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  • Birthday 02/12/1992


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  1. An option to edit Areas and Regions would be definitely a power move because it gives an opportunity to bring the whole world to the game and shape it as player/scenario creator wants. I am all for it.
  2. I am hyped as well. Typically only thing you may need for the game itself would be fixing imbalances as 7 workers may end up with cancelling shows in the initial phase. And if you end up unlucky with schools... XD There is one way to solve that "problem" - doubling the number of starting workers to 14 (2 from each area?). The question is - would we find enough over-the-top stories for the 7 more initial SPW roster members? XD
  3. Looks nice! I would like to ask for a version with workers which do not have enough info too. Additionally, a bit more extended version could also cover the wrestlers nationality and location, basing it on wrestlers birthplace. And if people would find out somehing is wrong, they would inform to fix. 🤔
  4. Hmmm.. so the current regional divide looks something like this... Wonder if we can somehow improve it more... 🤔 (I will prepare that map with each division later)
  5. Hmmm... Let's go then: In TEW2020 the first wave of schools had graduation every April, but closure in January 2023, which in effect was ending with three waves of players. I would propose moving closure to May 2023 to let these schools have four waves of talent. In terms of locations: the location system in TEW9may allow for some more things with introduction of geopoints. It could be possible to have local promotion not going out of their close region restricted by geopoints. That gives an idea to have each represented country/state with two or three its biggest towns into the db, plus any town bigger than a certain threshold (for example 200k inhabitants). I know that it may be some work, but people may also help with checking and providing data.
  6. Hmmm... I am a bit surprised with Armenia and Azerbaijan in East-Cen Europe instead of East, (when wrestling was starting becoming pro these countries were in Soviet Union) but that is rather fixable, either with moving or some splits in Eastern Europe region. It's interesting why some parts of the world aren't seen though. It could be a way to form some sort of a "Rest of World" region consisting of Carribeans, Latin America, Africa, Arab States, China, South East Asia and Oceania, with little to no spillover... but that would be probably hectic to code into to not destroy the regional balance...
  7. I am okay with any option, but if I would have to rate, I would go... - Eff style - Golden Age - Pencil - Art Deco But preparing a lot of good graphics in each style will be a problem... right? 🤔 I am already thinking of possible ways to go with that database. If there would be a period in which we could propose things to the database, I am fully willing to provide a bit data
  8. TEW9 is not yet officially released, yet we are already winning with (hopefully) Effganic Genesis appearance. Already waiting to see, how things will go in some changed regions and how this time the multinational Europe will be solved.
  9. <p>With version 1.35, there may be a need for some adjustments in case of starting dojos in Europe.</p><p> </p><p> Here's ideas, basing on my couple testing plays</p><p> </p><p> 1. Early Dojos hard closing either in <strong>May</strong> 1922 to have three wawes of graduates or in May 1921 (currently Dojos have a hard close in January 1922)</p><p> 2. Splitting Europe starting dojo into regional ones (each with two-three graduates per year)</p>
  10. Here's my ideas for Europe, if I would have to choose - Westside eXtreme Wrestling (wXw, but you already included it) - International Catch Wrestling Alliance (ICWA) - German Wrestling Federation (GWF) - Pro Wrestling Holland (PWH) - White Wolf Wrestling (Triple W) - Italian Championship Wrestling (ICW) - Dansk Pro Wrestling (DPW) - Kombat Pro Wrestling (KPW) - Hungarian Championship Wrestling (HCW) This pack has 4 promotions from Central Europe (2 from more developed western part, 2 from eastern), 2 in Western, 1 in Scandinavia, 1 in Mediterranean, 1 in Iberia. India even on Cagematch looks not too big... if you really need someone from there: - Ring Ka King (defunct) - Wrestle Square Cannot help about Oceania though
  11. Going for a deep analysis of Cagematch. Maybe I'll be able to help. Side question - how many promotions do you expect from each region? Should I restrict to active only? EDIT: India looks...bare... - Ring Ka King (2011-2012) - Wrestle Square (Active) - Great Khali's CWE ...and that's kinda it.
  12. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mammoth" data-cite="Mammoth" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49495" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I used the maps (and descriptions) in TEW20. They aren't all completely accurate to real life but I believe Adam has said numerous times that this is to make mechanics in the game easier. Strangely enough, Europe is probably closest to real life because it's a hot mess in real life as well as in the game, in terms of how different countries fit into specific regions. xD</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It still could be adjusted a bit to add a bit more realism while keeping the easiness. History brought prowrestling back to the "countries East of the Iron Curtain" late. First Polish promotion IRL started in 2009, Hungarian in 2010, Czech in 2017... yet these countries landed in the same region as way more established Germany etc, possibly being the only reason for "Central European language" to exist ingame. </p><p> </p><p> This map of Europe, if implemented, would be able to reflect the wrestling in the region situation a bit more: <img alt="dMjCcUL" data-src="https://imgur.com/dMjCcUL" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>EDIT:</strong> ...heck, that could even give an option to simplify the language system. In place of three languages (Central European, Scandinavian and Eastern European), we could go for only two, named after the language families: Germanic (Scandinavia, Central Europe for DE/CH/AT) and Slavic (Russia, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Central Europe if PL/CZ/SK/HU are there).</p>
  13. I decided to do a small test regarding Europe region and looks like the list of nationalities a graduate can get is... very restricted... France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Russia, Greece, Netherlands... Only ten nationalities appear in European graduates. That shows one thing: there is no chance for maaany nationalities to appear, despite data being in the db. Names are used though - I saw a Swedish-born graduate named with Polish first name. I noticed that situation like this also happens in Puerto Rico subregion of USA. I had put a 20 year simulation and got zero generated Puerto Rican workers... But because I don't want to just drop a problem, I am looking for a way, how it could be fixed. I guess, each subregion has a list of its "home" nationalities. First - how about expanding that list to include each country in a region? Next, RNG usage while creating a graduate. - 80% for graduate being from a random nationality from the subregion the school is located - 15% for graduate being from a random nationality from the region his school is located - 5% for graduate being from any nationality So for example, a random graduate created in current region of Eastern Europe would be more likely Ukrainian, Georgian, Kazakh than German, Italian. This also gives a chance for more unique nationalities to start appearing. That way graduate generation will become more realistic, which may be a good thing, according to TEW changelist. Then, there is always an option to revamp the languages list to increase realism even more, but... well, that may be a story for another topic.
  14. I kinda don't think about that as discrepancy - that "obese" describing looks may just suggest a character like Bob from Tekken. The only thing that makes a bit awkward feeling for me is that nationality situation. And for most people it's a trivial issue - dojos in the US give mostly Americans, Japan give mostly Japanese... ...Europe is a "problem", because it's the only region in which almost each subregion itself consists of multiple nationalities. And randomness regarding nationalities can be crazy, because it gives a feeling that most workers loathe schools in their "birth region" and train as far from it as possible within Europe. Russians graduating in Spain, Italians in Iceland, French in Eastern Europe, Norwegians in Greece.... It kind of breaks the immersion of "making a regional promotion in Europe" when chance to get a worker born (not stationing) in your subregion is very thin... There would be probably ways to solve it like implemeting a chance for workers nationality: 80% - Random from your subregion 15% - Random from your region 5% - Random from anywhere Got it. So hope some non-wrestlers will appear soon, because turning my character as ref + road agent is problematic for the start, when there is no other available workers around
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