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Everything posted by AldousHuxtable

  1. Ok, I give up. What is the point of having b shows if I get consistently low ratings when using unimportant/rookie talent? The logic I am currently operating under: If it's a B show and two talented but unpopular/lower card workers main event it -- say a recognisable vs unimportant like those old WCW Saturday night matches or literally every AEW Dark, why do I get penalized if the crowd wasn't interested in seeing unimportant wrestlers on a b-show? Am I off? Am I doing something wrong here? I won't have my feelings hurt if i'm missing something obvious and it's pointed out, btw
  2. Totally agree with everyone here, I think an ideal would be if someone had the "Talent Spotter" attribute, they'd be down to go to developmental w/no fuss? Could also work to help maintain worker morale to get out of catering and get some screen/match time, albeit in a smaller capacity. Think about someone like Tyler Breeze in WWE/NXT: on the main roster, he's prob recognizable/unimportant. In NXT, he's a Star that has no problem putting over a young guy.
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