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About schachmal

  • Birthday 03/01/1971

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  1. I've found having a school will also create managers, announcers and personalities - all of whom will be young, but there are the MMA crossovers, and these guys tend to be in their thirties. I think a tiny percentage should have a 25-35 look and perhaps give them the MMA gloves. I found the MMA crossovers were rare but I had an Indian (not Native American) MMA guy who joined my Mumbai-based promotion, so i think you'll need a few to a dozen of each race and both genders.
  2. Are they in your company? I find this happens only with wrestlers in my company and means you have to change the picture twice, once in the in-game editor section and again in the main game section where you edit their details and it asks if you want to save it as an alter-ego.
  3. and FIIERCE DAKOUTES!! Don't forget the Dakoutes! They be Fiierce - and Thicc!
  4. Wyldekr, You're wrong about these being "no good." Many of these have a life lived in their eyes and expressions, such as venerable Sam Keith, who looks straight out a US Civil War photo portrait. I just wonder where he's been and what he's seen. He's the best Sam Keith I've seen so far. There are clearly ones that stand out more than others, the dramatic shadowing and intense stares standing out most, but finally and Aaron Andrews that doesn't look, well, vanilla. No one yet has made him look worthy of a second look. And Nicky Champion...woah, my dude, he has a story to tell. They all do. Which Magnum Kobe do I pick? I honestly can't decide. DBF finally looks like a serious guy who can fight, not some happy-go-lucky guy who thinks it's all a game. Do yourself a favour: get yourself your own thread, call it the Wyldekringdom Something-or-other, establish a quality baseline (eg Jay Chord 1 has the required depth but Jay Chord 2 doesn't quite make it for me), start with an area of the world that needs your work (Oz, imho) and let's see more. We have an overabundance of Aaron Andrews and Co., but where are the Damian Dastardly's, the Flip and Bounce Buchanans, or Artemis Eyre-Rochesters? For the most part that is untapped territory waiting for someone like you. Go Down Under, my good man, and keep up the excellent work because if you think your little gallery is no good, then I'd love to see what you do like. But remember, their eyes must tell a story, like Nicky's, Aaron's and Wolf's, clearly do. You can count me as a fan, although I'm a nobody by comparison. Schachmal.
  5. These are all too pretty. I almost don't want to see them dropped on their heads... ...no, actually, I'm still alright with that.
  6. My advice is purely to do with the cosmetic. After coming back to two saved promotions after a year or more away from the game, it didn't take long to hit the same wall of apathy/fatigue that made me put off the game and go play something else for a change. Both promotions had 10+ years of history, child companies and training facilities, world-wide media coverage of Huge - Enormous, and fairly large rosters. Just coming to grips with the rosters was enough to tire me out, and with the size of my development roster added to that, i wasn't enjoying the prospect of doing anything other than starting again. What put me off the most was the lack of wrestler's pics for my new talent, robbing them of character. Admittedly, I wasn't using the forums much and decided to check the updates for inspiration and, after checking out a few graphic pack updates, I decided that maybe a facelift was all I needed. And I was right. After downloading the works of shipshirt, king bison, smw88, cooldude, asaemon, willr0ck, sockpuppet, jtlant, london, esteele20, poputt, parker_stiles, mammoth, blackman and undertaker (I think I got them all), I began patiently working through them, removing the prehistoric and cartoonish renders first, renaming and reassigning images until my new picture database was how I liked it. Then I went through the picture-less wrestlers, actually reading their basic, organic descriptions, and reading their stats to get a better idea has to how they would look before finding the appropriate CVFP image to fit them to. I became invested in each wrestler, some more than others, but even the worst wrestler now had an identity that made me feel they were more than a faceless jabroni needing to prove themselves. This did take me months with no advance in time for either game but in recreating the game universe, I felt refreshed because the game universe was refreshed. When I held my first event with all new images, I stopped on each match description, checking out the dirt report, imagining these new faces twisting and screaming in imaginary bouts, feeling the new emotional investment in characters I had long felt apathy for. Before I just spammed through the matches only looking to see if the magic number was high enough - there's no investment in that, none at all, it's the act of grinding, and this game is not meant to be a game of grinding. You're simply doing it wrong if that's how it's going. If you go the way of cosmetic reinvention, you must do it yourself, don't ask me for my database because you wont get it, it's mine and your database should be yours, otherwise you will miss the point. It is about the time you spend discarding the old and selecting which of the new pictures becomes the primary representation and which become the alternatives. That's the only way this works, take a few months off the game to bring the game back to life. It worked for me. BTW, Walter Sobchack? Walter? Pipe down Donny, it's not always about you - Walter? Walter, when you gonna put all your amazing pics into one big .rar or .zip file so I can add them to my universe? Such a great body of work deserves it's place in my universe, and I greatly admire what you've brought to the table, but downloading each pic individually is like going to a smorgasbord where there are no plates and you're given a single toothpick. No pressure, Walter, no pressure. (Slaps Sobchack in a figure-4 leglock) No pressure. I'm enjoying what I've got. The magic word again: investment. Take the time to give your world a fresh coat of paint and make it truly your world.
  7. Yes. I started the GLW - Global Legends of Wrestling, The True Legends of Dangal, out of Mumbai. Initially, my design was old-school grappling with simple face/heel, with the majority of faces being Indian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Sri Lankans, and a whole bunch of foreign heels. Because India has very little competition it wasn't to difficult to get from very small to medium. It took time but it wasn't hard. When I got to medium, I could open schools and start smaller companies to maximise available talent, and started TV which really helped with the revenue. By the time I got to medium (59 popularity - I have no history to say when I got there), my home face/foreign heel split was roughly 50/50. Now its November 2034 and I'm verging on Big (2/3 territories at 83 and 1 at 82 - I usually go 3-5 points over to prevent that sudden devastating popularity plunge that has happened to me in other promotions). My Roster talent split in the GLW is: 37 Faces, 8 Homegrown to 38 Heels, 3 Homegrown. These names are split between the brands: The Legends, The Young Tigers, and The Ranis (Women's Division). The homegrown are all rated major star or star. The majority of homegrown talent comes through my 5 Indian-based schools (I have plans for 3 more - 1 each in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) and the talent then goes to either 2 GLW owned feeder promotions (Gimmicks, but no face/heel split) or 3 privately owned smaller promotions that started up after the game start-date. As I want my talent to develop reasonably quickly, I don't sign them to exclusive contracts until they get a high amount of experience, so other promotions will use them and give them experience. The junior talent numbers are 111 (+13 Non-Wrestlers) total, 30 Homegrown (4 Bangladeshi, 25 Indians, 1 Pakistani, 0 Sri Lankans), so less than 1/3 of the roster are locals. In order to get promoted to the GLW, a worker needs a Psychology of 60+, so they can "call it in the ring", experience of 60+, and popularity in India of, you guessed it 60+. Currently there are no workers eligible, but 1 American is maybe 6 months away. So, as you can see, I have moved far from my original design of having mostly, locals but this is because India is vastly undeveloped, has very little starting talent to begin with, is slow to develop promotions because of there being only 3 regions. However, with no competition to begin with, you have a head-start to begin with and must scour the world for anyone who can fill a spot until you can build media, schools, feeder promotions and sign outside talent to bolster the roster All of this means you must be content with a slow moving promotion that, once you reach medium, can really take off. Currently, I'm 2nd in the world, behind USPW (Titanic). I'm hoping that by 2040 my roster will move closer to what I intended it to be. The other problem with India is a distinct lack of avatars for Indian wrestlers. You'll spend hours scouring the net for head shot thumbnails of Indian males and females. Good luck.
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