Heros Welcome.... Chris Hero defeated Jimmy Rave in 4:16 by pinfall with a Heros Welcome. Match Rating - C **** Before the title match starts later tonight, Brock Lesnar appears backstage, promises to the crowd in attendance.... “ You want Foley to ref tonight?! (POPS)....you got it...let the junky fat man in my ring....” "Five count tonight Foley... not three. You got me, Ref? Five!” Rating - C **** The second semi final looked a classic, the crowd were into this tonight...Brown or Cabana..... it was back and forth, Cabana once again shocked a veteran here tonight,, sitting up a critics favourite....Hero vs Colt. Colt Cabana defeated D'Lo Brown in 3:47 by pinfall with a Colt .45. Match Rating - C **** Backstage.... US Champion, 'Marvellous' Mark Copani, who is about to have a match with Hulk Hogan asks Paul Heyman to have a celebration drink with him... yes he's that ****y he already acts as if he's won. Rating - D **** Hulk Hogan had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with 'Marvellous' Mark Copani. “Copani, in that Cage brother, im gonna get you, and im gonna run wild on you!” “When I've finished with Copani brother, Heyman im coming for you!” “Im gonna whip you with that US Strap!” Rating - C **** 'Marvellous' Mark Copani defeated Hulk Hogan in 7:44 when 'Marvellous' Mark Copani escaped the cage. Hulk Hogan had successfully left the cage earlier, but the referee had been unconscious and so he had missed it. 'Marvellous' Mark Copani makes defence number 1 of his WCW United States title. Copani And Heyman slope off backstage as Hogan still gets an ovation... Match Rating - B **** Bret Hart hypes the upcoming match WCW TV Title Final between Chris Hero and Colt Cabana from the comfort of his announcers table. Match Rating - C **** Colt shocked the world here tonight, he beat Shamrock, D-LO and now Chris Hero to become new WCW TV Champ and win a deal with WCW!! He cant even believe it himself, but I think the WCW fans have a new hero here tonight!! Colt Cabana defeated Chris Hero in 8:42 by pinfall with a RamMan. Colt Cabana wins the WCW TV title. Match Rating - B **** We cut outside Chris Jericho’s dressing room and we see Trish Stratus with a mic in hand... ....hopefully shes going to explain this bizarre situation here tonight..... Trish - “Hey MSG, its me.....(POPS)....Im here outside the dressing room area of my hero, Chris Jericho, the light of my life, you see Chris Jericho has guided me in the past 2 years out of darkness, and into the light, and I have all my life to repay him....I have so much faith in his ability...in fact so does he....so much so that tonight he has offered the opportunity to a random wrestler to fight for me...Chris wants to show how much I mean to him too......no matter who the mystery opponent is, I know that Chris will chew him up because he knows his fighting for me....plus im his for the night..... Eric - “....Doesn’t she mean, shes the winners tonight...? I think id be willing to tryout for the match on that promise!!” Rating - B **** Chris Jericho and Trish Stratus come down to the ring to huge, HUGE heel heat, and get in the ring, in a dirty embrace... ...Jericho in fact looks a little too ****y....what have we got...the Brooklyn Brawler?!? “WARRIOR!!!” “WARRIOR!!!!!!” “WWARRIOOOOORRRRR!!!!”” The fans go absolutely wild for the legendary Warrior here in WCW!!! He’s back and he’s ripped here like hes never been away!! Hitman - “Im GOBSMACKED ERIC, IM lost for words.....” Jericho is on the back foot immediately as the Warrior runs down to the ring, Jericho & Trish look like theyve seen a ghost! Jericho cant get any offense!!! Warrior defeated Chris Jericho in 7:37 by pinfall with a Big Splash. The Warrior spends some time celebrating to the crowd!!!! Match Rating - C **** Special Ref Foley had no option but to count the 3 on Sting during a pinfall, but at the 3 count, Foley jumps on Lesnar and sinks in the Mandible Claw!!!!! Lesnars Out!! Lesnars OUT!! Brock Lesnar defeated Sting in 11:54 by pinfall with The Verdict. Brock Lesnar makes defence number 1 of his WCW World Heavyweight title. Match Rating -B **** Mick Foley helps up Sting in the ring and parades to the crowd as we go off the air!!!!! Rating - B Final Show Rating, a Modest C.[/B]
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[B][U]FROM PWTORCH.COM Monday, Week 1 May 07[/U][/B] WCW is celebrating the success of their second return PPV last night. We saw Brock Lesnar defend his WCW title, but Sting & Mick Foley looked like winners. The emotional return of the Warrior to wrestling was also the other highlight, especially when he left as the victor with Trish Stratus over his shoulder!! The 8man tournament was a success, especially the way Chris Hero and new TV Champ Colt Cabana looked in the ring, there was upsets and quality, but Colt Cabana is a superb addition to the WCW roster. Just who will WCW get in to face him this month? Hogan vs Copani didnt disapoint, but its sad that not even a 20ft steel cage cant stop Heyman from ruining the match for Hogan and the Hulkamanics! The Giant was in a destructive mood, Sapp & Terkay never saw him coming!! Im sure the WWE stood up and took notice of WCWs return now, name power & talent is a super mix for WCW. Its just a shame we have to wait a month for more WCW action.... Hopefully, it wont be too long before WCW is back on a regular TV slot. We know TNA now owns the Nitro name, so why not...lets see Nitro back on our screens...Lets keep our fingers crossed! We know the networks are scheduling, so why not?! One former WCW Champ and fan favourite who we probably wont be seeing in WCWs return is Diamond Dallas Page who looks like he's not only retired, but it looks like he's had enough of Pro Wrestling all together. Its a shame. On a side note, Former Boxing Superstar David Tua & Former Worlds Strongest Man Mariusz Pudzianowski have expressed an interest in wrestling, it'll be interesting to see if any of the promotions take a gamble and pick these guys up.
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[B][U]FROM PWTORCH.COM Tuesday, Week 1 May 2007 Raw & Impact Highlights[/U][/B] WWEs Raw responded to WCW reimmergence by debuting Goldberg to the shock of the fans. Is Vince McMahon gearing up for an Austin-Goldberg super match?! The main event saw the Hardy Boyz go down at the hands of The Great Khali & Umaga. TNAs Impact was buzzing this week, they offered us highlights from Sunday Nights Lockdown, but also Sunday Nights WCW Super Brawl which showed how strong this union between TNA & WCW really is. The Main Event saw Christian Cage & AJ Styles draw a Cage Match when Samoa Joe interferred and destroyed both guys.
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[B][U]FROM PWTORCH.COM Wednesday, Week 1 May 2007 ECW on Sci-FI Report[/U][/B] Kane debuted on the brand last night and interferred after Randy Orton beat Shelton Benjamin in the Main Event. CM Punk was a real star in his match against Rene Dupree, the fans are in to him.
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[CENTER] [B][U][COLOR="Purple"]WCW Slamboree Press Release FROM TNAWCW.COM Thursday, Week 1 May 2007[/COLOR][/U][/B] WCW Returns to Pay Per View in just under a month from now with the returning Spectacular, Slamboree!! We are proud to announce that We have a double Main Event! [U]Continuing the feuds...[/U] [B][I]WCW Champion[/I] Brock Lesnar & The Giant vs Sting & [I]"Hardcore Legend"[/I] Mick Foley [I]"The Icon"[/I] Hulk Hogan & The Warrior vs [I]"Lionheart"[/I] Chris Jericho w/Trish Stratus & [I]WCW US Champ "Marvellous"[/I] Mark Copani w/ Paul Heyman[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR="Purple"]The two titanic Tag Team Matches will headline the Slamboree.... ..but what about WCW PPVs in the future? Well WCW & DirecTV ar epleased to announce a 2 year deal to beam WCW Action live into your living room... Heres the Schdule.... January - WCW Souled Out February - WCW World Stampede March - WCW Revenge April - WCW Super Brawl May - WCW Slamboree June - WCW Road Wild July - WCW Unsensored August - WCW Bash at The Beach September - WCW War Games October - WCW Halloween Havoc November - WCW Battlebowl December - WCW Starrcade Stay tuned for more WCW News![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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[B][U]FROM PWTORCH.COM Thursday, Week 1 May 2007 RoH & WWE News[/U][/B] WWE Smackdown last night saw Booker T beat William Regal in the Main Event. They also teased the possibility of Goldberg-Austin. RoH tonight are delighted to announce their first TV deal, when RoH "Art of Fighting" will debut in the new season...stay tuned for more information.
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