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Everything posted by DirigoJoe

  1. Thanks! I'm trying to make it interesting and I've got a lot of balls in the air, I just hope I'm keeping it cohesive and coherent 😅 I'm excited for Independence Day Slam as a season finale, then I have permission to end all the current storylines and start fresh in that long stretch of like 7 TV shows before the next PPV Event
  2. You can sort of jury rig something like this with talent trades... but imagine something like this. I'm running USPW but I need to get 77 in all regions of another game area... Wouldn't it be cool to coordinate with another company and run a shared event with them? Like has happened in real life a bunch? The attendance and ratings might be based on some combination of the two companies popularities where the show will be run. Maybe there's a deal to air the event on all the broadcasters contracted for either company... As it is now I could maybe grab some PGHW in a talent trade and then run a show in Japan with these guys... but my audience wouldn't necessarily know who their guys are? It seems like a messy situation to do something that should be relatively simple.
  3. USPW Declaration of Independence Prediction Contest! Running Wolf, James Justice and Mystery Partner vs. The Force, Sterling Whitlock and Dusty Ducont (1 pt for winner, 1 pt for guessing the mystery partner!) USPW Tag Team Championship Match The Ring Generals vs. Jett & Moor (C) USPW National Title Match Zeus vs. Roger Cage (C) USPW Women's Championship Match Joanne Rodriguez vs Pariah (C) Enygma vs Tyson Baine USPW #1 Contender's Match Rick Law vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Nicky Champion vs. Joss Thompson USPW Championship Match Rich Money vs. Steve Frehley (C) Bonus Point: Thoughts on the diary so far?
  4. on Demand on Reverie it's... USPW American Wrestling! May, Week 4, 2020 (Click the link to view show)
  5. Spoiler, there's an injury in this week's episode and... I thought a lot about maybe restarting the game and running the show again, but I decided not to. I liked the challenge of working around and injury and thought it gave the game a sense of stakes and realism. Get well soon [SPOILER]!
  6. on Demand on Reverie it's... USPW American Wrestling! May, Week 3, 2020 (Click the link to view show)
  7. Oh, and yes, re: Spade, he re-signed with SWF for their last offer (over market rate!) I got all the way to the point where you wouldfinalize the contract. I requested a medical report and then I clicked to withdraw the offer instead of accepting it.
  8. 1.) I feel like James Justice is just so laid back, plus he's one of the boys so getting beaten up backstage or in a run in just comes with the territory. 2.) I love Emily too. I really think wrestling is best served with a face announcer and a heel color commentator. Belle is solid too, and I figure she's there to provide actual real life experience as she's the only one on the desk who ever laced up a pair of boots. USPW's commentary team is underrated! 3.) I like J-Ro a lot, and convinced her to come out of retirement for this run. I also genuinely think Alicia Strong is the best women's wrestler in the world. Pariah is amazing too, one of the few workers to have white hot momentum. Pariah is really great, and probably the quickest to learn the business in C-Verse history. 4.) I didn't have much of a plan for him beyond strapping a rocket to him and having a headcanon that fans hated and rejected him for it. In the end it felt like he was TOO SWF to hire. Like if WCW had signed Shawn Michaels or The Undertaker during the Monday Night Wars. Besides, I really think I could make Jack Johnson into that guy someday soon. Jackson is in developmental right now, and he's a lot more similar to Spade in terms of abilities than you would think, especially with Jackson being 5 years younger. Jackson also has the "Amazing Heel", "Very Creative" and "Easily Marketable" attributes which I think makes him arguably a better prospect. I'll be able to eat SWF's lunch even if they make Spade into a massive star 😁
  9. Spencer Diamond lol. C-Verse leaves a lot of ambiguity about what workers' real names are. Nicky Champion is a stage name. No idea what his name is! lol Anyway, I wouldn't mind poaching guys from the other members of the big two, but it has to make sense. I grabbed a couple lower level guys and assigned them to be main eventers in the developmental feds I made. More on that later, maybe!
  10. Oh! And this happened! Was that random of scheduled?!
  11. OOT- After the first week of June, 2020 in game, Spencer Spade's contract came up... I offered him 5 years for 40k a month. He accepted but... I just couldn't pull the trigger. I want to crush SWF but at the same time it just felt too unrealistic? I wonder if there's a kayfabe reason for Money and Packer turning down the contract or not. I figured I could someday get Jack Johnson up to that level and out Spade, Spade? Anyway, I thought it was an interesting aside!
  12. on Demand on Reverie it's... USPW American Wrestling! May, Week 2, 2020 (Click the link to view show) On the bottom of the previous page, there's a news article where Nicky Champion signed the richest contract in wrestling history! Hawkeye isn't going anywhere!
  13. Nicky Champion Shatters Record For Wrestling's Richest Contract Nicky Champion Just over two months ago, Steve Frehley signed a massive four year contract extension for a base salary of $3.9 million dollars per year and a practically unheard of 50% cut of merchandise sales. His colleague, Nicky Champion, a longtime staple of USPW programming had a wage matching clause in his contract that guaranteed him an identical annual salary. The two were the highest paid wrestlers in the world, making the same massive salary at the biggest wrestling promotion in the world. But now Champion is alone at the top of the mountain, making more money than any wrestler ever has. Champion's deal was set to expire this month and USPW offered him a massive 5 year contract for $5,400,000 per year with the same hefty 50% cut of merch sales. He readily accepted. Whereas Steve Frehley's pending contract expiration generated a bit of a bidding war in the wrestling world, USPW's massive offer to Champion was unable to be touched by any other promotion. Given the tremendous amount of revenue Champion generates for USPW it's hard to call it an overpay, however. Hawkeye averages over $4,000,000 in merch sales per month making him a veritable bargain at $5,400,000 per year. At a time when top professional athletes in other sports are making several times that, USPW sees Nicky Champion's new contract as not only a good bargain for them, but a massive weapon in creating and maintaining dominance in the worldwide wrestling market.
  14. How do you guys increase engagement? I started a USPW dynasty a while back and I took a year long hiatus. Rather than start over, I still have the file so I thought I'd do something rare and just pick up where I left off rather than starting over. But I'm not getting a lot of comments. I know they say you should write these for yourself and not for DOTM awards and whatnot, but man... I'd like to get more people interested. Should I be doing a prediction contest or what?
  15. on Demand on Reverie it's... USPW American Wrestling! May, Week 1, 2020 (Click the link to view show)
  16. This will happen after wk 3 in May but geez. Harsh!
  17. Oh and I built both companies their own 2,000 seat arenas. We're printing money even though I just gave Nicky Champion the absolute richest deal in the history of Pro Wrestling (C-Verse)
  18. It seems like a funny thing to change the developmental system one month ago and then change it again so soon, but it's been a lot longer in real time! In the interest of creating a Hegemony, I've created a USPW Network, a internet based subscription service that features USPW child territories. Stars and Stripes Wresting is now USPW: Stars and Stripes Wrestling based in the South East I've also changed the Revolution brand and turned it into a new child development territory called USPW: Revolution based in New England. These child territories will have a weekly TV show on the USPW subscription service and 4 quarterly PPV events. The goal is, eventually, to have child territories in every area of the US. We're moving east to west. Call it Project Manifest Destiny.
  19. Live on Reverie it's... (Click to view the show)
  20. on Demand on Reverie it's... USPW American Wrestling! April, Week 3, 2020 (Click the link to view show)
  21. Hey all! It's been over a year since I last posted here, but I want to bring it back! This may be a bit awkward since the site changed since I left and some of the old formatting no longer works. I thought about starting a new one, but I like the storylines I have going and I have notes about what's happening up to the season finale at Independence Day Slam! So I'm going to try and pick it up again. I re-read some of my old shows and think I'm good to go! The go home show for Freedom Fight will be posting soon and Freedom Fight is booked and ran but not written up! Lots of excitement on the way for USPW (the best company in the C-Verse by a mile! The way wrestling is supposed to be! Not every match is a spot fest! Guys slow down and sell! There are rest holds! High spots matter! No flippy s***! 😄)
  22. I like how the owner of USPW also owns their streaming platform and IIRC it's basically like Netflix. They theoretically have as much time as they want but they're still like "Whoa, we're out of time! You'll have to tune in next week!!" It fits with my headcanon of USPW. They'd so something that may not make sense in kayfabe but it doesn't matter. Their audience is along for the ride, they're not into super realism.
  23. Thanks so much! With AD retiring I hope I can keep the USPW torch burning!
  24. on Demand on Reverie it's... USPW American Wrestling! April, Week 3, 2020 (Click the link to view show)
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