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About Vortex_13

  • Birthday 08/31/1974

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  1. I manually book everything. The autobooker doesn't take into account who is being pushed. It's totally likely to make your top star lose his title to a jobber.
  2. I usually change some company products so there's not multiples of the same exact thing. C-verse is pretty bad for that especially among the hardcore companies.
  3. Tennesee Williams and Fro Sure. They kill it in every feud they do. The Promos they do are almost always 95+ rated.
  4. Ernest Youngman, Nelson Callum, Logan Wolvesbane, Cowboy Buck Winchester, Fro Sure, and Xavier Reckless are guys I sign pretty much every time. You can build a company around those guys.
  5. Sounds like he's secretly on drugs. That'll drop his stamina pretty quick. Also if he's a heavy drinker and smoker.
  6. I think Anti-Establishment Hardcore would fit better for PSW. They seem like they'd be on the verge of turning into something like AEW soon and abandoning the hardcore label.
  7. How are available bookers calculated? I've had child companies where noone with booking skill was available to hire despite there being multiple unemployed characters in the area with the booking skill.
  8. You don't have to use Talent trades. Just use alliance loans under the alliance button.
  9. I usually grab Nelson Callum, Ernest Youngman, Acid, Stuntman, and Logan Wolvesbaine. I'll also grab the Cowboy if I can talk him out of drinking and smoking.
  10. Anyone else just loot the PSW roster for NYCW or is that just me?
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