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Everything posted by xXUnderGroundXx

  1. So, this isn't a "fix" of this issue, per se, but I've noticed you can set titles to change within angles, so any time I want to run a MiTB cash-in I literally just make it a Freestyle Angle and use the Road Agent Notes to make the title change hands. That way you can run it immediately after a match without having to overtax your workers, or fudge the numbers in terms of participants as you described. Just my two cents, hope it helps!
  2. Oh! That makes perfect sense, thanks so much! I knew we were probably missing something, glad it's not a bug.
  3. Hey, so I've been playing TEW2020 for a while in co-op with my brother. He recently opened his own Development territory, but we discovered there was no option to hire someone specifically to a Developmental contract like there was in 2016. Is this a bug, are we missing something, or do you have to bring them onto the main roster and then hope they'll agree to go when you send them? Seems like kind of an oversight if so, IMO, since you could potentially wind up with thousands wasted in release payouts if your dev picks refuse to go.
  4. In TEW 2016, one of the key features I really enjoyed was the ability to change a worker's gameworld status in the editor. So if I'm playing a Real World mod, for example, I could choose to end CM Punk's hiatus, or bring the Rock back to the business for one more big feud. I know the "Talk to Worker" feature can theoretically do that in 2020, but it doesn't always succeed, and workers who've left the business can't even BE talked to. It's a minor thing, I know it "ruins the immersion" or "breaks realism" or whatever BS the sim lovers are going to accuse me of, but for us sandbox players, what's the harm in letting us have a bit of fun with some retired wrestlers in the editor if we want to?
  5. For starters, the ability to customize and tweak various aspects of my product. I used to offer a sort of hybrid style between ROH and AEW back in 2016, with wrestling being first and foremost and storylines not being necessary but having an impact, and fans still enjoying angles but not needing them. My brother, with whom I often play multiplayer, enjoys using a sort of more tongue-in-cheek, comedy-based product but one that doesn't devalue the actual wrestling. So things like Modern, Comedy AND Risque would be turned up to medium or heavy, creating a weird but fun Frankenstein's Monster between CHIKARA and something like modern-day AEW. With the new product settings, we can't do that. We're hamstrung into choosing from the pre-set products already hard-coded into the game with literally no ability to tweak or modify them in any way, so now WE have to change OUR play style to be more "correct" with what the game wants, rather than allowing us the freedom to put on the shows WE want to put on. I've made a thread about this in the suggestions forum, but I received no replies and it was promptly buried, so I assume nothing will ever come of it. But you wanted to know what's missing from the game that is keeping us from playing the way we want, and there you go. There's one. I can list more, if you like, but this is far and away one of the most egregious/irreconcilable to me.
  6. And games are intended to be fun. If a whole host of players aren't having fun playing your game, does that not mean - on some level - that it's a poor game? Or is this just "not for me" and I should go spend my time doing something else because the thought of me having fun differently than you do makes you irrationally angry? Again, I have NO PROBLEM with balance existing in this game. What I do have a problem with are attitudes like yours, this "if you don't like it, play something else" mentality, when all I'm really asking for is stuff that either existed in the game already but was removed, or COULD exist - OPTIONALLY, for only players who wanted it - with relatively little effort. I'm saying this is advertised as a sandbox game, and yes, it's a simulator, but it's ALSO a fantasy booker. So am I truly unreasonable for asking that we don't drive out the fantasy booking players in favour of the sim lovers? I spent 35ish dollars on the game just like you did, do I not deserve to be able to enjoy it just as much?
  7. Completely agree, although it seems like they're not going in this direction, and may instead just be trying to move away from the sandbox feel altogether, which is concerning and disappointing if true. I guess we'll have to wait and see where things go from here, though.
  8. Wow, this thread has seriously blown up in a way I didn't expect. Glad to see so much discussion generated! Personally, I'm on the side of "keep your goddamned hands off my editor", because changes to the in-game editor fundamentally disable players FROM playing the way they want to. This "it's a harder base game but you can use the editor to change that" mentality only works if you CAN use the editor to change that, but with features like changing a wrestler's availability conspicuously absent from this version of the game, I feel very much like I'm being "railroaded" into a more serious, metagamey play style than I ever would've chosen for myself. I'm getting good ratings on my shows, that's fine. I don't have quite as much control over my product as I'd like, but I'm learning to live with it. But with the powers that be seeming to favour consumers who play the game "properly", and evidently more than willing to make alterations to the editor with only concern for how it mechanically affects the code rather than the actual gameplay effects on users, I just...worry. I REALLY want to like this game more than TEW2016, there's so much here that's cool and has potential...but if they push things too far in one direction, I may find myself forced to downgrade to get back the things I enjoy. Just my two cents, though; for the moment I'm still enjoying the game, I just wanted to bring up this topic to see where everyone else stands. Loving the dialogue so far!
  9. I'm honestly not trying to start a fight, I'm just legitimately curious; I so often see Adam introduce changes to stop "exploits" that players can use to do things like increase their company's size too quickly, or gain money/popularity too quickly, etc. ...Why does it matter? I understand balance changes, so AI companies aren't too powerful or too weak compared to player-controlled ones, but beyond that...why does he give a rat's ass how we choose to play? TEW is a predominantly single-player game, it's not as if there are competitive e-sports leagues for this, so why do exploits that benefit the player and don't break anything matter? Not everyone will choose to play that way, and for those who do; so what? This is a GAME, it's about HAVING FUN. Why limit the ways in which we can do that because of some pre-conceived notion about how your game is "supposed" to be played? It's like saying "your fun is wrong", like those awful gatekeepy D&D communities who rag on players who don't use encumbrance rules or what have you. At the end of the day, we're all just trying to have a good time, so why does it matter how we do that? We're only hurting ourselves, after all.
  10. What does "this title is considered an achievement" mean? Is it used to add prestige to titles, like it's a really big deal, or is it used for titles that aren't really tangible like the Royal Rumble or King of the Ring?
  11. I'm feeling somewhat limited by the current selection of products, and especially the limitations or restrictions they impose, many of which are often at odds with the company's size or fanbase. I think a sort of "Advanced Editor" which would allow you to fine-tune your product a little bit further, even if it's just picking from a list of pre-set product "pieces" and stitching them into some sort of "Franken-product" would be very helpful for players who want a little more precise control over what their companies have to offer. As it stands, to get closest to the product I want/had in TEW2016, I basically have to make myself an AEW clone. Which is fine, I LOVE AEW, but it does mean I'm missing some elements that I had previously, like the ability to not run storylines if I don't want to. Just food for thought, I know it may not be possible to give us something EXACTLY like the old-style product builder since the new ones are hard-coded into the game, but any kind of "product modification/customization" tool would be great, especially for database builders.
  12. I've found that removing the "Iron Clad" (Previously No-Compete) clause from the contract offers can often tip wrestlers over the edge, as it means they're not "tied down" to working for you if they grow unhappy. I've had few problems with morale, so it's never been incredibly important to me to include an Iron Clad clause. Wrestlers seem VERY eager to sign a contract without one, though, and most AI companies won't even consider removing it. Also adding in things like a bonus for events and upping their cut of merchandise sales can help swing things in your favour, as can changing the length of the contract you're offering.
  13. Not sure if this has already been addressed, but is there any way to customize or modify your product outside of the existing pre-sets? I'm feeling a little bit limited in the current system, since I can't seem to directly recreate my product from TEW2016. I think an "advanced editor" feature might be appreciated here.
  14. Thank you, glad to see I'm not totally alone on this, lol. I definitely should be using Freestyle angles, I've been playing long enough, but since most of the default angles in the game usually suited my needs, I never really felt compelled to do so. I suppose there's no better time to learn, though! Really, though, all I wanted to say is that I'm disappointed the mod-makers (and Adam to some extent, but he has more than enough on his plate, I don't fault him for it) didn't take the extra hour or so it would take just to make sure all the segments in the game are compatible with how the new overhauled ranking system works. But these things happen, no game is perfect; I'll get the hang of it, it's just frustrating when it's not expected.
  15. See, that's sort of what I'm getting at here. Don't penalize angles rated solely on Overness when HALF THE ANGLES IN THE BLOODY GAME ARE RATED SOLELY ON OVERNESS! Now I'm basically going to have to go through my list piece by piece and change them all, which I don't mind doing, but I shouldn't HAVE to. That's what I meant by what I said, @AceyCodey, BTW; to clarify, I'm a little miffed that a "Beatdown" angle is rated on overness and therefore boring, when in reality there'd be plenty of fighting involved. Just something of a disconnect between WANTING to make the game more realistic and ACTUALLY making it more realistic, IMO. It's a great idea on paper that I feel failed in the execution.
  16. <p>Okay, sure, yes, all of that is fair. But it also completely kills the realism of things like surprise debuts or the Mega Powers becoming a thing. Unless he's ALSO removed the penalty for short angles, which I don't believe he did, we're basically hamstrung into always making someone cut a promo, even when that wouldn't necessarily fit the story we're trying to tell.</p><p> </p><p> I also dispute that an angle involving saving someone from a 5-on-1 beatdown ISN'T rated on Entertainent or fighting or anything, but that's more a fault of the design of the mod I'm using than anything else.</p>
  17. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="RingRider" data-cite="RingRider" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Use the side arrows over the worker's popularity window and you can cycle to contract and release.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> OH, OF <em>COURSE!</em> HOW DID I NOT THINK OF <em>THAT?!</em> IT JUST SEEMS SO <strong>BLEEDING OBVIOUS</strong> NOW!</p><p> </p><p> EDIT: In seriousness, thank you for your the answer. I am so unbelievably done with how needlessly over-complicated this game has become. 2016 was SO much better, IMO.</p>
  18. Apologies if it's been asked, but I'm not in the mood to scrub through the entire thread looking; how do I release workers?
  19. Well, first of all, thank you both for your replies; that's helpful, I'll definitely keep it in mind going forward. However, it does raise a further question: WHY THE $%@#* IS THAT A FEATURE?!
  20. I HATE the lack of pushes for wrestlers! I got a 32 rating on my main event angle because quote "nothing interesting" happened in it, whereas in 2016 that exact same angle would've EASILY pulled down an A or A*. I think it's because I had some unimportant wrestlers involved, but I don't really know, because the game seems entirely arbitrary in who can go where and why. Was it really so complicated having Main Eventers, Upper Mids, Midcard, et cetera? Seems to me that it made things much easier in terms of card organization and which wrestlers would be good choices for which angles. Could we maybe get a patch that adds in that feature optionally for people who want it? I know it's probably a pipe dream, the infrastructure of the two games is just too different, but I'm so frustrated I just needed to get this out. On the whole it's a fun experience, and I so BADLY want to like it better than TEW2016, but it's just...well, frustrating, as I said.
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