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About juan_historico

  • Birthday 06/15/1992

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  1. I respond to you both in one message to save some space😁 I can see both or your point, but for me the problem is how you book the belt in the end. Because when the All-Atlantic (now International) appears for the first time, everybody were thinking that i´ll be lost in the shuffle. Then, with good booking and good performances by its holders, it rise and differenciate from the rest of the secondary belts and gets elevated. And for the rest of the belts its the same. For me you are not the devaluating the holder of the belt, but the belt itself in most of the instances that you guys said. I think is ok to have that number of belts, but im not saying i´m okey with the way some of them are book. I think for example, the Trios Belts was a perfect addition to a company with plenty of 3-4 men group´s who can work, and serve as platform to keep individual and grupal storylines moving. That´s not the case right now, but i want to see how the BCC and Pac thing goes. I get the point that those belts could mean a stepping stone, but i kind of like the idea that every belt its important by itself and have prestige, like the X-Division in TNA at the begining. In the end, in think more and less we are in the same page in some core aspects of the issue, but we disagree in others.
  2. But i also feel like every "Division" has to be something to fight for. It´s like saying UFC has too many belts, i dont really agree with that. For me, the only one who can really, reaaaaaaallly be remove its the FTW. Because it was bringed at a time that AEW doesnt have as much titles as today, and also it´s booking it wasn´t the strongest to be honest. Nowadays to me it´s the perfect representation of a prop more than a legit championship, even more having in mind that it´s legacy was that it´s LITERALLY something Taz put out of his ass back in ECW 🤣.
  3. I dont want to go in deep with the matches. But what an afternoon/evening/night was yesterday. All the emotions of seeing pro wrestling conveying into one show. From shock, to awe, to rage and finally joy. Joy of watching someone who loves profesional wrestling as a fan, but at the same time its by chance one of the true candidates to be consider the GOAT of this buisness. I do mean it when i say that i choke watching all Bryan entrance, from the video package with all his journay, to the 50000 plus people in Wembley singing "The Final Countdown", something i just wonder how many time that man dream about it when he was in front of a couple of hundreds in those first years in ROH. I want to thank WWE for give that. I dont follow the company this days, not in a bad way, but it didnt apeal to me. I hope that always goes great for it, because i´ll always be thankful for those Smackdown shows with a month of delay in 2007, all those saturday and sunday mornings to make me interested in this sport. Since then, i get to know a lot of different types of wrestling, made me feel in love with thing like NOAH, like ECW, like ROH or even TNA. Made knew storys like Nigel McGuiness or Jeff Jarrett, who made me even more happy seeing the reaction of the people in Wembley. Yesterday was a great show for those who love pro wrestling with a good heart. I know this days its better to be always a cinical in your opinions, not letting that love and joy be the thing that gides you in your critical of a company, either way goes from people who likes AEW to people who prefers WWE or the other way around. But a night like yesterday it´s a good night for those who wants to enjoy all the emotions that a event like this could bring.
  4. Hey, i know its not the place, but since Mr. Canada close the thread is impossible to write there. But the link to the final db of the 2001 Here Comes the Money is down. Anyone can tell him in case he can fix it?
  5. But as you said, you cannot expect to recuperate in one month all the steam you lose in two years, You need to book well and consistent, and then the trend might be reverse. For a Brand which is now establish and which lost the "it" factor of bein the new kid on the block, could be expect to find down periods. But if we can learn something of the finals years of WCW is tha hotshooting again after you have been nuclear hot, might not be the best way to recuperate those fans.
  6. We are watching the Young Bucks so much on TV?
  7. Just came by again here to say: what a drag is to modify the DB. I just want to expand a little bit adding RMW and Ryujin to the game. Then i added the workers. Then i had to modify the bios of suchs workers, adding the contracts, changing the job history, adding some relationships, adding tag teams, etc, etc ,etc... My conclussion: what a fantastic job lavelleuk is doing here. You don´t really appreciate until you try yourself jajajajaja PS: twaking all that stuff i just realise a little mistake, for everyone who wants to change it. The RMW Gold Rush Tournament was not set to the Gold Rush even, instead is set up to the Colorado Cup.
  8. Hey lavelleuk, i want to ask you: are you planning in making big changes in terms of companies relationships? It´s because i have a recurrent "problem" with the DB, which is that WLW always always always ALWAYS having using BCG as a develomental place, which i consider kind of a heresy for a company like BCG, who are at war with almost the entiry japanese wrestling scene. Thanks for all the effort that you´re putting in this, i really appreciate. I´m always checking here for more news about it, a true statement about the quality of this. Again, thank you, and i hope my question find you in good sprit!
  9. Cody returns to WWE after years of being clearly misused there? it´s a clear sign that AEW isn´t doing a great job. Swerve after being FIRED with bearly time spend in the main roster gets the world title? AEW doesn´t have homegrow talent. As the catchphrase used to said, they doesen´t raise the Bar. They are The Bar.
  10. The Devil will be Cole, or following the storyline before he turn heel, it will be Jack Perry. Dont loose a screw thinking about it, it´s gonna be much easier than wrestling fans always do it.
  11. Men, i just run a save with WCG and one of the most annoying thing happen: GCG was in debt, so INSPIRES bought it and use it as a development. So they raid EVERYONE IN JAPAN. And it´s specially bleeding for BCG and WCG because they just let free the old talent that INSPIRES doesn`t renew and all the young talent in GCG is unsignible, so my god. I must recognise that in a fury attack after the 123 raid they do me ( just insignificant Seta Kano, who i don´t see the necesity of sign him, except just for f* me up) i did the thing that every human person would do: i set GCG in 500.000.000 debt, so when INSPIRES rescue it at the end of the month, they will be dead. So INSPIRES is going to die, because as Budd timeless said in Bill Kill 2: "That woman, deserves her revenge and... we deserve to die. But then again, so does she. So, I guess we'll just see. Won't we?". And then the flood of talent will be massive, as the economy and the industry keep rising. An interesting game in a few months.
  12. As on my save in Dicember 2026, DIW Champion is Crazy Train beating Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi and tag teams champions are Creeper and Writhe. I see that both of them came from AE, which closed in 2024. In my save SHA closed in December of 2025, lasting a little bit longer than OLD. Luxe Wrestling just closed in September of 2026. The DIW Australian champion is a DIW original, The Anarchist in his 3º reign.
  13. Im about to finish a 4 year playing save, between WCG and a company that i opened myself. I dont know if it help you, but i can post captures here if you want.
  14. PCW (US) LATESTS NEWS - The board of directors of Pacific Coast Wrestling announce today that the new number 1º contender to the BBPW American Puro Heavyweight title is Simon Flemmingway. Victories over Jay Silver and Ieyoshi Shimakage during the Road To Ambition tour, and a Trios victory at Showdown in Seattle had cemented this choice. The main event of PCW (US) Ambition will be champion Bradley Blaze against the current PGHW Glory Crown champion, Flemmingway, with his morale to the roof after ending the long reign of Yoshiteru Itami at PGHW Night of DESTINY. -PCW and North West local TV station KLA-TV have reached an agreement to broadcast events of the company. KLA-TV will broadcast PCW (US) events in a Late Night Slot, and also the company will have a 45 minutes program showcasting the highlights of its tour events in a 2:00 am slot. The firs episode will show highlights for the two shows on the second Saturday and Sunday of March. Some matches for these dates are aleady confirm: on Saturday will have tag match between Rules Of Tradition vs Mochin & Lee, a 4 vs 4 match revenge from Showdown in Seattle, with The Hot Taggs, Chatto & Big Breeze Akaka vs Starzan Strikes, Tony DeWonderful & Jay Silver, and the first match between the contenders to the BBPW Heavyweight title, with a trios tag match between the dream team from PGHW Pavel Vanzycha, Irwin Gutmann and Simon Flemmingway vs. Texans S.O.B. On Sunday, PCW (US) announce The Hot Taggs vs. Druss & Rex McCain, a Trios Tag match between Agents Of Change and Charlie Corner vs. Starzan Strikes and Tony DeWonderful, and a one on one affair with Murray Firth vs. Sterling Whitlock.
  15. ROUND OF TOUR RESULTS PCW (US) Road To Ambition Tour Day #1 Attendance: 75 Men Of Action beat Freddy Trevino & Jay Silver (34) Rex McCain, Deaf Touch & Stanley Axis beat Jimmy Collins, JOJI & Kalepo Fainu´u (40). After the match, Mobstar try to attack Deaf Touch, but he ends up getting beaten up (38). Simmon Flemmingway beat Ieyoshi Shimakage (45) Tony DeWonderful & Big Breeze Akaka beat Charlie Corner & Jules Night (35) Bradley Blaze (c) & Dallas Death Squad beat Murray Fifth & Rules of Tradition (45). In the post match, the three winners remains in the ring with a mic, announcing that they are together from now under the name of "Texans S.O.B". Because they are from Texas, and they are a bunch of S.O.B, and thats everything the people need to know. Final Score: 43 PCW (US) Road To Ambition Tour Day #2 Attendance: 78 Deaf Touch & Gidayu Katou beat JP Spellman & Jimmy Collins (30) Dallas Death Squad beat Mochin & Lee (38) Mobstar & Men Of Action beat The Man, The Myth, Xavier & Assault And Defense (45) Sterling Whitlock beat Kalepo Fainu`u (51) Tony DeWonderful & Murray Firth beat Druss & Rex McCain (47) Final Score: 47
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