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About Ltkmk

  • Birthday 05/16/2000

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Has anyone tried playing as a booker instead of an owner? From my experience, bidding is literally Impossible. The owner's contract offer is not adjusted to take into account the competition, but solely based on what he thinks about the worker (which most often is lower than the opposing offers). And I wish there was a way to bypass some restrictions ex taking the risk to offer bonuses or higher merchandise cut even if the owner is against it. As a punishment, my company rating could drop, and at some point I could get fired. It's a lot better than losing half of your stars to NJPW.
  2. AEW lost all their broadcasting deals for Dynamite and havent done a thing about it Insiders have said they wont make the year
  3. My plan whenever the full game is out and mods work with the new game, I'll probably do a full draft and then workout storylines from there.
  4. Smaller companies tend to do that. But I think the big thing is that each company tries to have a certain number of teams and keeps creating new teams. It shouldn't be that weird but watching from an outside perspective and knowing the wrestlers makes teams like say Aleister Black and Sunil Singh a weird pair up. But for the game, it's just 2 wrestlers with nothing else to judge from.
  5. Does anyone have a good workaround for angles. I'm using some preset angles and then making them freestyle to change what the workers are rated on. But is there a way to look up the worker's stats on the add angle tab or do I need to have that I mean going in to the add angle tab?
  6. The only I found was one from August 2019. Is there anything more recent?
  7. I've tried out a couple 2016 mods so far. Anyone has a suggestion for whose current day mod from TEW 2016 works most realistically when converted to 2020? I'll most likely wait till the first actual TEW 2020 mods come out but I ran through the 2 months on a test run already and I'm wanting more.
  8. Is there a way to look up a wrestler's stats when booking him in an angle? With the new angle system, it would be great to know which skills to rate your worker on since overness and entertainment wont make the job anymore.
  9. A 6 minute angle being considered too long for a WWE run is a ridiculous penalty for me. Edit : Its apparently deeper than what I thought. So I guess tweaking isnt necessary. The game is just tougher which isnt a bad thing in all. Just going to be more time consuming to get used to things..
  10. The product regulations on most mods for WWE are way too strict. Angles over 6 minutes get a penalty which is unrealistic. Matches cant be too long either. In all there probably will need to be some tweaking in general in the products for companies. But from my experience, it always takes some time for grades to rise in TEW and 2 months is not enough to try that. On a TEW 2016 run, after 3 years most of my big matches went from 90 to 100 with barely any effort, mena and women inclusive.
  11. Wait so if I'm following, to solve the "Nothing interesting seems to have happened in this angle" in this game, the angle has to be rated on different skills from the workers?
  12. Everyone's debating about match length but could 5 minutes not be considered a long angle in any future patch? That's beyond irritating for me.
  13. Can anyone explain with a tldr how the product rules have changed on this years edition. I was looking into those for my run with WWE and they seem stricter than usual. Like long angles get penalized and long angles are considered anything longer than 4 minutes for some reason
  14. I may have missed the workaround for this but for some with a huge chunk of text such as the ratings and audience when viewing show results on the main screen, some of the information gets cut off and there is no arrow to scroll down and see the rest.
  15. I'll double check that when I'll start my next game most likely. And something else I realized, I usually play as the booker since I enjoy the challenges from the owners. But they make bidding against other companies impossible since they do not base their suggestions and limitations on the rival offers but on the worker's values. Wish there was a way to bypass the owner's decisions even if it comes down to reducing your performance rating.
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