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About ToxicTornado

  • Birthday 06/06/1988

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  1. It would be good if we can have a way of being able to defend child company titles on main shows. Also if we can have the option to do the same with other promotions titles if in an alliance.
  2. It would be good if we can have a way of being able to defend child company titles on main shows. Also if we can have the option to do the same with other promotions titles if in an alliance.
  3. Own broadcasters Also to add to this is there anyway you could offer alliance members tv slots on your own broadcaster as a way to make money and to also help them gain popularity?
  4. Just wondered if we are going to be able to download today or if it’s pushed back a little further?
  5. Is there anyway you could add a contract clause where if you have a good relationship with a wrestler in a different company and they are champion you can ask them to bring the title with them? Think this would be a good addition, I have tried just hiring someone from say AAA who is a title holder but there is no option to ask them to bring the title. Thinking Monday night wars this was a big deal and why Bret got screwed as well as the Madusa segment? Cheers
  6. <p>I don’t mind chucking £30 at something that is constantly being fixed and giving a real platform to test on, I understand why they have delayed full release but I wouldn’t have minded if they had released it and then sent patches out for it! <span class="ipsEmoji">🤷🏼</span>*<span class="ipsEmoji">♂️</span></p><p> </p><p> At least that way we can test it fully. </p><p> </p><p> If it was a £60 game I would understand, but I see a lot of people on YouTube bashing this and they need to remember that this is effectively an Indy game it’s not being produced by THQ, 2K or Sports interactive. </p><p> </p><p> I wish they would release it then work on it. <span class="ipsEmoji">🤷🏼</span>*<span class="ipsEmoji">♂️</span></p>
  7. <p>Not sure if this is possible, I have put in about 12/13 hours on the beta mainly by starting lots of saves, is there any chance in the next patch you could maybe open up another 2 months in order to test longevity of certain scenarios?</p><p> </p><p> It feels as though at the moment that acts I am trying to push are either not in anyway shape or from working or i am wondering if there are certain mechanics to make this harder and therefore takes longer in game time to produce, if this is the case and is possible, maybe open up March & April in the beta with a patch so we can test this? </p><p> </p><p> Thanks</p>
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