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About dammitdave

  • Birthday 05/23/1984

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  1. I have a weird question - how does TEW 2020 handle having a Title with both an Owned by company and an Alliance? Will that work at all, or will one override the other? Mostly asking while looking a the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title in the late 80s/early 90s where it was technically an NWA title for the alliance, but was almost exclusively defended and showcased on WCW. Setting it as a WCW title doesn't quite feel right because it was still the NWA title and they lost it when they cut ties, but it kind of was effectively WCW-exclusive.
  2. Loving this mod so far - WCW getting picked up and surviving at the end is such an interesting topic to me, made more so by reading about it in the Nitro book and hearing Bischoff talk about it on his podcast. I am seeing a few workers in WCW who seem like their pop is a little off - either too high or too low, based on the Perception they're getting tagged at in-game. Anybody feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here - I'm a little out of loop on late-stage WCW, and I'm slowly catching up (by watching everything WCW on the Network from the start of Nitro to the end; I'm just getting to the start of the nWo, just watched Great American Bash 96). Mark Jindrak - pegged as a Major Star (pop 64 in USA) - puts him over Jarrett and almost equal to Booker T and DDP, which can't be right. Can it? Johnny the Bull - pegged as a Star (pop 63 in USA) - definitely feels too high; I remember him in WCW but he was a midcard guy at best. This puts him over Rick Steiner, Sid Vicious, Luger, Bagwell... Kanyon - pegged as Well Known (pop 43 in USA) - feels too low, to me at least. I know he had a feud with DDP in 2000 (did it spill into 2001?) and was definitely getting a decent push all the way through the end. Johnny Swinger - pegged as Well Known (pop 35 in USA) - feels too high, again; I think he was a lower midcard guy at best Hugh Morrus - pegged as Recognisable (pop 36 in USA) - I think he'd be a little higher than this; he carried the US title for awhile and seemed like they were trying to get him over Alex Wright - pegged as Unimportant (pop 28 in USA) - this one I'm not too sure on; I know he got a decent push when he showed up, had his stint with Disco where they were SUPER over in WCW, but then the Berlyn debacle happened. But I'm not sure what he did in the last year or so of WCW, so maybe I'm just thinking based on him in 95-97 Just throwing my thoughts out there - feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Like I said, I'm a little rusty on late-stage WCW and not super up on storylines and pushes outside of the very top guys.
  3. I have a physical notebook where I write out storyline ideas and plot shows and events, and then I have a spreadsheet that I move that info into, with a master Roster spreadsheet that pulls info from other sheets (title, storyline, manager, tag team/stable) and a sheet that helps me track Chemistry as I find it. I tried writing storyline ideas and shows in notebook, but for some reason my creative self works better on real paper. Thankfully, since I also run D&D a lot, I have a TON of notebooks laying around just waiting for a purpose.
  4. I have to pick one moment? Woof... I'd have to say the dawn of "Conspiracy Theory" Chris Jericho in WCW. If I have to get more specific, the Nitro where he gave Dave Penzer a new tuxedo because he tore his tuxedo off previously, then he tore that one off and kept muttering "sorry sorry" to himself as he left ringside. WCW Chris Jericho was amazing once he turned heel and dropped the white-meat vanilla babyface gimmick.
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