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Everything posted by haloed

  1. A new guy, apparently he is Japanese from I what I read. Of course I read awhile back that TNA was getting a new young Japanese talent from New Japan (? is that who they have an agreement with) that would be coming over to learn in a TNA ring. I read the Impact spoilers from both tapings and they used Suicide in a Xplosion or Dark match and they used a Japanese wrestler that wasn't named as well. Not sure if they are the same person or not. Although I'm sure that a talent already affiliated with a Japanese promotion wouldn't train at Team 3D's school but I could be wrong. Also seeing the big X Division tag team match brought back good memories of WCW using there awesome cruiserweight division. I hope we continue to see atleast one X division match per Impact.
  2. Just popping in to say that I'm enjoyed the last Impact as well. The only thing I really didn't care for was Daniels jobbing to Angle, but atleast it was to Angle. Any ideas on what they're doing with Joe getting abducted !?! though? And I read that a student from Team 3D's wrestling school is going under the Suicide mask now.
  3. I really enjoyed the PPV last night for the most part. It wasn't the greatest show but it was good. I actually marked out for Dinero's win at the end of the show and the crowd loved it. The crowd went crazy when he kicked out of the Mic Check at the end. Good stuff. Dinero at the top is a good move imo, he's over with the crowd and can work a good match and he's a face. Morgan wouldn't of worked anymore with Styles being heel and Morgan appearing to be turning heel after the way he won his match and how he acted last night. Overall a good show, loved to see J.B. back and Mr. Anderson was a lot better in the ring for this PPV than his debut, Foley and Abyss was interesting. Although Abyss has become the most easily beatable guy on the roster with the way Anderson went over him, just try to take his mask off and he'll protect it at all costs. But enjoyed the show for the most part. Oh and I'm sure I'm in the minority but I really didn't mind the Nasty Boys against Team 3D.
  4. Impressive match between Morgan and Hernandez. Hernandez's delay vertical suplex on Morgan was really impressive, must of held Morgan up atleast 30 seconds.
  5. Anybody getting the show tonight? I'm kind of on the fence about getting it.
  6. Awesome belt Reaper! Look forward to when you begin taking requests again.
  7. Agreed completely. Things were looking like they were going in the right direction. The results for Thursday's show looks to undue a lot of the good they had going. There are a couple of things from the tapings that may be the beginning of something larger like the Pope match. (that's all I'll say to not spoil anything for anyone that wants to see it on TV first) Some things though are just jaw dropping in the bad sense with match outcomes and the booking of the Main Event especially.
  8. I really liked the Genesis PPV but I just read the spoilers for Thursday (didn't plan to but I did) and wow the show sounds scary. I'll check it out and see how it comes off on TV but it doesnt look promising at all.
  9. That's a good point. Though I think its a bit of both, the performance of certain moves can be performed weakly as well. I just think the match didn't really clikc between Anderson and Abyss. Last I looked they haven't even bothered to put him or Shannon Moore on the roster page of the TNA Wrestling website.
  10. I'm certainly with the wait and see attitude with Mr. Anderson. Not too familiar with his work but I'm willing to give him a chance and see what he can do. And I thought he was in TNA before but wasn't sure, thanks Moe!
  11. He seemed pretty dull in the ring. Really hurt the match. And to Alden... I agree with your point, none of the moves that Anderson did seemed to have an impact on Abyss at all. When Styles feuded with Abyss, Styles shots on Abyss looked so much better and actually looked like they affected the big man, and Styles is smaller than Anderson.
  12. True. He did get a pretty good pop when he came out.
  13. Did Ken Anderson ever appear in NWA: TNA when they were doing the weekly PPVs? I thought I had read his name in results from that time.
  14. Starting to look like Angle and Styles are going to have some time to really shine tonight. Just one match left before theirs?
  15. I don't think Pac's gonna be around long. Crowd still doesn't like him.
  16. Kinda like a goofy charm to him I guess. He seems to play well off of the wrestlers he interacts with.
  17. I don't what it is. I really like Borash. You say dorky and I think quarky (sp?).
  18. Man there have been some good matches on the show so far. Wolfe vs. Pope was really good!!! Wolfe is an amazing talent in the ring. This. He did a great job selling the the injured legs. So much better than what Red did in the opener.
  19. They missed the boat on Burke. I think he has 'it' and could of been a big star there too. He was one of the reasons I was watching the ECW show at the time. I agree with jusstxyank on dropping Lashley and the girl with Wolfe. Damn! Agree on the point of WWE missing on Morgan as well.
  20. I see where you're coming from on that. I see Pope as a big star in TNA some day, he's got the charisma to grab fans and he's solid in the ring on top of that.
  21. Burke's still awesome. I call Rob Terry causing the Invasion to lose the belts.
  22. Yea he is. I wish they would get ODB out of the title picture. She does nothing for me. Annoys me more than anything.
  23. I think Kendrick would be a better champ overall and could have some good defenses against the likes of Sabin and Shelley, or Lethal even. Yea, it is. Not the dumbest thing that's been carried to ring over the years though I'd say.
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