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About jimenez90810

  • Birthday 10/11/1988

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  1. How's everyone's extended game coming along? After almost one year in I sit at 67 pop in centro and mid 50s for the rest of Mexico. Hijo Del Mephisto is my champion with his council of decay (who have added Hysteria and El Demonio as members) reigning at the top of OLLIE. I have ended the developmental deal with EILL they never sent anyone anyway. I've managed to outbid them for Multimillonario and Boom Boom Jamaica and picked up Axxis Jr and El Demonio from them as well when they didn't offer to extend their contracts. Mr.Lucha III and Electric Dreamer are straight money. All of my top 10 matches feature one of them. Mr.Lucha III is the COTT champion and has gotten up to the mid 50s in popularity accross the US as the other companies regularly have him defend on their cards and put on match of the night. Looking at the future the big money feud seems to be Mr. Lucha vs Millonario who I am keeping away from each other until LuchaSlam. Best Match: Electric Dreamer vs Celeste Moon 81 Best Event: COTT Clash of the Champions 78 Would love to hear how others games are coming along.
  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jp49er80" data-cite="jp49er80" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47998" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I love OLLIE. Currently a good few months through my game with them. I've integrated the genders and am building to Electric Dreamer (who is about as hot as she can be booking wise) vs Nicholas Lopez (likely one of his last matches) at my 'season finale'. Lopez is the heel. Lucha got injured and is just back, I see a hot program with Dreamer for the main belt in his future, but I have to do something with Blue Phantom too who the fans are right behind.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nice! I've wondered how things would go if you integrate the genders. Is Lopez getting good match ratings for you? He's dropped considerably in popularity for me but even in his peak he didn't get anything in the 70s unless he got carried. </p><p> </p><p> Everyone seems to be having success with Blue Phantom but he hasn't gone up much in popularity for me even after beating Captain Lucha who's much more popular. I still have Campeon Jr who promised to put him over so hoping that victory can push him to the next level.</p><p> </p><p> What are you guys doing with Silver Tiger and Espada Roja? Espada is pretty meh for me but Silver Tiger has gotten me some good match ratings so I'd like to give him a bigger role just struggling on fitting him in to a storyline.</p>
  3. I've signed workers to written contracts just as I was going from small to medium and only lost Captain Lucha to EILL, this was with the development deal in place. I don't know if I just got lucky but I signed all my other stars with out issue. About to run my first PPV with them. Super hyped now that I know I've got my major stars on lock and can proceed on my storylines without worry of losing them. Who have you guys built up to challenge Electric Dreamer? Queen Amazon walked out on me a month in so I only have Celeste Moon that can really challenge her.
  4. OLLIE has been a blast to play as so far. They can go on air right off the bat, I got them a weekly TV show which has them on the cusp of growing to Medium just 4 months in. They are making cash easily as well. Here’s my rundown on the promotion. Roster. They start off very rudo heavy so you will want to hire/ turn some workers over to tecnicos to even things out. Strongly suggest turning Mr.Lucha III as you need a strong tecnico who can pull good match ratings at the top of the card. Marcos Flores and Nicolas Lopez are on decline I’d use them to get others over. Don’t sleep on the Luchadoras, Electric Dreamer and Celeste Moon have been worth their weight in gold. I put them in a feud against each other were they both got over as Major Stars with the feud ending match headlining LuchaSlam XXV. The Stables are a great new addition to OLLIE, I currently have Hijo Del Mephisto as my champion running a storyline in which after winning at LuchaSlam he has decided the time is nigh to take down the promotion. I’ve added several members to the council of decay such La hija del Diablo I mean how can the devils daughter not be in a Satanic cult? Hellech and Pierrot as lackeys. Brought in Hysteria from the outside to be the promotions muscle. Current plan is for the recently turned Mr.lucha 3 to head a stable opposing the Council. As for Galactic Force I have them forming a truce with the Council to also bring down OLLIE. 2 of my tecnicos volunteered to put over Blue Phantom so I’m turning Phantom to get those big wins and having him join as the future of the Stable. Long term storytelling plans right now are for the Council of Decay to grow stronger and reign for a while. Down the line the Galactic force realize the Universal threat of Mephisto and his council, so they turn face joining Mr.Luchas stable and finally turning the tide against the council. I plan on keeping Blue Phantom as a rudo maybe even having him backstab his mentor and leader Extraordinario Jr then joining the council under the moniker Red Phantom. Overall I highly recommended playing as OLLIE, they have never been funner to play as.
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