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About 84paradigmshift

  • Birthday 01/13/1984

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  1. So my figurehead Sting was out injured for 13 months.... and the day he returned he disappeared from the creative tab altogether and now the game is acting like he isn't a wrestler. The figurehead screen says every major star is above him... no one is more popular. Is my game screwed up now? I'm almost 6 years in and that's gonna irk me off.
  2. I'm calm, I'm just stating the truth. Adam confirmed its intended we play long periods with no growth at all, so playing for no reward is for me, a waste of time. You also missed the part where growth stops entirely on purpose for a period of time. Ah well, is what it is. This was my game to kill quiet times, I'll just find another that rewards the work I put into it. No harm no foul.
  3. Huh.... well that pretty much means I'm done playing this game for good. I just put in 8 more weeks with a high popularity of 37.... I'm running shows in the low 70s now and gaining no popularity at all. Since this is intended, it means playing is a complete waste of time since I can't improve. I'm putting in the work for no reward, no reason to play!
  4. Seems to be a bug. I lowered broadcasting in the editor to small, now I'm back to gaining popularity in all regions each show.
  5. Need some information.... I opened up my own internet subscription broadcaster and for several weeks it was all going well.... made popularity rise in all game areas as every area is broadcast to medium. Now all of a sudden even though my shows are in the low 60s and 0 game areas are above 30 in popularity.... every show I get "we gained popularity in 20 regions." I have no idea why. Can someone help, please?
  6. Well that's kind of rubbish. Gimmicks have been known to boost star quality throughout the entire history of wrestling. Owen Hart's star quality rose when he changed from a happy go lucky guy tagging with Koko to claiming he was the King of Harts. There should really be a bit more to it. A great gimmick should rise star quality in the eyes of the fans. Heck.... Undertaker is the prime example of how a gimmick turns a guy from a midcard talent to a star. DiBiase going from a generic heel to Scrooge McDuck. Sounds more like TEW runs star quality off the physique and nothing else.
  7. Is there anything else in the game that causes a worker's star quality to rise other than getting them to work out? I'm 14 months into a game and not once has anyone gone up a single point without me talking them into working out. It kind of takes the game down several notches. For instance... if Glenn Jacobs is running around pretending to be a dentist with fake yellow teeth it's one thing. If you slap the Kane getup on him and he goes around shooting fireballs and destroying people... the audience sees him as a much bigger star. So am I missing something?
  8. Since I never got an answer..... a cameo role takes up to 3 months to film.... as in one episode of TV. Good thing I took the title off Bret. He will now be gone 3 months to say a handful of dialogue. Smooth.
  9. I'm in October of 1992 and it seems the birth of Paige destroyed the Knight family as the 2 month old will now be seeing her father only on weekends. Had to check and make sure the divorce didn't screw up the timeline, ha.
  10. So, never seen this one pop up before. Bret Hart is set to make a cameo on a TV show and will leave to film in 2 months. Now in my world.... a cameo on a TV show is like when henwas on the Simpsons.. a day or two of voice work... appearing for 5 minutes on screen which may take a week to film. This is tew so I'm expecting him out 2 to 3 months instead but I won't find out until he goes. The problem is he's my wwf champion 87 days into his first reign and I don't want it to end any time soon. Does anyone know how long a worker will be gone for a TV cameo? Sting left wcw for 6 months for a movie and he was US champ... really don't want to have another short title run.
  11. Is there anything I can do to get past popularity caps? Right now I can only find a small handful of individuals who CAN reach 100 but all of the people I chose as my top stars when I started my game (16 months in) have all capped out in the low to mid 70s.
  12. Is there a way to offer a company you don't own TV time on your network?
  13. At what point will a company sell? I can buy any local to small company as soon as they go into the negative. Right now TNA is 48 million in the hole and they will not sell to me. Any idea why? They are at Medium size.... but still.... won't sell owing that much money?
  14. I'm 3 months into a game where my shows have run from 68 to 77 on average. I have my shows broadcast in every region on the planet. I am using the latest patch and have yet to gain one single point of popularity anywhere on earth. Even where I'm 12 Over in Europe I've gained nothing in all my shows. What gives? I'm going to go broke from investing in a network over this.
  15. How do I make my child company improve their production? I don't see an option to do it myself.
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