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Everything posted by Dragon97

  1. anyone figured out how to make sure dall-e 3 doesn't add a beard to every male render? I try adding clean shaven facial hair but it doesn't always work...
  2. Just throwing it out there but a Trios title for your TCW set would be amazing 👀
  3. Exactly this yeah, I find it jarring with them zoomed out compared to other renders. If we had transparent images you can frame them however you want.
  4. I really like a lot of the renders you have done but I find the sizing to be off at times. I was wondering if in future you could please post the .pngs too like London and smw do? And if we could get your back catalogue in .png that would be amazing. This might be a cheeky message and I hope it hasn't come across entitled but I guess if you don't ask you don't get. Thanks for all your work
  5. Randy Orton, Becky Lynch, Ilja Dragunov, Adam Cole, Kyle O'Reilly, Santana are a few missing starting injuries I've noticed too
  6. I made this Total Wrestling logo to go with your set if anyone wants it, hope you don't mind me posting it in your thread.
  7. Wouldn't 'Just Another Day' be in place of 'Hollyweird' that was originally under HGC but obviously wouldn't fit TCW anymore
  8. Another few things I've noticed: - None of Jericho's tag teams are included (Lance, Christian, Big Show) - Shane McMahon's age is wrong by 7 years (born in 1970 rather than 77) - R-Truth's age is wrong (born in Jan not June) - Some WWE announcers experience is missing (JR & Foley, Cole & Foley, Cole & Booker etc.) - Wyatt Family tag experience missing
  9. Has anyone ever had a play around with this mod? Is it a good conversion?
  10. extremely small note but I noticed Regal is missing on the king of the ring lineage
  11. We have the ability to delete angles & matches but not venues. This would be particularly useful for when duplicates are accidentally imported. Thanks.
  12. this might be one for the alt thread but is there a version of this Runaway Train / Barry Bowen without the suit? https://imgur.com/wITAuc6
  13. Having a quick poke around in 98 mod, some stats seem low for guys who were breaking into the main event scene around this time and in the few years after. Guys like Triple H, Rock, Jericho etc.
  14. Love a lot of the work you've done in here, particularly for HGC. Any chance of you doing more titles for UKWF? Jr Heavyweight, tag titles, maybe a mid and a Women's title would be amazing to go along with what you already did.
  15. I never knew about him working with Funk, pretty cool but still not a massive amount of exposure for him. Fair enough on the spelling too; it looks like he only used Eddy in Mexico, never realised that was the case.
  16. Any updates? Itching to get my hands on this one.
  17. I think Eddie Guerrero's pop might need looking at in the 92 mod. As far as I can tell he hadn't worked in the US or Japan at this point yet he has fairly high pop in both places. He didn't seem to have reached the heights in Mexico yet that his pop might suggest either. His default name should also probably be 'Eddy' rather than Eddie, I'm sure he said in his book he preferred that and only went by Eddie in WWE. Great work on the mod though, it's in a really good state by and large.
  18. Kendrick & London were never that high on the totem pole (Star & Well Known??). Kendrick might have just scraped being well known when he was The Brian Kendrick later in the year but as a team I'd say they were recognisable at best. Similar thing with 'popular main eventer' Kip James on the TNA screenshots too lol. Looks promising though.
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