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About EvoRUEtion

  • Birthday 07/01/1999

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Help With A Stable Name? I got a heel stable that I've been slowly trying to piece together, but honestly, I can't seem to get a good enough name for them. The members are: Jack Bruce (who I turned heel into like a Jericho in AEW type) Bulldozer Cristian Smith Big Bruiser Findlay Randy Wolfe (aka Randy Bumfhole). They're suppose to be my version of the Inner Circle, though, i rather use a more creative name than that, and I do plan on adding a woman and someone else eventually. Mind helping me out?
  2. MY SWF The World Is Watching 2017 Card! I think this card will be pretty damn good if I had to be honest!!! Some of you might get confused by name changes, but it lets me get closer to their characters. I know I'm an odd person, haha. THREE NOTABLE THINGS: 1. Joey Morgan broke his ankle after Rogue botched a move, it made the main event change when I built Remo/Morgan II for this card, but they'll have to wait to main event Supreme Challenge 37 (like they did last year). 2. I only do big cards for big shows and 11 is excessive to me, but I felt why not go all out and I'll probably put the women's tag match on the pre-show to cut for time. 3. Lastly, the only title not being defended is the SWF Chaos title, which is basically my version of the 24/7 title from WWE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nicky Champion vs. Rogue Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Raven Nightfall © for the SWF Women's World Championship Eric Eisen vs. The Crippler in an I Quit match Jack Bruce vs. Bulldozer Cristian Smith ( Cristian Smith = Bulldozer Brandon Smith ) Randy Wolfe & Big Bruiser Findlay vs. Valiant & Des Davids in a Two Out of Three Falls tag team match ( Randy Wolfe = Randy Bumfhole ) Team Eisen (Amber Eisen, Tracy Speed, Hellcat Hernandez, and Emma Bitch) vs. Team Quine (Ruby Quine, Nikki Sweetheart, Zoe Ammis, and Honour McFly) [ Amber Eisen = Amber Allen, Tracy Speed = Tracy Brendon, Ruby Quine = Jamie Quine, Nikki Sweetheart = Danielle Sweetheart, Honour McFly = Tamara McFly ] The New Wave (Guide and Scout) vs. The Acts of God (Kirk Jameson and Hollywood Bret Starr) Kitamura vs. Angel De Mexico vs. Greg Gauge vs. Gino Montero vs. Brandon James vs. Oskcar Zim © for the SWF North American Championship in a ladder match ( Kitamura = Fuyuko Higa [yes, i know she's a woman, it's a part of the storyline], Oskcar Zim = Zimmy Bumfhole ) Mikey Lau vs. Martín da Silva (Martín da Silva = Mario da Silva) Angry Gilmore & JUSTICE vs. Hell's Demons (Skull DeBones & Mimic) vs. Jimmy 'Mainstream' Hernandez & Steven Parker vs. Team Awesomeness (Jefferson Stardust and Huey Cannonball) © for the SWF World Tag Team Championships Christian Faith vs. Remo © for the SWF World Championship in the main event
  3. Sort of new to the whole C-verse! Hi! I had a bit of thinking before I decided to post on this thread, but I feel confident enough to share things with fellow TEW players! So, it was only recently where I decided to start using the C-verse, only because most of my mods began to bore me and I needed something else. And, well, I got a new laptop so all my saves are gone, but like I said.. I wanted a new start and it seemed like the right choice! I have some viewing experiences of the C-verse through YouTubers who've played it and I got to learn a group of names that I've grown to like, though, I wanted something that would be different and unique. I had already tired out the idea of a local to global idea many, many times, never really being able to finish it either. I always got aggravated during regional status and couldn't bare to continue (for the most part)! I thought it would be fitting to pick one of the biggest companies to start off nicely, before I bothered to do anything too extreme. Granted with no experience, I decided to go with SWF. I almost chose TCW but I personally wanted to do something with SWF, also I see not a lot of people like SWF? I thought that was weird but I really wanted to make them more out there than before. From what I've read as well, SWF is a little like the Attitude Era in terms of styling (tell me if I'm wrong), but I wanted to keep that and change it at the same time. I made the quick decision to change the product a little bit.. or a lot really. Okay, so, I wouldn't say a lot, I just decided to take the hit and allow the company to be revived. I basically can say that I've made SWF into AEW in a lot of ways, but I made our key feature be CULT while Traditional and Main Stream as heavy features. Risque, Modern, and Hyper Realism as our mediums. Everything else is either low or none. I'm also cleaning the roster out a bit, none of the big stars but a lot of the midcard (people who I thought sucked) then replacing them with other talents I found. With that, I'm also adding a women's division (as in any company, that's super overdue) and I'm excited to see where it goes. Plus, I'm signing a bunch of women (at least 13 or so). Lastly, I'm adding a little hardcore-esque division (almost like WWF had, but it's going to be less hardcore-y than theirs) with them fighting for a 24/7-ish title like WWF had. It'll be fun for me, I'm sure. Don't know if I ruined it or not, but let's be honest, I don't know what I'm doing and you gotta fail to succeed... right? What else could I change.. and was this a good idea?
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