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Posts posted by francis86

  1. If you have a company that is mostly rated on performance, being a part of COTT is awesome. I am using alternate 2018 cornellverse mod, so 4C is still active and ACPW is in Alberta (They joined COTT). Playing as quebec pro wrestling, I do a lot of alliance LOAN to bring guys like OWEN LOVE and East Side Assassin to loose against my champion to push him.
  2. Just discovered the funniest thing I ever had while playing a total extreme wrestling game. We all know CGC’s Decolt is a dick and does not like Christian Price’s QPW because Price left lol. He keep stealing talent from me but he is such a dick that I can rehire CGC wrestler who leave because they don’t get paid. The confederation of territory became huge as I have Add a lot of company and all the small fed keep trading talent, which is useful to push our talent without burrying anyone in our company. Awesome mod man. That make us ( ACPW, 4C and QPW) able to ally ourself, trade our talent and be able to compete with CGC who is Canada’s ennemy number 1!
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