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Heinzreich last won the day on June 28

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About Heinzreich

  • Birthday 04/09/1999


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    you know where


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    It's actually your job

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  1. I never realized how many portraits I've done total before. When it comes time to redo these, I'll have to do up... 1,364 portraits?! Why has no one given me an intervention to stop this addiction I so clearly have?! Others probably have more, especially the OG creators, but this was a shock to me lol
  2. Sounds like you need to get crackin' then! /s I just wish Adam would release like 5 portraits of the new version so I could start redoing/refitting all my generations and make new ones to fit the new style.
  3. They're almost like trading cards, I like 'em. I'd love it if all the portraits in TEW were like this and the whole image would fit.
  4. It depends on what you use. With Bing, you can't really establish enough of a baseline for the AI to use as there's a character limit on the prompts. If you're willing to pay money, ChatGPT works best imo. It's pretty annoying/time-consuming that you can only generate one image at a time, but there's a feature that lets you regenerate a selected part of an image which is really for quickly fixing mistakes. Doesn't work all the time, but it's saved a decent image/title for me a few times in the past. If you can establish a decent baseline in ChatGPT for what you want the AI to make, you can just tell it to keep with that previous design/format/style because it works like a back-and-forth conversation. Like here's some of the ones I've generated below as an example. Now there's not going to be super consistent text on there (you'll get different fonts a lot which look weird when you've got a bunch of different titles with differing fonts) but with enough persistence and editing, you should be able to get a few you like. Those five titles took around a day or so. Hope I was helpful.
  5. Took a little break. Returning with more portraits of people in my CWA save and most of them aren't even Canadian... Ariel/Miranda Breaks (They're twins so I just opted to use any of these for them) AZTEC-9 gang Charity Sweet, Danielle Sweetheart, Hellcat Hernandez, Pamela Rojo, Kayley Red (I plan to introduce more luchadoras/female Mexican wrestlers until they eventually feud with Charity, Danielle and Kayley. I plan to add 4 more people, just gotta figure out who. Is this an excuse just to scrabble together Aztec and Tec-9? Yes.) The Boys from Yukon, Howlin' Mad Mort & Whitehorse Whittaker (Second rows for each aren't like their pictures but they're for a new gimmick in my personal save) Kid Fantastic, as a part of the Amazing & Fantastic stable So Kid is in this stable with Jacob Jett & Julius Moor in my game. I use my own personal recuts of WalterSobchaks generations for them though, and I don't wanna upload his stuff.
  6. Yeah I'm in the same boat but with my Canada project lol
  7. Absolutely. I don't think anyone would object to remaining with DAZ if the stream of content made with it could keep up with the rate that even quality AI stuff can be made. If there was a way to clone boxofwhispers, willr0ck, GreatreDRagon, Wrenegade, and BestForTheBusiness, and just get those clones to pump stuff out, I at least would gladly take their stuff over AI.
  8. Thanks! I only started switching to AI portraits in February mainly because of @WalterSobchak's and @Shmoe II's stuff, and then got into making my own to try and build off of theirs. But it's stuff like theirs that I'd like to see in IX- a good consistent style with consistent positioning. When the AI portraits first started popping up on the render threads, I avoided them because there was no regular style or positioning yet. If it's all over the place then I don't see the point honestly. The rest of the features sound great though! I spent 5 days or 183 prompts with ChatGPT trying to get it to generate 5 logos semi-recently, and have spent around an hour or so on a few characters I've made. The DAZ stuff takes a lot more time and in some cases looks better, but I wish AI was just as simple as leave and make coffee. But I'm also not one of those people that say AI is art or more difficult to use because it's not imo. It's definitely not hard, but it's not easy either. But yes, I do understand the joke lol.
  9. I like the idea of the weights/heights. I also like but am weary of the switch to AI just because of how hard it can be sometimes to establish a general "look" to things. Whether the lighting is different or the color-grading is off, or whatever. I would like to see a peek at a few of the new portraits they've made just to see if they have a consistent/regular look to them. One thing that's always bothered me is the mismatching positions of the image on the portrait. Like how some are to the side or zoomed in/out too much, or might have a different background compared to the rest even. If it's more like the upper row compared to the bottom, I think I might die. I am hoping they share what the prompt-style of their generations are, that way people can match it.
  10. Ya just had to outshine me on these guys, didn't ya? A CONSPIRACY, I TELL YA. Apparently I need to expand my creative vision because somehow for a stable called Nest of **Vipers** I didn't even think to give them some kind of snakeskin garb lol Excelencia!
  11. A great big haul of quality stuff is always delightful to see, nice work guys! I must compete! Hugh Ancrie Jerry Martin Nest of Vipers (as well as Jamie Atherton but I posted him here already) Dagger & Mimic, Heather B Sonny Wildside Zoe Ammis Erik Strong (tbh, I'm really not satisfied with this one. I was trying to differentiate him somehow, but the stuff I was originally trying wasn't coming out great)
  12. I was playing D&D for most of today with the gang I didn't gen as many as I would normally. I wish it wouldn't add piercings to people for no reason. Martin McFly (A happy accident that I got a masked variant out of him) (tbh, it might be too much of a departure from his original portrait but I thought it might be necessary to give him some visual character. I might do up some more of him later.) Jared Johnson Jamie Atherton
  13. Some of these people aren't Canadian/affiliated with Canadian wrestling BUT they are signed in my personal CWA save so I figured I may as well do them too. And only just as I finished did I realize I've generated very little CWA workers LOL. Thanks to @The Inquisition for helping me with my female prompts. KC Glenn Jaime Quine The Unleashed, Zimmy & Randy Bumfhole/Unleashed Joanne Rodriguez Alicia Strong David Stone (second row isn't exactly like the original, but I wanted a Cody Garbrandt look for him) The Combat Syndicate (custom MMA-themed stable) Emma May, Josephine York, Candace LaValle, Tiffany Thompson, Honest Frank Emma May Josephine York Candace LaValle (When I had graduates in my CWA game, I morphed a few of those into ThunderVerse-inspired characters) Tiffany Thompson Honest Frank Jamilia Rose (Another graduate that I morphed into a ThunderVerse char) Kelly Martin & Lance Martin (With them being identical twins, I tried to find the most identical looking images. I got both ChatGPT & Bing to generate twins but they didn't come out looking great so I opted to just mirror them. ) Alina America Lassana Makutsi (or Baron Makutsi in my save, who's taken on like a voodoo shaman gimmick) Donte Dunn (who has been entranced/mind-controlled by Makutsi) (first row is normal Dunn, second is entranced) I LIKE MY SUPERNATURAL STUFF OKAY?! DON'T JUDGE ME- OH GOD HONEST FRANK HAS A GUN! RUN!
  14. Ah thank you. It's definitely frustrating. I made up a Jaime G earlier when I was doing Australia and I had to the do the same sort of thing and whittle down all the words which took forever. It's so dumb.
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