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About traveler825

  • Birthday 08/25/1970

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  1. Is there a particular order I should do things when building a mod?
  2. as someone who is still new to using mods (just started a few years ago) when you say its a basic conversion, what are the things it is missing at this point?
  3. I'm just going to sit here and swear a whole lot for missing the registration.......Guess I'm an alternate. If I make it RAW- Royal Adelaide Wrestling based in South Australia
  4. Maple Syrup Mogul, Jack Butterworth, has announced he will be venturing into the competitive world of professional wrestling. Based in Moose Jaw, Saskathewan, Canada, the company will be known as Maple Leaf Wrestling (MLW). Mr. Butterworth promises the company will be a tasty treat and that the fans will see something they have never seen before. More on this sticky situation as it comes in.
  5. you know I'm back....will have to check out Thunderverse Will post my usual press release with owner name and company name later
  6. I will be honest I dont even look at who anyone else is drafting. I go for who I want. If that person starts to be higher than how I value them or too much trouble to try to get I look at someone else. That would be why I bid late not sure if I bid on anyone you did because again I pay attention to my own strategy not who else is doing what. The draft can be stressful and time consuming. I've lost talent because I couldn't get on in a 24 hour period. It sucks but in the end it is a blast and the chat is fun. people are competitive but not malicious. I guarantee no one would make fun of you for who you got, especially if you didn't go bankrupt. Hell I managed to get Wade Chism and he is the butt of so many jokes in the chat but again he was someone I wanted and as the Rock says it doesn't matter what they think. Also the jokes are about the wrestler not me for drafting him
  7. The National Enquirer is reporting that famed heiress, Venice Hyatt, is thinking of starting her own wrestling promotion. She believes there is still an audience for the sex and violence of ECW and XPW. The company is rumored to be called American Hardcore Wrestling (AHW) and will be based out of Asbury Park NJ. It will be interesting to see how this roster turns out but with her money and sex appeal she might actually have a chance to pull this off.
  8. got it. so the amount on a tag team is that per person or split between the two?
  9. did we restart the bidding? It looks like all of the bids from yesterday are gone
  10. hmmm perhaps I should have checked the tracker before starting my bidding.....Will be updating my bids obviously
  11. Will we have a chance to add some names especially support agents,announcers, referees, etc as I dont think there is enough on that list as we were focused on wrestlers for the most part
  12. I was thinking about this while taking a walk. Its probably too late to do this for this season since you have put so much work into the draft list already. But going forward instead of having a list that we can all add to, you have a list that we cant change so we can see who might be coming up in the future but you are the only one who can add. So you start off saying to send you a message with 15 names. Since there will probably be some duplicates you will probably have between 100 and 200 names. You would alphabetize them so we can see who is on the list but maybe select from the list randomly. As you put names on the auction block they are removed. When you have 20-25 left you say submit no more than 15 names and we send you another list. This keeps going like that until the end of the draft. Obviously as a roster fills out someone might only send a few names. If someone sends more than 15 you only use the first 15 they had listed and fine them 1000 or some other set amount per extra name. Since we might bid on each other's names, if a name is on the block with no bids for more than 24 hours they are removed and can be on a future list. Just a thought as our needs might change as the draft goes on and we may want other people we havent suggested yet instead of those we have suggested. Thoughts??
  13. we could always start with it the way it is then keep adding as things get taken and we see what our needs are
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