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About scottelot22

  • Birthday 08/11/1998

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  1. Oh yeah for sure, I can't deny they would've blown the roof off the the Impact Zone .Absolutely would've loved to see it! It's moreso the AI just getting in the way of my plans - Kobashi is on like a monster run right now so losing to someone on a non-NOAH show is just a bit rough for me. It's just the way the AI is sometimes and it's on me for putting someone I'm giving a monster run to in that sort of position where he CAN lose that title to anyone, but you know. xD
  2. Oh no you're def right! It's just that this is 2008 Larry Zybyszko and Tana had been holding on to that belt for over a year now, I know that alliances are free for alls for this stuff but TNA has been REALLY annoying with stuff like that (They had Charlie Hass defeat Kenta Kobashi for an alliance title too). It's a bit annoying!
  3. Alright, that's it. TNA are getting expelled from the alliance lmao.
  4. I genuinely think it's actually kinda funny that young dumb kid Orton is now dealing with a bunch of puro vets that won't let his nonsense fly and will just kick his ass, I wonder if it'll end up having a positive impact on him.
  5. These both popped on the same show. It's kicking off in the NOAH locker rooms.
  6. Absolutely. Could genuinely see him as a huge star in another universe.
  7. Or maybe I'm not, brother! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crazy group of people, here.
  8. Yeah, I feel like if it happens in a match that ISN'T for the title it cheapens the victory moreso than him winning the tournament without Suzuki being in his way. I just wasn't so sure if it was the right course of action or to have Danielson go through another path to the title. But I think that's how it's going to go! A nice feel good moment to top off a near 2 year long battle. Thanks!
  9. So one of the major 'feuds' I have going right now in my NOAH is Bryan Danielson vs Minoru Suzuki. Every time the two have faced off, Suzuki has always won. But each time, inch by inch, Danielson gets closer to winning with Suzuki just eeking out the victory in the end. In fact, they've even gone to time limit draws in the past. Their matches are always excellent, and it's gotten Danielson over HUGE even in loss. At the NOAH N-1 Victory (A G1 style tournament where the winner gets a GHC Heavyweight tile shot), Suzuki defeated Danielson in the finals. Suzuki won the title and has held it since. Danielson and Suzuki haven't met in singles or tag team action since. As of right now, the current plan is to host the second N-1 Victory tournament and have Danielson win it. Suzuki won't be taking part in the tournament, so there'll be nothing stopping Danielson this year. Then the plan is for Danielson to finally get the big wi8n and end Suzuki's then year long title reign. Now, my main worry here is that by removing Suzuki from the equation from the tournament, it might cheapen Danielson's win. Like Suzuki did him a favour by sitting out. He could only win because Suzuki wasn't in the tournament, etc. The people I've asked outside of the forum feels like that aspect to the story would actually help when Bryan wins - it gets the feeling of doubt in the crowd, but then when he wins, it hits even harder. What do you guys think? Do you agree that this would help/wouldn't matter and keep course with Danielson winning the tournament? Or should I get Danielson a title shot another way?
  10. Just some of the random stables I have running right now. I go a bit crazy sometimes lmao.
  11. Happy to! I'll update once more when I get to the half-year point of 2008.
  12. NOAH January 2006 - January 2008 GHC Heavyweight Minoru Suzuki (x2), current reign - 102 days, total reign - 239 days. Defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi at NOAH Shiny Navigation, September 2007. GHC Jr. Heavyweight Ultimo Dragon (x1), current reign - 26 days. Defeated Yoshinobu Kanemaru at NOAH Di Colosseo, November 2007/ GHC Openweight Shinsuke Nakamura (x1), current reign - 17 days. Defeated Jun Akiyama at NOAH Great Voyage 2007, December 2007. GHC Openweight Tag TenKoji (x1) - Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan, current reign - 460 days. Defeated All Star Team (AJ Styles and Roderick Strong) to become inaugural champs, NOAH Di Colosseo, August 2006. NOAH N-1 Victory Minoru Suzuki - inaugural winner.. Defeated Bryan Danielson at the N-1 Victory Finals, July 2007. NOAH Super Jr. Cup KENTA - inaugural winner, April 2007. Defeated AJ Styles at the NOAH Super Jr. Cup Finals, April 2007. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- World of Wrestling - an alliance dedicated to uniting wrestling under one shared banner, focus on Japanese companies. World of Wrestling Hiroshi Tanahashi (x1), current reign - 243 days. Defeated Minoru Suzuki at NJPW World Pro Wrestling, April 2007 World of Wrestling Jr. Heavyweight Masaaki Mochizuki (x1), current reign - 42 days. Defeated 'Cute' Kip James (reign not officially recognized) at Dragon Gate Infinity, November 2007 World of Wrestling Openweight Kenta Kobashi (x2), current reign - 311 days, total reign - 467 days. Defeated Kensuke Sasaki at NOAH The First Navigation, January 2007 World of Wrestling 6-Man Tag NOAH Army - KENTA, Naomichi Marufuji, Mitsuharu Misawa (x1), current reign - 40 days. Defeated nWo Japan - Masahiro Chono, Hiroyoshi Tenzan and Dakota Kid at NOAH Di Colosseo, November 2007 World of Wrestling Tag The All Star Tag Team - AJ Styles & Roderick Strong (x2), current reign - 54 days, total reign - 362 days. Defeated Latin American Xchange - Bradshaw & Sabu at TNA Impact, October 2007. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm sorry if this isn't how I'm supposed to do this! I'm a super long time lurker on this site, just saw this thread and thought it'd be fun to share. Yell at me if I'm being a jackass and I'll delete the post/I'm sure it'll get deleted if it's breaking a rule of some kind.
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