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gazwefc83 last won the day on March 20

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About gazwefc83

  • Birthday 12/12/1983


  • Location
    Liverpool, England


  • Occupation
    Office Manager

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  1. Here you go mate, all my CV renders uncut, all 3,525 - https://www.mediafire.com/file/7p1kg6pj5xnu5fw/Workers.zip/file
  2. A few more random workers D.O.A. - Jacques DuPont - Maelstrom - Mexican Ghoul - Moonchild - Mustang Blanco Jr Percy Usher-Soames - Pierre DuPont - Roadhouse Radford - Seeker - Silver Shark - Stan Manna Styx - Switchblade - The Alex Arturro Experience - The Fixer - The Void - Thorsten Sigurdsson TJ Bailey - Toronto Zombie - Troll - Underworld - Velvet Suarez - Whistler XS
  3. Whats the bet that most of them are boring referees? Hahaha
  4. I want to sign him too and team him up with Bobby Blaze haha Iv got around 400 left to do i think, but that doesn't include workers who have left the business but ill do those last. Im trying to get between 30-50 done a day. I tend not to do any on the weekends, i m hoping to be done in around 2 weeks. Then the plan is to release 450x450 transparent PNGs, 150x150 CV blue JPGs and 150x150 transparent GIFs. BONUS: Doctor Tecnico
  5. Another batch of random workers Acheron - Adgee Cross - Adrian McGhee - Ajax The Skull-Splitter - Akahito Miwa - Alpha Female Andriy Boronin - Andy Gordy - Anguish - Annihilus - Arlo Costa - Armando Guerrero Art Lawson - Arthur Dexter Bradley - Asesino De La Espada - Asesino Del Hacha - Astro - Asylum Atlantis Jr - Aurora - Bairei Yasujiro - Banky Bremner - Barry Fitzgerald - Misery Philippe LaGrenier - Seishiro Hiraga - Shuga Amano - Spanish Superfly Edit: Just noticed that Spanish Fly has 6 fingers 😆
  6. Some extras that I have done this morning Akikazu Miyagi - Christian Faith - Chuichi Sanda - Crippler Ray Kingman - Jon Jetson Kakuzo Fujimoto - Kimitada Yanagita - Leo Price - Lindsay Kyne - Martin Bloydell Marvin Earnest - Masaaki Okazaki - Munenori Umari - Parker Terry - Referee Tawaraya Sadanobu Koruba - Shirosama Ezakiya - Super Joshuya - Tristram Day - Yasuhide Tayama Yuichi Fukao - Yuta Isono
  7. I think there are two files in the pack, one named 'Might Mo' and the other named 'Mighty Mo'
  8. NEW Updated pack! All promotions done, tons of unemployed workers added. This pack now includes 2083 renders, all 150x150 on default blue CV background. Download link - https://www.mediafire.com/file/r4edmmy4spfk2nn/CV_JPEG.zip/file * This download is approved by the new and improved "Bad Bad" Lenny Brown
  9. Thank you very much. Iv got a new pack dropping soon with tons more renders for unemployed workers The company logos i use are by John Lions - https://www.mediafire.com/file/hpqe0l14sz82ci7/AIVerse_0.2.zip/file Here is his thread -
  10. Do you have larger pngs of all the Cv belts youve made by any chance? 😁
  11. Ahh damn, you are correct, how did I miss them!? I might do them next.
  12. Here you go 1841 renders 150x150 jpg on cv blue background All promotions complete except for SAISHO and lots and lots of random unemployed workers https://www.mediafire.com/file/cgnqhzo99qv1l33/CVworkers.zip/file
  13. Thanks very much, youre a superstar. Got them downloaded now.
  14. I shall be uploading as fresh pack today sir. Lost track of the updates since the last upload but lots of free agents done and EWA done. So I only have SAISHO to do and then all the remaining free agents.
  15. Ahh no worries mate, think i just missed the last drop
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