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War's End 2000 - DO or DIE?

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[CENTER][I]WCW is in creative and financial problems. The company fallen to new lows after the unprecedented highs of the late 1990's. By late 2000 it has all the characteristics of a sinking promotion, backstage politics, bad booking, low morale, and bleeding money financially. In November, another concussion to Vince Russo has caused him to request time off and to be removed from his position as head booker.[/I] [B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]War's End: DO or DIE? December 2000[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [I]Ed Ferrara is pretty much the head TV writer in Vince Russo’s absence. Officially though, Russo is still said to be in charge, he is just AWOL. Lots of rumors are going around about Russo, but nothing is certain. He could be back anytime, or not at all. He’s told a few people that his post-concussion syndrome still hasn’t improved enough for him to return to TV, while others have talked with him and said he sounds totally fine. Could it be a case of him abandoning a sinking ship?[/I] [SIZE="4"][B]December 2000 - Putuo Shan, CHINA[/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][COLOR="BLUE"]Putuo Shan is the lowest of China's sacred mountains. Roughly translated to "beautiful white flower", the mountain is 291 meters above water and can only be reached by climbing a stone staircase with 1060 steps. Many believe that in order to reach the top of this mountain one must give up everything. In a cold December night, a tourist sat on one of the stone steps, shivering in his winter hooded coat. A Chinese monk, who is venturing up the mountain, stops next to the tourist and offers him some tea. The frozen man's hands could barely get the cup of tea to his lips. The warming sensation revives him as he looks up at the Monk as if he is some Guardian Angel.[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B]The Tourist[/B]: Thank you...my name...my name is...[B][COLOR="Red"]Vince Russo[/COLOR][/B].... [SIZE="4"][B]1 Week Later - WCW Headquaters[/B][/SIZE] [I][COLOR="blue"]Ed Ferrara is in a meeting with the rest of WCW's writers when the intercom buzzes. [/COLOR][/I] [B]-BUZZ- There's someone here that want's to see you, sir. [/B] [B]Ed Ferrara[/B]: Urgh...tell him I'm busy... [B]-BUZZ- He says it's urgent...[/B] [B]Ed Ferrara:[/B] ...For Godsakes!! I'm in a... [COLOR="Blue"][I]Suddenly, the door is kicked wide open. A burst of wind blows papers off of the desk located in the middle of the room. A silent hush falls open the writers. [B]Vince Russo[/B] walks through the doors in a winter jacket.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Ed Ferrara[/B]: Vince, where the hell were you?! We thought you were dead... [B]Vince Russo[/B]: I'll explain later, Ed. You see, I finally get it. I finally understand what it will take to get WCW at the #1 spot again... [B]Ed Ferrara[/B]: And what's that? [B]Vince Russo[/B]: We have to lose everything, Ed. It's the only way... [IMG]http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t54/CZW07/dod/doordie.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER]
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[B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]World Championship Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Roster as of December 2000[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Faces: Blue[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Heels: Red[/COLOR] [B]Main Eventers[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Bill Goldberg Booker T[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Buff Bagwell[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Diamond Dallas Page Dustin Rhodes[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Sting[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jeff Jarrett "Positively" Kanyon[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Ric Flair[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Kevin Nash Hulk Hogan[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Lex Luger[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Rick Steiner Scott Steiner Shane Douglas[/COLOR] [B]Upper Mid Carders[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Bam Bam Bigelow[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Chuck Palumbo Disqo[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Vampiro[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Ernest "The Cat" Miller[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh G. Rection Konnan[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Mark Jindrak Meng Mike Awesome[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Rey Mysterio Jr. [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Sean O'Haire[/COLOR] [B]Mid Carders[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alex Wright Big Vito Billy Kidman[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Brian Adams Bryan Clark David Flair[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Johnny the Bull[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]La Parka[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Lance Storm Lodi[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Lt. Loco[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Mike Sanders[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Norman Smiley Srgt. A-WALL[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Shane Helms Shannon Moore Shawn Stasiak[/COLOR] [B]Lower Mid Carders[/B] [COLOR="red"]Crowbar Don Harris Evan Karagias[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jamie-San Kaz Hayashi Kwee-Wee Lash LeRoux Super Calo[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jim Duggan[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Tank Abbott[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Reno The Artist[/COLOR] [B]Openers[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Air Paris Christopher Daniels[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Elix Skipper Kid Romeo[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]M.I. Smooth Yang[/COLOR] [B]Enhancement Talent[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]AJ Styles Jerry Flynn[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Michael Modest[/COLOR] [B]Ladies of WCW[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Chae Anne Daffeny Kimberly Page[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Leia Meow[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Madusa Major Gunns[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Midajah[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Miss Jones Paisley[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Pamela Paulshock Papaya Stacy Keibler[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Torrie Wilson[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Tygress[/COLOR] [B]Tag Team Division[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Air Raid: AJ Styles & Air Paris[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Boogie Knights: Disqo & Alex Wright[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]KroniK: Brian Adams & Bryan Clark[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Chuck Palumbo & Sean O'Haire[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Kid Romeo & Elix Skipper[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Lance Storm & Mike Awesome[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]The Insiders: Diamond Dallas Page & Kevin Nash[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Jung Dragons: Kaz Hayashi & Yang[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]The Mamalukes: Johnny Stamboli & Big Vito[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Total Buff: Lex Luger & Buff Bagwell[/COLOR] [B]Stables:[/B] [COLOR="red"]3 Count: Evan Karagias, Shannon Moore, Shane Helms & Tank Abbott[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]The Jung Dragons: Kaz Hayashi, Yang, Jamie-San & Leia Meow[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Misfits in Action: Hugh G. Rection, Lash LeRoux, Lt. Loco & Sgt. A-WALL[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Team Canada: Lance Storm, Jim Duggan, Elix Skipper, Mike Awesome & Major Gunns[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]The Filthy Animals: Tygress, Konnan, Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr.[/COLOR] [B]Champions of WCW[/B] [B]WCW World Heavyweight Champion:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Scott Steiner[/COLOR] [B]WCW United States Champion:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Hugh G. Rection[/COLOR] [B]WCW Cruiserweight Champion:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Mike Sanders[/COLOR] [B]WCW Hardcore Champion:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Crowbar[/COLOR] [B]WCW Tag Team Champions:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The Insiders: Kevin Nash & Diamond Dallas Page[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]December 2000 - The Day Before Monday Night Nitro[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Vince Russo is in the media room watching the last PPV which WCW ran while he was on hiatus, Mayhem 2000. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]Mayhem 2000 2000-11-26, US Cellular Arena, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA[/B] 1.[B]Cruiserweight championship:[/B] "Above Average" Mike Sanders (ch) def. Kwee-Wee [w/Paisly] 2."Sugar" Shane Helms & Shannon Moore def. The Jung Dragons [w/Leia Meiow, Evan Karagian, Jaime Noble] 3.[B]Three Way Hardcore match:[/B] Crowbar def. Reno, Big Vito 4.[B]Handicap match[/B]: Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr. [w/Tigress] def. Alex Wright & KroniK 5.The Cat [w/Ms. Jones] def. "The Franchise" Shane Douglas [w/Torrie Wilson] 6.Bam Bam Bigelow def. Sgt. A-Wall 7.[B]US championship:[/B] General Rection def. Lance Storm [w/Major Gunns] (ch) 8."The Chosen One" Jef Jarrett def. Buff Bagwell 9.[B]Tag Team championship:[/B] "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash & Diamond Dallas Page def. Shawn Stasiak & Chuck Palumbo (ch) 10.Goldberg def. Lex Luger 11.[B]WCW championship:[/B] "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner [w/Midajah] def. Booker T (ch) [/QUOTE] [COLOR="blue"]Russo finishes watching the show when Ed Ferrara walks in. [/COLOR] [B]Ed Ferrara[/B]: So, what did you think of the show? [B]Vince Russo[/B]: Thank you for filling in for me while I was gone but I am ready to revive this company. [B]Ed Ferrara[/B]: Vince, what's wrong? Where were you? [B]Vince Russo[/B]: I was finding the truth. While I was sitting on those cold mountain steps, nearly freezing to death, I saw all of my mistakes flash before my eyes. All of the quick blowoffs and insane characters hurt this business. But tonight, we're losing everything... [B]Ed Ferrara:[/B] What do you mean, "losing everything"? [B]Vince Russo[/B]: You'll see... [B]Ed Ferrara[/B]: Vince, you're scaring me. Don't do anything stupid... [COLOR="Blue"]Vince Russo walks away almost zombie like. He says one last thing before dissapearing into the arena's building. [/COLOR] [B]Vince Russo[/B]: Don't worry. Everything will make sense in due time... [COLOR="Blue"]Ed Ferrara looks down at his feet when he finds a personalized note. The note simply states, "SELL WCW". [/COLOR] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][I]WCW Monday Night Nitro preview:[/I] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t54/CZW07/dod/NEWNIT1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]WCW Nitro live at the Asheville Civic Center in Mid Atlantic[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Elix Skipper takes on LA Parka The Insiders defend their Tag Team Titles against Totaly Buff Hugh G. Rection puts his United States title on the line against Team Canada's Lance Storm[/COLOR] [B]plus much much more!![/B] [/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]Dark Match - 6 Man Tag Team Match 3 Count: Shannon Moore, Evan Karagias & Shane Helms w/Tank Abbott vs The Jung Dragons: Jamie-San, Kaz Hayashi & Yang w/Leia Meow[/SIZE][/B] [I]-3 Count managed to steal a win after Tank Abbott interfered and allowed Shane Helms to hit his Vertebreaker on Jamie-San. [/I] [B]Time: 7:24 Rating: C[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Dark Match - Tag Team Match Boogie Knights: Alex Wright & Disqo vs Filthy Animals: Rey Mysterio Jr. & Billy Kidman w/Tygress[/SIZE][/B] [I]-Filthy Animals pick up a hard fought victory after Rey Mysterio Jr. pinned Disqo with a Springboard Hurricanrana. [/I] [B]Time: 7:58 Rating: C+[/B] [QUOTE] [B][SIZE="4"]WCW Monday Nitro [/SIZE][/B] [B]Venue:[/B] Asheville Civic Center [B]Attendance:[/B] 10,000 [B]Commentators:[/B] Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Mike Tenay & Tony Schiavone [B]Show Info[/B]: Live, Monday Night - 9pm - TNT [B]Singles Match "Primetime" Elix Skipper vs La Parka [/B] [I][COLOR="Red"]-WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Mike Sanders was sitting at ringside during this match. Quick pace match with neither men getting a clear advantage. Skipper manages to hit Parka with his Play of the Day and pins him for the 3 count. [/COLOR][/I] [B]Time: 9:38 Rating: C[/B] [B][U]Kanyon wants to be the Man[/U][/B] [I][COLOR="red"]Backstage, Ric Flair is getting ready in his locker room when Kanyon walks in and stands over him. [/COLOR][/I] [B]Kanyon:[/B] Ric Flair...the Nature Boy...the Dirtiest Player in the Game... [I][COLOR="red"]Ric Flair stands up and gets in Kanyon's face[/COLOR][/I]. [B]Ric Flair[/B]: If you're lookin' for the Nature Boy, woooo!! You found him. And if you got a problem with me you better just come out and say it right now because I don't have any time to waste. [B]Kanyon:[/B] A problem with you? Yeah I have a problem with you. For years I have been busting my ass and for years I haven't been getting the praise I deserve. They say if I wan't to be the man, I have to beat the man. Well, I'm here standing infront of THE man, ready to beat him. [B]Ric Flair[/B]: You wan't to go one-on-one with the Nature Boy? You better be carefull for what you wish for because tonight you got the Nature Boy! Woooo!! [COLOR="red"][I]Kanyon and Flair stare each other down. Kanyon grins then walks out of his locker room. [/I][/COLOR] [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [B][U]The Insiders Championship Win[/U][/B] [I][COLOR="red"]A video plays re-caping The Insiders Tag Team title win over Shawn Stasiak and Chuck Palumbo at WCW's Mayhem.[/COLOR][/I] [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]WCW Tag Team Championship Match The Insiders: Diamond Dallas Page & Kevin Nash(c) vs Totaly Buff: Lex Luger & Buff Bagwell[/SIZE][/B] [I][COLOR="red"]-Totaly Buff ambush the tag team champions before the bell rings. DDP takes most of the punishment as he spends the majority of the match trying to tag out to Nash. After misscommunication, DDP manages to tag out. Nash cleans house and pins Bagwell with a Jacknife Powerbomb. The Tag champions retain their tag titles.[/COLOR][/I] [B]Time: 7:46 Rating: C+[/B] [B][U]Backstage interview with Booker T[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"][I]Backstage, Booker T is with Pamela Paulshock.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Pamela Paulshock:[/B] At WCW's Mayhem, you lost the WCW Heavyweight Championship to Scott Steiner. Do you have anything to say to our new Heavyweight Champion? [B]Booker[/B]: Do I have anything to say to Scott Steiner?! Ya damn skippy I do!! Scott Steiner, you think ya can take my Heavyweight title and I won't do anything about it?! Ya crazy, son. Ever since I beat Jeff Jarrett for the title all I could think about is being the best. So come hell or high water, I'm comin' for ya Steiner!! [I][COLOR="red"]Suddenly, Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett ambush Booker T from behind. After the damage is done Steiner grabs the microphone away from Paulshock. [/COLOR][/I] [B]Scott Steiner:[/B] You want to come after me? Well tonight you better find yourself a partner because Jeff Jarrett and the Big Bad Booty Daddy will be waiting for you. [B]Segment Rating: A*[/B] [B][U]Misfits in Action vs Team Canada Feud Re-cap[/U][/B] [I][COLOR="Red"]A video re-caps the feud between Team Canada and M.I.A. The video shows Major Gunns defecting to Team Canada after throwing in a towel in on behalf of Rection during a US Title match against Storm. [/COLOR][/I] [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]WCW United States Championship Match Hugh G. Rection(c) vs Lance Storm w/Major Gunns[/SIZE][/B] [I][COLOR="red"]-Hugh G. Rection looked good. He had Storm beaten in the middle of the ring when Major Gunns interfered while Rection was attempting a Moonsault. Storm capitalized on her interferance and applied his Canadian Maple Leaf. Hugh G. Rection quickly taps out from the pain. Lance Storm wins the WCW US Championship. [/COLOR][/I] [B]Time: 11:29 Rating: B[/B] [B][U]This is a Shoot[/U][/B] [I][COLOR="red"]Vince Russo walks out to no music and makes his way inside of the ring. The crowd seems to be confused. [/COLOR][/I] [B]Vince Russo[/B]: Ladies and Gentlemen, this right here is a shoot. None of this was planned. All of this comes right from the heart. As most of you know, I have been suffering from post-concussion syndrome. I went away for awhile so I could heal not only physicaly but mentally. And while I was healing, I saw the "light". I realized all the wrongs I have done and I apologize. Which is why I'm officaly announcing that Time Warner wants to sell WCW. That's right. Time Warner wants to get rid of WCW and I for one am happy. If Time Warner doesn't want to invest their time and money into this great company then screw them. So tonight, I'm inviting any and everyone who is interested in buying this company to contact Time Warner. No, no, I'm begging you to buy WCW. Because with someone in charge who cares about this company we can finally make a difference. Thank you... [I][COLOR="red"]Vince Russo walks away. The crowd seemed shocked and even more confused. [/COLOR][/I] [B]Segment Rating: C[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Singles Match Ric Flair vs Kanyon[/SIZE][/B] [I][COLOR="Red"]-Ric Flair schooled Kanyon throughout the entire match. Flair hits all of his trademark moves and was about to put Kanyon away with his Figure Four when Kanyon punched the Nature Boy with a Pair of Brass Knuckles. Kanyon rolls up Flair for the tainted victory. [/COLOR][/I] [B]Time: 12:38 Rating: A[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Singles Match Rick Steiner vs Goldberg[/SIZE][/B] [I][COLOR="red"]-Goldberg dominated the match and put Steiner away with a Jackhammer. [/COLOR][/I] [B]Time:4:39 Rating: B+[/B] [B][U]The Attack[/U][/B] [I][COLOR="red"]Afterwards, [B]Road Warrior Animal[/B] runs out and ambushes Goldberg from behind with a Chair. Animal hits Goldberg with a Running Powerslam to add insult to injury.[/COLOR][/I] [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [B][U]The Mystery Partner[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"][I]Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett make their way towards ringside. Booker T walks out with a microphone and stops at the top of the enterance ramp. [/I][/COLOR] [B]Booker T[/B]: You two suckas dare attack me from behind and warn me to find a tag team partna?! Well guess what?! I found a partna suckas!! [COLOR="red"][I]"American Made" hits as [B]Dusty Rhodes[/B] walks out to a huge ovation. Rhodes and Booker T slide into the ring and start brawling with Steiner/Jarrett to start the match. [/I][/COLOR] [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Tag Team Match Scott Steiner & Jeff Jarrett vs Booker T & Dusty Rhodes[/SIZE][/B] [I][COLOR="red"]-This match was an all out brawl. All 4 men brawled around ringside. Booker T and Steiner fight outside while Dusty and Jarrett are wrestling inside of the ring. Rhodes hits Jarrett with a flurry of punches then lays him out with a Bionic Elbow. Dusty hits the ropes and drops a HUGE Elbow Drop. 1...2...the referee is pulled to the outside of the ring by Scott Steiner. Dusty turns his back and tries to get the refs attention when SHANE DOUGLAS runs out and hits him from behind. Douglas hits a Spiked DDT on Dusty and puts Jarrett ontop of him. 1...2...3. Jarrett and Steiner steal a pinfall. [/COLOR][/I] [B]Time: 7:20 Rating: B-[/B] [B][U]The Aftermath[/U][/B] [I][COLOR="red"]Shane Douglas walks to the back while keeping his eyes on the ring. Douglas laughs as the show comes to an end. [/COLOR][/I] [B][SIZE="4"]Final Rating: B[/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]The Day after Monday Nitro[/B][/SIZE] [COLOR="Blue"]Vince Russo is driving to an uncertain location. He dials a number on his cell phone while dodging any oncoming traffic.[/COLOR] [B]Ed Ferrara:[/B] Hello? [B]Vince Russo:[/B] Ed? This is Vince... [B]Ed Ferrara:[/B] Where have you been? You just dissapeared after Nitro, Time Warner wants your head on a plate. [B]Vince Russo:[/B] Well after I'm done they'll be bowing down at my feet. [B]Ed Ferrara:[/B] Vince, you're rubbing some people the wrong way ever since you came back. Eric Bischoff is petitioning to get you fired, Time Warner warned us to keep you off screen and some wrestlers won't work for us as long as you're here. [B]Vince Russo[/B]: None of that will matter in a few days. Look, I won't be in for the rest of the week. I need you to finish writing the rest of this weeks TV scripts. [B]Ed Ferrara:[/B] Vince, where the hell are you? [B]Vince Russo:[/B] I'm in Stamford, CT. [B]Ed Ferrara[/B]: ....Don't tell me... [COLOR="blue"]Vince Russo parks his car and steps out. He looks up at a huge building with a "WWF" Logo on it[/COLOR]. [B]Vince Russo:[/B] I'm at WWF's Titan Towers. I'm going to talk with McMahon, Ed. It's time to end the War...[/CENTER]
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Monday Night Wars Results... [QUOTE][IMG]http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t54/CZW07/dod/NEWNIT1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Show[/B]: WCW Monday Nitro [B]Held:[/B] Monday, Week 1, December 2000 [B]Location:[/B] Asheville Civic Center [B]Attendance:[/B] 10,000 (SELL OUT) [B]Show Rating:[/B] B 3 Count defeated The Jung Dragons C Filthy Animals defeated Boogie Knights C+ Elix Skipper defeated La Parka C The Insiders defeated Total Buff to retain the WCW Tag Titles C+ Kanyon defeated Ric Flair A Lance Storm defeated Hugh G. Rection to win the WCW US Title B Goldberg defeated Rick Steiner B+ Scott Steiner & Jeff Jarrett defeated Booker T & Dusty Rhodes B-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t54/CZW07/dod/raw2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Show:[/B] WWF RAW is WAR [B]Held:[/B] Monday, Week 1, December 2000 [B]Location[/B]: The Princess Hall [B]Attendance[/B]: 2,000 (SELL OUT) [B]Show Rating[/B]: B- William Regal and Mideon fought to a No Contest C Tori defeated Trish Stratus D+ Tazz defeated Ivory C- Edge defeated Jeff Hardy & Test C+ Kurt Angle & Eddie Guerrero defeated The Radicals B- Brothers of Destruction defeated Triple H & The Rock B[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]Monday Night TV Ratings:[/SIZE][/B] 1. Everybody Loves Raymond - CBS - 111.43 Rating 2. ABC World News Tonight - ABC - 44.59 Rating 3. WWF RAW - TNN - 35.64 Rating 4. WCW Nitro - TNT - 17.31 Rating 5. WWF RAW - TSN - 5.87[/CENTER]
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[CENTER]WCW Thunder Preview... [QUOTE][IMG]http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t54/CZW07/dod/THNDRLOG.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]WCW Thunder live at the Baltimore Arena[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Lance Storm makes his first US title defense against Bam Bam Bigelow Meng takes on Goldberg Alex Wright, Disqo & Michael Modest take on Kaz Hayashi, Yang & Jamie-San in 6-Man Tag Team Action Crowbar defends his WCW Hardcore Championship against Ernest "The Cat" Miller "The Natural" Dustin Rhodes looks to take revenge on "The Franchise" Shane Douglas for his actions on Monday night Booker T faces Scott Steiner in a Non-Title Match plus much much more!!![/COLOR][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]Dark Match - Singles Match Elix Skipper vs La Parka[/SIZE][/B] [I]This is a re-match from their Nitro match. La Parka seemed off of his game tonight. Skipper beats the luchadore with a Sudden Impact. [/I] [B]Time: 9:10 Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER] [B][SIZE="3"]WCW Thunder[/SIZE][/B] [B]Venue:[/B] Baltimore Arena [B]Attendance:[/B] 9,250 [B]Commentators:[/B] Scott Hudson & Mike Tenay [B]Show Info:[/B] Thursday Night - 8pm - TNT [SIZE="3"][B]6-Man Tag Team Match Kaz Hayashi, Yang & Jamie-San vs Alex Wright, Disqo & Michael Modest[/B][/SIZE] [COLOR="Blue"][I]Great fast pace 6-man tag match to kick things off. At one point, all 3 of the Jung Dragons flew over the top rope and dove ontop of Boogie Knights and Modest. Alex Wright managed to put Hayashi away with a Bridging German Suplex.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Time: 6:48 Rating: C[/B] [B][U][SIZE="3"]Pamela Paulshock interviews Storm[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Backstage, Lance Storm is being interviewed by Pamela Paulshock. [/COLOR] [B]Pamela Paulshock[/B]: Congratulations, on winning your second United States championship. Tonight, you're set to defend your championship against Bam Bam Bigelow. Any thoughts on your upcoming title defense? [B]Lance Storm[/B]: It was just 3 days ago when I won this championship and I already have to defend it. This is an outrage. There's no doubt that the WCW head offices are racists and will not stand for a Canadian holding onto their United States Championship. Well I got a message for everyone that's watching. You can throw everything at me because I will not lose this championship, ever...again.... [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [B][U][SIZE="3"]Video Re-Cap[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I][COLOR="blue"]A video re-cap of Lance Storms vs Hugh G Rection match airs. They show Storm forcing Hugh to submit and lose his US Title. [/COLOR][/I] [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]WCW United States Championship Lance Storm(c) vs Bam Bam Bigelow[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="blue"][I]Bam Bam uses his strength while Storm tries to out move the big man with his agility. Bam Bam has Storm set up for a Top Rope Headbutt when Lance pushes the referee into the ropes causing Bigelow to slip and crotch himself. Bigelow falls into the ring when Storm quickly pins him. 1..2..3. Storm retains his championship. [/I][/COLOR] [B]Time: 10:53 Rating: B-[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Singles Match Goldberg vs Meng[/SIZE][/B] [I][COLOR="blue"]Meng beats down Goldberg in the earlier stages of this match. Goldberg fights back and dominates Meng. Meng gets Speared then hit with a devistating Jackhammer for the 3 count.[/COLOR][/I] [B]Time: 6:33 Rating: B-[/B] [B][U][SIZE="3"]The Flair Challenge[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="blue"][I]Ric Flair's theme hits. He struts down the asile and steps inside of the ring. Flair grabs a microphone from the ring announcer[/I][/COLOR]. [B]Ric Flair:[/B] Kanyon, you said you wanted to beat the man? Well you did...but you did it like a coward. You weren't man enough to beat me without punching me across my face with a pair of brass knuckles. You're a coward! [I][COLOR="blue"]Kanyon's theme hits. He walks out with a microphone and stops atop of the enterance ramp. [/COLOR][/I] [B]Kanyon[/B]: Coward? You're calling me a coward? Don't they call you the dirtiest player in the game?! Aren't you known for eye raking, low blowing and busting your opponents head's wide open? If I'm a coward than you're a hypocrite, old man... [B]Ric Flair:[/B] You want to fight dirty?! Well you came to the right place!! Next week, you got the Nature Boy one more time...in a Street Fight. Wooooo!!! And this time you can bring all the weapons you got because you're gonna need it!! Wooooo!!! [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]WCW Hardcore Championship Match Crowbar(c) vs Ernest "The Cat" Miller[/SIZE][/B] [I][COLOR="blue"]This match spilt all over the arena. These two brawled around ringside using the tv monitor's wires to choke each other. Crowbar hit an Inverted DDT ontop of a chair to pick up a 3 count. Crowbar retains his Hardcore title.[/COLOR][/I] [B]Time: 7:36 Rating: B-[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]WCW Tag Team Championship Match The Insiders(c) vs Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="blue"][I]The Insiders dominate most of the match. DDP hits O'Haire with a Diamond Cutter and keeps him down for a 3 count. The Insiders retain their titles.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Time: 4:51 Rating: C[/B] [B][U][SIZE="3"]The Attack[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I][COLOR="blue"]Kevin Nash and DDP celebrate their title defense when Lex Luger and Buff Bagwell ambush the champions from behind. Totaly Buff lay out the champions after hitting their finishers on each champion. [/COLOR][/I] [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Singles Match Shane Douglas vs Dustin Rhodes[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="blue"][I]This match was nothing but a dirty brawl. These two beat each other up inside and outside of the ring. Shane Douglas knocks Dustin Rhodes out with a steel chair and gets himself DQed. [/I][/COLOR] [B]Time: 12:50 Rating: B+[/B] [B][U][SIZE="3"]The Assault Continues[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="blue"][I]Douglas continues attacking Dustin with the chair and hits a Jumping DDT ontop of the Chair. Dustin Rhodes is busted wide open and he's a bloody mess. Shane Douglas grabs a microphone.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Shane Douglas[/B]: For years, I looked up to one man, the same man who inspired me to get into this business, Dusty Rhodes. I went to the man when times were rough and I celebrated with the man when the days were great. But when I saw Dusty Rhodes return on Monday Night, something took over me. Something deep inside me told me that this was the man who ruined my entire life. If it wasn't for Dusty Rhodes I would've never got into this business. I would've never ruined my life. I would've lived a normal and happy life. A pain free and happy life. YOU KILLED ME DUSTY!! AND NOW IT'S TIME FOR ME TO KILL YOU!!! [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Non-Title Singles Match Scott Steiner vs Booker T[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="blue"][I]Good back and forth match. Scott Steiner clubs away at Booker and gets some great near falls. Booker T fights back and sets up Steiner for his Scissors Kick when Jeff Jarrett runs out and stops him. Jarrett holds Booker in a Full Nelson so that Steiner could hit him with a Cheap Shot. Booker T ducks and Steiner accidentaly Clotheslines Jarrett. Steiner turns right into Booker's Book End. 1....2...3!!![/I][/COLOR] [B]Time: 9:46 Rating: A[/B] [B][U][SIZE="3"]The Celebration of a Dying Alliance[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I][COLOR="blue"]Booker T celebrates his victory inside of the ring while Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett argue on the outside. They push and shove each other. It seems that whatever alliance Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett had is close to being over. [/COLOR][/I] [B]Segment Rating: A[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Final Rating: C[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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