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lavelleuk last won the day on September 30 2022

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  1. Thank you! I'll message at some point when the initial conversion is done :0
  2. Thank you, I appreciate that! I have to admit, I always assumed on gaming PC's or Laptop's TEW just flew by, I didn't know it was limited on how quick it could go. I always knew I was making the mod big, but with my very limited knowledge of tech I always assumed TEW ran on any strong PC or laptop would load like a breeze...I was wrong apparently lol
  3. Alt CVerse 2026 Help I am guessing people will be busy playing the demo/game when the come out so I thought I would post this now With all the changes going into the new game, mixed with me doing all the work off a non-gaming laptop that I am pretty sure is dying due to overuse, I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me by running a test save of the 2022 database on TEWIX. I am planning on converting the '22 version over, but to look at things like new relationships, how they form, how many etc it will help to see some 4-year run throughs from 2022 so I can see the sort of game world I should be trying to create. The same thing goes for how unemployed workers develop now, I try to keep this mod looking close to how the CVerse would develop in a save, but with the increased independent shows now it would be very helpful to see how things develop in a watcher save to know how stats and pop should look, as well as much experience and respect will go up. Same goes for finances, as I have them higher than I would like really as new promotions instantly died and smaller companies would go bankrupt etc, so again looking at the new way of financing would be huge for me too. If anyone is willing to help please let me know. There isn't a rush, but I know for some people with top spec PC's running a four-year watcher can be done easily when you're not even at the computer. But I am pretty sure it was doing four-year watchers that killed my old laptop, and that has destroyed multiple batteries lol
  4. I once booked them as Frasier and Niles Crane, complete with some "couples therapy" skits after a falling out, based on an episode of Frasier. The one born first would call himself the big brother, they'd bicker over who was honouring their father more with their names, they'd fall out constantly over stupid stuff but ultimately always get back together etc. It was the only time I really had fun booking them, rather than just using them for strong match ratings That said, in my alt mod they are part of a dominant heel faction in TCW with Jay Chord and Hollywood Bret Star. I haven't done a TCW run in my own mod but I think that works too as imo they need a focus and people to play off to be interesting beyond "great wrestlers"
  5. I hadn't noticed that so had a quick look as it didn't feel right CGC being so USA-dominated, thought it was something I had overlooked If you mean the 2022 version then at the start 25 CGC wrestlers are Canadian, 4 American, so I am guessing it's your recruitment that loves the ol' USA lol
  6. Adam - with the toggling graduation feature, will you be able to set a date for when the schools/dojos start creating their own workers? So say the database has the next four years worth of graduates already, could you set it to start creating it's own in 2026?
  7. Thank you! I've been modding so long can I barely remember what was actual canon and what wasn't lol Yeah it would have been very interesting, especially the inncer circle stuff. It's funny as a few of the features announced are things I have pictured for the mod, but that now would be official. Just today having tag team/clients more likely to have relationships and having wrestling schools be affiliated with promotions is stuff I have done in the mod, but that now line up with how the game works. Which is nice lol
  8. I'm sure this will come as no surprise, but I have had a couple of people ask so - I will be moving the '26 mod to TEWIX I am planning to convert the '22 mod over to TEWIX too, although I assume everyone will be playing the default data to start anyway. I don't have an official plan, but I suspect I will do a pretty basic conversation to start, then look at heights and weights as I come to them on '26, same as move descriptions, new event dates and things. Obviously I would have to see them in action but things like inner circles and members of the creative teams may come later, but I will see how many people actually use the alt '22 mod compared to the default data and '26 version before deciding on that Sounds like the game is perfectly capable of running without them filled out pre-save anyway tbh
  9. Yeah the slowing loading time is unavoidable sadly. The game world really evolves so much better with a deeper database, especially at a lower level to give unknown rookies work. When I played TEW (before modding took over my life...) I always had Football Manager on at the same time, so personally loading times don't bother me as I book a show, play a few matches, book a show, matches etc I am glad you checked LUXE out, they are a good challenge!
  10. I'm not sure if I just hadn't checked in a while, or if the new TEW has brought in some new people, but I just saw this mod has reached over 3000 downloads! Thanks again to everyone who has taken the time to give it a go!
  11. I think I know the answer, but has anyone ever made any title belts for Lone Wolf Wrestling from the CVerse?
  12. So many of the new additions sounds fantastic, I have always wanted more ways for controlling your roster to be a challenge, more ways for workers to fallout and create drama etc. so all of that sounds perfect. VERY excited for those changes!! One thought I had on "Independent Show Frequency" is maybe a setting where it is linked to the Industry Level? Or maybe a mix of that and the Economy Level. Obviously I have no idea how difficult that would be to implement, but an option where independent shows are very frequent if the industry and economy is booming, but very infrequent when both are struggling would be interesting and it would be another way for the world to feel alive and for those levels benefitting or hindering the region in more ways.
  13. Is anyone able to make a logo for "The Carnival Of Pain" group? They are three creepy clowns just for people who haven't used heard of them on CVerse add-ons Thanks to anyone who fancies it, can be AI or not either works
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