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Posts posted by Vortex_13

  1. On 10/18/2023 at 5:13 PM, monrapi3 said:

    There are two guys from Pride Glory that really remind me of Mitsuharu Misawa: Mito Miwa and Yoshimi Mushashibo. They seem like two Misawa expys, with Miwa being the name expy and Mushashibo being the expy that almost duplicated Misawa's accomplishments as Mushashibo was the most successful pillar with 4 Glory Crown reigns tied.


    Another Pride Glory guy that reminds me of Kenta Kobashi is Nobuatsu Tatsuko, mainly because his profile says he is the "Iron Man" for competing in several classic 60-minute matches in the company.


    Out of Pride Glory, i'll go in my most favourite defunct promotion DAVE. Chris Caulfield literally screams Tommy Dreamer for me, Eric Tyler is Shane Douglas minus the teacher gimmick, Kurt Laramee is giving me New Jack vibes.


    Now to Australia, there is one guy that caught my attention because on how similar he is to ECW's Sandman. That would be DIW's owner, the Comedian.

    Kind of felt Sayid Ali was supposed to be New Jack.

  2. On 8/10/2023 at 12:29 PM, Alienated said:

    Is there any way for a worker to gain stamina back? I have a 23 year old worker with a ton of potential who's way down to 36 stamina. He's off steroids now and even got a personality change to professional, but unfortunately the guy can't work a 7 minute singles match.

    Sounds like he's secretly on drugs. That'll drop his stamina pretty quick. Also if he's a heavy drinker and smoker.

  3. On 8/3/2023 at 5:45 AM, awesomenessofme1 said:

    So here's what I have so far:

    BPW -> Pseudo Sport (inspired by this thread)

    CWW -> Catch Wrestling (seemed like the most fitting one to give it to)

    DIW -> Hardcore Evolved (it's not a perfect fit, but I thought it made the most sense of any of the hardcore alternatives)

    DSPW -> Campy Fun

    ELITE -> Xtreme Adult Filth (I thought it fit the description and that freed up Stoner Hardcore to give to someone else)

    MAW -> Modern Throwback (inspired by this thread)

    OCW -> Hokey Southern Rasslin (inspired by this thread)

    OLLIE -> Historic Lucha Libre (inspired by this thread)

    PSW -> Gory Hardcore (helps distinguish the hardcore US feds, and this one just felt like it fit better)

    PWC -> Fast, Furious, Deadly (just felt fitting)

    RMW -> Carnival Days (the description mentions "old-school", face vs heels, and traditional, so this makes sense to me)

    SAW -> Skit Based (this doesn't actually add diversity, but it made sense to me)

    SNP -> Stoner Hardcore

    SWF -> Attitude Entertainment and RIPW -> Episodic Entertainment (the big names needed some more distinction)

    TIER 1 -> MMA Entertainment (inspired by this thread)

    VWA -> No-Style Style (the description talks about "anything goes")

    WINNOW -> Competitive Entertainment (inspired by this thread)

    YEPW -> Stunt Show

    Still looking for any other ideas people have, or feedback on the ones I've thought about so far.

    I think Anti-Establishment Hardcore would fit better for PSW. They seem like they'd be on the verge of turning into something like AEW soon and abandoning the hardcore label.

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  4. On 4/13/2023 at 2:29 PM, MightyDavidson said:

    Not the entire roster, but I have brought more then a few PSW guys to NYCW.  Will likely bring in a few more.

    I usually grab Nelson Callum, Ernest Youngman, Acid, Stuntman, and Logan Wolvesbaine. I'll also grab the Cowboy if I can talk him out of drinking and smoking.

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