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  1. Sting & Darby Allin vs Viking Raiders John Hennigan vs Vertigo Bryan Daniels vs Ilja Dragunov - For The RFW World Title
  2. Canadian Women's Championship (1971) (for use in Rise of a Star) Shown above is the new version of the Canadian Women's Championship belt, soon to be introduced in my Rise of a Star diary. Two versions of the belt's plates are shown below in larger size for better detail: French version (for use in Quebec) English version (for use outside of Quebec) And a look at the full belt in larger size, with a photo of current titleholder Renée Martel in the center plate's picture window:
  3. All-Star Wrestling @ Montreal Forum November 29, 1971 - Montreal, Quebec Attendance - 16,557 Lionel Robert & Raymond Rougeau went to a time-limit draw with Juan Lopez & Eddie Auger. ASW Canadian Heavyweight Title Tournament - Quarterfinals Dino Bravo used an airplane spin to take down and defeat Dutch Momberg by pinfall. ASW Canadian Heavyweight Title Tournament - Quarterfinals Mr. X (with Eddie "The Brain" Creatchman) defeated Dominic DeNucci by pinfall following a powerslam. ASW Canadian Heavyweight Title Tournament - Quarterfinals Gino Brito defeated Brute Martin by countout when Martin did not get back in the ring in time to beat the referee's count after getting dropkicked out to ringside by Brito. ASW Canadian Heavyweight Title Tournament - Quarterfinals Del Skinner defeated Tony Parisi by pinfall. Canadian Women's Championship Renée Martel, who had lost the title to Michèle Richard (C) back in March by controversial means, sought to get revenge and get back the belt over eight months after the loss. Martel attempted to apply her wrestling knowledge to the match, but she found herself on the defensive after a few minutes as Richard took advantage with a series of illegal closed fists. Martel retaliated with a number of right hands to Richard’s jaw that dazed Michèle enough for a cover attempt and a two-count. Martel then climbed to the top rope to attempt a flying press, but the crafty Richard moved out of the way. Martel fell to the canvas, where she remained while Richard pinned her down and rained more fists down on her. An infuriated Martel rolled over onto her opponent and pounded her with both hands. Richard soon regained control and threw Martel out of the ring, then sought to keep her out several times to try to cause a countout loss. Renée eventually came back in more infuriated than before. Richard ran straight at Martel, who surprised her by dodging the charge and allowing her to run smack into the turnbuckles, then pounced on the downed Richard and locked on the Alligator Clutch. Richard held on as long as she could, but ultimately could stand no more and submitted, giving Martel the victory and making her a six-time Canadian Women's Champion as the fans went wild with celebratory cheers while Renée was presented with what turned out to be a brand-new Canadian Women's Championship belt*. ASW Canadian Heavyweight Title Tournament - Semifinals Mr. X (with Eddie Creatchman) defeated Dino Bravo by pinfall - but how X got the pin was mired in controversy; Bravo was dominating late in the match and had X up in the air for a gorilla-press slam, but Bravo made the mistake of being too close to the ropes, allowing Creatchman to reach in and trip Bravo up, then as X fell on top of his foe, Creatchman held onto Bravo's feet from outside the ring to prevent him from kicking out, getting X the tainted win and moving him on to the final to face the winner of the other tourney semifinal coming up. ASW Canadian Heavyweight Title Tournament - Semifinals Gino Brito defeated Del Skinner by submission with a figure-four leglock. ASW World Tag Team Championship Jos LeDuc & Antonio Baillargeon (C) defeated The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) when LeDuc pinned Costello following a backbreaker. ASW Canadian Heavyweight Title Tournament - Final Gino Brito defeated Mr. X (with Eddie Creactchman) to become the new Canadian Heavyweight Champion when X submitted to Brito's figure-four leglock; Creatchman had attempted to interfere late in the match, but Dino Bravo, seeking revenge for his earlier pinfall loss against X due to Creatchman's meddling, showed up and chased the heel manager back to the locker room area, enabling Brito to get the win and capture the vacant title without worrying about Creatchman stealing the win for his client. Jacques Rougeau defeated Michel "Le Justice" Dubois (with Eddie Creatchman) by disqualification when Mr. X ran in and attacked Jacques as he had DuBois caught in a sleeperhold; X and Dubois proceeded to double-team on Jacques until Gino Brito came in and helped Rougeau fight off the heels and run them out. ASW World Heavyweight Championship Abdullah the Butcher (C) came away the winner and still champion in a bloody brawl as he defeated Carlos Rocha by disqualification when Rocha elbowed the referee aside as the latter tried in vain to break up the out-of-control brawl between the two. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Prediction results: (Thanks to all who made their predictions for this card) @kinnikuniverse - 5/6 @Herrbear - 4/6 @Lord Byron - 4/6 @Captain Kremmen - 4/6 All-time prediction results: Lord Byron - 141/208 The Blonde Bomber - 119/160 Herrbear - 82/113 Captain Krennem - 78/126 kinnikuniverse - 14/16 Hitman74 - 10/12 Theheel - 7/10 StanMiguel - 7/10 Dalton - 6/6 DexterXSR - 5/7 auto45 - 5/6 Sco_xY2Jx - 2/6 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Renée Martel's new Canadian Women's title belt has just been posted at the TEW 2020 Mods board, and will make its first appearance in this diary in the next little while.
  4. All-Star Wrestling Canadian Heavyweight Championship (Montreal, 1970s) (for use in Rise of a Star)
  5. While awaiting any further predictions for the upcoming Montreal Forum supercard, here's a YouTube clip of a commercial for Superstars of Wrestling that aired in 1980 on Windsor CBC station CBET: And here's the song featured in the background of this ad, which was used as the theme for Superstars of Wrestling during its run (including later on when Superstars served as the English-language program for Lutte Internationale):
  6. Sting vs Stan Hansen The Great Muta vs Hulk Hogan The Fantastics vs The Four Horsemen The Classic Era vs The Terrors Nikita Koloff vs Diamond Dallas Page Haku vs Kevin Von Erich
  7. Here comes the new poster for the upcoming November 29 Montreal Forum supercard, taking place two days after the finish of the ASW Women of Wrestling tour: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Time once again for the predictions: 😁 Lionel Robert & Raymond Rougeau vs. Juan Lopez & Eddie Auger Canadian Women's Championship Michèle Richard (C) vs. Renée Martel ASW World Tag Team Championship Jos LeDuc & Antonio Baillargeon (C) vs. The Fabulous Kangaroos Jacques Rougeau vs. Michel "Le Justice" Dubois ASW World Heavyweight Championship Abdullah the Butcher (C) vs. Carlos Rocha Plus - who will win the ASW Canadian Heavyweight Title Tournament? Dino Bravo • Dutch Momberg • Tony Parisi • Del Skinner • Gino Brito • Brute Martin • Dominic DeNucci • Mr. X
  8. All-Star Wrestling @ Palais des Sports November 27, 1971 - Sherbrooke, Quebec Attendance - 5,870 Marianne Duchesne put Sabrina Lafleur down for the three-count following a leg lariat. Ann Calvello & France Gall defeated Miss X & Black Widow when Calvello pinned Black Widow following a piledriver. Julie Painchaud used a suplex slam to pin and defeat Annette Dupuis. NWA United States Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls Renée Martel & Claire Lepage defeated Beverly "The Hammer" Shade & Natasha (C) in two straight falls. First fall - Martel pinned Natasha following a belly-to-belly suplex. Second fall - Shade was disqualified when she used a foreign object to hit Lepage, who had Natasha tied up in a figure-four leglock (Shade and Natasha retained their belts due to the DQ). NWA North American Women's Championship Michèle Richard (C), now becoming the hometown heroine upon her return to Sherbrooke, came to the ring to defend her title as she did battle with Tanya West while the near-capacity crowd voiced their support for Richard. It wasn’t an easy match for the North American Champion, though, as she had to contend with West’s treachery and repeated use of a foreign object during the bout. Richard showed herself to be a game brawler and very much the daughter of her father, retired Quebec wrestling legend Ti-Blanc Richard, as she turned many of West’s illegal moves to her own advantages. Finally, Richard dealt West a pair of atomic drops - the second of which sent her out of the ring, and, to the roar of the supportive hometown crowd, Michèle got the win as West was counted out. Even though the match ended, however, the action did not; as Richard was handed her North American title belt by the referee and got her hand raised in victory to the fans' cheers, Miss X, who had been a tag team partner of Richard's in the past as co-holders of the Canadian Women's Tag Team title, ran into the ring and blindsided Richard from behind with a forearm smash between the shoulder blades. West then got back in the ring and joined the masked Miss X in going on the attack against Richard by tying her up in the ropes and double-teaming her, but the rulebreaking tandem's fun got ended moments later when Renée Martel and Claire Lepage - both, ironically, enemies of Richard - ran in from the back and jumped West and X to the delight of the fans, battering each of the heels into opposite corners before Martel and Lepage whipped West and X into each other, knocking them down and sending them scrambling from the ring as the fans cheered. Martel and Lepage then argued for a moment with West and X as the latter duo retreated to the locker rooms before Renée and Claire went to help the referee free Richard's arms from the ropes, but when she got freed, Richard - far from being grateful for the help - told her rescuers to mind their own business, telling them point-blank that she could fight her own battles and didn't need their help, before she took her North American title belt and left the ring to return backstage, leaving a puzzled Martel and Lepage in the ring.
  9. All-Star Wrestling @ Colisée de Trois-Rivières November 22, 1971 - Trois-Rivières, Quebec Attendance - 4,000+ Suzanne Dussault defeated Black Widow by pinfall following a clothesline. Tanya West defeated Sabrina Lafleur by pinfall following a backbreaker. France Gall defeated Miss X by submission with a cross-armbar. Ann Calvello defeated Annette Dupuis by pinfall following a leg lariat. NWA United States Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls Renée Martel & Claire Lepage defeated Beverly "The Hammer" Shade & Natasha (C), two falls to one, when Shade and Natasha were counted out in the third fall after grabbing their belts and taking a powder back to the locker room area when Martel and Lepage surged back from behind and put the champions on the defensive with their scientific repertoires, capped with Renée and Claire double-dropkicking Shade and Natasha out to ringside (Shade and Natasha retained their belts due to the countout). NWA North American Women's Championship Hometown heroine Julie Painchaud defeated Michèle Richard (C) by disqualification when Beverly Shade and Natasha ran in on Richard's behalf to attack Painchaud as she had Richard caught in a Boston crab (Richard retained her title due to the DQ); Richard, Shade and Natasha then went on a three-on-one gangup against Painchaud until Ann Calvello, Renée Martel and Claire Lepage ran in for the save for Julie and cleared the heel trio out.
  10. All-Star Wrestling @ Pavillon de la Jeunesse November 20, 1971 - Quebec City, Quebec Attendance - 5,935 Tanya West defeated Suzanne Dussault by pinfall following a backbreaker. Sabrina Lafleur battled Black Widow to a time-limit draw. Claire Lepage defeated Miss X by pinfall following a flying bodypress. Julie Painchaud defeated Annette Dupuis by pinfall following a suplex slam. NWA United States Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls Ann Calvello & France Gall defeated Beverly "The Hammer" Shade & Natasha (C), two falls to one. ⦁ First fall - Shade pinned Gall following a top-rope axhandle. ⦁ Second fall - Calvello pinned Natasha following a piledriver. ⦁ Third fall - Shade and Natasha were counted out when they called it an early night and took the belts with them back to the locker room area when they found Calvello to be too much to handle (Shade and Natasha retained their belts due to the countout). NWA North American Women's Championship Renée Martel defeated Michèle Richard (C) by disqualification when Richard threw Martel over the top rope (Richard retained her title due to the DQ). Post-match, Richard ran out to ringside to throw Martel back into the ring to commence beating on her, but when Martel turned the tables and started giving it back to Richard, Beverly Shade and Natasha ran in on Richard's behalf to turn it into a three-on-one against Renée until Ann Calvello, Claire Lepage and France Gall ran in for the save for Renée and chased the heels off.
  11. All-Star Wrestling @ Colisée de Rimouski* November 15, 1971 - Rimouski, Quebec Attendance - 5,200+ Suzanne Dussault defeated Annette Dupuis by pinfall following a clothesline. Miss X defeated Sabrina Lafleur by pinfall following a piledriver. Claire Lepage defeated Tanya West by pinfall following a flying bodypress. Ann Calvello defeated Black Widow by pinfall following a leg lariat. NWA United States Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls Julie Painchaud (who stepped out of retirement a short time earlier to warm up for the Women of Wrestling Tour by taking a few matches in ASW prior to the tour's beginning) & France Gall defeated Beverly "The Hammer" Shade & Natasha (C), two falls to one. ⦁ First fall - Shade pinned Gall following a top-rope axhandle. ⦁ Second fall - Painchaud pinned Natasha following a suplex slam. ⦁ Third fall - Shade was disqualified for whipping Painchaud into the referee (Shade and Natasha retained their belts due to the DQ). NWA North American Women's Championship Renée Martel defeated Michèle Richard (C) by disqualification when Richard slugged the referee as he tried to stop her from choking Martel against the ropes (Richard retained her title due to the DQ). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Colisée de Rimouski, which opened in 1966, was expanded and renovated around 2008 with the addition of a new expanded lobby section and arena offices and is now known as the Colisée Financière Sun Life.
  12. Paul Levesque vs Ric Flair Steve Austin vs Dean Malenko Lance Storm & Mike Barton vs Blue Bloods (Regal & Eaton) Scotty Riggs vs Brian Knobbs Diamond Dallas Page vs Kaz Hayashi Rick Martel vs Eddie Guerrero
  13. Sorry about not commenting earlier on the SC5 results, but here we go... Who was the star of Super Clash 5? Wahoo McDaniel, for pulling off a career win with his World title victory. Best match on Super Clash 5? Wahoo/Valentine - if it wasn't a five-star match, it came close with the intensity that harkened back to the Crockett days in the '70s and '80s. Worst match on Super Clash 5? Trooper/Mystery man - if only because of the anti-climactic reveal of Bobby Jaggers as Trooper's mystery tormentor; I would've figured on someone who would've actually had more of a link to Trooper and who would've packed more of a punch in the drama department.
  14. And Johnny Rougeau's Women of Wrestling Tour begins... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * All-Star Wrestling @ Centre Civique de Drummondville November 10, 1971 - Drummondville, Quebec Attendance - 5,000+ Sabrina Lafleur fought Annette Dupuis to a time-limit draw. Miss X defeated Suzanne Dussault by pinfall following a piledriver. Ann Calvello defeated Marianne Duchesne by pinfall following a leg lariat. NWA North American Women's Championship Michèle Richard (C) defeated France Gall by pinfall following a spinebuster slam. NWA United States Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls Renée Martel & Claire Lepage defeated Beverly "The Hammer" Shade & Natasha* (C), two falls to one. ⦁ First fall - Shade pinned Lepage following a top-rope axhandle. ⦁ Second fall - Martel pinned Natasha following a flying forearm smash off the ropes. ⦁ Third fall - Shade was disqualified for throwing Martel over the top rope (Shade and Natasha retained their belts due to the DQ). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Beverly Shade & Natasha defeated Ethel Johnson & Marva Scott to win the NWA United States Women's Tag Team title at an AGWA event on October 29, 1971 in Tucson, Arizona.
  15. The newest edition of All-Star Wrestling's arena program is now out, covering the fallout from the Marcel Martel-Del Skinner Canadian title main event on November 1: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * And on Page Two, an announcement of a tour for the ASW women's division - plus, Renée Martel gets some welcome news:
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