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  • Birthday 02/16/1973

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  1. AWA WRESTLING ON ESPN - SHOWBOAT SPORTS PAVILION - LAS VEGAS, NV - DECEMBER 1990 Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson (# Aired on a previous AWA program. Also now highlighted in bold.) (4th Taping) Show Intro This show was taped before Christmas Chaos. In-studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and said this was the year end awards episode. Said we'd be announcing all the winners and all the award recipients would be speaking. PLUS! The match of the year award winner would air later in the program. Also, two major announcements coming up later in the show. Nelson: Pro wrestling journalists voted for these awards and each category was hotly contested. Nelson said it was time for the first award. MOST POPULAR WRESTLER OF THE YEAR Nelson: Our most popular wrestler of the year is a very deserving winner. For the first time in his long and storied career, he finally won the World Championship. He is... 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel! VIDEO: Wahoo was in street clothes and his headdress and holding his plaque in one hand and the mic in the other standing n front of the AWA logo. He did not have the belt. Wahoo: Let me just say that being the most popular wrestler of the year is quite an honor. There are several wrestlers who could have won this great award and I consider myself fortunate to be the man who won it. As we head into the new year, 1991 promises to be one of great opportunity for me like 1990 was. I won't let you great AWA fans down who have supported me through thick and thin. Thank you for this award. I consider it one of my finest achievements. END VIDEO Nelson: Wahoo certainly derserved that award. He fought the good fight throughout the year and the fans really appreciated him for it. Coming up: the Most Hated Wrestler of the Year and the Female Wrestler of the Year. Stay tuned. Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: STICK AROUND! MORE AWARDS TO COME! Commercials In-studio: Nelson: Welcome back to the AWA year end awards. Now, it's time for our most controversial award... the most hated wrestler of 1990 in the AWA. I don't know if it's really a surprise. For the second straight year, the winner of this infamous award is... Col. DeBeers! VIDEO: DeBeers was standing and facing the AWA logo on the wall. He had a mic in one hand and the plaque in the other but not the title. He was in his camo gear and beret. DeBeers started his speech facing away from the camera. DeBeers: Well, well, well. Look who wins the most hated wrestler award for the second year in a row. DeBeers spun around. Debeers: Some people would be ashamed to win an award like this. Not me. I consider it a badge of honor. You fans hate me because I am a man who stands on principles. How can you like a man with the moral courage of someone like myself when you people have none? You sit there on your rear ends wallowing in your decadence and filth while I'm out fighting the good fight. You believe in whatever is popular at the moment. You'd eat your own kids if it was the 'in' thing to do. You have no moral core. None. So, hate me all you want. Yell and scream at the arena or when you see me on TV. My mere presence convicts you. I am everything you're not. I don't swim in the cesspool of Americana. I rise so far above that and you can't stand it. You're drowning in American perversion, greed, decadence, the insane belief in equaltiy and I, for one, will not throw you a lifeline. You deserve to sink to the bottom of the slime pit you're in. I will continue to stand for the truth, reality and my people without apology and without regret for one reason. I am right and it tears you up inside that you don't have the guts to take a brave stance on anything. I will place this award next to the one I won last year on the mantle above my fireplace. Here's looking forward to winning most hated for the third straight year in 1991. END VIDEO Nelson: Col. DeBeers is truly Mr. Controversy and he may indeed win that award again in 1991. As a matter of fact, I think you can bet on it unless he has a major change of heart. Next up is the award for female wrestler of the year. This lady has remained the World Champion for over a year. Love her or hate her, you have to give her credit... it's Magnificent Mimi! VIDEO: Shot of Mimi standing in front of the AWA logo. She was dressed in a gown like she was up for an Academy Award. She had the plaque in one hand and a mic in the other. The belt was standing on a small table next to her. Mimi: First of all, I want to thank my manager Valerie for helping me become the wrestler I am; and that's the best female wrestler in the world today. Valerie, without you, I don't know where I'd be in this sport. You are truly a difference maker. This plaque will be put in a place of honor in my lavish Los Angeles home so all my friends can see it and envy it. I also want to say I deserve this award. Look at what I've accomplished in the last year. Look at where I am. No other woman wrestler even stands close to me in greatness. 1991 only promises bigger and better things for the Magnificent Mimi. I've risen to the top of the mountain. And I will do anything in my power to remain there. END VIDEO Nelson: Magnificent Mimi is the female wrestler of the year in the AWA. But, can she hold onto the title in 1991 with the likes of Reggie Bennett, Tina Moretti and a returning Wendi Richter chasing her? We shall see. When we come back, the awards for tag team of the year and manager of the year. Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... AWARDS KEEP COMING!!! Commercials/AWA Tour Update In-studio: Nelson: The AWA year end awards show continues now with the award for tag team of the year. Like with Col. DeBeers winning the most hated wrestler of the year, we have a repeat winner. Only I don't think they're very happy campers this time around. The Destruction Crew saw their impressive 18-month run as the World Tag Team Champions end when they lost the belts to Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton at Super Clash 5. So, once again the winner is the Destruction Crew. VIDEO: Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos were in street clothes, holding mics in one hand and plaques in the other standing in front of the AWA logo. Bloom: For 18 long, glorious months the Destruction Crew ruled tag team wrestling in the AWA! We may have lost the titles to Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton at Super Clash 5, but even the best teams stub their toe once in a great while! 1991 will be the year we regain the tag team titles! Haynes and Norton are not gonna have a run like we did! Not gonna happen! We're gonna be breathing down their necks until we regain the tag team gold! And we'll be standing here again at this time next year with those titles around our waists and two new plaques as team of the year! You can bank on it! Enos: The thing about greatness is it never dies! 18 months! 18 freakin' months we were the best tag team in this sport! And you know what? We're still the best tag team in this sport! The Yankees don't win the World Series every year! The 49ers don't win the Super Bowl every year! But those are the best teams in their respective sports! It's not a matter of if... it's a matter of when we get those titles back! And we will regain them! These awards we're holding saying that we're the tag team of the year in the AWA says all you need to know! We would not have won these awards if we weren't the best in the business today! And 1991 will be a three-peat for us as tag team of the year! And those titles are comin' home! END VIDEO Nelson: A very determined Destruction Crew. I would not bet against them being the tag team champions again. But they have a tough task ahead in prying those belts from the current champs, Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton. Now, it's time for the manager of the year award. The winner has made waves since they arrived in the AWA in late 1989 and they are building what could be a dynasty here in the AWA. The manager of the year is... Valerie! VIDEO: Shot of Valerie standing in front of the AWA logo with a mic in one hand and the plaque in the other, Val: I worked my butt off to win this award and to say I'm deserving of it is the understatement of the year. I've come a long way in very short time here. I've added two of the best wrestlers anywhere to my stable in Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera. Mimi already holds the Women's World Championship. And Tully and Ken are gonna add more gold to my stable in 1991. We are the unstoppable force in pro wrestling today. There's no telling how high we can climb. The sky is the limit for us. This sport is about two things: money and championships. We're gonna have a lot more of both in the year to come. There have been many great managers in wrestling. Just look at the names. Bobby Heenan. Jim Cornette, Jimmy Hart. Gary Hart. Percy Pringle. JJ Dillon. Now, you can add the name Valerie to that list. The AWA has a force of nature on its hands in us. And you can't stop a force of nature. Just watch and see. END VIDEO Nelson: Valerie, formerly Sunshine in World Class Wrestling, has indeed shown herself to be a major player as a manager in just one year since she arrived in the AWA. And adding Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera to her stable makes one believe it when she says more championships are coming her way. Up next, the awards for feud of the year and wrestler of the year. Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... AWARDS CONTINUE!!! Commercials In-studio: Nelson first had two major announcements concerning the AWA: * Name change: AWA on ESPN would become AWA SLAM! Wrestling on the first show of '91 * Highlights and interviews from Christmas Chaos Nelson: It's now time to announce the winner of the feud of the year. There was lots of great action in the AWA this year with memorable feuds. But this feud took the top prize for 1991. And the winner is... The Trooper vs. The Masked Mystery Man! The masked man was revealed to be Bobby Jaggers after he lost a hair vs. mask match at Super Clash 5. VIDEO: Jaggers was standing in street clothes with a mic in one hand and a plaque in the other in front of the AWA logo. Jaggers: Have to admit this is a really nice plaque. Wonder how much I can get for it at the pawn shop? Trooper, you did force me to unmask at Super Clash 5 when you beat me in our match. But, 1990 was the year I enjoyed making your life miserable. I cost you some big matches during that time and got into your head. You mistreated me when you were an active cop and I decided to mess with you. For the most part, the psychological games worked. It affected your ability to wrestle because you never knew when I was coming to cause mayhem and screw with your match. I may have lost the mask. But, I put you through hell for most of 1990. And guess what, badge boy? I ain't done with you yet! Pic flipped and The Trooper, in his police attire, including his police hat and sunglasses, was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in one hand and a plaque in the other. Trooper: First off, let me say that it's an honor to win the award for feud of the year. Bobby Jaggers, you caused me a lot of problems when you attacked me and played mind games with me when you were wearing that mask. You say I mistreated one night when I was active in policing. Well, I know I did nothing of the sort. I was not a rogue cop. I did things by the book. I would never have taken the law into my own hands to mistreat you or anyone else. I respect the badge too much. You're talking out of your backside. But, I was finally able to reveal your true identity in our hair vs. mask match at Super Clash 5! Now, everyone knows who you are and you're a troublemaker! And I'll fight you again anytime and anywhere! But. this award means a lot to me and I am happy justice was finally served at Super Clash 5! END VIDEO Nelson: Strong words from both The Trooper and Bobby Jaggers. You have to wonder what twists and turns their matter might take as we head into 1991. Jaggers seems to refuse to let the matter go. Now, it's time announce the award for wrestler of the year. The voting was close in every category. But, this award vote was the closest of them all. By a razor thin margin, the man who edged out Greg Valentine to win the wrestler of the year award is... 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel! VIDEO: Shot of Wahoo once again standing in front of the AWA logo with a mic in one hand and plaque in the other. Wahoo: Wow! Wrestler of the year. I am humbled beyond belief at this award. There were a few wrestlers who could be standing here in front of you holding this plaque. It's an honor to be regarded so highly. This is a sport with a lot of great talent in it. And to be included in the conversation with the best of the best, especially at this stage of my career, is quite gratifying. A wrestler needs to carry himself with honor and integrity through the highs and lows of this sport. I am thankful that people think enough of me as being a wrestler who embodies the good qualities of professional wrestling. I look forward to continuing the fight for good as we head into 1991. Thank you. END VIDEO Nelson: In a sport with a lot of bravado and tough talk, it's nice to hear the humbleness and humiliy from Wahoo. He's had a great career and is still going strong to this day. Congratulations, 'Chief'. When we come back, the match of the year is revealed and we will show it to you when we return. You won't want to miss it. Stay tuned. Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... MATCH OF THE YEAR!!! Commercials In-studio: Neslon: We have come to our last award for the 1990 AWA year end awards. There were a lot of of very good matches in the AWA this year. But one of them truly stood out. The 1990 AWA match of the year is... from Super Clash 5... it's the Falls Count Anywhere match between Jerry Lawler and Cactus Jack. Before we get to the match, let's hear from the two award-winning participants in the match. VIDEO: Shot of Jerry Lawler standing in front of the AWA logo in street clothes with mic in one hand and plaque in the other. Jerry: I do want to thank the wrestling writers who voted for this match as the best in the AWA for 1990. That is quite an accomplishment as I know this match was up against stiff competition. The match between Cactus Jack and myself at Super Clash 5 may have been the most brutal in my career. I felt the effects of the match for several weeks. I was in great pain. It was hard to sleep. I had to go to the hospital and have them look at my injuries I suffered from wrestling that madman. It was one of the hardest matches of my career. Jack may be the most unpredictable wrestler I have ever faced in all my years in this sport. But, his unpredictability is what makes him so dangerous. And I have to give a tip of the hat to Crazy Cactus because he fought me blow-for-blow. It's freakish how much punishment this guy can inflict, not only on his opponent, but also himself. The guy likes suffering pain to an unnatural degree. It's spooky. It was quite the battle and while I won the match, which of us really won in the long haul? The long-term damage from the match really won't be known until a few years down the road. I'm sure Cactus and I will one day cross paths again. May god help us all when that happens. Pic flipped and Jack was standing in front of the AWA logo in street clothes. He was holding the plaque but no mic. Jack looked down at the plaque he was holding with both hands. Jack then looked at the camera. Jack then angrily raised the plaque above his head and smashed it onto the hard, unforgiving concrete. Jack looked at the camera with a sinister look in his eyes, turned and walked off the set. Nelson: Cactus Jack is probably the scariest man I've ever met in professional wrestling and that's really saying something. This is our 1990 AWA match of the year... Falls Count Anywhere: Jerry Lawler vs. Cactus Jack from Super Clash 5. Viewer discretion is highly advised for this match. VIDEO: FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE: Cactus Jack vs. Jerry Lawler # Cactus Jack came down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had his fans. Crowd popped as Jerry Lawler came charging out of the back down the heel aisle and clubbed Jack with a running forearm smash to the back. Crowd roaring. Jack crashed to the floor. Ref called for the bell to start the match and went to the floor. Lawler snapped Jack up and slammed Jack's head into the top of the entrance aisle barricade. Lawler grabbed Jack around the waist and rammed Jack back-first into the steel barricade. Lawler grabbed Jack by the hair and slammed Jack's head into the ring steps. Jack staggered off. Lawler came up behind Jack and spun Jack around and fired away on Jack with his famous punches. Lawler gabbed the stunned Jack and threw him in the ring. Lawler came in the ring and hit Jack with more punches and slammed Jack's head into the top buckle 10 straight times as the crowd counted along. Lawler pulled Jack out of the corner, whipped Jack into the ropes and blasted Jack coming off with a big right cross. Jack spun around and crashed to the mat. Lawler picked up Jack and bodyslammed the mad man. Lawler went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a leg drop but Jack rolled out of the way and Lawler crashed to the mat. Both men down. Jack made it to his feet and stomped Lawler and then choked Lawler in front of the ref. Jack broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Jack snapped Lawler up and whipped Lawler into the corner. Jack moved in and bit Lawler's forehead and broke the move at the count of 4. Jack repeated the move. Jack kicked Lawler in the gut and them pounded Lawler across the back. Jack whipped Lawler into the ropes and caught Lawler coming off with a clothesline. Lawler crashed to the mat. Jack dragged Lawler over and placed Lawler's head and shoulders hanging out over the bottom rope. Jack out on the apron hit the guillotine leg drop. Lawler rolled back in the ring holding the back of his neck. Jack in and rolled Lawler over and went for the pin. 1...2...thr... Lawler kicked out. Jack snapped Lawler up and threw Lawler through the top and middle rope down to the floor. Jack and the ref left the ring for the floor. Jack snapped up the hurting Lawler and walked Lawler over to the timekeeper's table and slammed Lawler's head into the bell. Lawler crumpled back to the floor. Ref had words with Jack. Jack pulled Lawler up and Lawler was bleeding. Jack whipped Lawler into the ring post and Lawler hit the post and stumbled forward and went down. Jack waited for Lawler to get up. Lawler up bent over and Jack charged over and caught Lawler with a sunset flip on the floor. Pedicino: Cactus Jack is completely insane! Jack for the pin on the floor. 1...2...thr... Lawler kicked out. Both men on the floor. Jack up before Lawler and caught Lawler with a kick to the side of the ribs. Jack picked up Lawler and hit Lawler with a side breaker across the knee. Lawler laid out on the floor. Jack mounted the apron and came off with his running elbow smash to the floor but Lawler rolled out of the way and Jack crashed to the floor. Both men down. Crowd into it. Lawler covered Jack on the floor. 1...2...thr... Jack kicked out. Crowd buzzing. Both men slowly to their feet. Jack went to kick Lawler but Lawler grabbed Jack's foot, Lawler popped Jack with punches, released Jack's leg and threw Jack towards the ring steps. Jack hit the steps and bounced over them and crashed to the floor. Jack up and Lawler grabbed Jack by the back of the hair and rammed Jack's head into the ring post. Jack went down on the floor as Lawler fell against the ring apron from feeling the effects of the match. Jack to his knees and bleeding. Lawler moved in on Jack and Jack caught Lawler with gut punches. Lawler stumbled back Jack up and moved in and hit Lawler with a headbutt. Lawler fell back against the ringside barricade. Jack backed up and charged at Lawler and went to clothesline Lawler over the barricade but Lawler moved and Jack sent himself hurtling over the barricade and crashing to the floor. Fans loving it. Lawler and the ref climbed over the barricade. Lawler grabbed Jack and slammed Jack's head into the floor. Lawler snapped Jack up and walked him by the hair over towards the permanent seats. Lawler slammed Jack into the hockey wall. Jack stumbled off and Lawler moved in with more punches. Jack started walking up the stairs as Lawler followed. Lawler caught Jack and the two engaged in a deliberate punch exchange and Lawler got the advantage and reared back and blasted Cactus with a right cross that sent Jack toppling down the stairs as the fans went wild. Lawler grabbed Cactus and Cactus elbowed Lawler in the ribs. Jack clubbed Lawler across the back and Lawler stumbled forward towards a row of ringside seats and Jack followed. Jack laid into Lawler with punches as Lawler backed into the row of seats, Lawler then fought back and another punch exchange began as fans moved out of the way. The two fought out the other side of the row. Jack caught Lawler with an eye poke and threw Lawler over the ringside barricade into the ringside area. Jack and the ref climbed over the barricade. Lawler up and Jack charged at Lawler on the floor and Lawler backdropped Jack on the unforgiving concrete. Jack down and hurting. Lawler gathering himself. Jack to his knees and Lawler booted Jack in the face. Jack went over. Lawler for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Jack kicked out. Lawler grabbed Jack and threw Jack back into the ring. Lawler caught Jack with a gut kick and went to piledrive Lawler but Jack twice blocked the move and backdropped Lawler to the mat. Jack fell to his knees and Lawler was down on his back. Both men up and Jack hit Lawler with a running high knee. Lawler snapped back and crashed to the mat. Jack snapped up Lawler and hit Lawler with a stump puller piledriver. Jack for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Lawler kicked out. Crowd popped big time. Both men laying in the ring. Jack and Lawler slowly up. Lawler bent over. Jack kicked Lawler in the side of the head and Lawler fell against the ropes. Jack moved in and started biting Lawler but released the hold at the count of 4. Jack went to whip Lawler into the ropes but Lawler reversed and caught Jack coming off with a high backdrop. Jack slammed to the mat. Lawler stomped on Jack, picked Jack up and bodyslammed Jack. Lawler went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a fist drop to the head that connected. Lawler for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Jack kicked out. Most of the crowd groaned Lawler popped the downed Jack with head shots, snapped Jack up and whipped Jack into the corner. Lawler moved in, punched Jack and then repaid Jack by biting Jack's bloody forehead. Crowd losing it. Lawler broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Lawler grabbed Jack and pulled Jack out of the corner. Lawler whipped Jack into the ropes and looked to catch Jack coming off with a backdrop but Jack caught Lawler and hit Lawler with a swinging neckbreaker. Lawler down and hurting. Jack climbed out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Lawler got to his feet. Jack came off the top buckle with his cannonball move but Lawler fell out of the way and Jack crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men stirred as the count grew and both men made it to their feet. Lawler caught Jack with a kick to the gut and then hoisted Jack up and blasted Jack with his piledriver finisher. Lawler for the cover. 1...2...3! Crowd exploded as the ref called for the bell. Lawler laid across Jack for a moment before rolling off Jack onto his side. Lawler had blood on his face, chest and powder blue tights. Jack also a bloody mess. Lawler slowly to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory to more cheering. Lawler exhausted and battered. Lawler quickly regained his bearings in the ring before leaving and heading back up the face aisle to more cheering. WINNER: Lawler - Pinfall - 16:38 END PROGRAM (Even though nothing was taped in an arena for the fourth taping of the current taping set, I am still posting the dark matches and attendance for the Vegas tapings here.) DARK MATCHES AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH - NO DQ/ANYTHING GOES!: Wahoo McDaniel (WC)* def. Cactus Jack via pinfall after wresting a chair away from Jack that Jack had brought in the ring and smashing Jack over the head with it - 14:47 - Both men bled lots AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Bill Jack Haynes & Scott Norton (WTTC) def. The Destruction Crew when Scott Norton pinned Mike Enos with a victory roll when Enos had Norton on his shoulders for the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device) when Norton caught Enos in the victory roll as Bloom came off the top rope with a clotheline try and missed - 13:01 6-MAN TAG: Barry Windham, Nikita Koloff & The Trooper def. Greg Valentine (PWHC), Bob Orton & Jonnie Stewart when Trooper pinned Valentine after a flying shoulder tackle - 17:32 (* These matches occured at tapings that took place before Christmas Chaos.) PAID ATTENDANCE: 3,682 COMPS GIVENT OUT: 763 COMPS USED: 391 TOTAL ATTENDANCE: 4,073 (Great turnout driven by hardcore fans knowing the World Title match would contain lots of violence and blood. Also, the huge upping of the number of comps being given out to hotel guests and casino patrons and more than half of those comps being used was also a major factor in the rise in crowd attendance.)
  2. AWA ALL-STAR WRESTLING SYNDICATED SHOW - QUANDT FIELDHOUSE - STEVENS POINT, WI - DEC. 1990 ANNOUNCERS: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Eric Bischoff (# Aired on a previous AWA program.) (3rd Taping) Show was taped before Christmas Chaos. In-studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program: FOUR AWA VS. USWA MATCHES TV MAIN EVENT: Jonnie Stewart vs. Jeff Jarrett (USWA) Cactus Jack vs. Tom Zenk 2 major announcements about the AWA 'Big' Reggie Bennett vs. Miss Texas (USWA) Rip Oliver vs. 'Nightmare' Danny Davis (USWA) And more! Nelson talked about what a great event Christmas Chaos was and they'd have highlights and interviews in the coming weeks. Nelson sent it to the ring in Duluth. Nikita Koloff vs. Billy Joe Travis (USWA) Travis came to the ring down the heel aisle to modest boos. Koloff came down the face aisle to a strong ovation. Travis jumped Nikita from behind and pounded away on the Russian star. Ref called for the bell. Travis held serve early in the short match before Nikita fought his way back into the match. End of the match saw Travis on the offensive. Travis worked over Nikita and then hit Nikita with a sidebreaker across the knee. Travis mounted the middle buckle facing the crowd and came off with a slingshot splash but Nikita got his knees up and Travis crashed into them. Travis down. Nikita up, backed up and assumed the position. Travis up and Nikita charged in and blasted Travis with his Russian sickle finisher as the crowd popped. Nikita for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd cheered. Nikita up and the ref raised his hand in victory. WINNER: Nikita - Pinfall - 3:17 Pic aired of 'Big' Reggie Bennett with the caption: NEXT... MISS REGGIE!!! Commercials USWA VS. AWA: 'Big' Reggie Bennett vs. Miss Texas Miss Texas (Jacqueline in WWF) came down the heel aisle to modest boos. Bennett came down the face aisle to a strong ovation. Miss Texas got in some strong offense on big Reg but Reg took the blows and dished out some punishment to Miss Texas. End of the match saw Bennett take control and whip Miss Texas into the ropes and catch and steamroll Miss Texas. Miss Texas crashed to the mat. Reg turned her over and locked Miss Texas in her split-leg rear chinlock finisher. Texas was in the hold only briefly before submitting. Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered. Bennett up and the ref raised her hand in victory, WINNER: Bennett - Pinfall - 3:25 Split-screen pic aired of Cactus Jack and Tom Zenk with the caption: NEXT... MUSCLE VS. MAYHEM!!! Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic matches for non-house show cities Cactus Jack vs, Tom Zenk Zenk came down the face aisle to a decent response. Jack came to the ring down the heel aisle to mainly boos but also had his fans. Typical wild Jack match but Zenk largely gave as well as he got and almost pulled off the victory. Jack did his trademark spots of the running elbow off the apron to the floor on a prone opponent; the running clothesline that sent both men over the top rope to the floor; the discuss clothesline, biting, etc. End of the match saw Zenk gain the upper hand. Zenk whipped Jack into the ropes and caught Jack coming off with a powerslam. Zenk went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle for his missle dropkick finisher. Jack up and Zenk came off with the move but Jack moved and Zenk crashed to the mat. Jack snatched up Zenk and bodyslammed him. Jack went to the corner and mounted the middle buckle and came off with a leg drop. Zenk got to his feet and stumbled forward and Jack hit the ropes behind Zenk and came off and nailed Zenk with a running bulldog. (Different from the tradtional bulldog. Wrestler grabs the back of the hair and drives the opponent's face into the mat). Jack covered Zenk. 1...2... Jack pulled Zenk up by the hair. Ref reprimanded Jack. Jack snapped up Zenk and nailed Zenk with his double underhook DDT finisher. Jack for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as some fans booedl. Jack up and the ref raised his hand in victory. WINNER: Jack - Pinfall - 5:08 In-studio: Nelson again talked about Christmas Chaos and said highlights and interviews from the event would be airing in the coming weeks. Split-screen pic aired of Rip Oliver and Danny Davis with the caption: NEXT... CRIPPLER VS. NIGHTMARE!!! Commercials USWA VA. AWA: Rip Oliver vs. Danny Davis* Davis came down the face aisle to a modest crowd reaction. Oliver came down the heel aisle to strong boos. Oliver took the house mic. Rip: I was told this is a USWA vs. AWA match-up. Hardly. I represent the Pacific Northwest. Let's make that clear. Crowd booed. Rip: Danny Davis. Son. Prepare to get your Memphis ass whooped by a son of the great Northwest. More boos. Davis walked over and ripped he mic out of Oliver's hand to cheers. Davis: Rip Oliver! A lot of these fans don't know who I am here! But, after tonight they're gonna know who I am! And you're definitely gonna know who I am by the time this match is finished! Ring the bell! Crowd popped for Davis. Ref called for the bell. Davis moved in and blistered Rip with punches and then whipped Rip into the corner. Davis charged in and hit Rip with a splash. Davis whipped Rip into the opposite buckles and nailed Rip with another splash. Rip staggered out of the corner, spun around and crashed to his back on the mat. Davis for the quick cover. 1..2... Rip kicked out. Davis snapped Rip up, whipped Rip into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a high dropkick. Rip crashed back to the mat. Rip to all fours and crawled over and tried to crawl out of the ring but Davis grabbed Rip by the back of the tights, pulled Rip to his feet and nailed Rip with an atomic drop. Rip bounced off Davis' knee and toppled through the top and middle rope and crashed to the floor. Crowd taking to Davis. Ref went over and ordered Davis back. Ref counting. Rip started getting to his feet on the floor and Davis mounted the top buckle and came off with a double sledge to the top of the head. Rip on stagger street. Davis went to whip Rip into the post but Rip reversed and sent Davis crashing shoulder-first into the post. Davis stumbled forward and went down. Davis to his hands and knees on the floor and Rip came up behind Davis, pulled Davis to his knees and popped Davis in the side of the head with punches. Rip quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Davis up and Rip caught Davis with a kick to the gut and threw Davis into the steel ringside barricade. Davis crumpled to the floor. Ref counting. Rip went over, grabbed the top of the barricade and choked Davis out briefly with his boot. Rip quickly repeated the move. Rip once again quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Davis getting up facing the crowd. Rip grabbed Davis and slammed Davis' chest three times on top of the barricade. Ref counting. Rip grabbed Davis and walked Davis over and slammed Davis' head into the top of one of the TV monitors on the announcer's table. Davis crumpled back to the floor. Rip climbed back in the ring and broke the count and started to strut around briefly as the crowd booed. Rip climbed out on the apron. Davis up facing away from Rip and Davis bleeding. Davis turned and Rip jumped off the apron with a double sledge to the head attempt but Davis moved and shoved Rip and Rip slammed front-first into the ringside barricade. Crowd into it and loving the fight in Davis. Davis shook out the effects of Rip's assault. Rip separated himself from the barricade and turned and walked into a punch barrage from Davis. Davis grabbed Rip and threw Rip against the ringside barricade. Ref counting. Davis backed up and charged in on Rip and nailed Rip with another splash against the barricade. Crowd now going wild. Davis then grabbed Rip and slammed Rip's head into the ring post. Rip stumbled forward and crashed to the floor. Davis quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Davis looked out at the crown and yelled: Yeah! to more cheering. Davis snapped Rip up. Rip now bleeding. Davis threw Rip back into the ring. Davis climbed on the apron and and mounted the top buckle. Rip up and turned and Davis came off with a flying bodypress that connected. Davis for the pin. 1...2...thr... Rip kicked out. Crowd groaned. Davis grabbed Rip and slammed Rip's head repeatedly into the top buckle. Davis pounded Rip in the back and turned Rip around in the corner. Davis whipped Rip into the opposite buckles. Davis charged in and went to hit Rip with another splash but this time Rip moved and Davis slammed into the top buckle and fell over the top and crashed to the floor, Rip fell on his ass in the ring. Ref counting. Crockett: Davis went to the well once too often with the splash. Oliver to his feet in the ring. Davis made it to his feet on the floor and Oliver broke the count and stepped out on the apron and stomped Davis in the head three times. Davis crumpled to his hands and knees. Rip dropped to the floor and laid a football kick into the side of Davis' ribs. Rip snapped Davis up and slammed Davis' head three times into the ring apron. Davis down to a knee. Ref counting. Rip hit Davis with a couple of head shots and threw Davis back into the ring. Rip followed Davis in as Davis was getting up. Davis to his knees and Rip caught Davis with a couple of more head shots and then started biting Davis' bloody forehead. Rip broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Rip snapped Davis up and nailed Davis with a bodyslam. Rip mounted the middle buckle and came off with a knee drop to the chest but Davis rolled out of the way and Rip crashed knee-first into the mat. Crowd cheered. Both men down. Ref started the count. Both men to their knees and started exchanging blows. The men rose to their feet still socking one another and Rip gained the upper hand and went to whip Davis into the corner but Davis reversed and sent Rip crashing into the corner. Davis charged in and popped Rip with a dropkick in the corner. Rip staggered out of the corner. Davis charged up behind Rip and dropped Rip with a running clothesline to the back of the neck. Rip crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Davis snapped Rip up and went to whip Rip into the buckles but Rip reversed and sent Davis into the buckles and Davis jumped up on the middle buckle facing the crowd and came off and stunned Rip with a twisting crossbody for the pin. 1...2...thr... Rip kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men up and Davis caught Rip in a small package for the pin. 1...2...thr... Rip kicked out again. More crowd groaning than in a brothel. Both men up and Rip stunned Davis with a knee that looked a little below the belt. Ref had words for Rip. Rip whipped Davis into the ropes and caught Davis coming off with his spinebuster finisher for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed. Rip up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Davis in the ring laying on his side holding his nuts. Rip left the ring and Eric Bischoff approached him. Eric: Rip Oliver. It looked like you hit Danny Davis with a low-blow before you hit the spinebuster to pin him... Rip: This is a sport for men! If you can't take it then you should quit! Look at Danny Davis in there! He'll be singing sopranoo with his fellow Southern rubes in the church choir now! I won! Case closed! Rip started to walk away and turned quickly back to Bischoff. Rip: This was another victory for the Pacific Northwest! More boos from the crowd as Rip walked off. Shot of Davis sitting up in the ring. WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - 10:14 (* Not the Danny Davis of WWF fame.) Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... 2 BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS!!! Word then changed on the screen: ALSO... THE MAIN EVENT!!! Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic matches for non-house show cities In-studio: Said in January of '91, AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN would be no more. The AWA wasn't going anywhere, but the ESPN show in the new year would now be called AWA SLAM! Wrestling. Also said that next week's show on ESPN would feature the annual AWA Year End Awards. Then sent it back to Stevens Point. TV MAIN EVENT - USWA VS. AWA: Jonnie Stewart vs. Jeff Jarrett Jarrett came down the face aisle to a decent ovation has fans remembered his other spirited performance on AWA programming. Stewart made his way down the heel aisle to strong boos. Ref called for the bell. The two men came out of their corners and circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-tie-up. After a brief struggle, Stewart caught Jarrett in a side headlock. Stewart briefly worked over the hold before Jarret shoved Stewart off into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a shoulder tackle. Stewart crashed to the mat. Stewart up and the men circled each other once again and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and Jarrett drove Stewart next to the ropes to force a break. Break was clean. The two men circled one another again and Stewart caught Jarrett in a side headlock with his left arm and popped Jarrrett in the head with punches with his right fist. Stewart whipped Jarrett into the buckles. Stewart charged in and went for a running back elbow mash but Jarrett moved and Stewart slammed into the buckles. Stewart staggered out of the corner and Jarrett nailed Stewart with three straight snap suplexes, going for a pin after the third suplex. 1...2... Stewart kicked out. Jarrett snapped Stewart up and went to whip Stewart into the ropes but Stewart reversed and went to catch Jarrett coming off with a clothesline but Jarrett ducked the move and came back with a flying crossbody for the pin. Stewart kicked out of Jarrett's pin try before a count could start. Jarrett snapped Stewart up and whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a high backdrop. Stewart crashed to the mat. Jarrett caught Stewart in a front facelock as Stewart was getting up. Stewart up locked in the hold. Stewart drove Jarrett hard, back-first into the corner and freed himself from the hold. Stewart with a series of elbow strikes to the side of Jarrett's head. Jarrett limp in the corner. Stewart pulled Jarrett out of the corner and bodyslammed Jeff. Stewart with a knee drop to the head. Stewart for the cover. 1...2... Jarrett kicked out. Stewart up and Jarrett slowly made it to his feet. Stewart with a kick to the gut. Jarrett fell back against the ropes. Stewart grabbed Jarrett, whipped Jarrett into the ropes and caught Jarrett coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Jarrett crashed to the mat. Stewart looked out at the crowd and the crowd booed him. Stewart reached down and started pulling Jarrett to his feet when Jarrett hit Stewart with a series of gut shots. Jarrett whipped Stewart into the ropes and looked to catch Stewart coming off with a dropkick but Stewart grabbed the top rope and held on and Jarrett crashed to the mat. Jarrett down. Stewart pointed to his head showing people how smart he was. Fans not impressed. Jarrett started getting up and Stewart kneed Jarrett in the side of the head and Jarrett toppled over. Stewart snapped Jarret up and suplexed Jarrett. Stewart went for a jumping elbow smash but Jarrett rolled out of the way and Stewart crashed to the mat. Fans cheered. Both men to their feet and Jarret went to kick Stewart but Stewart grabbed Jarrett's leg and Jarrett countered with an enzuigiri. Stewart crashed face-first to the mat as the fans cheered. Jarrett snapped Stewart up, whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a dropkick. Stewart crashed back to the mat. Jarrett grabbed Stewart and whipped Stewart into the corner. Jarrett moved in and worked Stewart over with a series of knees to the gut. Stewart stumbled out of the corner holding his gut and Jarrett nailed Stewart with a dropkick to the back. Stewart slammed front-first into the buckles and stumbled baackwards out of the corner and crashed to his back on the mat. Jarrett circled around behind Stewart as Stewart got to his feet. Stewart up and Jarrett locked Stewart in the sleeper. Crowd still cheered for that spot back in '90. Stewart trying to escape the hold. Stewart started to weaken in the hold. Reynolds: Could we see the upset here by young Jarrett over the cocky veteran Stewart? Stewart was able to, while locked in the hold back Jarrett hard into the buckles. Jarrett lost his grip on the hold. Stewart quickly regained his bearings and hit Jarrett with a series of lefts and whipped Jarrett into the opposite buckles and charged in and nailed Jarrett with a running back elbow smash to the chest. Stewart pulled Jarrett out of the corner, whipped Jarrett into the ropes and caught Jarrett coming off with a flying knee to the gut. Jarrett crashed to the mat. Stewart rolled Jarrett up for the pin while grabbing a handful of tights. 1...2...3! NO! Jarrett kicked out. Fans popped. Stewart up as Jarrett was getting up and nailed Jarrett with a knee left to the chest. Jarret crashed back to the mat. Stewart put the boots to Jarret and yelled for Jarrett to get up. Jarrett to his feet. Stewart whipped Jarrett into the ropes and looked to catch Jarret coming off with a back elbow but Jarrett ducked the move and came back and slammed wildly into Stewart and both men went down. Ref counting. Both men to their feet and Jarrett nailed Stewart with a gut kick and a swinging neckbreaker. Jarrett for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Stewart got his foot on the bottom rope. Crowd groaned. Jarrett, still feeling the effects of the collision, was slow in making it to his feet. Jarrett grabbed Stewart as Stewart was getting up. Jarrett went to whip Stewart into the ropes but Stewart reversed and caught Jarrett and nailed Jarrett with a hot shot across the top rope. Jarrett snapped back and crashed to the mat. Stewart up and stomped Jarrett and the bodyslammed Jarrett. Stewart made it out onto the apron and briefly grabbed his neck from the effects of the neckbreaker. Stewart climbed to the top rope and came off with his big elbow smash to the chest finisher. Stewart for the pin and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed. Stewart slowly, painfully to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory. Crockett: Jarrett may have lost, Jack. But, you can see this kid has major potential to be a star in this sport. WINNER: Stewart - Pinfall - 9:12 END PROGRAM (* In the story, since Jerry Jarrett is one of the owners of AWA, this sets up a match between Oliver and Davis in Memphis in which Davis goes over. The match that aired on this program would play on Memphis TV and Oliver would make a studio appearance or two to set up their re-match in Memphis at the Mid-South Coliseum. The Memphis match would not be acknowledged on AWA TV. Part of the deal, if long-time readers remember that far back, for getting Jarrett to buy into the AWA for a small percentage, was to allow some of his USWA Memphis talent to appear on AWA programming and have some AWA regulars appear on his programming.)
  3. AWA WRESTLING ON ESPN - SHOWBOAT SPORTS PAVILION - LAS VEGAS, NV - DECEMBER 1990 Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson (# Aired on a previous AWA program. Also now highlighted in bold.) (3rd Taping) Show Intro This show was taped before Christmas Chaos. In-studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers. Nelson then ran down the program. TV MAIN EVENT: Tully Blanchard vs. Sam Houston (w/ Coach Murdoch) Jerry Blackwell vs. Manny Fernandez A major announcement concerning the AWA starting in '91 Bob Orton vs. Jake Milliman A major announcement about next week's show Tina Moretti vs. Peggy Lee Leather And more! Nelson then talked about what a great show Christmas Chaos was and they'd have match highlights and post-match interviews with some of the participants in the event in the coming weeks. Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas. The Grappler (w/ Rip Oliver) vs. Ricky Rice of the Top Guns (w/ Derrick Dukes) Grappler came to the ring down the heel aisle with Rip Oliver to pretty strong boos. Rice and Dukes came down the face aisle to a modest ovation. Grappler dominated much of the first half of the match before Rice fought his way back into the affair. Some exciting back-and-forth. End of the match saw Rice on the offensive. Rice worked Grappler over and went to whip Grappler into the ropes but Grappler reversed and looked to catch Rice coming off with a clothesline but Rice ducked the move and came back and hit Grappler with a flying bodypress but Grappler caught Rice and turned it into a spinning powerslam. Grappler backed up and tapped the toe of his boot into the mat three times. Rice up and Grappler moved in and nailed Rice with a kick to the gut. Rice crumpled to the mat. Grappler covered Rice. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed. Grappler up and ref raised his hand in victory. Dukes climbed in the ring to check on his partner and Oliver climbed in and beat the crap out of Dukes and threw Dukes over the top rope out of the ring. Grappler got one last stomp in on Rice and then Rip and Grap left the ring and dropped to the floor. Nelson came over the Northwest pair. Grappler: The Old Man in Portland is liking what he sees from us here in the AWA. He told us to keep up the good work. You people who still don't know why we're here well... you'll know what's going on when we decide to let you know! Crowd booed. Oliver: This was another victory for the Pacific Northwest over the AWA. The fact is we're Northwest tough. And you AWA clowns just aren't manly like we are. The Top Guns just got grounded. More boos. WINNER: Grappler - Pinfall - 4:23 Pic aired of Tina Moretti with the caption: NEXT... TINA VS. LEATHER!!! Commercials Tina Moretti vs. Peggy Lee Leather Leather came down the heel aisle to modest boos. Moretti came down the face aisle to a good ovation. The veteran Leather gave Moretti a fight throughout the match and took a couple of shortcuts to gain the advantage. Leather almost pulled off the upset. End of the match saw Moretti on the offensive. She worked over Leather and went to whip Leather into the buckles but Leather reversed and sent Tina crashing into them. Leather moved in and hit Moretti with a running clothesline. Leather pounded away on Moretti. Leather pulled Moretti out of the corner and whipped Tina into the ropes and went to backdrop Tina but Tina leapfrogged Leather. Leather spun aroound and Moretti hit Leather with a series of forearms to the chest. Moretti whipped Leather into the ropes and caught Leather coming off with a clothesline. Leather crashed to the mat and Moretti snapped her up and nailed Leather with her Samoan piledriver finisher. Moretti for the cover. 1...2...3! Crowd popped as the ref called for the bell. Moretti up and the ref raised her hand in victory. Moretie left the ring and slapped hands with fans at ringside and as she made her way back up the face aisle. WINNER: Moretti - Pinfall - 5:36 Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... COWBOY VS. 2%! Commercials Bob Orton vs. Jake Milliman Milliman came down the face aisle to a decent crowd response but the momentum he had early in the year was clearly waning. Jake climbed in the ring, tore off his '2% Forever' t-shirt and threw it into the crowd. Orton came down the heel aisle to fairly strong boos. Orton dominated the match. End of the match saw Orton still on the offensive. Jake got very little O in. Orton battered Milliman with punches and whipped Jake into the corner. Orton charged in and Jake got a foot up and Orton slammed face-first into it. Orton staggered back. Jake came out of the corner on fire with a barrage of punches. Jake whipped the stunned Orton into the ropes and caught Orton coming off with a powerslam. Crowd popped as Jake signaled it was time for the Pasteurizer (flying leg drop). Jake ran and hit the ropes and came off with his finisher that connected. Jake for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Orton kicked out. Crowd groaned. Jake disappointed. Jake snapped Bob up and went to whip Bob into the buckles but Orton reversed and sent Jake crashing into them. Jake bounced out and Orton caught Jake wwith a boot to the gut that doubled Jake over. Orton hoisted Jake up and blasted Jake with a piledriver. Orton for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd half-assed booed. Orton up and the ref raised his hand in victory. WINNER: Orton - Pinfall - 4:49 In-studio: Nelson talked about Orton kicking out of the Pasteurizer and coming back to score the win over Milliman. Nelson talked about Christmas Chaos and what an exciting show it was and that they will be airing match highlights and interviews with some of the wrestlers who participated in the event. Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... 2 BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS!!! Pic flipped and showed a split-screen shot of Blackwell and Manny with the caption: ALSO... JERRY VS. MANNY!!! Commercials In-studio: Said in January of '91, AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN would be no more. The AWA wasn't going anywhere, but would have a new name in the new year. The ESPN show would now be called AWA SLAM! Wrestling. Also said that next week's show would feature the annual AWA Year End Awards. Nelson then sent it to the ring Vegas. Manny Fernandez vs. Jerry Blackwell Blackwell came down the face aisle to a decent ovation. Manny came down the heel aisle to mainly boos but also had his fans. Good match between two wily vets with lots of back-and-forth action and neither gaining any serious advantage during the bout. End of the match saw Blackwell on the offensive. Blackwell hit Manny with a standing dropkick. Manny crashed to the mat. Manny up and Blackwell popped Manny with a headbutt followed by a bodyslam. Blackwell and ran hit the ropes and came off with his diving splash finisher but Manny got his knees up and Blackwell slammed into them. Blackwell down on the mat. Manny recovered enough to roll Blackwell up for the pin. 1... Manny grabbed the top rope for leverage. ...2....3! Manny quickly took his hand off the top rope as the ref called for the bell. Manny quickly dropped to the floor and the ref reached through the ropes and raised Manny's hand in victory as Blackwell slowly made it to his feet. Manny didn't stick around to see what Blackwell would do and beat a hasty retreat up the heel aisle. WINNER: Manny - Pinfall - 7:07 In-studio: Nelson again put over Christmas Chaos and said that in the coming weeks they would be airing highlights and interviews from the show. Once again hyped next week's AWA year end awards show. PIc aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT! TV MAIN EVENT: Tully Blanchard (w/ Valerie) vs. Sam Houston (w/ Coach Murdoch) Houston and Murdoch came down the face aisle to a decent ovation. Tully and Val came down the heel aisle to strong boos. Announcers pointed out these two fought each other back in their NWA days. Exciting match as Sam put up a helluva fight against Tully. Each man held the advantage for a period of time and there were some exciting near falls and some brief Tully cheating. End of the match saw the two men battling back-and-forth. Tully whipped Sam into the ropes and looked to catch Sam coming off with a backdrop but Sam instead caught Tully with a sunset flip for the pin. 1...2...thr... Tully kicked out. Both men to their feet and Tully swung at Sam and Sam evaded the punch try and came back and fired away on Tully with punches. Sam went to whip Tully into the corner but Tully reversed and sent Sam crashing into the buckles. Tully moved in with a series of knee strikes to the gut followed by a series of elbows to the back of the neck. Tully grabbed Sam and ran Sam down by the ropes and slammed Sam's head into the top buckle. He then ran Sam down and slammed his head on the next top turnbuckle. Tully then repeated the move at the next turnbuckle. Sam leaned against the ropes. Tully peeled Sam off and went to piledrive Sam but Sam twice blocked the move and backdropped Tully to the mat. Tully up and went to grab Sam but caught Tully with a trio of gut punches. Sam to his feet and the assault continued. Sam whipped Tully into the ropes and blasted Tully coming off with a dropkick. Tully spun around and crashed to the mat. Sam grabbed Tully and whipped Tully into the corner. Sam moved in, punched Tully and grabbed Tully in a side headlock and gestured it was time for his bulldog finisher. Crowd cheered. Sam went to bulldog Tully but Tully shoved Sam off and Sam crashed to the mat. Both men to their feet and Tully clubbed Sam over the head with a double sledge. Sam wobbly. Tully whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a kick to the gut. Tully hoisted Sam up and blasted Sam with his slingshot suplex finisher. Tully for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans mainly booed. Tully to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory. Suddenly, Ken Patera, in his ring attire, charged down the heel aisle and attacked Dick Murdoch on the floor. Patera hammered away on Murdoch as Tully stomped away on Sam in the ring. Ref tried to restore order by calling for the bell again but has yet to realize it never works. Patera threw Murdoch in the ring Tully took to stomping away on Dick. Tully snapped up Murdoch and held Murdoch from behind as Ken hammered away on Dick with head and body shots. Dick was limp. Patera tossed Dick to the mat. Tully stomped Sam some more. Tully pointed at the buckles. Patera went and jumped on the middle buckle as Tully grabbed Dick and hoisted him up in the piledriver position. Patera and Tully blasted Dick with a spike piledriver. Dick laid out. Sam recovered and tried to help but Patera dropped him with a vicious clothesline. Crowd popped as Barry Windham and Brad Rheingans, in their ring duds, charged down the face aisle and hit the ring as Tully and Ken bailed to the safety of the floor over by Valerie. Brad kept his eye on Tully and Ken as Barry checked on Dick and Sam as AWA officials made their way down to the ring to keep the peace and check on the two downed men in the squared circled as the program ended. WINNER: Tully - Pinfall - 8:25 END PROGRAM
  4. Hoping to stay afloat. Will still be posting in TEW 2020 for a bit after the new game release. Just based the weight on their billed weights based on internet profiles of them. Can't believe she is still going. But if the Stones can then she can too! Glad I swerved you with Brad! Means I am doing my job! 😃
  5. DECEMBER 14, 1990 THE MEETING AWA HQ - ST. LOUIS PARK, MN All the AWA owners: Deborah Harry, John Waters, Bill Watts, Jim Crockett and Jerry Jarret were assembled in the TV studio where promos were taped at the AWA offices. They were seated around a circular table. After some casual conversation they got down to business. John: I think you know why Deb and I are here. Watts: I'm guessing it's because I put the World Title on DeBeers. John: That's right. We asked you guys not to do that and you went ahead and did it anyway. Watts: I take full responsibility for that. The decision was mine and mine alone. Deb: Can I ask why you made that decision? Watts: I cannot go into detail. But, this will make sense in the next few months. An angle is playing out and it will come full circle soon. Deb: Can you make it play out in a few weeks instead? Watts: Look, I understand your concern... John: I don't think you do. Watts paused for a moment to keep himself from erupting. Watts: Just hear me out. This is all part of a drawn out angle that will have a resolution soon; and by soon I mean a few months. Just let the angle run its course. And, I want to be very clear. Jim and Jerry were opposed to my decision to put the belt on DeBeers. Deb: But you were determined to put the title on him. Why couldn't you just listen to your other wrestling partners on this? Watts: I'm starting to repeat myself. It's all part of an angle that's started. There will be a conclusion to this. It just needs time to breath. John and Deb, you guys like money. We like money. Just let let us handle it. It will be okay. John: Since the title change to DeBeers, I have gotten calls from People Magazine, Variety, Us. Got calls from a couple of papers as well. Hell, even Sports Illustrated contacted me. All of them want to know why DeBeers won the title. I have not returned any of their calls because, quite frankly, I don't know what to tell them. Also, friends of mine have called and asked how I could let this happen. I have no idea what to say to them. I just tell them I'll look into it. Deb: I've received calls, too. Not only from magazines and newspapers but also from some local news stations around the country and CNN. Like John, I did not return any calls. John: I got the CNN call as well. Did not return that call, either. Watts: You're not seeing the upside of all this. Deb: There's an upside? Do tell. Watts: It shows that people are paying attention to the AWA again. We're on the road back to becoming one of the Big 3 in the business. And that means money. Lots and lots of money. John: Jim and Jerry, you've been quiet during all this. What say you? Jerry: Well, I wasn't keen on making the switch to DeBeers. But, I do have to say that the long-term plan laid out by Bill does make sense. We'll see if it's a good business decision very soon. DeBeers is a heat-seeking missle. 99 percent of the fans hate the guy. He's doing his job as a heel. I think we just need to go with it now. Jim: Bill said that it shows we're gaining mainstream attention and that's a good thing. But it can also have a big downside in this case in my opinion. I do trust Bill's judgement on this matter and he has the final say on these issues as the booker. He's laid his plan in full out to me like he did with Jerry. Just run with it to its conclusion. Deb: Can I ask what you intend to do? What is the plan? Watts: Can't divulge that, Deb. There's too much of a risk you might accidentally say something to one of your friends and it destroys the angle. We need to remain tight-lipped about this. Sorry. Waters let out a heavy sigh. John: Well, Deb and I have been talking about selling our ownership stake in the company. Jim: Please, don't do that. We need you guys on board with us. You're the main reason the AWA is on the rise right now. Attendance is up most places. Merchandise is moving and imagine how much more money we'll make when we upgrade the merchandise. All signs point up for us. We are on the verge of a big breakthrough. I can feel it. A couple of more major name signings will shoot us into the stratosphere. We're on a good trajectory at the moment. If you leave... it may all unravel. Deb: It's hard to be associated with this with DeBeers as champion. We're getting heat for it. It might affect our careers. We just do not know. John: I'm worried about possibly losing actors on my next film project. I'm worried about funding. I like Ed* personally. Seems like a great, affable guy. But his persona is one that causes headaches for us because people get so upset with the things he says and does as DeBeers. Watts: I've got an idea. Deb: What, Bill? Watts: We'll have you guys call a press conference to address concerns about DeBeers holding the belt. In the presser, you tell them that you trust your wrestling people and they know what they're doing. Also, don't call Ed by his real name. Call him Col. DeBeers for the sake of kayfabe. John: So, have a press conference and just tell them we trust you three with the wrestling side of things? Watts: That's it in a nutshell. Tell the press that you don't agree with DeBeers as champion but that your wrestling braintrust has a plan moving forward and things will work out in the end. John: Wait. Doesn't telling them you have a plan violate kayfabe. Watts: It does to an extent. But in this case... Jerry: Deb. John. Just have faith in us. We'll get through this. The bad guy always gets his comeuppance in the end. Jerry smiled a comforting Southern smile. Jim: Jerry made a good point. In the end the good guys win. This matter will take care of itself. John: I'm gonna take a wait and see approach to this matter... Watts: You guys do just that. You'll see. Everything will be fine. Deb: But we still might consider selling our majority stake in the company. John: I'm on board with Deb on that. We can't afford to have our careers damaged because of a controversial wrestling gimmick. Jim: Please re-think it you guys. We need you with us in this. Deb: I like you guys. I've learned a lot about the business because of you three gents. We'll see how this situation goes, how it's handled. John: You guys are leading a comeback for what was once the number one wrestling promotion in North America. We want to see it continue and be part of it. But, we've also got to think about our own long-term futures. Jerry: Seems like everything that's needed to be said has been said. Watts: Deb and John, we want to take you guys out to dinner. How does a nice thick, juicy steak sound? Deb: Sounds good. But, we both have flights to catch home in a few hours. Watts: Okay. Next time. The five got up and shook hands Deb and John left the studio and headed out to their rental car. In the studio... Watts: If they opt out we're in big trouble. Jim: You were warned not to put the belt on him. Watts: Oh, shut up, Jim! He has to remain champion until the end of the angle for the sake of consistency. Jerry: We might want to start calling around. See if anyone would be interested in buying us out if they decide to bolt. Watts: They might sell to McMahon. But, I am not backing off this angle. You can't nip it in the bud. It has to play out completely. Sh*t! Jim: I agree with Jerry. We might need a back-up plan ourselves if Deb and John decide to unload their stake. Watts: I know one thing. If they're gonna sell, I'd like one crack at Deb. She's smoking hot for a woman in her mid-40s. The tension broke and the three laughed. Jim: You might have a better chance of scoring with John. More laughter. Jerry: Might have to hire Jim Barnett just to service Waters. The laughter was now raucous. Watts: If I was gay I'd like to think I could do better than John. Jim: Aw, come on, Bill. You know what a pencil mustache does for you. Laughter continued. Watts: Didn't he make that f-ag film Pink Flamingos? Jerry: I think he did. Jim: I think he should be forced to sell his stake in the AWA because of that movie. Laughter continued. Jerry: Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh... Seriously, if they sell then I'm out. Who else but Vince would buy the thing off of us? Jim: I had heard Verne was in talks with some businessman up in Winnipeg, believe his name was Shenkarow or something, about buying the promotion at one point but the deal fell apart for some reason. Watts: Well, we might have look at a guy like Shenkarow as a potential buyer if John and Deb bail out. Jerry: I say we still go out for a nice steak dinner and continue to make fun of John behind his back. The trio laughed. Watts: I'm with you. A rare steak with a baked potato, couple of beers and a nice caesar salad sounds like a winner. Jim: Right with you. Let's go grab a steak. The trio got up and left the studio and headed to dinner. Like in a cartoon, an anvil now hung over the head of the AWA. If they sell the AWA to Barry Shenkarow, then the promotion will become a real-life cartoon. STAY TUNED...
  6. RIGHT ON!!! Glad to see someone doing this from this time period. Good luck and happy writing!
  7. DECEEMBER 11, 1990 MANHATTAN'S UPPER EASTSIDE - NEW YORK JUST MINUTES AFTER CHRISTMAS CHAOS HAD ENDED Deborah Harry's phone rang. Deb picked up on the first ring. Deb: John? John Waters: It is. Please tell me I did not see what I think I just saw. Deb: We just saw it. We begged them not to put the World Title on DeBeers and they went ahead and did it anyway. John: I'm concerned this could cause real problems for us since we're the majority owners and known in show business. Deb: I'm thinking the same thing. My first thought when I saw it was to start looking to sell my stake in the company. I'm worried about a possible backlash. John: Since we took ownership of the company I've had to fend off questions about why we keep a guy like DeBeers around because of his racist gimmick. Deb: I know the race card has been used in wrestling in the past. But, we're moving in a different direction in this country. People could be really upset over this. My god, we also just inked that new deal with ESPN. Could we be in danger of losing that? John: It's worrisome. We need to keep an eye on this matter and see how things play out. If it gets bad enough, we might need to look at selling our percentage in the company. Deb: We need to fly to Minneapolis and have a sit down with Jim, Bill and Jerry. It's the only thing I can think of doing short-term. John: I am with you on that. We should sit down and talk with them and see where they intend to take this thing. See how long they intend to keep the belt on DeBeers. Deb: The promos leading up to the match made me very uneasy. But, I was hoping Wahoo would win so it could take some of the heat off. John: Not gonna happen now. What's done is done. I have to admit that I like Ed* personally. Super nice guy when the cameras are off. But what happened may be a bridge too far. We've got to talk with our wrestling guys about this. A trip to Minneapolis is a good idea so we can have the meeting face-to-face. Deb: My interactions with Ed have been fine. You can tell he's not that guy in real life. However, that doesn't matter. People know him by what he does on TV and in the arena. I've also been told that Watts is a guy who is very stubborn and does what he wants to do. He apparently doesn't play well with others. John: I met a guy a few months back who worked for Watts in Mid-South. He said that Watts is the type of guy that, if you put him in a corporate structure and he had a disagreement with the rest of the people in a meeting, he'd drop his pants, take a dump on the floor and leave to show them who's the boss. Deb: You never told me that before. I'm gonna have a sleepless night now. I'm dreading hearing my phone ring starting tomorrow. It could be people in the media wanting to talk about this. John: They might ask how we as majority owners stand by and allow this to happen. They don't understand that Bill, Jim and Jerry keep a tight lid on the stuff that goes on on the wrestling side of things. They're very tight-lipped with what gets out about what's being done because they're afraid we'll violate their precious kayfabe and let some people know what's happening behind the scenes. Deb: Let's try and book a meeting for this Thursday or Friday. This whole matter really has me on edge. John: Let's talk more tomorrow. I'm very depressed about this situation right now. Deb: Right there with you. Bye, John. John: Bye, Deb. Deb hung up the phone, grabbed a cigarette, lit it and took a long drag off of it and exhaled. Deb: Shit. Would the new era of the AWA be over less than a year after starting? STAY TUNED... (* Ed Wiskoski - real name of Col. DeBeers.)
  8. DARK MATCH The Trooper vs. Ninja Go WINNER: Trooper - Pinfall - Flying Shoulder Tackle - 5:09 PRESENTS CHRISTMAS CHAOS - ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER - ST. PAUL, MN - 12/11/90 LIVE ON ESPN Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson Shot of a small crowd (lots of the seating areas were darkened). Even though a small crowd, the crowd was already buzzing. Special video aired to open the show. Announcers Pedicino and Dundee welcomed viewers and ran down the card: AWA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: Wahoo McDaniel (WC) vs. Col. DeBeers AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton (WTTC) vs. Badd Company $250,000 DOLLAR CHALLENGE: Kokina Maximus vs. Nikita Koloff (If Koloff doesn't slam and defeat Kokina, he must work for Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey for a year! If Koloff accomplishes the feat, he's $250 grand richer!) Tully Blanchard & Ken Patera vs. Brad Rheingans & Barry Windham AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Magnificent Mimi (WC) vs. 'Big' Reggie Bennett Announcers sent it to the ring. Don Muraco vs. Jonnie Stewart (20-minute time-limit) Stewart came to the ring to loud boos from the crowd down the face aisle. Muraco came down the face aisle to a strong crowd response. Ref called for the bell. Stewart charged at Muraco and Muraco grabbed Stewart and dropped Stewart with a gorilla press slam. Stewart up and Muraco charged in and nailed Stewart with a running clothesline. Stewart crashed back to the mat. Stewart up and went to punch Muraco but Muraco blocked the punch try and peppered Stewart with punches. Muraco whipped Stewart into the ropes and Stewart grabbed the top rope and Muraco charged over and pulverized Stewart with a running clothesline that sent Stewart toppling over the top rope and down to the floor as the crowd cheered. Ref ordered Muraco back and started the 10-count. Stewart slow to get to his feet on the floor. Count grew. Stewart quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Crowd booed. Stewart walking around on the floor. Ref again ordered Muraco back and started the 10-count. Stewart pacing around on the floor. Count grew. Stewart climbed up on the ring apron and started to climb back in the ring when Muraco came over and Stewart bailed back to the floor. More boos. Pedicino: Has the spirit of Larry Zbyszko entered this guy? Muraco ignored the ref and bolted the ring and chased Stewart around the ring. Stewart rolled back into the ring and got to his feet as Muraco rolled in. Stewart grabbed the top rope and stomped away on Muraco. Stewart broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Stewart snapped up Muraco, whipped Muraco into the ropes and looked to catch Muraco coming off with a clothesline but Muraco ducked the move and came off with another clothesline on Stewart. Stewart crashed to the mat as the fans cheered. Muraco for the cover. 1...2... Stewart kicked out. Muraco popped Stewart with a head shot, snapped Stewart up and slammed Stewart's head into the top buckle. Stewart turned around in the corner and Muraco nailed Stewart with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Muraco whipped Stewart into the opposite buckles and charged in with a running shoulder block but Stewart moved and Muraco slammed shoulder-first into the post. Stewart quickly regained his bearings as Muraco separated himself from the post. Muraco turned and Stewart raked Muraco's eyes. Ref reprimanded Stewart. Stewart grabbed Muraco in a side headlock and charged into the corner and slammed the top of Muraco's head into the top buckle. Muraco stumbled back. Stewart with a series of lefts to Muraco's jaw. Stewart whipped Muraco into the corner and charged in and nailed Muraco with a running back elbow to the chest. Stewart popped Muraco with a series of elbow strikes to the side of the head. Muraco stumbled out next to the ropes. Stewart hit Muraco with a double sledge to the back followed by a belly-to-back suplex. Stewart up and stomped away on Muraco. Stewart slammed Muraco's head into the mat three times. Stewart snapped up Muraco and nailed Muraco with a bodyslam. Stewart went for a jumping elbow smash but Muraco rolled out of the way and Stewart crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Both men slowly to their feet. Stewart caught Muraco with a kick to the gut and a head shot. Stewart went to suplex Muraco but Muraco twice blocked the suplex try and suplexed Stewart. Crowd cheered. Both men up and Stewart swung at Muraco and missed and Muraco came back with a series of punches that stunned Stewart. Muraco hoisted Stewart across his shoulders and nailed Stewart with a Samoan drop. Muraco for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Stewart got a shoulder up. Muraco snapped up Stewart and whipped Stewart into the buckles. Muraco moved in with a series of knees to the gut. Muraco whipped Stewart into the opposite buckles and charged in and succeeded in nailing Stewart with a running shoulder block to the gut. Stewart dropped to a knee in the corner. Muraco reached down to pull Stewart up and Stewart caught Muraco with a headbutt below the belt, Muraco stumbled back holding his junk. Stewart up and nailed Muraco with punches. Stewart whipped Muraco into the ropes and caught Muraco coming off with his old knee to the gut finisher. Muraco crashed to the mat. Stewart for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Muraco kicked out. Stewart up as Muraco was getting up and caught Muraco in a front facelock. Stewart cinched up on the hold as Muraco tried to escape. Muraco caught Stewart with a series of shots to the side of the ribs to free himself from the hold. Muraco clapped the sides of Stewart's head with his forearms. Stewart's bell rung and he went down. Muraco started to pull Stewart up when Stewart stunned Muraco with a jawbreaker to the top of the head. Muraco snapped back and crashed to the mat. Stewart for the cover. 1....2...thr... Muraco kicked out. Stewart picked up Muraco and bodyslammed Muraco. Stewart went out on the apron and started to mount the top rope when Stewart turned and yelled something at the crowd. Muraco up and went over and grabbed Stewart and slammed Stewart off the top rope (think Ric Flair). Stewart slowly up to his feet and Muraco moved in and nailed Stewart with punches, whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a scoop powerslam. Crowd popped. Muraco signaled it was time for his inverted piledriver finisher. Muraco hoisted Stewart up and nailed Stewart with the inverted piledriver. Crowd cheered. Muraco covered Stewart. 1...2...3! Crowd roared as the ref called for the bell. Muraco up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Muraco left the ring and headed back up the face aisle while slapping hands with fans along the way. WINNER: Muraco - Pinfall - 8:18 Announcers discussed the Muraco victory. Graphic aired on the screen: NEXT... AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH!!! Commercials AWA WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) vs. 'Big' Reggie Bennett Bennett came down the face aisle to a strong ovation. Mimi and Val came down the heel aisle to a potent negative reaction. Shot of AWA President Nick Bockwinkel seated at ringside. Nelson was standing center ring with mic in hand. Nelson: This match is scheduled for one fall with a 15-minute time-limit and is for the AWA Women's World Championship! Crowd cheered. Nelson: Introducing first, the challenger. Weighing in at 227 pounds! She hails from Venice Beach, California... 'Big' Reggie Bennett! Nice pop from the crowd. Nelson: And her opponent. Boos echoing throughout the arena. Nelson: She is managed by Valerie. Weighing in at 133 pounds! From Los Angeles, California... she is the reigning AWA Women's World Champion.... the Magnificent Mimi! Loud boobs. Nelson: Your referee is Marty Miller! Mimi held the title aloft for all to see before the ref took it and also held it up for all to see before handing it off to Larry Nelson. Ref called both women out to the middle of the ring. Val came out with Mimi. Ref laid down the ground rules and patted each lady down before sending them back to their respective corners. Val left for the floor. Ref called for the bell and Mimi immediately left the ring for the floor and walked over to Larry Nelson. Nelson had the mic. Mimi: I see President Bockwinkel is here tonight! I want it made perfectly clear that I am wrestling this match under protest! More boos from the crowd. Mimi climbed back up on the apron and made her way back into the ring. Pedicino: Reggie has an almost 100 pound weight advantage. Mimi's definitely the underdog in this match. Dundee: I love big girls like Reggie! There's more to love! Wow! Pedicino: Would you stop! The pair moved in on each other and started to lock up when Mimi backed away from Reg and Mimi started to run around the ring. Reg went to grab Mimi but Mimi evaded her. Mimi continued running around in the ring and Reg tried to grab her again but Mimi evaded her once more. Mimi kept running around in the ring and Reg lunged at her missed again. Dundee: This is a brilliant strategy on Mimi's part. She's looking to tire out big Reg and make her easier to defeat. Mimi kept running around in the ring and Reg lunged at her again and Mimi stepped out on the apron and yelled for the ref to get Reg back. Ref ordered Reg back and started the 10-count. Mimi climbed back in the ring and Reg gave chase and Mimi climbed out on the apron on the opposite side. Mimi holding the top rope. Mimi laughed at Reg. Reg came over, grabbed the top rope and catapaulted Mimi back into the ring. Mimi crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Reg moved in on Mimi and Mimi quickly scooted into the corner. Mimi tried to call a timeout to no avail. Reg grabbed Mimi's legs and Mimi grabbed the top rope. Reg pulled Mimi's legs and Mimi's body lifted off the ground as she held onto the top rope. Mimi dangling in mid-air. Reg yanked Mimi and Mimi lost her grip on the rope and crashed to the mat. Reg still holding Mimi's legs and catapaulted Mimi across the ring and Mimi slammed face-first into the mat. Mimi tried to crawl out of the ring but Reg reached down and pulled Mimi to her feet. Reg whipped Mimi into the ropes and caught Mimi coming off with a high backdrop. Mimi crashed to the mat. Mimi got to her feet and tried to escape out of the ring once again but Reg grabbed Mimi and shook Mimi like a rag doll and threw Mimi down on the mat. Val concerned at ringside. Pedicino: I think Mimi's met her Waterloo! Dundee: Waterloo? We're not in Iowa. Pedicino: Not Waterloo, Iowa! Water... Oh, never mind! Reg grabbed Mimi by the hair and whipped her across the ring. A stunned Mimi made it to her feet and backed into the corner. Reg moved in and hit Reg with a shoulder block to the gut. Reg whipped Mimi into the opposite buckles. Reg charged in with an avalanche but Miimi moved and Reg slammed front-first into the buckles. Reg leaned against the buckles and Mimi to her feet shaking out the effects of the beating she'd taken. Reg extricated herself from the buckles and turned and Mimi nailed her with a series of leg strikes to the side of the ribs. Mimi then caught Reg with a series of forearms to the chest. Reg turned away from Mimi and Mimi came up behind Reg with a chop block to the back of the knee and Reg crumpled to the mat. Mimi went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Reg slowly got to her feet. Reg turned and Mimi came off with a missle dropkick that connected. Reg crashed to the mat. Mimi for the cover. 1...2...thr... Reg kicked out with such force that Mimi went through the middle and bottom rope and crashed to the floor. Fans cheered. As Reg started recovering in the ring the ref began the 10-count. Val came over and helped Mimi up and had some words for the champ. Mimi climbed back into the ring as Reg got up facing away from Mimi and Mimi jumped on Reg's back and Reg started to thrash around like a wild bull. Reg then backed up with Mimi on her back and drove MImi into the buckles. Reg freed from the hold. Mimi limp in the corner. Reg moved in and clubbed Mimi with forearms to the chest. Reg pulled Mimi out of the corner and bodyslammed the champ. Reg then nailed Mimi with a leg drop. Pedicino: All that weight coming down on Mimi. This has to be it. Reg for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Mimi somehow got a shoulder up. Reg somewhat in disbelief. Reg pulled Mimi up by the hair. Reg hoisted Mimi up for a suplex but Mimi wriggled free from Reg's grasp and dropped down behind Reg and shoved Reg in the back. Reg turned and Mimi hit Reg with a dropkick. Reg stunned. Mimi hit Reg with another dropkick. Reg wobbly. Mimi ran and hit the ropes and came off with a thirds dropkick on Reg that connected. Reg wobbled and crashed to the mat. Mimi stomped Reg. Mimi grabbed Reg's legs and positioned Reg in the ring. Mimi mounted the middle buckle and came off with a diving splash that connected. Mimi then repeated the move with success. Mimi for the cover. 1...2...thr... Reg kicked out. Crowd cheered. Mimi stomped Reg in the head. A shaky Reg got to her feet. Mimi with punches on Reg and Reg suddenly appeared to 'Hulk up'. Mimi hit Reg with more punches that Reg no sold. Reg pointed at Mimi. Mimi backed off as the crowd cheered. Mimi turned and tried to leave the ring but Reg grabbed Mimi from behind and nailed Mimi with an atomic drop. Mimi walking on her tiptoes. Reg grabbed Mimi, whipped Mimi into the ropes and caught Mimi coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Mimi crashed to the mat. Pedicino: I don't see how Mimi survives this! Dundee: I don't know if I could survive a night of passion with 'Big' Reg! Whoa boy! Pedicino: Seriously?! You say that now?! Mimi tried to crawl out of the ring but Reg grabbed her leg and dragged her back into the ring. Reg snapped Mimi up and whipped Mimi into the ropes and looked to catch Mimi coming off with a backdrop but Mimi caught Reg with a kick to the chest. Reg turned away from Mimi and Mimi came up behind Reg and shoved Reg hard, front-first into the buckles. Reg slammed into them and staggered backwards out of the corner. Mimi dropped to all fours behind Reg and eeg toppled over MImi and crashed to the mat. Mimi for the roll-up cover. 1... Mimi grabbed the tights. ...2...3! NO! Reg kicked Mimi off and Mimi slammed into the buckles. Reg to her feet as Mimi staggered out of the corner. Reg caught Mimi with a head shot, whipped Mimi into the ropes and caught Mimi coming off with a monster clothesline that sent Mimi crashing to the mat as the crowd popped. Mimi rolled over on her side. Val in a panic at ringside. Nelson: 12 minutes gone! Three minutes remain! Crowd buzzing. Reg rolled Mimi on to her front side. Crowd knew what was coming. Reg caught Mimi in her split-leg rear chinlock finisher. Pedicino: I do not see how MImi escapes this! Mimi in dire pain locked in the hold but Reg sitting on her back meant she was not moving anywhere. Suddenly... DING! DING! DING! Some in the crowd popped. The ref was confused. Reg released the hold and got up thinking she'd won. Pedicino: Wait a minute! Val rang the ring bell! The 15 minute time-limit wasn't up! What the... Confusion reigned. President Bockwinkel made his way into the ring. Bockwinkel was talking with the ref. Larry Nelson climbed in the ring with mic in hand. As Bockwinkel and the ref continued talking. Mimi was able to crawl over to the apron and be pulled out onto the floor by Valerie. Mimi dropped to her ass on the floor. Val went over and grabbed the title belt off the timekeeper's table. A shaky Mimi to her feet. Val led Mimi back up the heel aisle to the back with belt in tow. Nelson: President Bockwinkel. What's going on? Bockwinkel: Valerie rang the bell. I have ordered the referee to re-start the match. Crowd cheered. Nelson: The match will re-start on the referee's signal. Bockwinkel: Wait! Where's the champion?! Nelson: She got out of Dodge! Bockwinkel: Re-start the match when I tell you and start counting if she isn't back out here. Crowd buzzing. Everybody waited in the ring for about 30 seconds. Bockwinkel: Re-start the match. Nelson and Bockwinkel left the ring. Ref ordered the bell rung to re-start the match. Bennett pacing aorund in the ring. Ref started the 10-count. At the count of five there was still no sign of Mimi. ...6...7...8... Still no Mimi. ...9...10. Ref called for the bell. Nelson climbed up on the ring apron and talked briefly with the ref. Ref raised Reg's hand in victory to modest cheers as most fans knew what the count out meant. Nelson: In a time of 12 minutes, 29 seconds, your winner by count out... 'Big' Reggie Bennett! Because Bennett did not win by pinfall or submission the title does not change hands! Magnificent Mimi is still the champion! Strong boos from the crowd as a disappointed Bennett talked with the ref in the ring. WINNER: Bennett - Count Out - 12:29 Announcers discussed the wild match and controversial finish. Said Reg will definitely get another shot because of what just transpired. Dundee: Reggie might need to blow off some of that frustration. I'll give her my room number. Pedicino: Sometimes I want just go play in traffic after some of the stuff you say. Dundee: Make sure it's during rush hour. It will make things more exciting. Graphic appeared on the screen with the caption: NEXT... TULLLY & KEN VS. BRAD & BARRY!!! Commercials/AWA Tour Update Barry Windham & Brad Rheingans vs. Tully Blanchard & Ken Patera (w/ Valerie) Tully, Ken and Valerie made their way to the ring down the heel aisle to strong boos and some trash thrown in their direction. Once in the ring, the trio played to the crowd to further draw their ire. More incoming trash from the fans at the ring. Patera's long, thick brown hair that he'd had since being released from prison a few years earlier was now gone. Instead, it was back to the shorter, bleach blond look. Windham and Rheingans charged down the face aisle and hit the ring and the two teams started brawling immediately. Crowd into it. The two teams were slugging it out when Tully and Ken gained the upper hand. Tully and Ken went to whip Barry and Brad into each other but Brad and Barry reversed and sent Tully and Ken crashing into each other. Crowd popped. Tully and Ken on stagger street. Barry and Brad continued the assault on Tully and Ken. Barry dropped Tully with an uppercut and Tully rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor. Barry followed Tully out. Brad and Ken worked each other over in the ring and Ken gained the upper hand and threw Brad over the top rope down to the floor. Ken left the ring and came up behind Barry, who had the advantage over Tully, and Ken hit Barry in the back with a forearm smash. Tully recovered and he and Ken started pounding on Barry on the floor. Ref trying to restore order by calling for the bell. Fans eating it up. Brad recovered on the floor and charged over and jumped into the fray and started popping Tully and Ken. Barry recovered and joined in the fight. The four wrestlers continued their assault on one another. Tully caught Bard with a kick to the gut and threw Brad into the ringside barricade. Ken and Barry slugging it out in a Mexican stand-off. Tully grabbed an empty chair from next to the timekeeper's table and folded it up and raised the chair over his head and prepared to clock Brad with it but the ref grabbed the chair out of Tully's hands. Barry had gained the advantage over Ken and threw Ken back into the ring. Val taking it all in. Brad recovered and fired away on Tully and threw Tully back into the ring. Brad followed Tully and the fighting continued. Ref called for the bell to restore order but no dice. AWA officials came down the face aisle and hit the ring and separated the two teams. Both teams wanting a crack at one another. Crowd buzzing like pot smokers. Officials keeping the two sides at bay. Ref had a brief discussion with a couple of the officials. The two teams were now separated into opposite corners. Things calming down. After a brief cooling off period the ref finally was able to call for the bell. Tully and Brad the legal men in the ring. The two engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Brad drove Tully into the corner. Tully yelled at the ref that Brad had pulled his locks. Crowd booed. Break was clean. The two engaged in another collar-and elbow tie-up and this time Brad drove Tully against the ropes. Ref ordered another break. Looked like it was gonna be clean until Tully kicked Brad in the gut. Tully nailed Brad with a series of elbows to the back of the neck and then slammed Brad's head into the top turnbuckle. Brad spun around in the corner and Tully popped Brad with head and body shots and then choked Brad out with his boot. Tully broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Tully pulled Brad out of the corner and nailed Brad with a suplex followed by a rapid-fire series of elbow drops to the chest. Tully for the cover. 1...2... Brad kicked out. Tully snapped Brad up and whipped Brad into the ropes and looked to catch Brad coming off with a backdrop but Brad instead caught Tully in a sunset flip for the pin. 1...2... Tully clapped his legs against the side of Brad's head to escape. Both men up and Tully caught Brad with a punch and went to bodyslam Brad but Brad caught Tully in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Tully kicked out. Both men up and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and Brad gained the advantage and caught Tully in a side headlock. Tully, after struggling to free himself from the hold, managed to shove Brad off. Brad hit the ropes and came off with a shoulder block that dropped Tully. Tully up and Brad hit the ropes and came off with another shoulder block that dropped Tully. Tully scooted over to his corner and tagged in Ken. Crowd buzzing. Patera came in and stood in front of Brad and struck a bodybuilder pose to boos from the crowd. Brad responded by kicking Patera in the gut to cheers. Brad hit Ken with a series of European uppercuts, whipped Ken into the ropes and caught Ken coming off with a high backdrop. Patera slammed to the mat as the crowed roared. Brad snapped Ken up and nailed Ken with a gutwrench suplex. Brad then waited for Patera to get to his feet. Brad came up behind Ken and grabbed Ken around the waist and Patera responded with a series of elbows to the side of Brad's head. Ken freed from the hold. Ken popped Brad with punches and drove Brad against the ropes. Ken whipped Brad into the ropes and caught Brad coming off with a near-decapitating clothesline. Brad crashed to the mat. Ken stood over Brad and struck a couple of bodybuilder poses to boos from the crowd. Ken snapped Brad up and wiped Brad into the buckles. Patera moved in and nailed Brad with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Brad staggered out by the ropes and Ken clubbed Brad in the back. Ken whipped Brad into the ropes and looked to catch Brad coming off with backdrop but Brad instead caught Ken with a swinging neckbreaker. Crowd erupted. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men slowly to their feet. Patera struck Brad with a punch and Brad responded with a belly-to-belly suplex out of nowhere on Ken. Brad for the cover. 1...2... Tully in and went to drop an elbow on Brad to break up the pin try but Brad moved and Tully elbow smashed Ken instead. Crowd going wild. Barry hit the ring and nailed Tully with a couple of punches. Ref turned to get Barry out of the ring. Behind the ref's back, Brad snapped up Ken and Tully clubbed Brad in the back. Brad lost his grip on Ken. Tully back to his corner as the ref and Barry situation petered out. Ken grabbed Brad and locked Brad in a bearhug. Brad fighting not to give in. Patera cinched up on the hold. Barry hit the ring and clubbed Patera in the back to free Brad from the hold. Tully hit the ring to go after Barry but the ref intercepted him and ordered him back to his corner. While the ref was busy with Tully, Barry decided to THB (turn heel briefly) and stunned Ken with a DDT. Crowd went nuts. Barry back to his corner. Brad turned Ken over for the pin. 1...2...thr... Tully hit the ring and stomped Brad in the back to break up the pin try. Brad and Ken down. Ref counting. Both men up and Ken took a swipe at Brad and missed and Brad made the hot tag to Barry. Crowd going wild. Barry in and blasted Ken with punches. Barry whipped Ken into the ropes and caught Ken coming off with a dropkick. Ken up and Barry went to whip Ken into the ropes but Ken reversed and looked to catch Barry coming off with a backdrop but Barry leapfrogged Ken and ran Ken into the ropes for a roll-up from behind for the pin. 1...2... Tully hit the ring and nailed Barry with a brutal running clothesline to break up the pin try. Barry down. Ref ordered Tully out of the ring. Ken up and snapped up Barry and whipped Barry into the corner. Ken charged in and nailed Barry with a running clothesline. Barry limp in the corner. Ken tagged in Tully. Tully charged in and hammered away on Barry and threw Barry out of the corner. Barry went down in the ring. Tully quickly grabbed Barry and tried to hit Barry with his slingshot suplex finisher but Barry twice blocked the move and caught Tully with a series of shots to the side of the ribs to free himself from the hold. Barry ran and hit the ropes and came off with a punch try but he and Tully wound up blasting each other with punches. Both men on stagger street. Tully moved in with more punches and then whipped Barry into the ropes and caught Barry with a kick to the gut followed by a piledriver. Tully covered Barry. 1...2...thr... Barry got his foot on the bottom rope. Crowd cheered. Tully snapped Barry up and went to whip Barry into the ropes but Barry reversed and caught Tully coming off with his flying lariat finisher. Crowd erupted. Barry and Tully both down as they'd just been hit by big moves. Crowd urging Barry to pin Tully. Ref counting. As the count grew, Barry crawled over and draped an arm across Tully's chest for the pin. 1...2...thr... Tully kicked out. Crowd groaned. Crowd may be small but they are loud. Tully up and dived over and tagged on Ken. Barry looking to tag in Brad but Ken blasted Barry from behind with a clubbing forearm to the back. Ken grabbed Barry, hoisted him in the air and dropped Barry throat-first across the top rope. Barry snapped back and crumpled to the mat. Patera put his foot on the side of Barry's face and struck another bodybuilder pose to boos from the crowd. Ken reached down and started to pull Barry up but Barry caught Ken with a series of gut punches. Barry to his feet and channeled the Dusty in him by hitting a series of bionic elbows to the top of Ken's head as the crowd cheered. Ken stunned. Barry whipped Ken into the ropes and blasted Ken coming off with his dropkick. Ken spun around and crashed to the mat. Barry tagged in Brad. Ken up and Brad came in and popped Ken with punches, whipped Ken into the ropes and caught Ken coming off with a belly-to-belly suplex. Crowd into it. Brad snapped Ken up and hit Ken with his fisherman suplex (Perfect Plex) finisher for the pin. 1...2... Tully hit the ring and stomped Brad in the gut to break up the pin try. Barry hit the ring and blasted Tully with a flying clothesline. Tully crashed to the mat and rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor. Barry followed him out. Barry tore into Tully. In the ring, Ken and Brad made it to their feet. Brad caught Ken with a gut kick and went to hit Ken with a cutter but Ken shoved Brad off and Bard spun around and Ken pulverized Brad with a clothesline. On the floor, Tully and Barry now fighting back-and-forth up the face aisle. Crowd into the whole scene. Ken snapped Brad up, grabbed Brad in a bearhug and drove Brad hard into the corner. Ken released Brad and Brad came a few steps out of the corner and crumpled to the mat. Tully and Barry had disappeared to the back. Brad to a knee in the ring and Ken grabbed Brad in the full nelson and snapped Brad to his feet. Ken held Brad there for a moment and then blasted Brad with his full nelson slam finisher. Ken for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as most of the crowd booed but some cheered. Patera up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Val came in and congratulated Ken but would have to congratulate Tully later as he was busy fighting in the back with Barry Windham. Patera stood over the defeated Rheingans and struck another bodybuilder pose. As Ken and Valerie faced the crowd and Ken struck a few more bodybuilder poses, Brad recovered enough to come up behind Ken, spin Ken around and blast Ken with a cutter as the crowd roared. Val bailed to the floor. Ken laid out in the ring as a defeated but determined Brad looked down angrily at his former tag partner. WINNER: Ken & Tully - PInfall - 11:47 Announcers discussed the tag team match. Graphic aired on the screen with the caption: NEXT... $250,000 CHALLENGE!!! Commercials $250,000 DOLLAR CHALLENGE MATCH (If Nikita slams Kokina and wins the match, he wins the money! If Kokina wins, Nikita must work for Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey for a year!): Nikita Koloff vs. Kokina Maximus (w/ Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey & The Masked Doctor) Shot of the stretcher at ringside. Nikita came down the face aisle to a huge ovation. Kokina, Kaissey and the Doc came down the heel aisle to loud boos. Kaissey carrying the briefcase containing the $250 grand. Kaissey had final words with Kokina before he and the doctor left the ring. Announcers drove home the point that Nikita had to both bodyslam Kokina and beat him to win the money. Said Kokina had never been beaten nor had anyone ever bodyslammed him. Ref called for the bell. The two men walked up to one another and stared daggers at each other. Kokina slapped Nikita. Nikita briefly staggered. Nikita then slapped Kokina to the delight of the crowd. Kokina stunned but quickly recovered and caught Nikita with a headbutt. Kokina picked up Nikita and bodyslammed him. Kokina went to drop an elbow on Nikita but Nikita rolled out of the way and Kokina slammed to the mat. Crowd popped. Both men up and Nikita went to hoist Kokina up for a bodyslam but Nikita crumpled under Kokina's weight and Nikita crashed to the mat with Kokina on top of him for the pin. 1...2...thr... Nikita kicked out. Crowd cheered. Kokina snapped Nikita up and whipped Nikita into the corner. Nikita slammed into the buckles. Kokina moved in and turned around, grabbed the top rope with both hands and drove his backside into Nikita three times. Nikita limp in the corner. Kokina grabbed Nikita and violently threw him out of the corner. Nikita crashed to the mat. Nikita up and Kokina popped Nikita with a double chop to the sides of the neck. Kokina whipped Nikita into the ropes and caught Nikita coming off with savate kick. Nikita crashed to the mat. Kokina stomped Nikita in the head and snapped Nikita up and blasted Nikita with a lifting side slam. Kokina then went to hit Nikita with a running leg drop but Nikita again rolled out of the way and Kokina crashed to the mat. Both men down. Crowd into it. Ref counting. Both men made it to their feet and Kokina caught Nikita with a knee to the gut. Kokina went to whip Nikita into the corner but Nikita reversed and sent Kokina slamming into them. Nikita moved in and nailed Kokina with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks to the gut. Nikita whipped Kokina into the opposite buckles. Nikita charged in and looked to sickle Kokina in the corner but Kokina moved and Nikita slammed front-first into the buckles. Nikita bounced out and staggered away. Kokina quickly regained his bearings. Kokina clubbed Nikita from behind three times. Nikita down to a knee next to the ropes. Kokina snapped up Nikita and choked Nikita on the top rope. Kokina broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Nikita leaned out over the top rope and Kokina neck snapped Nikita and Nikita snapped back and crashed to the mat. Kokina stomped on Nikita and then hit Nikita with an elbow smash. Kokina for the cover. 1...2...thr... Nikita kicked out. Crowd cheered. Kokina snapped up Nikita and nailed him with a side belly-to-belly suplex. Nikita down and rolled over on his front side by the ropes. Kokina went over and stood on Nikita's back while holding the top rope. Ref counting. Kokina broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Kokina snapped Nikita up and threw Nikita into the corner. Kokina backed up and charged in looking to avalanche Nikita but Nikita moved and Kokina slammed front-first into the buckles. Nikita briefly shook out the effects of the match as Kokina extricated himself from the buckles. Kokina turned and walked right into a series of gut kicks from Nikita. Nikita pounded away on Kokina. Crowd heat rising. Nikita whipped Kokina into the ropes and blasted Kokina with a running clothesline. Kokina stunned. Nikita backed up and charged in and hit Kokina with another clothesline. Kokina on wobbly legs. Nikita grabbed Kokina and whipped Kokina into the buckles. Nikita mounted the middle buckle over Kokina and fired away with head shots on the behemoth. Nikita dropped back to the mat. Kokina staggered out of the corner. Nikita grabbed Kokina, whipped Kokina into the ropes and caught Kokina coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Kokina fell back against the ropes. Nikita went to whip Kokina into the ropes but Kokina reversed and caught Nikita coming off with a Samoan drop. The life drained from Nikita. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men up and Kokina caught Nikita with an open-hand throat thrust. Kokina whipped Nikita into the corner and charged in and pulverized Nikita with an avalanche. Nikita staggered out of the corner, spun around and crashed to his back in the ring. Kaissey picked up on a mic. Kaissey: Finish him off! Kokina went and positioned Nikita for his Bonzai drop (ass drop to the chest from the middle buckle) finisher. Dundee: Wonder what Kaissey will have Nikita do first? Wash his car? Clean his crappers with a toothbrush? Kokina on the middle buckle facing the crowd. Crowd buzzing. Kokina came off with his Bonzai drop and Nikita rolled out of the way and Kokina crashed ass-first to the mat. Crowd roared. Kokina down and hurting. Kaissey going crazy at ringside. Nikita to his feet. A shaky Kokina to his feet. Kokina turned and walked right into Nikita's arms. Nikita picked up Kokina and... Pedicino: BODYSLAM! HE BODYSLAMMED KOKINA! Crowd going nuts. Nikita backed up and assumed the position. A hurting and unsteady Kokina made it to his feet. Nikita charged over and... Pedicino: RUSSIAN SICKLE! RUSSIAN SICKLE! Kokina crashed to the mat. Nikita covered Kokina for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Loudest pop of the night from the crowd. A sore, tired Nikita up and the ref raised his hand victory. Nikita looked over at the stunned Kaissey. As Nikita walked over to the corner in the ring and shook out the effects of the match, Kaissey wasn't waiting around. Kaissey started to leave the ringside area. Nikita moved out of the corner and told Kaissey he owes him the money. Kaissey turned and waved to Nikita and prepared to take off with the money until... The Trooper charged down the face aisle and came up behind Kaissey, spun Kaissey around and walloped Kaissey in the face. Masked Doc avoiding Trooper at all costs. Trooper snatched the briefcase from a shaken Kaissey and took it into the ring, handed it to Nikita and raised Nikita's hand in victory to more crowd cheers. WINNER: Nikita - Pinfall - 9:14 Graphic aired with the caption: NEXT... TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP!!! Commercials AWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton (WTTC) vs. Badd Company (w/ Mgr. DDP) Badd Co. and manger DDP made their way down the heel aisle to strong boos. DDP had his cane. Champs Haynes & Norton made their way down the face aisle to a solid crowd reax. Larry Nelson was standing center ring with mic in hand. Nelson: This contest is scheduled for one fall with a 30-minute time-limit and is for the AWA World Tag Team Championship! Introducing first, the challengers! They are accompanied by their manager 'Diamond' Dallas Page! Weighing in at a combined weight of 456 pounds... they are from Honolulu, Hawaii and Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada respectively... Pat Tanaka and Paul Diamond... Badd Company! Pretty strong boos as the trio briefly played to the crowd. Nelson: And their opponents. Weighing in at a combined 525 pounds... they are from the Pacific Northwest... they are the reigning AWA World Tag team Champions... Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton! Crowd cheered as Haynes and Norton acknowledged the fans. Nelson: Your referee is Mick Karch. Ref took the titles form the champs and held them up for all to see and then handed them off to Larry Nelson. Ref called both teams out to the middle of the ring, DDP accompanied Badd Co., and laid down the ground rules and patted each man down and then sent each team back to their corners. DDP had final words for his team before leaving the ring for the floor. Ref called for the bell. Haynes and Diamond started for their teams. Diamond went to sweep Haynes leg but Haynes avoided Diamond and caught Diamond in a side headlock. Diamond shoved Haynes off and Haynes hit the ropes and Diamond dived down and Haynes jumped over Diamond and hit the ropes and came back and Diamond dived down again and Haynes hit the ropes and came back and Diamond went to hip toss Haynes but Haynes reversed and hip tossed Diamond. Diamond up and moved in and Haynes hip tossed Diamond again. Diamond up and Haynes caught Diamond with an arm drag and locked Diamond in an arm bar. Diamond down on the mat locked in the hold as Haynes knelt beside him. Haynes to his feet aand Diamond to his knees still locked in the hold. Diamond slowly made it to his feet locked in the hold. Haynes cinched up on the hold and Diamond winced. Diamond moved in the direction of Tanaka to make a tag but Haynes yanked Diamond away from his corner. Diamond still locked in the hold. Diamond reared back to punch Haynes but Haynes further cinched up on the hold and drove Diamond back down to a knee. Diamond slowly back up locked in the hold. Diamond managed to move close enough to the ropes and drape his arm out over the top rope to force a break in the hold. Diamond grabbing his left arm and moved to his corner as DDP jumped up on the apron and had words with his team. DDP dropped back to the floor as fans booed him for just existing. Diamond tagged in Tanaka. Tanaka came in and he and Haynes circled one another and Tanaka went for a spinning back heel kick to Haynes' head but Haynes ducked the move and came back with a gut shot followed by catching Tanaka in a front facelock. Haynes worked over the hold. Tanaka dropped to a knee and then yanked Haynes' left leg out from under him. Tanaka snapped back Haynes' left leg. Haynes hurting. Tanaka snapped Haynes up, whipped Haynes into the ropes and caught Haynes coming off with a backhand chop to the face. Haynes crashed to the mat and rolled over on his side by the ropes facing the crowd. Diamond started to step into the ring and Norton climbed in to go after Diamond but the ref intercepted Norton and ordered him back to his corner. While that was going on, DDP drove the head of his cane into the upper chest of Haynes. Norton and Diamond back into their respective corners. Tanaka snapped up Haynes and and whipped Haynes into the buckles. Haynes slammed into them staggered out of the corner and was hit with a rolling wheel kick. Haynes crashed to the mat. Tanaka for the cover. 1...2... Haynes kicked out. Tanaka up and kicked Haynes and snapped Haynes up and whipped Haynes into the ropes and looked to catch Haynes coming off with a clothesline but Haynes ducked the move and came back and nailed Tanaka with a clothesline of his own. Tanaka crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Haynes snapped Tanaka up and whipped Tanaka into the face team's corner. Haynes moved in and struck Tanaka with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks to the gut and tagged in Norton. Norton in and caught Tanaka with a couple of head shots and whipped Tanaka into the buckles. Norton followed Tanaka with with an avalanche. Tanaka limp in the corner. Norton pulled Tanaka out of the corner, whipped Tanaka into the ropes and caught Tanaka coming off with a knee to the gut. Tanaka crashed to the mat. Norton snapped up Tanaka in the over-the-shoulder backbreaker submission hold. Tanaka fighting not to give up. Diamond hit the ring and double sledged Norton in the back and Norton dropped Tanaka. Haynes hit the ring and attacked Diamond and nailed Diamond with some punches that drove Diamond out of the ring and to the floor and over to manager DDP. Haynes looked down at the dastardly pair from thje ring. Ref turned to check on the combatants in the ring. Haynes started having words with DDP. Haynes leaned out through the top and middle rope and started yelling at DDP. While distracted with DDP, Diamond quietly climbed back on the apron and came down the apron and kneed Haynes int the head. With the ref concentrating on the action in the ring, DDP hit Haynes in the top of the head with his cane. Haynes went limp and Diamond dropped to the floor pulled Haynes out of the ring and down to the floor. In the ring, Tanaka was on the offensive. Diamond back to his corner. Tanaka worked over Norton and went to whip Norton into the ropes but Norton reversed and caught Tanaka coming off with a powerslam. Norton for the pin. 1...2... Diamond hit the ring and stomped Norton in the back of the head to break up the pin try. On the floor, a woozy Haynes made it to his feet. DDP got cocky and went to strike Haynes with his cane a third time but Billy grabbed the cane, ripped it out of DDP's hand and slammed DDP across the gut with the cane. Haynes tossed the cane. Crowd cheered. DDP spun away from Haynes and Haynes moved in and caught DDP in the full nelson. Crowd really into it now. In the ring, Tanaka, once again after a save, was on the offensive. Ref left the ring for the floor to separate DDP and Norton. Tanaka on the offensive in the ring. Tanaka went to hit Norton with a German suplex but Norton resisted and caught Tanaka with a series of elbow strikes to the side of the head to free himself from the hold. Norton turned and tore into Tanaka with punches. Diamond hit the ring and Norton saw him and turned and peppered Diamond with punches and then slammed Diamond's and Tanaka's heads together as the fans cheered. Diamond crashed to the apron and rolled out on the mat. Ref still trying to keep Haynes from making DDP pass out in the full nelson. Norton then kicked the stunned Tanaka in the gut and hit Tanaka with a powerbomb. Crowd popped. Diamond had recovered enough and attacked Haynes on the floor to break up the full nelson on DDP. As that was going on, Norton had Tanaka pinned for several seconds. Crowd yelling at the ref to get back in the ring. Ref turned and saw Norton pinning Tanaka. Ref slid into the ring to count. 1...2...thr... Tanaka kicked out. Crowd pissed. The fighting between Diamond and Haynes had petered out on the floor and each man started going back to their corner. Norton snapped up Tanaka and locked Tanaka in front facelock and prepared to hit Tanaka with a swinging neckbreaker. Diamond climbed to the top rope behind Norton and came off with a forearm smash to the back. Haynes hit the ring to go after Diamond but the ref intercepted Haynes and ordered him back to his corner. As that happened, Tanaka kicked Norton in the gut and Norton fell back into Badd Co.'s corner. Diamond strangled Norton with the tag rope. The strangling party ended when the ref got Haynes to his corner and got back to the action. Tanaka tagged in Diamond. Diamond came in and popped Norton with head and body shots. Diamond snatched Norton out of the corner and nailed Norton with a gourdbuster. Diamond for the pin. 1...2... Norton kicked out. Diamond up and Norton to his knees and Diamond booted Norton in the chest. Diamond snapped up Norton and hit Norton with a double underhook suplex. DDP liking what he sees. Diamond went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Norton made it to his feet. Norton turned and Diamond came off with a double sledge to the head attempt but Norton clotheslined Diamond instead. Diamond crashed to the mat. Crowd popped big-time. Norton snapped up Diamond, whipped Diamond into the ropes and caught Diamond coming off with a kick to the gut followed by a neckbreaker. Norton for the cover. 1...2...thr... Tanaka hit the ring and made the save with a diving double sledge to the back to break up the pin. Norton up and pointed at Haynes and the crowd cheered. Norton tagged in Haynes. Diamond went to punch Haynes but Haynes blocked the punch try and fired away on Diamond with punches. Haynes picked up Diamond and bodyslammed him and hit a diving leg drop on Diamond. Haynes for the cover. 1...2... Tanaka hit the ring but so did Norton. ...3! NO! Diamond got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Haynes pulled Diamond up by the hair and slammed Diamond's head into the top buckle repeatedly. Haynes then whipped Diamond into the opposite buckles and charged in but Diamond moved and Haynes crashed front-first into the buckles. Haynes slowly separated himself from the buckles turned and walked into a superkick out of nowhere by Diamond. DDP picked up on mic. DDP: New champions, baby! Diamond for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Haynes kicked out. Crowd popped. DDP in shock. DDP laid his cane on the apron next to Tanaka and the announcers picked up on it. DDP went over and started yelling at Scott Norton. Ref went over and ordered DDP back over to his corner. Norton took the bait and dropped to the floor and went after DDP. Norton grabbed DDP. Fans cheering. Ref distracted with the action on the floor. In the ring, Diamond snapped up Haynes and grabbed Haynes from behind. Tanaka hit the ring with the cane. Tanaka raised it like a baseball bat and went to smash Haynes in the head with it but Haynes broke free and Tanaka smashed Diamond in the head instead. Crowd popped. Diamond crashed to the mat. Haynes grabbed the cane from the shocked Tanaka and smashed Tanaka in the head with the cane. Tanaka crashed to the mat, rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor. Crowd delirious. On the floor, Norton dropped DDP with a punch and went back to his corner. Haynes circled around behind Diamond as Diamond made it to his feet in a shaky fashion. Ref turned back to the action in the ring. Diamond up and Haynes locked Diamond in the his full nelson finisher. Diamond not in the hold for very long before submitting. Ref called for the bell as Diamond shook his head frantically that he gave up. Crowd roaring. Haynes let Diamond go and Diamond crumpled to the mat. Nelson up on the apron and the ref went over and took the belts from Nelson and had a few words with Nelson. Ref went over and handed the titles to the champs and raised Haynes' and Norton's hands in victory. Nelson: In a time of 13 minutes, 22 seconds, your winners... and STILL AWA World Tag Team Champions... Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes!!! Crowd cheered. Haynes and Norton left the ring with their titles slung over their shoulders and headed back up the face aisle the victors. WINNER: Haynes & Norton - Submission - 13:22 Graphic aired with the caption: NEXT... WORLD TITLE CLASH!!! Commercials Announcers Joe Pedicino and Bill Dundee announced a change coming to the AWA on ESPN. Starting in January, the show will now be called AWA SLAM! Wrestling. They then sent it to the ring. AWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Wahoo McDaniel (C) vs. Col. DeBeers Col. DeBeers made his way down the heel aisle to strong boos and garbage thrown in his direction. Once in the ring, DeBeers did the mustache twirl and more trash headed his way. AWA WC Wahoo McDaniel made his way down the face aisle to a loud ovation, In-ring: Larry Nelson. Nelson: This is our main event of the evening! Crowd buzzing. Nelson: This match is scheduled for one-fall with a 60-minute time-limit and is for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship! Crowd cheered. Nelson: Introducing first, the challenger. Loud boos. Nelson: Weighing in at 268 pounds... from Cape Town, South Africa... Col. DeBeers! More intense booing from the crowd. DeBeers stood in his corner and showed no reaction. Nelson: And his opponent! Boos turned to loud cheers. Nelson: Weighing in at 261 pounds... he hails from Midland, Texas... he is the reigning AWA World Heavyweight Champion... 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel! Strong cheers for Wahoo. Nelson: Your referee is Gary DeRusha! Announcers said that ESPN will allow this match to air from start to finish. Ref took the title from Wahoo and held it up for all to see before handing it off to Larry Nelson. Ref called both men to the center of the ring. Wahoo and DeBeers were glaring at one another. Ref laid down the ground rules and patted each man down and sent each man back to his corner. Announcers said these men had strong disdain for one another and that this match was for much more than just the belt. It was about right vs. wrong on a level rarely seen in pro wrestling. Ref called for the bell. The two men came to the center of the ring ring and were jawing at one another. Suddenly, DeBeers turned like he was going to walk away from Wahoo but quickly turned and went to punch Wahoo but Wahoo blocked the punch try and fired away on DeBeers with chest chops. Wahoo whipped DeBeers into the corner and moved in and blistered DeBeers with open hand chest chops. DeBeers staggered out of the corner holding his chest. Wahoo with a chop to the back of DeBeers' neck. Wahoo whipped DeBeers into the ropes and DeBeers grabbed the top rope, dropped down, rolled out of the ring and dropped to the floor. DeBeers walking around on the floor. Wahoo trying to get out of the ring and go after DeBeers but the ref kept blocking him. Ref ordered Wahoo back. Ref started the 10-count as DeBeers stayed on the floor. DeBeers started to walk around the ring and Wahoo got tired of waiting and bolted the ring and came up behind DeBeeers, spun DeBeers aroud and hit DeBeers with more chest chops. Wahoo grabbed DeBeers and slammed his head into the top of the steel ringside barricade three times. DeBeers in a bad way. DeBeers started to stagger off and Wahoo grabbed DeBeers and threw DeBeers into the ring steps. DeBeers went down on the floor. Wahoo quickly rolled out in and out of the ring to break the 10 count. Wahoo snapped DeBeers up and DeBeers stunned Wahoo by grabbing him around the waist and ramming Wahoo back-first into the ring apron. DeBeers moved in and caught Wahoo with punches. DeBeers whipped Wahoo into the ringside barricade. Wahoo hurting standing next to the barricade. Ref counting. DeBeers climbed into the ring and broke the count. DeBeers stepped out on the ring apron and jumped off and hit Wahoo with a double sledge to the top of the head. Wahoo down to a knee. DeBeers booted Wahoo in the ribs, snapped Wahoo up and threw Wahoo into the post. Wahooo's head hit the post and Wahoo stumbled off and went down. Ref counting. DeBeers went over and grabbed Wahoo and slammed Wahoo's head three times into the ring apron. DeBeers picked up Wahoo and bodyslammed Wahoo on the floor. DeBeers climbed up on the apron and jumped off and nailed Wahoo with a jumping stomp to the gut. Wahoo in bad shape. DeBeers quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. DeBeers grabbed the downed Wahoo and slammed his head into the concrete floor. DeBeers snapped up Wahoo and went to whip Wahoo into the barricade but Wahoo reversed and sent DeBeers crashing into the barricade. Ref counting. Wahoo moved in on DeBeers and blasted DeBeers, not with chops, but with punches. Crowd cheering for Wahoo. Wahoo slammed DeBeers' head into the ring apron and then threw DeBeers back into the ring. Wahoo climbed in the ring. DeBeers up and begging off as an angry Chief stalked him. DeBeers backed himself into the corner. Wahoo once again laid into DeBeers with punches followed by knife-edge chest chops. DeBeers stunned. Wahoo hit DeBeers with an overhead chop. DeBeers suddenly reached down and pulled Wahoo's legs out from under him and went for the pin. 1... DeBeers placed his feet on the middle rope for leverage. ...2...thr... Wahoo got a shoulder up. DeBeers got his feet off the middle rope just before the ref looked over. DeBeers tried to pin Wahoo again. 1... DeBeers again got his feet on the middle rope for leverage. ...2...thr... Ref looked over and saw DeBeers' feet on the middle rope and ordered a break. DeBeers took his feet off the middle rope and Wahoo stunned DeBeers by catching him in a small package for the pin. 1...2...thr.. DeBeers kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men to their feet and DeBeers hit Wahoo with a punch and Wahoo retaliated with a knife-edge chest chop. The two then engaged in a punch-chop exchange and Wahoo gained the upper hand and tore into DeBeers with more chops. DeBeers stunned. Wahoo suplexed DeBeers and hit DeBeers with a diving chop to the head. Wahoo for the pin. 1...2...thr... DeBeers got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Wahoo pulled DeBeers up by the hair and nailed DeBeers with a belly-to-back suplex. DeBeers up and Wahoo moved in and DeBeers caught Wahoo with a knee to the gut. DeBeers hit Wahoo with a bionic elbow to the head and then ran, hit the ropes and came off with a running punch to the head. Wahoo crashed to the mat. DeBeers with a knee drop to Wahoo's head. Wahoo hurting. DeBeers snapped Wahoo up and whipped Wahoo into the ropes and caught Wahoo coming off with a back elbow to the cheest. Wahoo crashed to the mat. DeBeers for the cover. 1..2... Wahoo got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref patted DeBeers on the back. DeBeers got up thinking he'd won. DeBeers threw his arms in the air. Ref came over and yanked down one of DeBeers' arms and waved off the pin. DeBeers started to have words with the ref. Wahoo recovered and rose to his feet behind DeBeers. DeBeeers stopped arguing with the ref and and turned and Wahoo tore into DeBeers with knife-edge chops as the crowd roar grew. Wahoo whipped DeBeers into the corner and DeBeers bounced out and was greeted with a clothesline from Wahoo. DeBeers crashed to the mat and Wahoo dropped down on top of DeBeers and started hammering the Colonel with punches and then started pounding the back of DeBeers' head on the mat. Crowd cheering. Wahoo snapped DeBeers up by the hair, did his war dance and nailed DeBeers with an overhead chop. DeBeers crashed to the mat. Wahoo grabbed DeBeers and went to whip DeBeers into the corner but DeBeers reversed and sent Wahoo crashing into the buckles. Wahoo staggered out of the corner and DeBeers slugged Wahoo and went to catch Wahoo in a backslide but Wahoo resisted and reversed the hold and caught DeBeers in a backslide for the pin. 1...2...3! No! DeBeers kicked out. Wahoo went to snap up DeBeers but DeBeers caught Wahoo with a series of gut shots. DeBeers up and caught Wahoo in a side headlock. Ref standing close to see if the headlock turns into a choke. Wahoo suddenly shoved DeBeers off and DeBeers headbutted the ref. Ref crashed to the mat by the ropes and was face down. DeBeers staggered. Wahoo grabbed DeBeers, whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with his big chop finisher. Crowd erupted as DeBeers crashed to the mat. Wahoo for the cover. Crowd on their feet yelling for the ref to recover. In frustration, Wahoo counted three himself. Wahoo got up and went over and checked on the ref. Like in his match with Nikita, DeBeers managed to recover enough to come up behind Wahoo and hit a low blow with his forearm. Wahoo crashed to the mat holding the goods. DaRusha still down. DeBeers went to a corner, knelt down facing the buckles and reached into the side pocket of his camo pants and pulled out something. Crowd on edge. Suddenly, Don Muraco, still in his ring attire, came charging down the face aisle with a folded steel chair in hand. Muraco climbed into the ring. DeBeers had placed a powdery substance into his hand. Announcers pointed out that Muraco was steamed as DeBeers defeated Muraco by holding the tights in the tournament to decide who would get the title shot tonight, thus costing Muraco a possible chance to face Wahoo for the belt. Muraco raised the chair up and was facing DeBeers. DeBeers to his feet and turned an walked a couple of steps out of the corrner and saw Muraco. DeBeers, stunned, dropped the powder he had in his hand on the mat, Muraco and DeBeers looking at one another. Wahoo slowly made it to his feet. Wahoo up and... WHAM! Muraco spun around and bashed Wahoo over the head with the chair. Wahoo crumpled back to the mat. Crowd furious. Muraco looked down at Wahoo and then turned and left the ring and disappeared to the back with chair in tow. DaRusha stirring. DeBeers grabbed DaRusha and pulled him over by Wahoo. DeBeers immediately dropped down and covered Wahoo and hooked Wahoo's outside leg to make sure Wahoo could not get his foot on the bottom rope again. A groggy DaRusha counted. 1.....2.....3! DaRusha called for th bell as the fans exploded in anger. DeBeers to his feet. Ref DaRusha went over and took the belt from Nelson and talked briefly with him. DaRusha went over and raised DeBeers' hand in victory and handed him the belt as garbage bombed the ring. Whatever cheering fans of DeBeers did was drowned out by the angry response from the overwhelming majority of the crowd. Nelson: In a time of 12 minutes, 24 seconds, your winner... and NEW AWA World Heavyweight Champion... Col. DeBeers! Fan anger grew. Two fans jumped the steel barricade and tried to get at DeBeers in the ring but security was able to stop them before they could get to the new champion. Announcers wrapped up the show. Shot of heavy security having to lead DeBeers from the ring back up the heel aisle as garbage continued to be thrown at DeBeers and the ring. Pedicino: Darkness has fallen on the AWA. WINNER: DeBeers - Pinfall - 12:24 END PROGRAM ATTENDANCE: 4,372 The attendance had to be a major disappointment. Was it a backlash over the AWA announcement that they were moving their base of operations out of Minneapolis to Las Vegas? No matter what led to the small house, another problem was about to arise that could shake the company to its very foundation.
  9. That would be quite the 3-way dance! LOL! Ye of little faith. This is a Bill Watts' idea. Not something stupid like Finger poke of doom! (Yes. I think Watts was one of the best promoters/bookers of all-time.)
  10. DEC. 11, 1990 BACKSTAGE AT THE ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER ST. PAUL, MN AN HOUR BEFORE CHRISTMAS CHAOS As the crowd filed in at the St. Paul Civic Center for the show, Bill Watts and Jim Crockett walked into an empty room in the backstage area. Jim (uneasy): You're really going through with this? Bill: Yes I am. Look, there's nothing to be worried about. I'll take any blowback from what's about to happen if there is any. Jim: Oh. There will be blowback, Bill. The only question is how bad will it be. Watts: I'll handle it. I'll just explain to them that the wrestling people know what they're doing and everything will payoff in the end. We just need this to happen to start down the road to closing out the angle. It's gonna be a happy ending. Jim: Not gonna be happy tonight. We have no idea what the reaction's gonna be to what you have planned. I can't shake the feeling that this could damage what we're trying to build beyond all repair. Bill: You've got two of the best wrestling minds working with you in me and Jerry. We'll make it through rough waters. Jim: I hope you're right. But even the best minds can hit a proverbial land mine. Bill: If that's the case, and I don't think it will be, we will recover over time. Jim: How much time do we really have to turn the AWA around? Ticket sales for tonight are weak to say the least. Bill: That probably has more to do with a backlash from the fans here in Minneapolis because we're moving our operations to Vegas. They're upset. But, they will get over it. It may take a little time. But it will happen. Jim: We struggled in Greensboro and Atlanta for years... years... after we moved Starrcade out of those two cities. Those fans in those towns believed Starrcade was theirs. Bill: They got over it eventually. Fans will come back if you offer them something to see live in their town. This is a pretty good card tonight. You can't help but think the move is what has hurt ticket sales. Jim: What if this gets play in the mainstream media and is spun very negatively. Bill: F*ck the press! They've never really respected our business anyway. If not tonight, then they'll find something to trash us for. Some of the crowds we've drawn since taking over have been strong. Look at Super Clash 5 in Milwaukee. Look at some of the houses in Vegas for the TVs. They've largely gone up since Verne left. Remember the 12,000 here in July for the Verne tribute show. How about the almost 8,000 in Chicago for the other Verne tribute. Had some other decent houses as well. I think we should also talk with John, Deb and Jerry about moving some of the ESPN TV's during '91. Maybe take the show on the road two or three times just to test the waters. Jim: With what's about to go down later tonight we may not even be able to test those waters. Bill: Jim, I've made up my mind. This negativity is not gonna help us. Just trust the process. It'll work out, my man. Jim: God, I hope you're right, Bill. I pray you're right. Because if this backfires it could be the end for us. Bill got angry. Bill: Dammit! Quit being a chickensh*t on this issue, Jim! And let me handle all the fallout from this situation if it arises! Jim: It's all yours. The ball is in your court. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Was Jim Crockett right to be concerned? Could what's about to transpire spell the beginning of the end for the new era AWA? STAY TUNED...
  11. AWA ALL-STAR WRESTLING SYNDICATED SHOW - QUANDT FIELDHOUSE - STEVENS POINT, WI - DEC. 1990 ANNOUNCERS: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Eric Bischoff (# Aired on a previous AWA program.) (2nd Taping) In-studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program: Nelson informed viewers this was the final All-Star Wrestling before Christmas Chaos. Nelson then ran down the program: Nikita Koloff wrestles Final words from AWA WC Wahoo McDaniel and Col. DeBeers before their epic World Title clash at Christmas Chaos The final Christmas Chaos Report Badd Company wrestles At look back at the recent attack on Brad Rheingans on AWA on ESPN by Tully and Patera with Barry Windham coming to Brad Rheingans' aid Jonnie Stewart sees action Rip Oliver & The Grappler see action And more!! Nelson sent it to the ring in Stevens Point. Don Muraco win a squash match over Ripper Savage via pinfall with his inverted piledriver finisher Muraco got a strong ovation coming down the face aisle. POST-MATCH INTERVIEW: Eric: Don Muraco, you're really looking solid in the ring right now. We know you had a tough match recently with Jonnie Stewart that ended in a draw. You have made it clear that you would have beaten him if there was just a little more time left on the clock. Don: That's right, Eric. The match only had a 10-minute time-limit. The fans saw it, I hit him with my inverted piledriver and the bell rang. Just three more seconds and I would have pinned him and won the match. I'll make it clear, I want a re-match with the man and I want the match to have a longer time-limit. And there's something else I want to talk about. One thing we haven't touched on is how it could be me facing Wahoo for the World Championship at Christmas Chaos. DeBeers beat me in our tournament match by holding my tights to score the pin. DeBeers, I'm watching you, brother. Wahoo McDaniel, I know you're getting ready to face Col. DeBeers with the World Title on the line at Christmas Chaos. I know you have a very busy schedule with your title defenses. But, you need to clear time on that schedule so you and I can team up again and make a run at the World Tag Team Titles. This is something we should be concentrating on. Eric: The World Title defenses do comsume most of his time right now. Do you think it's fair to ask him to get all distracted by making a run at the tag titles at the moment? Don: He owes it to himself to try and become a World Tag Team Champion. He'd be holding two World championships if we were successful. Eric: Are you sure this isn't really all about you? It seems kind of selfish. Muraco suddenly grabbed Bischoff by the lapels of his jacket and Bischoff dropped the mic. Muraco glared at Bischoff for a moment and then let him go and left the ring and walked back up the face aisle to a perplexed crowd reaction. Pic aired of Rip Oliver and The Grappler with the caption: NEXT... CRIPPLER & GRAPPLER Commercials Rip Oliver & The Grappler won a squash match over Steve Gatorwolf & Scott McGhee via pinfall when Oliver pinned McGhee with his spinebuster finisher Oliver and Grap came down the heel aisle to a pretty strong negative reaction. Before the match, Oliver and Grappler got on the mic. Rip: I'll be brief. You Wisconsin-ites suck! Crowd booed. Rip: This whole state is a crime against decency! And everything has cheese in it or on it! Thank god I come from the great Pacific Northwest and not the land of cheese and the sorry Green Bay Packers! More boos. Grappler took the mic. Grappler: The old man in Portland is quite happy with the way things are going for us right now here in the AWA. You still may not have figured out what we're doing here yet. But you will understand one day. Everywhere we go, me and Rip wreak havoc. We tear up wrestlers and whole towns. We can be a very destructive force. When all is finally revealed, we will turn the wrestling world upside down. Armageddon's coming. The only question is when we'll set off the bomb to really kick things into high gear. More booing. Video aired of the attack on Rheingans by Tully and Ken with Barry Windham coming to Brad's aid with the caption: NEXT... ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK!!! In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the attack on Brad Rheingans on last week's AWA on ESPN. VIDEO: # Rheingans was making quick work of Lee and dominating the match and then... Pedicino: It's Tully and Ken! Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera, in their ring attire, charged down the heel aisle, hit the ring and attacked Rheingans. Ref called for the bell (No contest). Val had casually strolled down to ringside and was watching the felony. Tully and Ken were hammering away on Brad. Brad in a bad way. Crowd popped as Barry Windham, in his ring attire, charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Barry threw haymakers at both Tully and Ken that connected. Barry then laid into Tully with punches and Ken clubbed Barry from behind and he and Tully pounded away on Barry. Brad recovered and joined in the fray. Fans into it. The fighting continued a little longer before AWA officials made their way down to the ring to restore order. Val signaled for her men to leave the ring and they did while Barry and Brad were kept at bay. Tully, Ken and Brad looked on from the floor as the segment ended. END VIDEO Pic aired of Badd Co. with the caption: NEXT... GOING FOR THE GOLD!!! Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP) won a squash match over Ali Velshi & Joe Scarborough when Tanaka pinned Scarborough after a catapault into a jumping DDT Badd Co. was pretty strongly booed coming to the ring. POST-MATCH INTERVIEW: Eric: Badd Company is gonna be squaring off at Christmas Chaos against tag champions Billy jack Haynes and Scott Norton for the titles. Dallas Page, your team has been on a roll lately and has earned this title shot. DDP: You don't need to tell me we've earned it. We deserve this more than any other team in the AWA right now. Badd Company is riding the wave of big mo momentum right now. We are hot. And Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton are about to get burned at Christmas Chaos. This is our chance to grab the brass ring and we are not letting it go. You people need to tune in on Tuesday December 11th to ESPN and see what greatness looks like because you'll never be great; but you can see greatness up close. We are on a hot streak. It's like we keep hitting 21 at blackjack. And we're gone hit our biggest score yet when we rip those titles from the grasp of Norton and Haynes. Crowd booed. Eric: Badd Company, everyone. Split-screen pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel and Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... LAST WORDS!!! Commercials In-studio: Nelson intro'd the final comments from AWA WC Wahoo McDaniel and Col. DeBeers before their World Title match at Christmas Chaos. VIDEO: Shot of DeBeers in his camo gear with mic in hand standing in front of the AWA logo. DeBeers: These are my final words before I face World Champion Wahoo McDaniel for the title at Christmas Chaos. December 11th, 1990, is a day that will long be remembered by wrestling fans. On that day manifest destiny will be realized. My manifest destiny. Wahoo McDaniel will not be able to stop this man on a mission that is about so much more than just a belt. This is political. This is about South African honor and decency vs. American decadence and filth. When I defeat Wahoo at Christmas Chaos on Tuesday, it will be a moment when time will stand still in this sport. When the referee raises my hand and hands me that big silver championship belt, it will be a turning point that will make pro wrestling spin off its collective axis. You will finally have a champion that is a true hero. A man who stands for all that is right and just. The superman will rise over the riff-raff low man. It will be a victory for a noble political ideology and a noble people. The day is coming for a major change in this sport. And that day is December 11th, 1990. Pic flipped and Wahoo was in street clothes and his head dress. He had the belt around his waist and holding a mic. Wahoo: The hour is upon us, people. I know you've got my back as I head into my World Title clash with Col. DeBeers. Fans have been stopping me everywhere telling me that they're behind me 100 percent and they want me to defeat a man that is living, breathing evil. I hear you, fans. And I'm gonna do everything in my power to take down Col. DeBeers. This is not only the biggest title match of my career; it's also the biggest match of my life, period. I am going to hold nothing back. I am going to fight like a rabid dog against a fierce opponent who, if he had his way, would live in some whites only utopia. Col. DeBeers is filled with hate. And that hate cannot rise to the top in AWA. It has to be shut down. December 11th is the day when goodness must triumph over evil. END VIDEO Pic aired of Jonnie Stewart with the caption: NEXT... HERE'S JONNIE!!! Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities Jonnie Stewart won a squash match over Mike Jackson via pinfall with his big elbow off the top rope finisher Stewart was booed coming to the ring. POST-MATCH INTERVIEW: Eric: Jonnie, Don Mu... Stewart ripped the microphone out of Eric's hand. Eric not having a good day. Jonnie: Don Muraco! You want to face me in a match with more time than 10 minutes?! That's alright with me, bro! I'm not gonna need 10 minutes to beat you the next time we meet! The 'Wrestler of the '90s' is just too hot right now to fail! I'm rising and rising and rising! You'll be a huge stepping stone for me, Muraco, as I climb the ladder to the top of the AWA and the wrestling world! Stewart tossed the mic back at Eric and left the ring to boos. Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... FINAL CHAOS REPORT!!! Commercials CHRISTMAS CHAOS REPORT # Nelson: Welcome to the Christmas Chaos Report. I'm Larry Nelson. This is the final Christmas Chaos Report before the big show. Christmas Chaos will be taking place on Tuesday, December 11th, the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, Minnesota with a bell time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific. Tickets on sale now. For tickets, contact Ticket Master or call the St. Paul Civic Center at 1 (651) 555-3891 or visit the Civic Center box office. The show will also be airing live on ESPN. We have two more matches that have been added to the card to announce this week. But first, let's take a look at the matches already announced for Christmas Chaos. For the AWA World Championship, World Champion Wahoo McDaniel will be defending the title against the controversial Col. DeBeers. The war of words between these two has been intense and the match should have a heat level of extreme. Wahoo is fighting for the American way and DeBeers is fighting for his vicious political ideology. Much more is at stake in this match than just the belt. Also, Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton will be defending the AWA World Tag Team Titles against Badd Company. Badd Company has been on a roll lately and they seem to have enough momentum right now to possibly de-throne the current champions. For the AWA Women's World Championship, Magnificent Mimi, who has been the Women's Champion for over a year now, will be defending against 'Big' Reggie Bennett. This promises to be one for the books as Mimi is defending against a woman with a significant size advantage. Let's hear from Reggie and then the champion Mimi. VIDEO: Shot of Reggie in street clothes and holding a mic standing in front of the AWA logo. Reg: Magnificent Mimi and Valerie! This is it! The time has come! At Christmas Chaos, if I catch Mimi in my rear chinlock finisher then she's finished! Valerie, you'd better be careful where you tread that night in St. Paul! Because if you try to interfere and I catch you then I will squash you like a grape and they'll have to scrap you off the mat with a spatula! See you ladies, and I use the term ladies loosely here, at Christmas Chaos! Pic flipped and Mimi and Val, both in street clothes and holding mics, were standing in front of the AWA logo. Mimi had the belt cradled in her left arm. Mimi: I want it known that I am wrestling this match under protest! Reggie Bennett is extremely reckless in the ring and a threat to my physical well-being! But Reggie better know this! I have the best manager in the sport today in Valerie! They say two heads are better than one! And while Reggie may have the brawn we have the brains! Reggie needs to realize that while she can physically overpower me, she can't outsmart us! Not in a milion years! Tell 'em, Val! Val: Mimi, you just stated what needed to be said! Reggie Bennett will never be able to out-duel us in a test of wits! She may think she can win on her raw power alone! But she can't out-think us! We are putting the final touches on our match plan and when all is said and done Mimi will still be the Women's Champion after Christmas Chaos! END VIDEO Nelson: The Women's Title match is shaping up to be an interesting clash of styles. Can Mimi and Valerie outsmart Reggie Bennett? Or will Reggie overwhelm Mimi with sheer force and end her run as champion? In the $250,000 dollar challenge match, Nikita Koloff does battle with Kokina Maximus. For Nikita to win the money, he must bodyslam and defeat Kokina in the match. If Nikita doesn't complete the task, he has to work for Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey for a year. This is a one shot deal. Nikita either wins a quarter of a million dollars or becomes the property of Shek Adnan El-Kaissey. It promises to be a must-see match. Now, here are the two matches just added to Christmas Chaos. First, after they battled to a 10-minute draw in their encounter recently, a match where Muraco had just hit Stewart with his devastating inverted piledriver finisher as the bell rang, it's gonna be Jonnie Stewart vs. Don Muraco in a match with a 20-minute time-limit. Finally, with all that has transpired between them in recent weeks, Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera will square off against Barry Windham and Brad Rheingans in a match with a lot of bad blood. Let's hear from Ken and Tully followed by comments from Rheingans and Windham. VIDEO: Shot of Tully, Ken and their manager Valerie, all in street clothes and each holding mics, standing in front of the AWA logo. Ken: I can tell you that signing with Valerie is the best career decision I have ever made. Rheingans, the reality is you were holding me back! You were an anchor that was keeping me from achieving my true greatness! I've broken free from you and now the sky is the limit for me! And with Tully as my tag team partner, we begin our march to the the top of the AWA when we take down Barry and Brad at Christmas Chaos! We want all the titles and we're gonna make lots and lots of money! Tully: Well said, Ken! Our ascension is just beginning! The AWA is our oyster and we will have it all! Windham and Rheingans are gonna learn first-hand what no mercy truly means! In baseball, you have what are know as five tool players! They're players who have everything in terms of talent and skill! Well in wrestling, Ken and I are like those five tool players! We're the guys who have all the talent and skill! You'll see it on display when we step into the ring with Barry Windham and Brad Rheingans at Christmas Chaos! Valerie has an eye for the best this sport has to offer! Magnificent Mimi's already the Women's Champion! Soon, Ken Patera and Tully Blanchard are gonna have gold around our waists! And bigger bank accounts, too! Val: Signing Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera should send a message to every wrestler out there that I can take great wrestling talent and make it even greater! And the first step to greatness is gonna be a big win over Barry Windham and Brad Rheingans at Christmas Chaos! Pic flipped and Barry Windham and Brad Rheingans, both in street clothes and holding mics, were standing in front of the AWA logo. Barry: Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera! You two just keep escalating things to the boiling point! At Christmas Chaos, you're gonna face the wrath of me and Brad Rheingans! This won't be a match... it will be a brawl! There's certainly no love lost here! The intensity will be so high you can feel it through your TV's at home! We've got a score to settle and we intend to do just that on December 11th! Brad: This might be a tag team match. But, I am gonna focus a lot of my ire on you, Ken Patera. All that talk for months about how'd you'd never turn on the fans or me and go with Valerie and you wind up doing just that. Brother, you sold everyone out for the almighty dollar and promises from a sleazy manager that you'll win lots and lots of championships under her. I'm still in shock over what happened between us. But, I take solace in knowing that I have a true friend watching my back in Barry Windham. Unlike you, Patera, I know I can trust this man by my side. And we're gonna bring the fight to you and Tully Blanchard at Christmas Chaos. See you two in St. Paul. END VIDEO Nelson: There you have it. The complete card for Christmas Chaos. The show talks place Tuesday, December 11th at the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, Minnesota. Tickets are still available if you want to be there live. And the event will also be airing live on ESPN. Christmas Chaos has a start time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific. Don't miss a minute of the action either live in the arena or on ESPN. I'm Larry Nelson. See you at Christmas Chaos. Pic aired of Nikita Koloff with the caption: NEXT... NIKITA + $250 GRAND!!! Commercials Nikita Koloff won a squash match over Gary Royal via pinfall with his Russian sickle finisher Koloff got a strong ovation coming down the face aisle to the ring. POST-MATCH INTERVIEW: Eric: Nikita, you are just a short time away from facing Kokina Maximus at Christmas Chaos and there's a lot on the line. Nikita: There is, Eric. If I bodyslam and defeat Kokina in the match, I win $250,000 dollars of the Sheik's money. But, if I lose I have to go to work for the Sheik. Eric: What if you do lose, Nikita? You would have to work for Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey. He would treat you like he owned you. You would be stuck doing whatever he commanded you to do. That's a big risk when you consider Kokina has never been beaten nor has he been slammed since he arrived in the AWA. Nikita: I not go into this match with, how you say, blinders on. I know what I am getting into. If I lose, I will accept the stipulation put forward by Sheik Adnan. I will work for him for a year. It might be, how you say, humiliating at times, but that's the risk you take. I bodyslam and beat Kokina, then I win $250 grand. Kokina is big and powerful. He's beaten everyone who has dared to step in the ring with him. But he's got to lose sometime. I am big and powerful, too. I know I can slam him if given the chance. And, most importantly of all, I know I can beat Kokina. Crowd cheered. Eric: Well, Nikita, I think I speak for these fans out here when I say we want to see you get the job done and show to the world that Kokina's not invincible. More cheers. Nikita: We're gonna find out at Christmas Chaos, Eric. I either win the money or lose my freedom and am forced to work for the Sheik. END PROGRAM
  12. PRESENTS CHRISTMAS CHAOS LIVE ON ESPN! TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11 - 8PM EASTERN/5PM PACIFIC ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER - ST. PAUL, MN MAIN EVENT!!! FOR THE AWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel (WC) vs. Col. DeBeers AWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes (WTTC) vs. Badd Company (w/ Mgr. Dallas Page) $250,000 CHALLENGE MATCH Nikita Koloff vs. Kokina Maximus (w/ Mgr. Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey & The Masked Doctor) If Nikita slams and beats Kokina he wins the money! If Kokina wins, Nikita must work for Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey for a year! TAG TEAM WAR Tully Blanchard & Ken Patera (w/ Mgr. Valerie) vs. Barry Windham & Brad Rheingans AWA WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Magnificent Mimi (w/ Mgr. Valerie) vs. 'Big' Reggie Bennett PLUS! ONE FALL WITH A 20-MINUTE TIME-LIMIT Don Muraco vs. Jonnie Stewart SEE WHO'S NAUGHTY AND NICE AT CHRISTMAS CHAOS! (NOTE: There will be one more All-Star Wrestling posted before Christmas Chaos.)
  13. AWA WRESTLING ON ESPN - SHOWBOAT SPORTS PAVILION - LAS VEGAS, NV - DECEMBER 1990 Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson (# Aired on a previous AWA program.) (2nd Taping) Show Intro In-studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers. Said this was the final AWA on ESPN before Christmas Chaos. Nelson then ran down the program. Col. DeBeers wrestles a tune-up match before Christmas Chaos The final Christmas Chaos Report (Two new matches have been added this week) A look back at Reggie Bennett being awarded the AWA Women's World Title shot against Magnificent Mimi A look back at the attack on Brad Rheingans by Ken Patera and Tully Blanchard with Barry Windham coming to Rheingans' aid Jonnie Stewart sees action Barry Windham wrestles 'Big' Reggie Bennett is here And more! Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas! Shot of a stretcher at ringside. Kokina Maximus won a squash match over Ken Massey via pinfall with his Bonzai Drop (ass drop to the chest from the middle turnbuckle) Kokina, manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey and the Masked Doctor were strongly booed coming to the ring down the heel aisle. Announcers discussed the $250,000 dollar challenge match between Kokina and Nikita Koloff coming up at Christmas Chaos. POST-MATCH INTERVIEW: Masked Doc checked on the obliterated Massey while Nelson spoke with Kaissey as Kokina stood looking on menacingly behind him. Nelson: Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey, the big $250,000 dollar challenge is coming up very shortly at Christmas Chaos. This may be Kokina's biggest test to date as he faces the 'Russian Nightmare' Nikita Koloff. Kaissey: There is a lot of chatter out there about this match! If Nikita bodyslams and beats Kokina in the match, then he wins $250 grand! The money is right here in this briefcase I am holding! This is the only time this challenge will occur! After this then no more! Nikita, you have one shot to do this! No man has bodyslammed Kokina and no man has beaten Kokina! He is a force of nature! Kokina is a hurricane, earthquake and raging flood all rolled into one man! And let's not forget! If Nikita fails to bodyslam Kokina and beat him in the match, then he not only loses out on the money, he also has to come to work for me! I am already planning for how I will use Nikita! Nelson: Can you tell us how you intend to use him? Kaissey: You will know that when he fails to complete the goals laid out in the challenge at Christmas Chaos! But, I will tell you this! When Nikita comes to work for me he must do everything I tell him! And it says in the contract we signed that he will have to work for me for one year! He will be my possession for 365 days! Nikita will do what I say or he will suffer! Nelson: Those are chilling words to say the least. Kaissey: Imagine how chilling they will be for Nikita! Nelson: Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey and Kokina Maximus, everyone! Crowd booed. Pic aired of Reggie Bennett with the caption: NEXT... REG GETS THE NOD!!! Commercials In-studio: Nelson intro'd the decision last week regarding who would be facing Women's Champ Magnificent Mimi for the title at Christmas Chaos. VIDEO: In-ring: Larry Nelson was standing in the ring with AWA promoter Jim Crockett, Tina Moretti and 'Big' Reggie Bennett. # Nelson: With me right now are AWA promoter Jim Crockett, Tina Moretti and Reggie Bennett. Jim, we hear you have some news concerning Christmas Chaos. Jim: I do, Larry. At Christmas Chaos, Magnificent Mimi will be defending the AWA Women's World Championship. And the match will be against one of these two ladies with me in the ring. Crowd cheered. Jim: Tina and Reggie. You both are worthy contenders to face Mimi at Christmas Chaos. Unfortunately, only one of you will be getting the title shot that evening. After a long, intense discussion with members of the AWA Championship Committee we have made our decision. Believe me, it was not an easy decision. But, we have decided that at Christmas Chaos, Magnificent Mimi will be defending the championship against... Crockett looked at both women and the women had looks of anticipatio9n on their faces. Jim: ...Reggie Bennett! Mainly cheers but some boos from Tina fans. Tina and Reggie hugged. Tina: Reggie, congratulations on getting the championship match against Mimi. I know, and these fans know, you can topple her from her throne and become the new Women's World Champion. We are all behind you, Reg. Go get 'em, girl. Tina and Reg embraced once again and Tina then left the ring and headed back up the face aisle. Reg: Let me just say that Tina Moretti is a serious contender in her own right. She will have her chance to win the gold one day as well. I want to thank the AWA Championship Committee and promoter Jim Crockett for allowing me this opportunity. I've worked hard to get where I am in this sport. I promise that I will give it everything I have and then some on December 11th at the St. Paul Civic Center. Jim: Both you and Tina are deserving and like you said Reggie, Tina will get her shot one day also. Nelson: Reggie, we all saw what happened last week at Mimi's one-year anniversary celebration as the Women's World Champion. You shoved her face and her manager Valerie's face into the cake they had specially made for the event. Does that incident have any bearing on the match with Mimi at Christmas Chaos? Reg: Larry, if Mimi does not shove that cake in Tina's face then none of that would have happened. Mimi and Val got what they deserved as far as I'm concerned. Crowd cheered. Cheers melted into boos as Val and Mimi made their way down the heel aisle to the ring. Both were in street clothes and Mimi had the belt slung over her shoulder. The pair stepped into the ring and walked up to Reg, Jim and Larry. Mimi: Jim Crockett! I will not wrestle this moose! Crowd booed. Mimi: This woman is too large and very reckless in the ring! I am too beautiful to be putting the belt on the line against her! She could maim me with her bull in a china shop ring style! Jim: You don't want to wrestle her, Mimi. Okay. Mimi: That's more like it! Reggie Bennett is a walking OSHA report! Jim: You can just hand over the Women's World Title for failure to fulfill your obligations as champion and we'll make the match Reggie Bennett vs. Tina Moretti for the held up Women's World Championship. Crowd popped. Mimi and Val beside themselves. Val: You can't do this to us! Mimi's the champion so that means we call the shots! No title match for Reggie Bennett! Jim: You refuse to wrestle her and you're stripped of the title, Mimi. What's your choice? Val and Mimi briefly talked with one another. Mimi: I'll defend the belt against this wall! But I am doing it under protest! More boos. Val: Reggie also owes me $150 dollars for the cake she ruined last week during Mimi's anniversary celebration! Nelson: Reggie, you have been quiet during all this. Reg: Mimi. Val. There's really not much for me to say. I'll let my actions in the ring at Christmas Chaos do my talking for me. See you in St. Paul. Crowd cheered as Reggie left the ring and headed back up the face aisle and slapped hands with fans along the way. Mimi: If that's the way the championship committee wants it, fine! But we'll plan a strategy that 'Miss I Take Up 2 Seats On A Plane' won't be able to overcome! Jim Crockett! Prepared to be made a fool out of for ordering this match! Jim: You just make sure you're at Christmas Chaos with the belt. END VIDEO Pic aired of Barry Windham with the caption: NEXT... THE TALL TEXAN!!! Commercials/AWA Tour Update Barry Windham won a squash match over Fatu via pinfall with his flying lariat finisher Barry Windham was accompanied by Brad Rheingans and got a strong response coming down the face aisle. Announcers discussed the attack on Rheingans by Patera and Tully and Windham coming to Brad's aid. Video aired of the attack on Rheingans by Patera and Tuily with Barry running in to help Brad with the caption: NEXT...FIGHT INTENSIFIES!!! Commercials In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the attack on Brad Rheingans on last week's AWA on ESPN. VIDEO: # Rheingans was making quick work of Lee and dominating the match and then... Pedicino: It's Tully and Ken! Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera, in their ring attire, charged down the heel aisle, hit the ring and attacked Rheingans. Ref called for the bell (No contest). Val had casually strolled down to ringside and was watching the felony. Tully and Ken were hammering away on Brad. Brad in a bad way. Crowd popped as Barry Windham, in his ring attire, charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Barry threw haymakers at both Tully and Ken that connected. Barry then laid into Tully with punches and Ken clubbed Barry from behind and he and Tully pounded away on Barry. Brad recovered and joined in the fray. Fans into it. The fighting continued a little longer before AWA officials made their way down to the ring to restore order. Val signaled for her men to leave the ring and they did while Barry and Brad were kept at bay. Tully, Ken and Brad looked on from the floor as the segment ended. END VIDEO Commercials Pic aired of Reggie Bennett with the caption: NEXT WOMEN'S CHAMPION???!!! Commercials 'Big' Reggie Bennett won a squash match over Linda McMahon via submission with her split-leg rear chinlock submission hold Bennett got a good ovation coming to the ring. Announcers played up Reg's devastating finisher and said if Mimi gets caught in it her reign is over. Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... FINAL CHAOS REPORT!!! Commercials CHRISTMAS CHAOS REPORT # Nelson: Welcome to the Christmas Chaos Report. I'm Larry Nelson. This is the final Christmas Chaos Report before the big show. Christmas Chaos will be taking place on Tuesday, December 11th, at the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, Minnesota with a bell time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific. Tickets are on sale now. For tickets, contact Ticket Master or call the St. Paul Civic Center at 1 (651) 555-3891 or visit the Civic Center box office. The show will also be airing live on ESPN. We have two more matches that have been added to the card to announce this week. But first, let's take a look at the matches already announced for Christmas Chaos. For AWA World Championship, World Champion Wahoo McDaniel will be defending the title against the controversial Col. DeBeers. The war of words between these two has been intense and the match should have a heat level of extreme. Wahoo is fighting for the American way and DeBeers is fighting for his vicious political ideology. Much more is at stake in this match than just the belt. Also, Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton will be defending the AWA World Tag Team Titles against Badd Company. Badd Company has been on a roll lately and they seem to have enough momentum right now to possibly de-throne the current champions. For the AWA Women's World Championship, Magnificent Mimi, who has been the Women's Champion for over a year now, will be defending against 'Big' Reggie Bennett. This promises to be one for the books as Mimi is defending against a woman with a significant size advantage. Let's hear from Reggie and then champion Mimi. VIDEO: Shot of Reggie in street clothes and holding a mic and standing in front of the AWA logo. Reg: Magnificent Mimi and Valerie! This is it! The time has come! At Christmas Chaos, if I catch Mimi in my rear chinlock finisher then she's finished! Valerie, you'd better be careful where you tread that night in St. Paul! Because if you try to interfere and I catch you then I will squash you like a grape and they'll have to scrape you off the mat with a spatula! See you ladies, and I use the term ladies loosely here, at Christmas Chaos! Pic flipped and Mimi and Val, both in street clothes and holding mics, were standing in front of the AWA logo. Mimi had the belt cradled in her left arm. Mimi: I want it known that I am wrestling this match under protest! Reggie Bennett is extremely reckless in the ring and a threat to my physical well-being! But Reggie better know this! I have the best manager in the sport today in Valerie! They say two heads are better than one! And while Reggie may have the brawn we have the brains! Reggie needs to realize that while she can physically overpower me, she can't outsmart us! Not in a million years! Tell 'em, Val! Val: Mimi, you just stated what needed to be said! Reggie Bennett will never be able to out-duel us in a test of wits! She may think she can win on her raw power alone! But she can't out-think us! We are putting the final touches on our match plan and when all is said and done Mimi will still be the Women's Champion after Christmas Chaos! END VIDEO Nelson: The Women's Title match is shaping up to be an interesting clash of styles. Can Mimi and Valerie outsmart Reggie Bennett? Or will Reggie overwhelm Mimi with sheer force and end her run as champion? In the $250,000 dollar challenge match, Nikita Koloff does battle with Kokina Maximus. For Nikita to win the money, he must bodyslam and defeat Kokina in the match. If Nikita loses, he has to work for Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey for a year. This is a one shot deal. Nikita either wins a quarter of a million dollars or becomes the property of Shek Adnan El-Kaissey. It promises to be a must see match. Now, here are the two matches just added to Christmas Chaos. First, after they battled to a 10-minute draw in their encounter recently, a match where Muraco had just hit Stewart with his devastating inverted piledriver as the bell rang, it's gonna be Jonnie Stewart vs. Don Muraco in a match with a 20-minute time-limit. Finally, with all that has transpired between them in recent weeks, Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera will square off against Barry Windham and Brad Rheingans in a match with a lot of bad blood. Let's hear from Ken and Tully followed by comments from Rheingans and Windham. VIDEO: Shot of Tully, Ken and their manager Valerie, all in street clothes and each holding mics, standing in front of the AWA logo. Ken: I can tell you that signing with Valerie is the best career decision I have ever made. Rheingans, the reality is you were holding me back! You were an anchor that was keeping me from achieving my true greatness! I've broken free from you and now the sky is the limit for me! And with Tully as my tag team partner at Christmas Chaos, we begin our march to the the top of the AWA when we take down Barry and Brad at Christmas Chaos! We want all the titles and we're gonna make lots and lots of money! Tully: Well said, Ken! Our ascension is just beginning! The AWA is our oyster and we will have it all! Windham and Rheingans are gonna learn first-hand what no mercy truly means! In baseball, you have what are know as five tool players! They're players who have everything in terms of talent and skill! Well in wrestling, Ken and I are like those five tool players! We're the guys who have all the talent and skill! You'll see it on display when we step into the ring with Barry Windham and Brad Rheingans at Christmas Chaos! Valerie has an eye for the best this sport has to offer! Magnificent Mimi's already the Women's Champion! Soon, Ken Patera and Tully Blanchard are gonna have gold around our waists! And bigger bank accounts, too! Val: Signing Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera should send a message to every wrestler out there that I can take great wrestling talent and make it even greater! And the first step to greatness is gonna be a big win over Barry Windham and Brad Rheingans at Christmas Chaos! Pic flipped and Barry Windham and Brad Rheingans, both in street clothes and holding mics, were standing in front of the AWA logo. Barry: Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera! You two just keep escalating things to the boiling point! At Christmas Chaos, you're gonna face the wrath of me and Brad Rheingans! This won't be a match... it will be a brawl! There's certainly no love lost here! The intensity will be so high you can feel it through your TV's at home! We've got a score to settle and we intend to do just that on December 11th! Brad: This might be a tag team match. But, I am gonna focus all of my ire on you, Ken Patera. All that talk for months about how'd you'd never turn on the fans or me and go with Valerie and you wind up doing just that. Brother, you sold everyone out for the almighty dollar and promises from a sleazy manager that you'll win lots and lots of championships under her. I'm still in shock over what happened between us. But, I take solace in knowing that I have a true friend watching my back in Barry Windham. Unlike you, Patera, I know I can trust this man by my side. And we're gonna bring the fight to you and Tully Blanchard at Christmas Chaos. See you two in St. Paul. END VIDEO Nelson: There you have it. The complete card for Christmas Chaos. The show takes place Tuesday, December 11th at the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, Minnesota. Tickets are still available if you want to be there live. And the event will also be airing live on ESPN. Christmas Chaos has a start time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific. Don't miss a minute of the action either live in the arena or on ESPN. I'm Larry Nelson. See you at Christmas Chaos. Pic aired of Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... MANIFEST DESTINY???!!! Commercials Col. DeBeers won a squash match over Indian wrestler Chief Jay Strongbow, Jr. via pinfall with his face-first piledriver DeBeers was strongly booed coming down the heel aisle to the ring. Announcers discussed DeBeers' controversial remarks about Wahoo and other racial statements in recent weeks. After winning the match, DeBeers left the ring and went over and grabbed the ring bell off the timekeeper's table and brought it into the ring. Pedicino: What's he gonna do with the bell?! DeBeers set the bell down in the ring. Pedicino: Is he gonna face-first piledrive Strongbow, Jr. into the bell?! DeBeers graabed Strongbow, Jr. and prepared to hoist him up for a face-first piledriver on the ring bell. Peidcino: If DeBeers pulls this off he'll shatter Strongbow, Junior's face! Crowd popped as Wahoo McDaniel, in his ring attire and carrying the AWA World Title, charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. DeBeers released Strongbow, Jr. as Wahoo dropped the title belt in the ring and charged over and jumped on DeBeers and started pounding away on the Colonel as the crowd roared. DeBeers managed to fight back and the two started brawling in the ring as the heat went way up. The two were slugging it out when wrestlers from both the face and heel locker rooms charged down their repspective aisles and hit the ring and, after a brief struggle, managed to pull the two men apart. The heels dragged DeBeers to one corner and the faces dragged Wahoo to the opposite corner and held the two men at bay. Both men glaring at one another from across the ring. Wahoo then broke away from being held in his corner and charged over and jumped into the crowd of wrestlers holding DeBeers back and Wahoo started pounding DeBeers as the fans erupted. DeBeers managed to get in a few shots before the pair was separated once again. Crowd eating it up. The two men started barking at each other over a wall of face and heel wrestlers as the program went off the air. END PROGRAM
  14. EARLY DECEMBER 1990 AWA HQ - ST. LOUIS PARK, MN Bill Watts and Jim Crockett were having a heated discussion in Watts' office. Jim: Bill, I really don't like this finish for this match. Bill: Why not? It will accomplish two things at Christmas Chaos. It's a good finish. Jim: Half of it is. But half of it makes me nervous. Bill: You'll get over it, Jim. It lays the groundwork for the major title change. Jim: It does accomplish that. But can't you have them drop the title to someone else? Bill: I could but then it wouldn't make sense. Look, this brings their issue full circle. The title change will be huge, Jim. They've never held it before. The fans will really respond to it. Jim: We've been asked not to do this but you're gonna go ahead and do it anyway. Watts: I know what I'm doing, Jim. Just let me handle it. Any heat that comes our way well, I'll bear the brunt of it. I'll take one for the team. Jim: This will piss off some very important people. Watts: They'll get over it. We handle the wrestling side of things, not them. They don't understand why certain things are done. Jim: What if they don't get over it? This could affect business in a very negative way. Watts: I'll do the talking if they're upset. I'll explain what we're doing but will not reveal any long range plans to them. If we let them know what's gonna happen on our shows, since most are taped, they'll blab about it to others. Kayfabe needs to be seriously enforced when it comes to protecting our plans. Jim: I do not like this at all. Watts: You don't have to like it. It's just a piece of business. We have to move forward with it because the wheels are already in motion. Jim: You can put the brakes on, Bill. Please re-think this. Watts: Too late, the brake lines have been cut. This is gonna play out and you will see it was the right move over the long haul. Relax. Jim: I'm thinking about the long-term. The possible impact on our business could be bleak after this. We may not recover if you pull the trigger on it. Watts: Just let me handle everything. All is under control. Jim: I don't... I don't know what else to say. Watts: It's gonna be okay, Jim. I believe this is gonna help us in the long run. We've already got a start to this angle and we'll have a finish that runs in a nice, straight line. Everyone wins in the end. Us. The fans. It will all be good when it is finished. The impact will be great. But will the impact be the inadvertent demise of the company? STAY TUNED...
  15. AWA ALL-STAR WRESTLING SYNDICATED SHOW - QUANDT FIELDHOUSE - STEVENS POINT, WI - DEC. 1990 ANNOUNCERS: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Eric Bischoff (# Aired on a previous AWA program.) (1st Taping) In-studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program: NON-TITLE: Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes (WTTC) vs. Billy Joe Travis & The Shootist (From USWA) Another Christmas Chaos Report A look back at the end of the Don Muraco-Jonnie Stewart match from last week on AWA on ESPN with comments from both Stewart and Muraco. A look back at the surprise abrupt ending of Mimi's one-year anniversary celebration on last week's AWA on ESPN Tina Moretti sees action Akio Sato & Ninja Go wrestle And more! Nelson sent it to the ring in Duluth. The Trooper won a squash match over Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker via pinfall with his flying shoulder tackle finisher Trooper got a strong ovation coming to the ring down the face aisle and handed out souvenir speeding tickets along the way. POST-MATCH INTERVIEW: Eric: Trooper, you just took down another member of law enforcement in Buddy Lee Parker of the State Patrol. But you have your sights set on a bigger prize. Trooper: I do, I've got my sights set on that Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship held by Greg Valentine. Everyone saw what happened a few weeks ago. I had Valentine on the verge of defeat and time just ran out. Well, the next time we step into the ring time might just run out on Valentine's reign! Crowd cheered. Trooper: I know with every fiber of my being that I can beat Valentine for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship and I think these people do, too. More cheers. Trooper: Valentine! It's not a matter of if but when. There will be another battle between us! And there will be a winner! I've got your number, Hammer! It's time for a change and I aim to be that change! Eric: The Trooper, everybody! More cheers. Video aired of Reggie Bennett shoving Mimi's and Val's face in the cake during her celebration with the caption: NEXT... PARTY'S OVER!!! Commercials In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's one-year celebration for Mimi as champion. VIDEO: # Mimi: So, right now, I'm going to ask. Are there any wrestlers who want to celebrate with us and enjoy a piece of this delicious, decadent chocolate cake?! Crickets as there no one was coming out. Val: Don't be bashful. Get out here. More waiting. Val: Anyone? Brief wait. Val: Well, that just leaves more cake for me and the champ. The rest of you lost out on one of the best cakes you will ever eat. How about you, Nelson? You want some cake? Nelson: Why not... Crowd popped as Tina Moretti made her way down the face aisle to the ring and climbed in. Mimi: Look who it is. Another perpetual contender. Val laughed. Tina: I came out here to say something to both of you. The women's division is expanding and getting batter in the AWA. And I'm coming for that belt, Mimi. I'm coming fast and hard for it. You had better be at your best when we wrestle because I might just relieve you of that belt. Crowd cheered. Val had cut some of the cake and handed a piece on a plate to Mimi. Mimi: We can worry about that some other time, Tina. How about a nice piece of chocolate cake? Tina looked at the heel pair and then Mimi rubbed the piece of cake in TIna's face. Tina shocked and started rubbing the cake off her face as Val and Mimi pointed at laughed at her like immature high school broads. Crowd popped as 'Big' Reggie Bennett came charging down the face aisle and hit the ring behind Val, Mimi, Nelson and Tina. Reggie grabbed Mimi and Val by the back of their heads and slammed and rubbed their faces into the big cake as the crowd cheered. Mimi stunned and pissed about what just happened as she wiped the cake out of her eyes. Val slipped on some cake in the ring and took a prat fall to the delight of the crowd. Mimi cleaned the chocolate out of her eyes and then saw who did the cake face smashing and jumped back. Reg: I can tell you one thing, Mimi! And I 100 percent guarantee it! There will be no second anniversary for you as the Women's World Champion! Crowd popped. Mimi hastily gabbed the belt off the table and clutched it to her chocolate cake-covered chest. Tina now pointed and laughed at Val and MImi before she and Reg left the ring together and headed back up the face aisle to solid cheers. END VIDEO In-studio: Nelson talked about the cake event. Hyped Christmas Chaos on December 11. Nelson said that there would be major news about the Women's World Title match in the Christmas Chaos Report. Pic aired of Akio Sato & Ninja Go with the caption: NEXT... MENACE FROM THE FAR EAST!!! Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities Akio Sato & Ninja Go won a squash match over Jerry Allen & Terry Daniels when Sato pinned Allen with his Japanese Vegematic (sitout powerbomb) finisher Sato & Go were modestly booed coming down the heel aisle. In-studio: Nelson hyped Christmas Chaos. Video aired from the Muraco-Stewart match with the caption: NEXT... CLOSE CALL! Commercials In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's match between Don Muraco and Jonnie Stewart with comments following from both men. VIDEO: # Stewart snapped Muraco up and whipped Muraco at the ropes. Muraco stumbled and fell forward with his head, arms and shoulders hanging out over the middle rope. Stewart moved in and stood over Muraco and proceeded to jump up and nail Muraco with a trio of ass drops to the back. Ref ordered Stewart back and checked on Muraco. Muraco hurting. Muraco made his way to his feet. Stewart moved in and Muraco caught Stewart in a bearhug and drove Stewart hard, back-first into the buckles. Stewart staggered out and crashed to the mat. Muraco moved in and grabbed Stewart, whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a second powerslam. Murtaco fought through the pain as he stood up and gestured it was time for his inverted piledriver finisher. Crowd into it. Muraco snapped Stewart up, struggled to turn Stewart upside down but finally did so and blasted Stewart with his inverted piledriver finisher to the delight of the crowd. DING! DING! DING! Muraco covered Stewart. Ref patted Muraco on the back three times. Muraco to his feet. Ref informed him of what happened. Muraco not happy. DECISION: Time-Limit Draw - 10:00 Pic flipped and Don Muraco, in street clothes and holding a mic, was standing in front of the AWA logo. Muraco: I had him beat, dammit! If the match only had three more seconds I would have defeated Jonnie Stewart! This kind of match ending is frustrating to say the least! Victory was mine but time was my enemy! I want another match with Jonnie Stewart! One that has a longer time-limit so there's the chance for a clear winner! Three seconds! That's all that stood between me and victory over Jonnie Stewart! Pic flipped and Stewart, in street clothes and holding a mic, was standing in front of the AWA logo. Stewart: Some people will say that if the match had just gone a few seconds longer then Jonnie Stewart would have lost to Don Muraco. How do you know? He did hit me with that inverted piledriver of his. Believe me, that thing hurts like you would not believe. But, he wasn't able to pin me. If the match would have gone a little longer, I'll let you in on a little secret, I would have kicked out of Muraco's pin attempt. He would have failed to get the win. People need to realize that the 'Wrestler of the '90s' is not your normal wrestler. Other wrestlers, lots of 'em, succumb to Muraco's finisher. I would not have on this night. He hit me with his biggest move. But the reality is that he would not have finished me off with it. Dream on, Donny Boy. Dream on. END VIDEO Pic aired of Tina Moretti with the caption: NEXT... WHERE'S TINA???!!! Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities Tina Moretti won a squash match over Major Gunns via pinfall with her Samoan pilderiver finisher Tina got a solid response coming down the face aisle. In-studio: Nelson talked up the AWA women's division and how Mimi has a few ladies now breathing down her neck for the gold. Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... CHAOS REPORT!!! Commercials CHRISTMAS CHAOS REPORT # Nelson: Welcome to the Christmas Chaos Report. I'm Larry Nelson. Christmas Chaos will be taking place on Tuesday, December 11th, the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, Minnesota with a bell time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific. Tickets go on sale now!. For tickets, contact Ticket Master or call the St. Paul Civic Center at 1 (651) 555-3891 or visit the Civic Center box office. The show will also be airing live on ESPN. We've got two new matches to announce this week but first we'll take a look at the two matches already signed for the event. For the AWA World Championship, World Champion Wahoo McDaniel will defend the belt against the controversial South African Col. DeBeers. The war of words between these two has already been intense and this week is no different as we hear from the challenger DeBeers. VIDEO: DeBeers was standing in front of the AWA logo in his camo gear with mic in hand. DeBeers: It is now less than two weeks until a new era is born in the AWA. At Christmas Chaos on December 11th I, Col. DeBeers, will be crowned the new AWA World Heavyweight Champion when I defeat the savage Indian Wahoo McDaniel. When I become the champion, I will be ushering in the era of the new man. This man will be a noble man. A man worthy of being a champion. A man worthy of holding the highest title in the field of sports. A cloud of darkness will be lifted from over the sport of professional wrestling when I put Wahoo down like a sick, mangy dog. This is my manifest destiny. And you cannot stop manifest destiny; it's like trying to hold back the wind. Everyone watching this right now needs to make sure they're watching ESPN on December 11th. For the dawning of a new and golden era will begin in the AWA. It will be the era of survival of the fittest. And being one of the most fit people on planet earth, that means I will be a great survivor for a long, long time. Only another member of the strong race will ever be able to take me down. But that's only if they haven't allowed the mental and physical pollution of America and the West to infect them. The strong, the noble, the wise. These are only found in one people. A great people and a fighting people. The American Indian carries none of this within him. Wahoo, you were a feel good story for much of 1990. But the end of that story is written at Christmas Chaos with the rise of the new champion and the new man. END VIDEO Nelson: More strong and rather unsettling words from Col. DeBeers. Also, for the AWA World Tag Team Titles, Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes will be defending against the suddenly resurgent team of Badd Company. Let's hear from the challengers and then the champions. VIDEO: Shot of DDP, Pat Tanaka and Paul Diamond standing in front of the AWA logo. All were in street clothes. DDP had a mic. DDP: I would knew this day would return for us! We hit a rough patch for a period of time, but we dug ourselves out of that hole and are now once again the #1 contender's for the AWA World Tag Team Championships! And at Christmas Chaos, you can remove the #1 contender tag from us! These guys are gonna give the best gift of all Chrtistmas season by becoming the new AWA World Tag Team Champions! That's right! We're gonna be the Grinch for Billy Jack Haynes and Scot Norton for the holidays! Badd Company has been denied for far too long! We are once again gonna take our place at the top of the tag team ladder! Haynes and Norton! You boys are gonna need to gift wrap those belts! Because Tanaka and Diamond would love nothing better than to open them under the tree on Christmas morning! What a Kodak Moment that would be! Pic flipped and Norton and Haynes, both in street clothes with the belts slung over their shoulders and mics in hand, were standing in front of the AWA logo. Norton: Badd Company, you have earned your shot at these tag team titles! But we know how you guys operate! Especially with that slippery manager of yours Dallas Page at ringside! You guys are a dangerous team on your own! If you're gonna beat us and take these belts from us at Christmas Chaos, at least do it like men! Keep your manager out of the match! Haynes: We've been the tag team champions now for three months and we've been fighting champions! As Scott said, come at us like the men you claim to be, Tanaka and Diamond! Don't rely on outside help from Dallas Page! You take us down cleanly then you've earned these belts! And I'm gonna say one thing to Mr. Page! Dallas, if you interfere in this match using that cane and I get a hold of it, I'll take that cane and shove it so far up where the sun don't shine that you'll need surgery to have it removed! Fight us on your own, boys! Be real men! END VIDEO Nelson: In another match just signed this week, Nikita Koloff will be squaring off against Kokina Maximus. Let's take a look at how that match came together. VIDEO: In-ring: Larry Nelson was once again standing with Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey. Nelson: We are running low on time. Sheik, earlier you came out with that briefcase and offered the $250,000 in it to any wrestler who could slam and pin or force a submission from Kokina in one match. The other side to this challenge was that if the wrestler who accepted the challenge lost, then they would have to come to work for you. Kaissey: That is correct! There were no takers earlier! And this is the last chance for someone to accept this offer before it goes away and will never be offered again! Nelson: Are there any takers now? No one was coming out. Nelson: We are almost out of time. We need someone to come out and accept Sheik's challenge right now if they're brave enough. Still no one coming out. Nelson: We're gonna have to wrap the show up if no one comes out now. And I mean now! No one coming. Nelson: Going once. Going twice... Crowd popped as someone finally came down the face aisle. Pedicino: It's Nikita Koloff! Koloff, in his ring attire, made his way down the aisle and stepped in the ring and walked up to Kaissey and Nelson. Koloff: Sheik Adnan. I accept your challenge! Koloff and Kaissey stared at each other as the crowd cheered and the program went off the air. END VIDEO Nelson: Now, let's hear from Nikita and Kokina's manager, Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey. VIDEO: Nikita Koloff was standing in front of the AWA logo in street clothes with mic in hand. Koloff: Sheik Adnan! You offer $250,000 dollars if a wrestler can bodyslam and pin Kokina Maximus in the same match! I have accepted your challenge! I am willing to risk having to go to work for you for a chance at the money and to be the first wrestler in the entire sport to slam and defeat Kokina! If I do not accomplish my, how you say, mission, then I will work for you! I won't like it but these are the rules you have made! I will honor my end of the, how you say, bargain if I lose! Pic flipped and Kaissey was standing in his Arab garb and holding a mic in front of the AWA logo. Kaissey: I admire you for your bravery, Nikita! No other wrestlers were man enough to accept my challenge! If you bodyslam and defeat Kokina in the same match, then you will be given $250,000 dollars of my money in cold, hard cash! This is a one-time challenge! It will not be offered again to anyone! But while I admire your courage, Nikita, I also think that you don't know what you have gotten yourself into! Kokina is the indestructible force in wrestling today! And no one has been able to bodyslam him! I have a feeling, Koloff, that you're coming to work for me after you fail to get the job done at Christmas Chaos! And I already have a list of things for you to do when I take over your life and career! Nelson: Both sides seem determined to win the challenge put forth by Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey. Either Nikita gets the $250,000 dollars by bodyslamming and defeating Kokina Maximus. Remember, the slam and the win must occur in the same bout. Or, Nikita Koloff must go to work for Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey if the Russian Nightmare is not up to the task of toppling Kokina Maximus. Finally, the newest match added to Christmas Chaos. The Magnificent Mimi will defend the AWA Women's World Title against 'Big' Reggie Bennett. Christmas Chaos is shaping up to be quite the show for the holiday season. And next week we'll have the final Christmas Chaos Report and will inform you fans of any new matches that are added. I'm Larry Nelson. See you again next week with the Christmas Chaos Report. END VIDEO Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... AWA VS. USWA!!! TV MAIN EVENT - NON-TITLE: Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton vs. Billy Joe Travis & The Shootist (From USWA) Shootist and Travis made their way down the heel aisle to modest boos. Haynes and Norton (WTTC) came down the face aisle to a strong ovation. Announcers hyped Haynes and Norton defending the tag belts against Badd Co. at Christmas Chaos. The USWA wrestlers put up a fight for much of the match before Haynes forced The Shootist to submit to his full nelson finisher. WINNER: Haynes & Norton - Submission - 6:35 END PROGRAM
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