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WalterSobchak last won the day on June 30

WalterSobchak had the most liked content!

About WalterSobchak

  • Birthday 11/23/1984


  • Location
    St. Louis, MO

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Mentor (12/14)

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  1. "The French-Canadian MVP" Marcel LeFleur Maria Guest Simony Sentinel PNG FILES
  2. "Mighty Meaty" Murray Firth "The Picture Of Prettiness" Rocco Renoir "The Boss" Virgil Voss PNG FILES
  3. Adam, Thank you for this new rendition, excited to see the next evolution. Can you share further technical specifics on the AI renders for the upcoming release? Given the base UI is remaining the same and the game is transitioning away from the blue background for C Verse, is it safe to assume the current renders sizes will remain the same and base renders will be PNGs working in conjunction with the promotion specific images that can currently be assigned as backgrounds? Just trying to chart the best path for creating future render content. Thank you for your efforts and commitment.
  4. THE GOPHER & THE ANT Topher Smith & Johnny "Ant-Man" Heizenger PNG FILES
  5. Here it is, roughly 1600 images for your creative use, enjoy them, I have enjoyed the ride. SOBCHAK PACK USA & WHAT HAVE YOU https://www.mediafire.com/file/qaypqzdjix26yzp/Sobchak_Pack.rar/file
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