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About Togg

  • Birthday 12/23/1987


  • Location
    Sunshine Capitol of Wales, United Kingdom


  • Interests
    Pro Wrestling


  • Occupation
    Graphic Design
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  1. Nomination Template "WCW vs The World by The Best Writer" Real World [Diary/Link] by [Writer] C-Verse/Fictional [Diary/Link] by [Writer] Showcase [New Diary], [shock Signing], [shock Push], [shock Title Win], [shock Turn], [Worker], [Face Worker], [Heel Worker], [Tag Team], [stable], [Champion], [Angle], [storyline], [Rocky Maivia], [Graphics] [Prefix Category] - [showcase Moment] in [Diary/Link] by [Writer] Match [Match @ Event] in [Diary/Link] by [Writer] Event [Event] in [Diary/Link] by [Writer] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTE! [New Diary] is for writers who have never written a diary before. There has been some confusion with this in recent months. Its not a new name for the old "Rookie" system
  2. Nominations Close: August 2nd Diary Active Dates: 1st - 31st of July 2024
  3. Voting Close: July 26th C-verse Mid South Rasslin' [LSW, CVerse 2020] by @Wrestling Machine NWF: Disrupting The Market by @Charasmatic Enigma All-American Florida Wrestling [C-Verse 2020] by @CGN91 SWF: Supreme World Challenge by @newbiezness Event SWF The Supreme Challenge 40 in SWF: Supreme World Challenge by @newbiezness SWF Times Of Trouble 2020 in SWF: Supreme World Challenge by @newbiezness SWF Supreme TV episode 23 in SWF: Supreme World Challenge by @newbiezness LSW Unchained 2023 in Mid South Rasslin' [LSW, CVerse 2020] by @Wrestling Machine NWF Locked & Loaded in NWF: Disrupting The Market by @Charasmatic Enigma
  4. Winners Real World The Russian Federation of Wrestling by @dstephe4 C-Verse NWF: Disrupting The Market by @Charasmatic Enigma Mid South Rasslin' [LSW, CVerse 2020] by @Wrestling Machine Showcase Shock Turn - Holly Leves betrayed Bret Heartbreak to get with his father, Byron at NWF No Limits 2021 in NWF: Disrupting The Market by @Charasmatic Enigma Event NWF No Limits 2021 in NWF: Disrupting The Market by @Charasmatic Enigma
  5. Nomination Template "WCW vs The World by The Best Writer" Real World [Diary/Link] by [Writer] C-Verse/Fictional [Diary/Link] by [Writer] Showcase [New Diary], [shock Signing], [shock Push], [shock Title Win], [shock Turn], [Worker], [Face Worker], [Heel Worker], [Tag Team], [stable], [Champion], [Angle], [storyline], [Rocky Maivia], [Graphics] [Prefix Category] - [showcase Moment] in [Diary/Link] by [Writer] Match [Match @ Event] in [Diary/Link] by [Writer] Event [Event] in [Diary/Link] by [Writer] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTE! [New Diary] is for writers who have never written a diary before. There has been some confusion with this in recent months. Its not a new name for the old "Rookie" system
  6. Nominations Close: June 2nd Diary Active Dates: 1st - 31st of May 2024
  7. Voting Close: February 16th Real World WCW 1993 A New World Of Sport by @CactusHack The Russian Federation of Wrestling by @dstephe4 C-Verse SWF - Supreme World Challenge by @newbiezness All-American Florida Wrestling by @CGN91 NWF: Disrupting The Market by @Charasmatic Enigma Mid South Rasslin' [LSW, CVerse 2020] by @Wrestling Machine Showcase Shock Turn - Holly Leves betrayed Bret Heartbreak to get with his father, Byron at NWF No Limits 2021 in NWF: Disrupting The Market by @Charasmatic Enigma Shock Turn - Des Davids after defeating Angry Gilmore in his hometown to retain the SWF North American title in SWF: Supreme World Challenge by @newbiezness Worker - Gerald in The Russian Federation of Wrestling by @dstephe4 Match 20-Man Texan Rumble @ LSW Texan Rumble 2023 in Mid South Rasslin' [LSW, CVerse 2020] by @Wrestling Machine Event NWF No Limits 2021 in NWF: Disrupting The Market by @Charasmatic Enigma SWF Toronto Takeover 2020 in SWF: Supreme World Challenge by @newbiezness
  8. Voting Close: February 16th Real World WCW 1993 A New World Of Sport by @CactusHack The Russian Federation of Wrestling by @dstephe4 C-Verse SWF - Supreme World Challenge by @newbiezness All-American Florida Wrestling by @CGN91 NWF: Disrupting The Market by @Charasmatic Enigma Mid South Rasslin' [LSW, CVerse 2020] by @Wrestling Machine Showcase Shock Turn - Holly Leves betrayed Bret Heartbreak to get with his father, Byron at NWF No Limits 2021 in NWF: Disrupting The Market by @Charasmatic Enigma Shock Turn - Des Davids after defeating Angry Gilmore in his hometown to retain the SWF North American title in SWF: Supreme World Challenge by @newbiezness Worker - Gerald in The Russian Federation of Wrestling by @dstephe4 Match 20-Man Texan Rumble @ LSW Texan Rumble 2023 in Mid South Rasslin' [LSW, CVerse 2020] by @Wrestling Machine Event NWF No Limits 2021 in NWF: Disrupting The Market by @Charasmatic Enigma SWF Toronto Takeover 2020 in SWF: Supreme World Challenge by @newbiezness
  9. The 2024 DOTY will be updated on a month by month basis :). The old nomination system where you nominate at the end of the 12 months heavily favoured those that did well at the end of the year, or relied on people with amazing memory 🤣. Thanks for asking, sadly im now 3-4 months into an 18 month waiting list. So some time yet 🙃
  10. Due to the low nominations that have plauged the Diary of the Year over the years, the plan is now to have the nominations open in real time and not retrospect. Nominate when you see something you wish to nominate, unlike the current system of having to remember months later 😁
  11. Nominations Close: January 15th 2025 Diary Active Dates: 1st January - 31st December 2024 Nomination Template Most Improved Writer [Username] New Diary Writer [Username] (Started Writing in 2024) Writer of the Year [Username] Outstanding Contribution [Username] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best Diary Not to Win [Diary/Link] by [Username] Real World Diary of the Year [Diary/Link] by [Username] C-Verse/Fictional Diary of the Year [Diary/Link] by [Username] Graphic Presentation [Diary/Link] by [Username] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Shocking Signing [Signee] in [Diary/Link] by [Username] Most Shocking Push [Worker] in [Diary/Link] by [Username] Most Chocking Championship Win [Worker] wins the [Title] in [Diary/Link] by [Username] Most Shocking Face/Heel Turn [Worker] in [Diary/Link] by [Username] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Worker of the Year [Worker] in [Diary/Link] by [Username] Face Worker of the Year [Worker] in [Diary/Link] by [Username] Heel Worker of the Year [Worker] in [Diary/Link] by [Username] Champion of the Year [Worker] holding the [Title] in [Diary/Link] by [Username] Tag Team of the Year [Team] in [Diary/Link] by [Username] Stable of the Year [Stable] in [Diary/Link] by [Username] Angle/Segment of the Year [Angle] in [Diary/Link] by [Username] Storyline of the Year [Storyline] in [Diary/Link] by [Username] Match of the Year [Match] @ [Event] in [Diary/Link] by [Username] Event of the Year [Event] in [Diary/Link] by [Username] Rocky Maivia of the Year [Worker] in [Diary/Link] by [Username]
  12. And your Winners for April 2024! Real World TNA 2024: We are Back!!! by @kanegan C-Verse CGC: Dawn of DeColt Country [CVerse 1997] by @Self Showcase Graphics - 21CW: The Land Of Second Chances by @The Lloyd Storyline - Drew Galloway confronts Matt Cardona at NWA Philly Special in NWA: Reclaiming the Glory by @Uncrewed Match Matt Cardona vs. Mustafa Ali @ NWA Philly Special in NWA: Reclaiming the Glory by @Uncrewed Event NWF National Wrestling Episode 37 in NWF: Disrupting The Market by @Charasmatic Enigma
  13. Real World WCW 1993 A New World Of Sport by @CactusHack The Russian Federation of Wrestling by @dstephe4 C-Verse SWF - Supreme World Challenge by @newbiezness All-American Florida Wrestling by @CGN91 NWF: Disrupting The Market by @Charasmatic Enigma Mid South Rasslin' [LSW, CVerse 2020] by @Wrestling Machine Showcase Shock Turn - Holly Leves betrayed Bret Heartbreak to get with his father, Byron at NWF No Limits 2021 in NWF: Disrupting The Market by @Charasmatic Enigma Shock Turn - Des Davids after defeating Angry Gilmore in his hometown to retain the SWF North American title in SWF: Supreme World Challenge by @newbiezness Worker - Gerald in The Russian Federation of Wrestling by @dstephe4 Match 20-Man Texan Rumble @ LSW Texan Rumble 2023 in Mid South Rasslin' [LSW, CVerse 2020] by @Wrestling Machine Event NWF No Limits 2021 in NWF: Disrupting The Market by @Charasmatic Enigma SWF Toronto Takeover 2020 in SWF: Supreme World Challenge by @newbiezness
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