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Everything posted by GhostDogg

  1. OK. The E is trying to outdo WM with Taker vs HBK 1 and 2, and vs Trips. this is AWESOME.
  2. "Dont STOP IT, dont stop the match" "End it SHAWN, or I WILL!!" Drama much?
  3. Nice Haircut TAKER... Either 3 things happen. He Joined the military. He Lost a bet. He decided that his hair greying and now he just pulled a Bruce Willis and just cut it all off..
  4. JR sporting a Goatee and lookin slimmer? Looks like hes been hangin with Austin
  5. I have one question, why is Show has the IC title? I mean hes too over for it
  6. Ok. That was just umm weird. Not only did Orton didnt even win, he didnt even pull off an RKO...
  7. ARE YOU SERIOUS??? 18 seconds? Ok that was inulting...even for Bryan!!
  8. HELL IN A CELL???? ......SPEECHLESS... And what the hell is Taker patting Trips on the shoulder for... is it kinda like saying "Congrats. You just signed your own DEATH WARRANT"..and he grins... I am interested to see where this goes?
  9. DAMN!!!! I am glad they are inducting Ron Simmons, he was a BEAST back in the day..
  10. "Bro-ski for Ho-Ski?" "The Rock and Eve are Scandalous B*tches??" "for your information I am disease free, I would like to KEEP it that way" So much for the PG CENA...I am LIKING this CENA ALOT BETTER!!!
  11. No you wasnt..the only one. but then think about it.. it takes place in Cape Town, South Africa.Maybe the effect was suppose to make it look "Urban" and "Gritty" thats just my opinion anyway.
  12. OK, So I took my wife to go see "Safe House" on Friday, now I have read the reviews and I have heard either people Hated it or Liked it. Now as far as everyone saying that that movie was "cliche" or anything like that, but you have to ask yourself, all plot lines in the movies have been done to death. Now I am a HUGE Denzel Washington fan and the only "bad" movie that he was in was "Virtuousity" back in the 90's and even then it wasnt that bad. But when Washington is typed casted as a Bad Ass (whether a Blind Swordsman in the Post Apocalypse, or a Dirty Cop or a Burned out Rogue CIA Agent) he makes it work, every role, he makes it work, and he did the same for this one. And whats awesome, without spoiling the movie, you THINK that hes the villain but at the end, you watch the credits, and you ask yourself, WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPEND? All in all the pairing with RR. (and yes I agree Van Wilder is awesome, but pales when it compares to DW. SORRY Hammer) I think this movie is a great movie being along the lines or Man on Fire or Training Day. If you watch this movie I think you will enjoy it. I could be wrong, But I SERIOUSLY Doubt it.
  13. The best way i can describe this storyline with Cena and Kane, is like Anakin getting turned to the Darkside by Emperor Palpaltine.... Am I exactly wrong...and WHAT THE HELL, I am not going to watch Trips vs Taker part 2... CAN SOMEONE ELSE try and END THE STREAK PLEASE???
  14. Punk GTS'ing Johnny Ace = Stone Cold Stunning Vince McMahon. The more things change...the more things STAY THE SAME.
  15. Ok. So CM Punk has revealed that Johnny Ace is a failure... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Laurinaitis and I be damned if it isnt TRUE!!
  16. Can someone PLEASE explain to me what the hell just happen? i mean that was one of the most POINTLESS returns EVER. just when the E does something to happen, they have to go and messed it up. Christ, I am going to have to play TEW and get that "crappy" visual of what I just saw... Thank WWE.
  17. gee... Not that i am not happy for Jericho to come back...but..aww screw it.. I aint gonna complain.. WELCOME BACK JERICHO!!!!
  18. It look like she has to go pee... and she trying to hold it....
  19. GhostDogg's Review of TLC Ziggler v Ryder - Like everyone else, I agree, this was a good solid opener match and I am proud of Ryder. I will honestly say that Ryder's character grew on me, but he was the classic example of making "something out of nothing". This also is a "Double Win" due to the fact that Ziggler has been ready for the Main Event picture for a while now. ***1/2 Air Boom v Epico/Primo - I was actually shocked that Air Boom retained , due to Bourne's recent suspension. The match wasnt bad and it was a pretty good filler match. Now when KOW comes or when the "E wise up and rebuild the tag team division, then thing will get intresting, at least they are exciting. *** Orton v Barrett - Call me "Negrodamus" but I knew the outcome of this match. I mean Barrett has been going over Orton for the past few weeks, since the survivor series. You knew it was going to happen the way that it did. I am pretty sure that the momentum that Barrett gained should at least get him in the Upper Midcarder picture. **1/2 Beth v Kelly - Ok, WWE you REALLY need to listen, I am REALLY getting tired of Beth vs K2 part 3 and so on and so forth and go to a certain female promotion **coughSHIMMERcough** and get some good competent female wrestler. I mean dont get me wrong, I dont mind beautiful women, but if they cant wrestle, what the point? *.75 Nash v HHH - For both guys being old and with Nash being injury ridden in his knees, this match must have been a time warp, because I could have SWORN I was back in '96. Not to mention a good way to conclude the storyline. Well played gentlemen, well played. *** Swagger v Sheamus - Not that I am complaining bout Sheamus vs Swagger, because I have seen this match before, I mean its good because they do have good Chemistry together (yeah i know TEW reference..shoot me), but somethings got to change with these two guys.. either turn Swagger face, or something. (Stranger things have happen) Big Show v Henry - This wasnt a bad match, and I actually though that Henry was going to retain especially with the chair shot to the hand, where Show couldnt execute the WMD or the Showstopper Chokeslam, but what was shocking than the outcome was the after the match when Danielson (yeah I know but I am going to call him that) cashed in the MITB. Now being a wrestling fan and following his career when he was the "American Dragon" I yelled "HOLY S**T" when "the ride of the valkyries" theme played. My fiance thought something was wrong! I am happy that WWE put the strap on him, now as long as they dont screw it up..we are fine.. *** Booker T v Rhodes - Booker showed me that he still got it. And I have a funny feeling that there will be a rematch in the future for these two, I wouldnt be surprise if Book costs Rhodes the title so those two can have a high profile fued and prep him for the main event, then again, that just me. *** ADR v Miz v Punk - I must say this was the match of the evening, even thought they are doing the "Stone Cold 2.0" storyline for CM Punk, I legitimately thought that Punk was going to lose especially when the handcuffs were going to be involved with Punk ala "Hell in a Cell". But this match was clearly over booked. and I love the violence involved in it! I mean the match itself put you on the edge of your seat, not to mention the crowd was red hot, especially for Punk! I gotta give respect to Ricardo for taking the INSANE Table Spot of the night, I mean he almost miss the damn thing!! Good Match over all. **** At the end of the night I had a recollection of the wrestlemania moment where both Benoit and Eddy were both champions at the end of the night, that kinda made me feel like that, because these two guys wrestled on the Indy scene, spilled thier guts and blood in ROH, and now they are on top holding the richest prize in the game. And the funny part, John Cena was no where in sight to make this a good ppv..(Hint Hint) Final PPV Rating: ***1/2 GHOST "I could be WRONG, But I DOUBT IT"
  20. Well lets see .... 1. CM Punk cuts one of the most contreversial angles since Summer of Punk in ROH 2. Bryan Danielson wins the money in the bank and then becomes world champnion... 3. Zack Ryder finally makes his own character and finally gets his first Singles title (WWWYKI)... and 4. Matt Sydal wins his first title?? Maybe 2012 is the year of the APOCALYPSE??? Or maybe is the year....OF HONOR? Reason why I said that... CM Punk is WWE Champion Bryan Danielson is World Heavyweight Champion Matt Sydal (aka Evan Bourne) is 1/2 of Tag Team Champion.. and they are all from RING of HONOR... Just Saying GHOST
  21. look I am a 33 year old man, and I damn near marked out like my 9 year old son!! So much for waiting til Wrestlemania.. but he does deserve it
  22. Spoiler Alrert!!!!omg@!!!!!! New World Champion!!!!! Congrats.... Daniel Bryan!!!
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