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Everything posted by ekedolphin12

  1. How do I properly use the snipping tool where I can delete the white parts I don't need from the title belt picture?
  2. WCW, January 1997 (Just had my first Nitro) World Heavyweight: Hollywood Hogan United States: Eddie Guerrero (will lose to Chris Jericho at the next PPV, Bound for Glory) Cruiserweight (and J-Crown): Ultimo Dragon World Television: Chris Benoit World Tag Team: The Outsiders I've created a Cruiserweight Tag Team Title tournament, which I'm sure will go over like a lead turkey right now, since the only "name" in it is Rey Mysterio. But I'm gonna have him and Billy Kidman win the tournament.
  3. I'm using a WCW 1997 scenario, and I find I'm enjoying using photographs of wrestlers holding the actual championships they have in the game, when possible. This is easy right now because I've just started, and have done only one title change. But soon I'm going to have Chris Jericho win the U.S. Title, and he never held that in WCW. Is there a website I can go to where I can c/p a title belt around someone's waist or over their shoulder?
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