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Wrenegade last won the day on April 21

Wrenegade had the most liked content!


About Wrenegade

  • Birthday 10/30/1987

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  1. I learned of EWR from my old efed days. Someone posted a link to it on the community forums I believe it was called Primetime Central. Been hooked on these games since.
  2. Happy Friday! Last few randoms of the blue background era. Excited to see what tomorrow brings.
  3. More characters from my personal project that can be used as randoms. Jules Cruise, Will Daniels and a bunch of Zade Bishop.
  4. I've been working on a save of original characters. Here is one I call Lex Logic that can be used as a random.
  5. Ecstatic for the new game but holding off on re-rendering existing characters until it releases. It's going to be interesting to see how things shift and shape up with AI, but I'm fully committed to continue with Daz. I'm quite new to this and still learning but I really enjoy it since it has always been a goal of mine. I wanted to test out a few new assets, so I re-worked a few of my first renders that I posted here to bring some energy back to this thread. Feel free to use them for randoms. Happy Friday all!
  6. @TheDeep5ixThanks for the feedback! Couldn't agree with you more, I'm just no good with props/advanced poses yet lol. Went in a completely different direction because the original reminded me too much of Montez Ford and that was not intentional 😅🤣 Garry The Entertainer And a heel version since I needed to use my Daz+ coupon by tomorrow.
  7. Finally got around to redoing these two. Yuma Maruya Sara Marie York
  8. Hello, if you are one of the people receiving this message, I just got the go-to to ask for your permission to use your renders that were seen as free pictures in the AltCverse 2022 mod. I plan on using this on a mod I am creating called The GoldVerse 1985, which is supposed to be a series of mods (1993, 1997, 2006, 2016, and in between 2025-2028). So I'm basically asking permission for all of these mods. So will you be allow me to us some of your renders for workers in that mod?

    1. Wrenegade


      Absolutely thanks for asking. You can use any that you want and I look forward to your mod.

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