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Johnny Fenoli

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Everything posted by Johnny Fenoli

  1. http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/2958/67221443746286025316959.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us Know what I was just thinking.... Take out, Jarrett and Hogan... and I would've really liked this. You have to leave Bischoff as the one who got it started. Bring in James Mitchell and a couple of other "twisted" individuals... Have hardy play a dark character.... and I'd be down. I dont wanna see Jarrett on my screen unless he's putting over people.
  2. I'll actually take the over. I bet the ratings get a boost...
  3. LOL... This was the thing that is planned to change TNA forever.
  4. TNA just really likes to turn guys... there's more heel to face, face to heel turns, than all other promotions combined....
  5. Wait a second...... they actually have meetings and organize this mess?
  6. Taz said the landscape of TNA just changed!!! Bischoff and Hogan are heels again... wow... sooo, shocked... Jarrett, should be jobbing out to people trying to break into the main event scene. Abyss, I like as a monster... not part of THIS kind of group. Either leave him to be psycho by himself, or put him with other psychos. Hardy, I'm going to assume can be decent as a heel, never remember seeing him as one... But is he really the type to lead this group? He has the title, so he's the leader. Would have worked better with Angle, or even giving Anderson a shot at running with it. Hardy gets too much sympathy votes from the crowd. They are trying to redo nWo with "bad guys" that are popular with the crowd... I dont like it.
  7. http://www.gymidiots.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/son-i-am-disappoint.gif
  8. Wouldn't be suprised if THEY no showed tonight.... Preparing myself for the let down right now...
  9. Shouldn't it have been Stevie luring Kaz to the top, since Kendrick is hidden up there... if not, what's the reason in going up there?
  10. It's very cool. Especially how it raises to reveal the person behind it.
  11. Team 3D are officially retired... but, they want one more match for the title... therefore not officially retired. Going to be retired... Thought maybe they where going to do the match right there, ehhh....
  12. Umm, dont know if you knwo this or not, but on my TV screen HE IS THAT CHARACTER... His character, isn't working so far... There for he shouldn't be a major player... Let him start over, let the character get over. whatever... no title shot for you. sorry Robbie and Slag...
  13. I know Nash says he's gone... but... God I hope THEY isn't Bischoff, Sting, Jarrett, Dinero, and Nash, maybe.... looks like it will be.
  14. Exactly.... and he debuted with a horrible crowd reaction to his promo on Thursday.
  15. Who's running TNA? You debut Robbie E/G whatever... he gets a HORRIBLE reaction..... 3 days later... you put him in a program for the X DIVISION TITLE??????
  16. Great............ Lethal stuck in a program with the Jersey Vacum.... the guy who sucks the life out of an audience...........
  17. Crazy Eric Young is a great comedy act, but seems like it might get old. The getting confused what team he's on thing, that is. This is hilarious!
  18. LOL I've never been this interested in a WWE Divas match....
  19. Madison Rayne has really come into her own... She went from a beautiful people tag along... to the best performer of all of them....
  20. Lil generous with the stars there aint cha? Big Crowd, for TNA...
  21. To rule out Paul Heyman as being any part of "THEY" or TNA in general... Would it be some form of conflict of interest if he did. Being that he recently signed a deal with EA to promote the new MMA game, and Spike has the UFC deal? Seeing as supposedly Spike would have been part of the deal to get Heyman in TNA...
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